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Lamy of Santa Fe

Page 57

by Paul Horgan

  (LO) Loretto Motherhouse Archives, Nerinckx, Ky.

  Loza, Pedro, Bishop of Sonora. [Instrument of cession of certain Gadsden Purchase lands to diocese of Santa Fe. Alamos, Sonora, 16 January 1859.] TA.

  (L/SPF) Lyon Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi.

  (L/SPF/ND) Lyon Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi in ND, q.v.

  (L/SPF/TCA) Lyon Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi, in Texas Catholic Archives, q.v.

  … Missions catholiques, les. L/SPF/TCA, q.v.

  (MNM) Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

  (ND) University of Notre Dame Archives.

  (NMSRA) New Mexico State Records and Archives, Santa Fe.

  (NO/ND) New Orleans Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame Archives.

  Pettis, George. Letters written from Arizona and New Mexico, 1862–1864. Ms., Coe Collection, BEINECKE.

  (P/SPF) Paris Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi.

  (P/SPF/ND) Paris Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi in University of Notre Dame Archives.

  (P/SPF/TCA) Paris Archives of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi in Texas Catholic Archives.

  (RA) Riom Archives of the Monastère de la Visitation de la Sainte Marie. Letters of Joseph Priest Machebeuf, 1839–1886, to his sister [and other materials]. Typescripts from the originals by Reverende Mère Thérèse Lucie Roy.

  Ritch, William G. Dispatch to the New York Herald, 21 June 1875, reporting ceremonies elevating J. B. Lamy as Archbishop of Santa Fe on 16 June 1875. Ms. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.

  Ronquillo, E. W. Ms. notes, 1851–1877. Newberry Library.

  Saler, Francis. Business correspondence (bell casting). St Louis, 1865, DEN.

  Sapp, Francis. A brief history of the Sapp family in the early Danville community, 1805–1905. Annotated and mimeographed by Homer Blubaugh. Cincinnati, n.d., St Mary’s Seminary.

  (SF) Santa Fe Archdiocesan Archives.

  (SF/ND) Santa Fe Archdiocesan Archives in University of Notre Dame Archives.

  (SLU) St Louis University, Saint Pius X Library.

  (SPF/ND) Archives of the Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi in University of Notre Dame Archives.

  (TA) Tucson Diocesan Archives.

  Talbot, Rt Rev Josiah Cruickshank. Diary. Typescript after ms. New Mexico State Records and Archives.

  (TCA) Texas Catholic Archives.

  (TCA/L/SPF) Texas Catholic Archives copies of Lyon Archives of Société Pour la Propagation de la Foi.

  Truchard, Jean-Auguste. Une lettre de M. Jean-Auguste Truchard curé de Santa Fe datée 23 Juin 1875 et reproduite dans La Semaine Religieuse de Clermont du 7 Août 1875 …

  (VPF) Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide. Rome. Documents referred to are coded as follows: Scritt[ure] orig. rif. nelle Congr. Gen., bundles 972 through 974; and scritture rif. nei congressi America Septentrionale, volumes 14 through 22. The documents are filed chronologically within the classifications. To identify those quoted or abstracted, the date of writing is given in the notes.

  (VPF/SPF/TCA) Vatican Archives of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide, papers of the Société pour la Propagation de la Foi, copies in Texas Catholic Archives.



  Brun-Voyat, Madame (great-great-niece of J. B. Lamy). Lempdes.

  Chauvet, M le Chanoine. Nohanet, Puy-de-Dôme.

  Fanguet, M l’Abbé, Curé de Lempdes. Lempdes.

  Fournier, M le Chanoine. Riom.

  Garcia, Rev José S. Trinidad, Colorado.

  Raynor, Mrs E. Frank. New York.

  Whalen, Mrs Charles. Santa Fe.


  (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale).



  Cincinnati Historical Society.

  Cincinnati Public Library.

  Echols, Isabel, and Johnson, E. Dana, Photograph collection, Santa Fe.

  El Paso Public Library, Sarony lithograph.

  Hine, Robert V. Bartlett’s West, drawing the American boundary. New Haven, 1968.


  Meem, John Gaw. Photograph collection, Santa Fe.


  New Orleans Historical Museum.

  New Orleans Public Library.

  Reps, John W. Western city views. Fort Worth, 1972.

  Rinhart, Floyd and Marion. American Daguerreian art. New York, 1967.

  San Antonio Public Library.


  Canteloube, Joseph (arr.). Chants d’Auvergne. Sung by Madeleine Grey. Odeon, n.d.


  Abert, James W. Western America in 1846–1857, the original travel diary … with illustrations in color from his sketchbook. San Francisco, 1965.

  Almada, Bartolomé E. Almada of Alamos, the diary of Don Bartolomè. Trans, by Carlotta Miles. Tucson, 1966.

  Balthasar, Juan Antonio. Balthasar, padre visitador to the Sonora frontier, 1744–1745. Ed. and trans. by Peter Masten Dunne. Tucson, 1957.

  Bandelier, Adolph F. Southwestern journals, 1880–1882 (v. 1). Ed. and annotated by Charles H. Lange and Carroll L. Riley. Albuquerque, 1966.

  Bartlett, John Russell. Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission during the years 1850–1853. 2 v. New York, 1854.

  Benavides, Fray Alonso de. Revised memorial of 1634. Ed. by Frederick Webb Hodge, George P. Hammond, and Agapito Rey. Albuquerque, 1945.

  Browne, J. Ross. A tour through Arizona, 1864, or, adventures in the Apache country. Tucson, 1950.

  Caesar, Caius Julius. The Gallic wars … with an English translation by H. J. Edwards. The Loeb Classical Library. London, 1939.

  Chateaubriand, Vicomte François-René. Oeuvres romanesque et voyages. Texte établi, présenté et annoté par Maurice Regard. Paris, 1969.

  Clark, Charles M. A trip to Pike’s Peak, and notes by the way, etc. With editorial and biographical notes by Robert Greenwood. San Jose, 1958.

  … Concilia provincilia Baltimori, habita ab anno 1829. ad anno 1849. Baltimore, 1851.

  Cremony, John C. Life among the Apaches. Tucson, 1854.

  Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo, or New Mexico and her people. Introduction by Harvey Fergusson. Santa Fe, 1938.

  Dickens, Charles. American Notes. London, 1957.

  _______. The Pilgrim edition of the letters of Charles Dickens (v. 3). 1842–1843. Oxford, 1974.

  Drown, William. Escorting a bishop. In: From everglade to cañon with the Second Dragoons … 1836–1875, by Theo F. Rodebaugh. New York, 1875.

  Ellis, Rt Rev Msgr John Tracy, ed. Documents of American Catholic history. Milwaukee, 1956.

  Emory, William H. Lieutenant Emory reports … a reprint of Lieutenant W. H. Emory’s Notes of a military reconnaissance. Ed. by Ross Calvin. Albuquerque, 1951.

  _______. Report of William H. Emory, Major, First Cavalry and U.S.

  Commissioner, United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, 34th Congress, 1st session, ex. doc. no. 135. Washington, 1857.

  … Fifty Years in a Brown County convent. By a member of the community. Cincinnati, 1895.

  Fulton, Maurice Garland, ed. New Mexico’s own chronicle. Three races in the writings of four hundred years. Adapted and ed. by Maurice Garland Fulton and Paul Horgan. Dallas, 1937.

  Gibson, George Rutledge. Journey of a soldier under Kearny and Doniphan. Ed. by Ralph P. Bieber. Glendale, 1935.

  Gregg, Josiah. Commerce of the prairies. Ed. by Max L. Moorhead. Norman, 1954.

  Hollister, Ovando J. Colorado volunteers in New Mexico 1862. Ed. by Richard Harwell. The Lakeside Classics. Chicago, 1962.

  James, Henry. William Wetmore Story and his friends, from letters, diaries, and recollections. 2 v. Boston, 19

  McCall, Colonel George Archibald. New Mexico in 1850: a military view. Ed. by Robert W. Frazer. Norman, 1968.

  Marryat, Frederick. A diary in America. Ed. by Sydney Jackman. New York, 1962.

  Martínez, Antonio José. Letters (1856–58) (previous publication uncertain); broadsides (in Gaceta de Santa Fe); tracts (Taos, 1859–61). All in reproduction of ms. or typed copies. Santa Fe Archdiocese archives in University of Notre Dame archives.

  Meriwether, David. My life in the mountains and on the plains … Ed. by Robert A. Griffen. Norman, 1965.

  Montoya, Juan de. New Mexico in 1602. Trans., ed., and annotated by George P. Hammond and Agapito Rey. Albuquerque, 1938.

  Pino, Pedro Bautista, et al. Three New Mexico chronicles … Trans, with introduction and notes by H. Bailey Carroll and J. Villasana Haggard. Albuquerque, 1942.

  Segale, Sister Blandina. At the end of the Santa Fe Trail. Milwaukee, 1948.

  Smith, George Winston and Judah, Charles. Chronicles of the Gringos. Albuquerque, 1968.

  Smith, Truman. Speech of Mr Truman Smith of Connecticut. Delivered in the House of Representatives U. States, March 2, 1848. Washington. 1848.

  Thackeray, William Makepeace. The letters and private papers … 3 v. Ed. by Gordon N. Ray. Cambridge, 1946.

  Trollope, Anthony. North America. Ed. Donald Smalley and Bradford Allen Booth. New York, 1951.

  Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. What I remember. Ed. Herbert van Thal. London, 1973.

  Turner, Henry Smith. The original journals of Henry Smith Turner. With Stephen Watts Kearny to New Mexico and California. 1846–1847. Ed. by Dwight L. Clarke. Norman, 1966.

  Wallace, William Swilling, ed. A journey through New Mexico’s first judicial district in 1864. Letters to the editor of the Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican. Los Angeles, 1956.

  Woodhouse, Samuel. In: L. Sitgreaves, Report of an expedition down the Zuñi and Colorado rivers. 33d Congress, 1st session. Senate. Washington, 1854.

  Young, John D. John D. Young and the Colorado Gold Rush. A trip to the gold regions of the Rocky Mountains in the summer of 1860. Ed. by Dwight L. Smith. The Lakeside Classics. Chicago, 1969.



  Adams, Henry. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. Boston, 1933:

  Almada, Francisco R. Resumen de historia del Estado de Chihuahua. Mexico, D.F., 1955.

  ______. Diccionario de historia, geografia y biografia Sonorenses. Chihuahua, n.d.

  Aubert, Marcel. Le vitrail français. Paris, 1958.

  Barbour, Sister Richard Marie, S.L. Light in Yucca Land. Centennial commemorative volume, 1852–1952. Santa Fe, 1952.

  Berenson, Bernard. The passionate sightseer. From the diaries, 1947 to 1956. London, 1960.

  … The cathedral of St Peter in Chains. Brochure of the cathedral. Cincinnati, n.d.

  Cekosh, Barbara Jo and Ferro, David E. Once an educational oasis: Loretto Academy in Santa Fe. In New Mexico Architect, July-Aug., 1971.

  Chavez, Fray Angelico. Archives of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Washington, 1957.

  ______. The Cathedral of the Royal City of the Holy Faith of Saint Francis. Santa Fe, 1947.

  ______My Penitente land. Reflections on Spanish New Mexico. Albuquerque, 1974.

  .… Colorado state guide. New revised edition. Harry Hanson, ed. American Guide Series. New York, 1970.

  Conard, Howard Lewis. Uncle Dick Wooten, the pioneer frontiersman of the Rocky Mountain region. Ed. by Milo Milton Quaife. The Lakeside Classics. Chicago, 1957.

  Cuyler, Rev. Cornelius M. The Baltimore co-cathedral. Minor basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its history and description. Baltimore, 1951.

  Darton, Alice. Bishops and holy men galore. Compiled by Alice Darton, ed. by Father Frederick McAninch. Typescript. Unpublished. TA.

  Defouri, V. Rev. James H. Historical sketch of the Catholic church in New Mexico. San Francisco, 1887.

  … Diocese of Columbus, the history of fifty years, 1868–1918. Columbus, 1918.

  Drago, Harry Sinclair. The steamboaters, from the early sidewheelers to the big packets. New York, 1967.

  Dunbar, Seymour. A history of travel in America. New York, 1937.

  Emmett, Chris. Fort Union and the winning of the west. Norman, 1965.

  Espinosa, Gilberto, et al. El Rio Abajo. n.d.

  Forrest, Earle R. Missions and pueblos of the old southwest. 2 v. Glendale, 1929.

  Gabriel, Angelus. The Christian Brothers in the United States, 1848–1948. n.d.

  Garraghan, Gilbert J., S.J. The Jesuits of the United States. 3 v. New York, 1938.

  Guérard, Albert. France, a modern history. Ann Arbor, 1939.

  Hales, E. E. Y. Pio Nono, a study in European politics and religion in the nineteenth century. Garden City, 1962.

  Hawgood, John A. America’s western frontiers. New York, 1967.

  Horgan, Paul. Great River, the Rio Grande in North American history. Third edition, revised. 2 v. New York, 1968.

  Horn, Calvin. New Mexico’s troubled years, the story of the early territorial governors. With a foreword by John F. Kennedy. Albuquerque, 1963.

  Howlett, Rev. W. J. Life of the Right Reverend Joseph P. Machebeuf, D.D., pioneer priest of Ohio, of Colorado, and Utah, and first bishop of Denver. Pueblo, 1908.

  Keleher, William A. Turmoil in New Mexico, 1846–1868. Santa Fe, 1952.

  LaFarge, Oliver. Santa Fe, the autobiography of a southwestern town … with the assistance of Arthur N. Morgan. Foreword by Paul Horgan. Norman, 1959.

  Lees-Milne, James. Saint Peter’s, the story of Saint Peter’s basilica in Rome. Boston, 1967.

  Long, Haniel. A Pittsburgher en route, New Mexico. In: The American Caravan, ed. by Van Wyck Brooks, Lewis Mumford, Alfred Kreymborg, Paul Rosenfeld. New York, 1927.

  Long, Oscar F. Changes in the uniform of the Army. Washington, n.d.

  Loomis, Noel M. Pedro Vial and the roads to Santa Fe. Norman, 1967.

  McCann, Sister Mary Agnes. Archbishop Purcell and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Doctoral dissertation. Unpublished. Catholic University of America, 1918.

  McMahon, Joseph Henry. The order followed in the consecration of a bishop, according to the Roman Pontifical … Trans, and ed. by the Rev. Joseph Henry McMahon. New York, 1932.

  Mathew, Archbishop David. Lord Acton and his times. London, 1968.

  May, J. Lewis. Cardinal Newman. New York, 1931.

  Maxwell, William. Ancestors. New York, 1971.

  … The Missal in Latin and English. Being the text of the Missale Romanum with English rubrics and a new translation. Ed. by J. O’Connell and H. P. R. Finberg [with prayers translated by the joint editors and scriptural passages throughout trans, by R. A. Knox]. New York, 1949.

  Mulhane, Rev. L. W. History of St Vincent de Paul’s parish, Mt Vernon, Knox County, Ohio, and also a brief sketch of St Luke’s Parish, Danville, Knox County, Ohio. Mt Vernon, 1895.

  Newman, John Henry. Historical sketches. 3 v. In: v. 2, The Last Days of St John Chrysostom. London, 1873.

  O’Malley, Francis Joseph. A literary addendum: Willa Cather’s Archbishop Latour in reality … A dissertation. Unpublished. University of Notre Dame, 1933.

  … Paroissien romain, contenant les offices de tous les dimanches et des principales fetes de Vannèe en latin et français. Tours, 1858.

  Pevsner, Nikolaus. An outline of European architecture. Harmonds-worth, 1968.

  Prucha, Francis Paul. A guide to the military posts of the United States, 1789–1895. Madison, 1964.

  Read, Benjamin N. Illustrated history of New Mexico. Santa Fe, 1912.

  Rorimer, James J. The cloisters … Third edition. New York, 1963.

  Ruxton, George Frederick. Adventures in Mexico … from Vera Cruz to Chihuahua in the days of the Mexican war. Oyster Bay, 1915.

  Ryan, Rev. Paul E. History of the diocese of Covington, Kentucky. Covington, 1954.

  … Seventy-five years of service, 1859–1934,
an historical sketch of Saint Michael’s College. Santa Fe, 1934.

  Salpointe, Most Rev. J. B. Soldiers of the Cross. Notes on the ecclesiastical history of New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. Albuquerque, 1967.

  Schuchard, Ernst. 100th anniversary Pioneer Flour Mills, San Antonio, Texas, 1851–1951. San Antonio, 1951.

  Steadman, Ruth W. History of Saints Peter and Paul church, San-dusky, Ohio, 1871–1971.

  Stoddard, Whitney S. Monastery and cathedral in France. Medieval architecture, sculpture, stained glass, manuscripts, the art of church treasuries. Middletown, 1966.

  Trevor, Meriol. Newman, light in winter. Garden City, 1963.

  Twitchell, Ralph Emerson. The leading facts of New Mexican history. Cedar Rapids, 1911.

  Underhill, Ruth M. The Navajos. Norman, 1956.

  United States Department of the Interior. The national survey of historic sites and buildings. Washington, 1963.

  Wallace, Susan E. Land of the Pueblos. New York, 1888.

  Warner, Louis H. Archbishop Lamy, an epoch maker. Santa Fe, 1936.


  (Dates of issues cited appear in the Notes.)

  Catholic Telegraph (Cincinnati).

  Chicago Times.

  Colorado Catholic (Denver).

  Commercial (Cincinnati).

  Commercial Bulletin (New Orleans).

  Congressional Globe.

  Daily Picayune (New Orleans).

  Denver Catholic Universe.

  Denver Republican.

  Gaceta de Santa Fe (Spanish-language supplement in Santa Fe New Mexican).

  Galveston News.

  Hartford Evening Post.

  Les Missions Catholiques.

  New Mexican (Santa Fe. Variously at different periods titled Daily New Mexican, Santa Fe New Mexican, Weekly New Mexican Review, New Mexican Review).

  New Mexico Architect.

  New Statesman (London).

  New York Herald.

  Red River Chronicle (San Miguel del Vado, New Mexico).

  Santa Fe Gazette.

  Santa Fe Register.

  Santa Fe Republican.

  Santa Fe Weekly.

  La Semaine Religieuse (Clermont-Ferrand).


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