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Scars of My Guardian Angel

Page 25

by Russell L Martin

  * * *

  “Uriel, I left the Miller’s home that night thinking deeply and wondering if I had made the right choice. You know I’ve never wanted to do harm to anyone that didn’t need it, but I have always regretted not pulling the trigger on those two guys. At the least, I should have alerted the cops and informed law enforcement about their little system with the witch that made the call. You know, even if I would have got into trouble and gone to jail, the guy Mrs. Miller told me about might still be alive.”

  “Chado, we are almost to the Valley of the Children and don’t have a lot of time so I’ll shorten this up. Charlotte, North Carolina; St. Louis, Missouri; Chicago, Illinois; and many other cities are run by people that have lost their way. Greed and pride rule their lives. They sell out to the highest bidder to advance themselves. They claim to help the helpless while they fill their own hearts with lies and find ways to justify their behavior to themselves. They live luxurious lifestyles and give false hope and encourage people to believe others are supposed to support them with their labor. They flock to the churches on Sunday and shout with joy, claiming to praise God and confessing Jesus as Lord. At the same time they support politicians that slaughter the unborn like cattle. They boldly claim the protection of women, and in the dark shadows allow the destruction of millions.

  In all the wars, 1.1 million Americans have died in battle. But as a result of the slaughter of the unborn in abortion clinics and back rooms, over 58 million have perished. This measure of sin has given Lucifer and his fallen great power and now he has his own strongholds over these cities.

  You were caught right in the middle of a fierce battle fought that night. We weren’t alone, there were over a hundred of God’s Angels fighting with me, and we prevailed. You have to understand, the dark legions that own those cities are coiled like snakes around the hearts of people that run cities just like Charlotte. Chado, I say woe to these people, because they will eventually drink from the cup of God’s Wrath.

  Little Soul, one other thing; you know the man Mrs. Miller told you about that was killed while talking on the pay-phone? As soon as his heart stopped beating he walked through one of the portals of Heaven.”

  “Uriel, were you injured during all that?”

  “Yes, I received several scars that night.” Uriel chuckles, “But, you should have seen the other guy.”

  * * *

  I hear Moushie in the distance; he’s cutting up barking his heart out. Rex joins in and at the same time both spider monkeys bail off Hollywood and Max. They hit the ground running full monkey speed in the same direction all the barking is coming from. I look over at Uriel and he’s trying to be serious with his Marine Corps look, staring straight ahead. “Okay Uriel. What’s over that next hill? Are we there yet? Hey bud, are we there yet?”

  He can’t help himself; I finally see a big smile start to appear.

  “Give it a rest Little Soul, the Valley of the Children is just over that hill.”

  “Uriel is it just a valley or a small town? How big a place is it?”

  “When we top that ridge you’ll be able to see only a small part. I haven’t told you but the Valley of the Children is 777 miles around the entire valley.”

  “Wow, now that’s a big valley! I wonder how hard it’s gonna be to find my daughter.”

  “That won’t be a problem. I know right where she is.”

  I see Hollywood’s ears perk up. He starts to prance like he did when we rode into Heaven’s Gate. I reach down and pat him a couple times on his neck. “You big show off, I see why Dad named you Hollywood now.”

  I pull back on the reigns, “Calm down big boy, it’s just Moushie and Rex barking, calm down.”

  “Chado, can you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  Both horses come to a complete stop.

  “Uriel, you definitely have better hearing than I do. All I can hear is Moushie and Rex yapping.”

  “Just listen. It sounds like someone knew we were coming.”


  Valley of the Children

  S taring at the crest of the hill with my head turned just a bit, I start to hear the happy sound of children singing. The words of the song sound like the twenty-third Psalms; yes, I believe it is.

  Both horses begin to prance in perfect time as we trot up the hill. Their movements are so well timed; it was as if they were performing a dance they had trained for a thousand years.

  The silhouette of children comes into view as they walk over the horizon. Hundreds more, following closely behind, all continuing to sing as they walk in our direction. I see several adults walking with what looks like a giant parade of kids. They seem to be all ages, from toddlers to teenagers.

  Uriel points toward the center of this huge mass of kids and I see both dogs and the two spider monkeys walking with two young ladies. “Could that be Summer? It sure looks like her. Uriel, is that her?” He just smiles and sort of shrugged his shoulders.

  As we get a bit closer, I can see the spider monkeys are holding the hands of both ladies. Max and Hollywood at the same time come to a stop just a few yards shy of reaching the line of kids. Both horses do their bowing trick and allow us to easily slide out of the saddle. Now standing on the ground at a lower altitude, I lose my view of the two women.

  The kids all swarm around us, grabbing our hands leading us in the direction of the valley. Some are still singing with others laughing. Their faces all glowing with joy; I can’t help myself, I reach down and pick up two toddlers, holding one in each arm pressed against my ribs. They both start kissing me on the cheeks, it feels like butterfly wings tickling my face.

  One of the toddlers stops giving me sugar made in Heaven and with an ever so serious expression, stares at me with the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen, “Are you my Summer’s daddy?”

  “Yes Sweetie, I’m your Summer’s daddy. Little one, do you know where she is?”

  This precious little girl turns around and points through the crowd, “There’s my Summer, right there.”

  Suddenly the kids hushed their singing as they all moved to the side, clearing the cobblestone path, creating a wall of children standing on each side.

  With a clear view of my daughter, I slowly set both toddlers on the ground as I feel the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s like a rushing wind filling my heart with a spiritual presence that floods over me, as I fall to my knees in humility and thanksgiving. “I lift my hands to you, O Lord!”

  As I bow down on my knees thanking God, staring at the stones in the road, with my strength poured out I feel the touch of both toddlers as they kneel down and hold my hands. I look up as my daughter places her hand on my face. “Hello, Daddy.”

  The kids suddenly start singing and dancing filling the street with laughter. The toddlers pull at my hands, “Get up!”

  As I stand, my sweet daughter jumps up in the air with me catching her, just like she did as a child. I embrace her as I hold her up for several seconds with her feet dangling off the ground. I’m thinking, this is the first time I’ve got to hug my sweet daughter since she took her heavenly journey.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Daddy!”

  “I’ve missed you too, Sweetie! Oh… how I’ve missed you!”

  Both spider monkeys start jumping up and down then crawl up on our shoulders. “So, Daddy, I see you’ve met Benny and Clyde.”

  We both burst out laughing as they jump off our shoulders, disappearing in the crowd.

  “Daddy, there’s someone here I want you to meet.”

  Summer turns and gets the attention of a lady standing in the midst of the kids. As she’s walking in our direction, “Hey, Summer, she looks a lot like you, as a matter of fact she could probably pass as your twin!”

  This beautiful blonde-haired blue-eyed lady walks up.

  “Lori, I want you to meet my Dad, and Dad I want you to meet your sister.”

  “My sister? I don’t have a sister!”

  Lori hold
s her hand out and smiles, “Chado, I’ve waited a long time to meet my older brother, so don’t spoil it. You are my brother!”

  I reach out to shake her hand and as I touched her fingers I pulled her in for a great big hug. “Lori, you know the strangest thing, I always wanted a sister.”

  “Well, Dad, looks like you finally got your wish.”

  “Summer, how did you guys meet?”

  “Lori was waiting for me when I came out of the Hall of Records. I had just looked up everyone that I knew who had passed, and when I walked out of the building, I felt like I was looking at my older self. You know the Cole gene is pretty strong. I didn’t know if she might have been a sister that I wasn’t aware of.”

  “So have you guys been hanging together ever since you met each other? ”

  “Yes, I started to get a place near Pawpaw’s, but Aunt Lori thought it would be a good idea to come here and help with the kids before I made a decision on where I wanted to settle. And I am so glad I did, because I love it here!”

  “Well Sweetie, I am so proud of you! Knowing my daughter is working with kids here in Heaven just thrills my heart.”

  All the kids start heading back over the hill, and we turn and follow the crowd.

  “Summer, I almost forgot, I want you and Lori to meet my friend Uriel.”

  They all chuckle, “Don’t bother. We’ve known Uriel for quite some time, and we know he’s been watching over you. But what we don’t understand is why your Guardian Angel is still with you?”

  “Well, Sweetie, I know it’s a bit hard to believe but God has your dad on a special assignment.”

  “Not really, Pop, God does some really cool stuff, and you should hear some of the stories Lori has, she’s been here even before birth.”

  “Now I’m confused, before birth, what do you mean?”

  “Lori, you want to explain to your brother?”

  “I sure will. Chado, a little more than a year after you were born, Mom had a miscarriage during her pregnancy with me, and I’ve been here ever since.”

  “Hey that’s right; God says in His Word, “In the womb I knew you.”

  We make it to the top of the ridge looking over part of the valley, “Wow guys! I was thinking I was about to see a giant valley. This is a huge city!”

  “Dad it’s not just a city, I believe this is the most important place in Heaven, well other than the Throne of God.”

  I stand in awe as I gaze across this giant city. The buildings are the size of football fields strung out for miles on both sides of a super wide thruway. The road has to be at least a half mile wide and looks like it’s made of gold. It glistens like still water with reflections from the brilliantly colored buildings. Beautiful paintings scattered on some of the smaller ones. “Let me guess, Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings?”

  “Hey, that’s pretty good Dad. Would you like to meet him?”

  “Sure, maybe later on. Right now, I just can’t get over what I’m seeing. This is totally amazing! Why are the buildings so huge? Okay, Summer, tell me what all goes on here.”

  “God calls this place the Valley of the Children because this is where we receive the aborted babies. And you ask why the buildings are so big, well, Pop, this will break your heart. In the United States alone there are around 2,500 to 3,000 unborn put to death daily. So if you factor in all the other countries with the USA, the numbers are unbelievable.”

  “Lori, what’s the count worldwide since 1980?”

  “A little fewer than 1.5 billion have been received and that’s not counting miscarriages like Mom had with me.”

  “My goodness, now that’s something you don’t hear about in the news. Who takes care of that many kids, I mean how in heaven’s name can anyone manage something like that?”

  “God’s got this covered.”

  “You know Dad, everyone here thinks it’s about to come to a close; you know, final curtain time.”

  “I know, Sweetie, I’ve been getting the same vibes from the Angels I’ve met.”

  “Hey, Lori, can you tell me how and who takes care of all these kids?”

  “Big brother, you will love this. God puts it in the hearts of the bloodline!”

  “Okay. You lost me. ”

  “Well just say a baby gets aborted today and somewhere down through that child’s bloodline they have an ancestor that’s here in Heaven. They might have died as far back as the 1600’s or maybe even 50 AD. That person is told by God’s messengers, or maybe even by the Almighty Himself, to come here and receive a child from their bloodline. God gives them a special desire to love and nurture the child until they become an adult. Some like Summer are volunteers that just have a heart for kids, they settle here and do God’s work.”

  “So how old does a child get before they stop aging?”

  “Dad, how old was Jesus when He died on the cross?”

  “I believe he was around thirty-three years old, right?”

  “Right, and how old were you when you were in your prime years?”

  “I guess when I was thirty-three or so.”

  “Right, that’s around the age God chose for everyone here in Heaven. Look at your sister; she looks not a day over thirty.”

  “This is so cool, the old get to Heaven and their age clock starts going backward becoming younger every day until they hit their prime. The young, their age clock allows them to grow up and have a normal childhood reaching their peak at thirty-three.”

  “Yes Dad, God really loves kids, and He makes Heaven even more special allowing these little ones to grow up here.”

  “Our God is an Awesome God!”

  “Yes and He reigns on Heaven and Earth.”

  I chuckle, “Man how many times have we read that scripture?”

  As we finally reach the giant thruway, I notice the kids start heading off in different directions.

  “Hey Sweetie, where are they off to?”

  “Some are going to classes, others off to the playground and some heading over there.


  Hands of the Ancestors

  I turn as I see Summer pointing in the direction of the largest building on the left side of the thruway.

  “Dad, that’s one of many receiving areas located here in the Valley.”

  “A receiving area, like a receiving area for babies, that kind of receiving?”

  “Exactly, we can show you. It’s the coolest thing Dad.”

  Lori waves over a couple teenagers, “Chado, let the kiddos take Max and Hollywood to the stables, the animals aren’t allowed inside any of the buildings.”

  “Moushie, Rex, y’all go with them, and take Benny and Clyde along.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I watch all six of our furry buddies head off following the two teenagers. “Chado, I hope Benny stays out of the wine pouch.”

  “Yeah, so do I, he is a little rascal.”

  Summer and Lori both smile as they make a hand gesture to keep following.

  “Lead the way Sweetie, I’m coming.”

  As we get closer to the receiving area, I notice hundreds of people exiting the building and they are all carrying infants. Without having to ask, I can tell their destination is a row of building across the throughway.

  The overhead walkway is filled with people coming and going from one building to the next like a giant assembly line. It’s almost confusing seeing these lines and thinking over a period of time, how they must move thousands of kids in and out of here. Wow!

  Before entering the building, I hesitate for just a second, admiring more beautiful stone work and the peculiar name written over the entry.

  “Hey, Dad can you read what it says?”

  “Sure, I can read Hebrew, it says, Hands of the Ancestors.”

  “That’s right, follow us Pop, you’re about to see a miracle.”

  We follow Lori through a side door, not interrupting the flow of people coming and going through the main entrance. As we step inside, Lori leads us up a short set of stairs on
to a small balcony overlooking the entire open area.

  I count twelve portals, two lines of people at each portal. One line walking in empty handed; the other walking out holding infants. As I look across the open area I count twenty-four lines total.

  I see Summer point back at a giant balcony that almost reaches across the entire entryway. “Hey Dad, we’re just in time for the changing of the choir.”

  There are hundreds of children of all ages standing at attention in the choir loft facing the portals getting ready to sing.

  To my surprise, the toddler with the green eyes that I held earlier steps up in front of this massive choir and begins to sing. Her beautiful voice has a clarity and volume like I’ve never heard.

  This two foot tall toddler begins to sing by herself the first part of Psalm: 67.

  “God be merciful to us and bless us ,

  And cause His face to shine upon us,

  That Your way may be known on Earth,

  Your salvation among all nations.”

  Around verse three, the voices and instruments of this children’s choir join in, creating an unbelievable heavenly sound.

  I can’t help myself as I’m overcome with joy. I turn around and look into the eyes of Summer and Lori as I start laughing, “This is so unbelievable!” I look back over the twelve portals with thousands of people coming and going and the sounds of this magnificent heavenly choir penetrates my soul.

  “Sweetie, it just keeps getting better and I am totally blown away with the little toddler! Who is she?”

  Summer and Lori starts grinning from ear to ear. “What’s up, who is she, do we know some of her family?”

  “Dad, her God given name is Roselyn, we call her Rosie. She only has a few people in her bloodline that made it to Heaven, and they’re overwhelmed with the number of kids they have; so that’s where we come in.”


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