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A Treasured Lily (A Marsden Romance Book 2)

Page 7

by Dawn Brower

  With a laugh they grabbed their cards and began to play in earnest. They played a grueling game for an hour before Rand found them. Sal and Lilliana were ahead, but barely. She was so engrossed in the game she hadn’t realized he had walked in until he spoke.

  “What are you up to?” Rand demanded.

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “I think that’s fairly obvious. We are playing Whist.”

  “Not a good idea. Time to break this game up. Sal, Jimmy, Georgie go see the bosun and report for duty.”

  “But we have an hour until...” Sal began to say.

  Rand interrupted, “Don’t argue. If you want to keep your position once we reach port you will follow my orders.”

  The three of them got up and walked away grumbling as they left the room.

  “Was that necessary? We were having fun.” Lilliana’s voice filled with anger.

  “Yes. I don’t believe these men will over step any boundaries, but I happen to know that you want to lose that innocence of yours. I won’t have you tempting them into doing something to jeopardize their livelihoods.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I had no intention of propositioning any of them. I do have standards.”

  “Do you? You damn near accosted me the first day on the ship. How am I to know exactly what you will or will not do?”

  “That’s not fair. You are the only man I have ever asked that. I truly believed you would make a wonderful lover. Apparently I need to once again readjust my views. Clearly I was mistaken on your worthiness.”

  “Oh, so now I’m not good enough?” he asked. “Does that mean you are going to find another one of the men and ask them help you lose your innocence?”

  Rand’s face began to get red with each word he enunciated. His eyes shot daggers in her direction as he folded his arms across his chest.

  “Maybe I should. You don’t want me so what difference does it make who I give myself to?” Lilliana glared at him.

  “I never said I didn’t want you.”

  “Well, you sure fooled me. You keep avoiding me and definitely turn down every offer I make to you. You win, I give up.”

  Lilliana got up to storm away, but Rand grabbed her hand and spun her into his arms. She tilted her head to look up into his eyes. The lines of his mouth were tight as he pressed them together and stared at her.

  “You can’t give up. I won’t allow it.”

  “It’s not up to you to allow anything, Rand. You have no right to dictate to me.”

  He ignored her word and with tenderness lowered his lips to hers. This kiss was different as he coaxed her into yielding to him. Slow and gentle he caressed her in such a way her anger evaporated. A different kind of passion took its place. Heat spread through her and the kiss took on another level. It didn’t take long before she ran her hands through his hair and pulled him closer to her. The kiss overtook them as they battled for control. Determined to win, Lilliana took a different strategy. In this war between them he had stepped back and took control of the situation. He always had the upper hand. That needed to change if she wanted to win. So as much as she enjoyed the kiss she knew it needed to end. In order for her to get him where she wanted him he needed to chase her. This game needed to change, and she knew how to make that happen. She pulled away from him and took a step away to gain some distance.

  “You don’t get to do that whenever you want, Rand. I rescind my offer. I don’t want to be your lover anymore.” She licked her lips. “The kisses have been enjoyable, but this just isn’t working for me. Maybe you’re right; I need to look into finding someone else to introduce me to the art of love making.”

  She saw the dumbstruck look on his face before she turned and walked away. Maybe now things would go her way. She hoped she didn’t miscalculate in her scheme and he didn’t do the opposite; her intention was to present him with a challenge. All she could do now was sit back and wait to see if he took the bait.

  Chapter Ten

  Rand stood there and watched Lily walk away. Her beautiful derriere displayed nicely in her trousers. He wanted to cup her ass in his hands and pull her back into his arms. The more he saw her wearing men’s attire the more he desired her. Who am I kidding? I will want her no matter what she is wearing. Damned if he didn’t understand what the hell just happened between them? That kiss amped up things, and he wanted to strip all of her clothes off and just give in to her demands. He should be glad she halted things when she did, but all it did was leave him confused. No way in hell was he going to allow her to find another lover. If he had to give in to her demands first and convince her around to marriage he would. That plan didn’t sit too well with him though. He wanted her to believe marriage between them was a good thing. Passion could be fleeting, and he wanted more than that with her. He needed her to love him as much as he had grown to love her.

  He scrubbed his hands over his face and weighed his options. Perhaps avoiding her wasn’t the best idea. Clearly she didn’t want him to keep his hands off of her so he would just give her want she wanted. Short of the actual act that is, he still believed it was best to wait before making love to her. He believed they could be happy together and wanted Lilliana to be his wife. The best way to start changing her mind was to give her a little taste of what that future could hold. Once she started to crave him and what he could do for her it wouldn’t take much for the rest of it to follow. With that idea in his head he decided to pay her a visit in her cabin. Don’t want me anymore? Well we will just see about that.

  Rand sauntered out of the galley and down to Lilliana’s cabin. He rapped lightly on her door and waited for her to open it. When she did he couldn’t help the slight intake of breath at the sight of her. Her hair was floating down her back in endless black waves. She still wore her trousers and tunic. Her blue eyes shined as she looked up at him.

  “What do you want Rand? I thought we settled everything.”

  “You may have, but I’m not nearly done with you.”

  “Well that’s a shame because as far as I’m concerned there isn’t anything else between us. You can leave now.”

  She started to shut the door, but he stopped it with his hand. He pushed the door open and strode inside of her cabin. He shut the door with a quiet click behind him and turned the lock.

  “What are you doing?” Lilliana asked.

  “I believe we have a few things to discuss.”

  He stalked toward her. She took a few steps back to retreat from him. Tripping over her feet, she almost fell. Rand caught her, pulling her into his arms.

  “This isn’t a good idea.” Lilliana said. Her breaths came out in small pants. A rosy glow started to form on her cheeks, and her eyes became glassy. All he did was hold her and rub her back gently with his fingers. He wanted her to become accustomed to his arms wrapped around her. They did need to talk before he demonstrated what he came to her cabin for.

  “I’m tired of good ideas. I think it’s time I did something I wanted for a change. Starting with how much I want you. I refuse to let you give up on me...on us.”

  “I already told you...”

  “You will not find another lover. You’re mine.”

  “I belong to no one. You best realize that now,” Lilliana said with conviction.

  “No. You do. You belong to me. And I will tell you exactly why.”

  “Oh do tell this should be interesting,” her reply scathing.

  “Because no one else will ever be your equal and because I also belong to you. We are a pair and we belong together. No one else will do for me anymore than any other man will be for you. Stop fighting it.”

  “Right. Cause I’m the one that’s been hiding and avoiding you.”

  “I’m done. I give up. You said I won, how could I have won, if I don’t have you? I’m here and I will show you what it can be like between us.”

  “You’re going to make love to me now?”

  He could hear the surprise in her voice and he smiled. “Not exactly. We ar
e going to take this slow. Passion done right is savored. I plan on enjoying every inch of you until you beg for mercy.”

  “I don’t beg.”

  “You will,” he promised.

  Pushing her hair aside he caressed her cheek with his lips. Light kisses feathered across her forehead and nose to finally rest on her lips. He tasted her lips with his. Lilliana moaned and pressed her body against him and rubbed her breasts against his chest. He could feel himself harden as her hands roamed across his back. Reaching under her shirt his hand found her breast, and he pinched her nipple between his thumb and finger. He wanted to feel her everywhere. Spinning them around he pressed her against the door and lifted her up.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he ordered.

  Once he had her in the position he wanted, he lifted her shirt and placed his mouth on one of her rosy nipples, and Lilliana groaned with pleasure. He licked and raked his teeth over them until they were pebbled like tiny red berries. He started to rain kisses along her neck and then nibbled on her ear lobe. Her hands pulled at his hair and yanked the silky strands back so she could place her mouth on his. He swung her around, walked her over to the bed, and laid her down. Taking a step back he could see her face flushed with desire and heavy pants leaving her mouth. She sat there staring at him.

  “What are you waiting for? Join me.”

  “No. This is all we are doing tonight. I told you I’m taking my time.”

  She picked up the nearest object and hurled it at him. It happened to be a heavy book, and he barely dodged before it smacked him in the head instead hitting the wall behind him with a loud bang.

  “You are the most frustrating man. Just go before I cause you bodily harm. I hate you.”

  “No you don’t,” he said with a laugh. “That’s why you’re so frustrated. We will continue this at a later time. There are a few things I want from you before we take that final step.”

  “Too bad. You’re not getting them”

  “Oh I will. You will gladly give them to me too.”

  “No, not a chance in hell,” she shouted.

  “Oh yes, love. I will leave you now. We will table this discussion for when we make port. We should be arriving in South Carolina sometime tomorrow. Good night.”

  Rand turned and left her to think about his parting words. He would get her to agree to marry him when they arrived. She might not love him yet, but she would. He was willing to settle on passion for now.

  Chapter Eleven

  The afternoon sun shined brightly in the sky and beamed down on top of her with brilliance and warmth. Lilliana looked out at the approaching land mass from the deck of the ship. When she decided to shirk her parent’s mandates and travel to South Carolina she had never envisioned a journey quite like the one experienced for the past three weeks. Spending time with Rand and getting to know him had been a torturous experience. The man made her feel things she never wanted to feel before. She didn’t believe loving any man was a good choice, but here she was letting that unwanted emotion wash over her. Still she didn’t want anything of a permanent nature from him. She may have foolishly fallen in love with him, but her views on anything long term hadn’t changed. Marriage was still out of the picture for her.

  Rand’s visit to her cabin the night before had left her hot and needy. She did everything she could think of to get him to succumb to her way of thinking. Nothing in her arsenal had worked in her favor and it might be time to concede defeat. Rand had an agenda of his own and it didn’t mesh with hers. Now they were approaching the port of Charleston. Soon she’d be separated from him, never to see his handsome features again. He hadn’t given in and become her lover, but perhaps there was a way to still make that happen.

  He said he wanted to discuss something with her once they docked at port. There had to be a way to get him to agree to an affair, but she hadn’t thought of a means of accomplishing that feat. So with a heavy heart she sighed the closer the ship came to port. No, this journey hadn’t gone has she planned at all.

  “Why do you look so sad?” she heard Rand say from behind her. “You’re almost to your desired destination.”

  “I don’t know what’s bothering me. I feel like something good has ended.” She wrapped her arms around herself as if to ward off a chill. “There’s this feeling of dread that has taken root deep down in my soul.”

  “It doesn’t have to,” he whispered in her ear.

  She turned around to look into his eyes. Lilliana could see the same anxiety reflected back at her. Rand wanted her, and it appeared like he had some idea on how to make that happen.

  “I suppose not,” she said.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

  “What’s that?”

  She had always been a very curious person. Rand needed to get on with whatever he wanted to discuss with her. This hot and cold nonsense was starting to get on her nerves. He needed to just give in already or let her go.

  “How do you plan on getting yourself and your trunks to the plantation?”

  That’s all he had to ask her? Disappointment flowed through her as she let his words crash through her heart. He hadn’t wanted to find a way to spend time together. That didn’t mean she couldn’t find a way to make it happen. Lilliana had a strong will and determination that rivaled any army general. Never had she failed to achieve a goal she set for herself, yet she couldn’t help feeling rejected.

  “Oh that,” she said without enthusiasm. “I sent a letter on the mail packet before we left, letting them know of my arrival. If everything went as it should the overseer will have a carriage waiting to transport me.”

  “What will you do if the letter didn’t arrive in time?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  “Because you always do,” he said with sarcasm in his voice.

  “Precisely. I can take care of myself.”

  She watched as he rubbed his temples in frustration. Lilliana knew that she could be a bit vexing and understood his actions. Being aware of her faults did not endear her to his dilemma though; she had her own issues to deal with. Her nature did not allow her to give him any relief. He would need to find a way to work through his aggravation all on his own.

  “All right,” he finally said. “Let me know if the carriages arrives or not.”


  “I mean it Lily. I want to know either way so I can see you off.”

  “Because you care so much about my welfare,” she said sarcastically.

  “Are you trying to make me angry?” he asked. “I do care about you and you know that. I also want to have a discussion with you before you run off, but I have a few things to take care of before I can have a proper conversation.”

  “I am just in a mood.” Lilliana explained, “I won’t run off without talking to you before I leave.”

  “I need to get back to my crew and help them with the ship. Do you need anything before I leave?” he asked. “Will you be all right if I leave you alone here?”

  “Of course, don’t be silly. I already told you I could take care of myself. It’s not like I’m about to jump ship or something. Go do what needs to be done to dock the ship. I have a plantation to get to later today.”

  “Okay. I will find you later. Do not leave without seeing me first, promise me.”

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  If she truly had to say goodbye, she wanted something to remember him by. A kiss she would never forget. They had already kissed a few times but, Lilliana knew she would never tire of kissing Rand. After the first one it had become her favorite activity. If another man kissed her, she knew it would not inspire the same feelings that Rand’s did. No man would make her feel quite the same way.

  Lilliana enjoyed watching Rand stroll along deck giving orders to his crew members. He had an authoritative tone in his voice, and they all jumped at his commands. She missed him already and their separation hadn’t happened yet. Howev
er would she get by knowing she wouldn’t see him each morning? A sting of pain hit her chest at the thought of never seeing him again. She couldn’t explain the feeling in her chest. Could it be love? Did she go and allow herself to fall in love with Rand? Surely she hadn’t been that stupid.

  The ship docked at the port in Charleston, and they dropped the anchor. Once they secured the vessel Lilliana only had to wait for them to bring her chests from below. She had already meticulously packed her belongings securely in her trunks. Lilliana scanned the dock to see if anyone from the plantation had arrived to retrieve her. She wanted to get to her new home as soon as possible. No carriages appeared to be anywhere near the wharf. Her heart sank with the realization that she would need to find another mode of transportation to her family’s plantation.

  Either the letter hadn’t made it to the plantation or they didn’t have any real idea when the ship was expected to dock. She had only given them an estimation of when her arrival would be. Depending on the wind available ship speeds varied making it difficult to determine an exact time a ship might dock at port. Still even with only a broad idea of when to expect her they should still be waiting for her. The overseer would know to account for the variations and make the necessary adjustments. It might be an inconvenience to come and check each day, but that was one of his duties. That must mean the missive she sent got lost or delayed somewhere along the way.

  “Did your transport arrive?”

  She turned to see Rand standing behind her. Sometimes she thought he had the worst timing, or perhaps the best. He always seemed to appear when she needed his assistance most. After all she wouldn’t have been able to sail to Charleston without his aid. It looked like she would now need him to help her find a way to her plantation.

  “No. It looks like my message may have been waylaid,” she replied.

  “Don’t worry about it. I had a feeling that this might happen. I will ensure you make it to your destination. It just might take a bit longer than you planned.”


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