by Paul Horgan
Lamy, Louis (brother)
Lamy, Margaret (sister)
Lamy, Marie (niece); Lamy visits in New Orleans; to enter Loretto convent; becomes nun; reunion of, with brother; becomes Mother Superior; and brother’s death; and Lamy illness; and Lamy pastoral letters; letters to, from uncle; and Lamy’s death
Lamy, Marie Dié (mother)
Lane, Dr. William Carr
Langue d’Oïl
La Salle, Robert
Las Animas
Las Animas River, and Mora
Las Cruces; and jurisdictional dispute; and papal decree; Lamy at; Fathers Lassaigne and Bernal at; residents of, petition Rome; as proposed bishopric
Las Vegas
Lassaigne, Father
Latrobe, cathedral of
Leavenworth, Lamy party at
Le Cendre
Le Corbusier
Le Mans, priests from
Le Puy, Machebeuf at
Lemitar, N. M.
Lempdes; Lamy visits; Lamy consecrates church at; architecture in
Leo XIII, Pope
Lettres Edifiantes
levies; see also tithes
Lincoln County, N. M.
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln County War
Lindell, Dr, and Lamy’s last illness
Loretto nuns; Lamy and; trip of, to Santa Fe; chapel of; motherhouse of; Machebeuf and; schools of; as chapel sacristans
Lorme, Philibert de
Los Alamos, schools in
Los Amoles, and jurisdictional dispute
Los Angeles, Lamy to
Los Medános
Louis Philippe
Louisville, Ky.
Lower Sandusky, see Sandusky, Ohio Loza, Bishop Pedro
Lucero, Father Mariano de Jesús
Lujan, Father José de Jesús
Lyon; see also Society for Propagation of Faith
Machebeuf, Joseph Priest, to Paris; and parents; description of; compared with Lamy; and missionary life; ordination of; to America; to Dieppe; accidents to, and illnesses of; in New York; in Baltimore; in Wheeling; and Cincinnati; and language problems; and Far West; visits to and from Lamy; letters of, to father; and Irish; churches of; financial problems of; letters of, re U.S.; letters of, to Purcell; and Sandusky; self-searchings, of; to Canada; letters of, to sister; and Methodists; and father’s illness and death; trips of, to Europe, and return; audience of, with Pope; and French royal family; becomes Lamy’s vicar general; journey of, to join Lamy; and slaves; at San Antonio; pastoral visits of; and Castrense; and native clergy; reports to Lamy; and Mexican art and architecture; and house for nuns; meets Lamy at Red River; and Father Lujan; accusations against; takes over for Lamy; and Christmas celebration; and organ; and Willow Springs; at Vaur funeral; assigns new priests; journey of, to collect nuns; and Casa Americana; visits sister; responds to attacks; brings Roman news; Martínez and; and excommunications; as possible successor tò Lamy; to the Mississippi; baptism of troops by; and Avel’s death; and Ramόn Ortiz; and Bishop Loza; and rumor of war with Canada and England; and Sisters of Charity; as first bishop of Colorado; as Bishop of Epiphany; vicar apostolic of Colorado and Utah; and France at war; quarrel of, with nun; and separation of Santa Fe from St Louis; as Lamy suffragan; and Lamy investiture; visits Salpointe; ásks for coadjutor; burning of luggage of; methods of; and Sister Blandina; and Bourgade consecration; Salpointe to, on investiture; golden jubilee of; and Lamy’s death; death of; see also under Lamy and references to under persons, places, and subjects throughout
Machebeuf, Marius (brother)
Machebeuf, Michael (nephew)
Magdalen, Mother, see Mary Magdalen Magdalena, Machebeuf at
Mallet, François, and Lamy nephew
Mansfield, Ohio
Manzano, Anthony Lamy at
Marie Amélie, Queen, and Machebeuf
Maricopas, Jesuits and
Marra, J. M.
Marryat, Captain Frederick
Martin, Abbé
Martínez, Father Antonio José, opposition of, to Lamy; description of; and tithes; admonition to, from Lamy; accusations of Machebeuf by; and resignation; and Taladrid; and Penitentes; oratory of; suspension of; excommunication of; and Eulógio Ortiz; death and will of
Mary Alphonse, Sister
Mary Augustine, Sister
Mary Francesca, Sister, see Lamy, Marie
Mary Magdalen, Mother; becomes mother superior; letters of; and Santa Fe reception; and Lamy homecoming; and Lamy illness; and Civil War; donates to cathedral; and new academy; resignation of
Masset, Jules
Matagorda Bay
Matilda, Sister, death of
Matz, Father (later Bishop) Nicholas
Mazatlán, Machebeuf and
McCarthy, Widow
McCloskey, Archbishop John (later Cardinal)
McClosky, Mr
McCloskey, Father
McFerran, Captain
Medina, Don Ramόn
Mesilla, rancho of; and interchange of names; and jurisdictional dispute; and election; and papal decree and Zubiría; and Gadsden Purchase; Bishop Loza and; and Confederacy; Lamy at; Salpointe and; Salinas and
Messea, Father
Mexicans, description of, and life of; in New Mexico; in Texas; in Santa Fe; and saints; and Mass; pride of; school for; art of; Lamy compares with Americans; Lamy and; Machebeuf and; see also clergy, native
Mexico, U.S. war with; cessions of, to U. S.; conditions in; and religious jurisdiction, see also Durango and Zubiría; dislocating events in; description of; Lamy in; Juárez and; Buchanan and; Salpointe and Salinas and; see also Gadsden Purchase and Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexico City
Miège, Bishop J. B.
missioners, and America; need of; to Asia; duties of; problems of; Machebeuf and; and annexation of Texas; Lamy and; and country parishes; and church-building; brought by Ussel; join Salpointe
Mohican, Ohio, Lamy and
Mojave Indians
Monk, Maria
Mont-Ferraud, seminary of
Montana, as suffragan diocese
Monterey, request for see in
Montreal, Machebeuf to,.
Moquis, and education
Mora, N. M.
Mora, Louis, Lamy gardener
Morford, Henry
Mouly, Antoine
Mouly, Projectus
Mount Chiricasca
Mt St Vincent, Lamy at
Mt Vernon
Mousset, Abbé, gift from
Munnecom, Father, and Avel’s death
Murphy, Father
Murphy, Messrs John
Museum of New Mexico
Napoleon III,
Navajoa, Sonora, Machebeuf at
Navajos, raids, and threats of raids by; missions for; and Welsh; defense against; on reservation
Nerinckx, Charles
Nerinckx, Ky., Larny at
New Mexican
New Mexico; capture of; becomes U. S. territory; boundaries of; moral and religious conditions in, and civil and religious jurisdiction of; vicariate apostolic for; hard times in; church properties of; people and homes of; and politics; rebellions in; history of; in autumn; Penitentes in; and tithes; and Episcopal See; and railroad; legislators of, and Lamy and Machebeuf; Machebeuf and; and Civil War; Indian campaigns against; reservations in; compared with Colorado; Catholics in; separation of, from Arizona; New Mexican article about; Protestants and missions in; Pueblo life in; Lamy, and architectural style of; hostilities in; as health resort; antiquities in; education in, see education; Indians and, see Indians New Orleans
New Orleans Commercial Bulletin
New Orleans Picayune
New York
New York Herald
New York Tribune, and massacre
Newark (Ohio)
Newman, John
Henry Cardinal
Niagara Falls, visits to
Nicholas, Czar
Noel, E.
North American College
Norwalk (Ohio), Machebeuf at Notre-Dame de Bonne Nouvelle
Notre Dame de Port
Nuñez, Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar
Odin, John Mary (later Bishop); and Lamy travel plans; and Texas towns; and
San Antonio
O’Donnell, John
O’Leary, Father, and Sapp’s
Oñate, Juan de
Ortiz, Father Eulógio
Ortiz, Monsignor Juan Felipe; and Lamy appointment; and Lamy arrival; vs Lamy; scandalous behavior of; and Zubiría; and nuns; and rectory; and church properties; offered new parish; to replace Lamy; vs Machebeuf; suspension of; death of; sister’s donation to cathedral
Ortiz, Father José
Ortiz, Don Mateo
Ortiz, Father Ramόn
Otero, Antonio, resignation of
Otero, Miguel A.
“Our Flag,”
Our Lady of Light; see also Loretto nuns
Out of His Head
outlaws, danger of
Paguate, Pueblo school at
Palmetto, S.S.
Paris, Purcell in; Machebeuf in, and Lamy in; see also Society for Propagation of Faith
Paroissien romain
Pascal, Blaise
Paulet, Father
Pauline, Sister
Pecos, N. M.
Peña Blanca
Pendeprat, Father
Perea, José Leandro
Perrillo, Lamy at
Petra, Sister, and Lamy illness
Philip IV, and Santa Fe
Phillips, Father, and Salpointe
Philomène, Sister (Machebeuf’s sister); letters to, from Machebeuf, see Machebeuf
Pierce, President Franklin
Picacho, and jurisdictional dispute
Pike’s Peak
Pile, Governor, and cathedral
Pilet, Madame
Pimas, Jesuits and
Pine Run, Ohio, Lamy and
Pius IX, Pope, and new archbishoprics; and Lamy nominations; and Santa Fe and New Mexico; and complaints against Lamy; residence of; Lamy audience with; and Immaculate Conception; and Machebeuf; and Penitentes; excuses Lamy; reports on Baltimore council to; Machebeuf and Salpointe to; and Vatican Council; see also Rome and Vatican
plains, crossing of
Plains Indians
Polk, President James K.
Pollet, Eugène, to New Mexico
pony express
Port Lavaca, Texas
Powers, Hiram
prairies, description of
Prescott, Arizona
Prince, L. Bradford
Propaganda Fide, see Society for Propagation of Faith
Protestants (ism); and St Luke’s; Catholics and; in Santa Fe; Lamy and; schools and missions of; and Catholic Church in Tucson; and Pueblo Indians; and new cathedral
Pryor, Major
Puebla, Mexico, Lamy at
Pueblo, Colo.
Pueblo Rebellion
Pueblos; missions of; complications involving; and architecture; education of; in Santa Fe
Purcell, Father Edward
Purcell, Bishop John Baptist (later Archbishop), to Paris, for missioners; and Machebeuf; description of; en route to America; en route to Cincinnati; seminary of; orders of, to Machebeuf and Lamy; and anti-Catholicism; requests to, from Lamy for help; Lamy relations with; and Mt Ver-non church; and Queen Marie Amélie; and war with Mexico; and division of diocese; Lamy repays debts to; Ec-cleston to, re Lamy; Blanc letters to, re Lamy; and St Peter’s; at Lamy consecration; Cincinnati priest to, re Lamy; and Castrense; Lamy to, re native clergy; Lamy to, re rituals; Kenrick to, re Lamy; Lamy gift to; Spalding to, re Lamy; Lamy to, re Machebeuf accident; and Lamy request to Mother Josephine; McClosky to, re Lamy; congratulates Lamy; coadjutor for, and retirement of; and Ewing
railroad, at Cincinnati; development of; and New Mexico; to Pacific; need for; and relief of poverty; Lamy and completion of; and Las Animas; and native labor
Rallière, Father John Baptist
Ranchos de Albuquerque, N. M.
Ranchos de Taos, N. M.
Rappe, Louis Amadeus (later Bishop)
Raton Pass, railroad and
Raverdy, Father John B.
Red River Chronicle, Lamy and
Red River Valley, N. M., Lamy to
Rio Arriba, N. M., practices in
Rio Grande; and Mexican War; as boundary; Odin and; Lamy and village on; Machebeuf travels along; Indians and; Lamy travels along; and Confederate forces; El Paso and; and floods
Riom, France
Ritch, William G.
Robledo, N. M.
Rocky Mountain News
Rocky Mountains
Rome, early days of; Christian; Machebeuf and; Lamy and; petitions to, for new dioceses; and jurisdictional dispute; and native clergy; description of; and papacy; Machebeuf and Salpointe in; and Lamy coadjutor; and Machebeuf coadjutor; see also Vatican and Pius IX
Roncetti, Monsignor Caesar
Roothaan, Father, Lamy and
Rubio, Doctor Luis
Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide, see Society for Propagation of Faith
St Francis chapel (Taos)
St Francis Cathedral; repairs to, and need for new cathedral; new building for; Salpointe and architect for; interior of, services in, and congregation of
St Francis de Sales
St Francis eve, celebration on
St John Lateran
St John’s College, Lamy at
St Louis, archbishopric at; Lamy to; Metropolitan church of; description of; Machebeuf in; provincial council in; Eguillon party in; and Civil War; and Santa Fe, separation from
St Louis Republican
St Luke’s
St Mary on Minerva
St Mary’s (Covington, Ky.)
St Mary’s Academy, destruction of
St Mary’s of the Pottawatomies
St Michael, chapel of
St Michael the Archangel college
St Michael’s College (new)
Saint-Palais, Bishop James Maurice
St Paul, Minn., request for see in
St Peter in Chains
St Peter’s (Cincinnati)
St Peter’s (Rome)
St Vincent de Paul, sisters of
St Vincent de Paul’s (Mt Vernon)
St Vincent’s (hospital)
St Vincent’s Academy
St Vrain, Céran
Sainte Chapelle, Paris
Salazar, D. B.
Salinas, José Vicente
Salpointe, Jean Baptiste, joins Eguillon; and plains trip; and Lamy; in Arizona; as vicar apostolic; and jurisdictional dispute; to Europe for consecration; becomes Bishop of Dorylla; recruits obtained by; and Pueblos; confreres visit; and St Francis reredos; counties under; becomes Archbishop of Anazarbe; as archbishop, and coadjutor, Santa Fe; and Bour-gade consecration; investiture of; and St Francis Cathedral; and pueblo schools
Salt Lake City, Utah, occupation of
San Antonio, Texas
San Bernardino, Lamy in
San Carlo River, and Mora
San Felipe de Neri, church
San Elizario, Texas
San Felipe
San Fernando Cathedral
San Ignacio, Sonora
San Juan, N. M., Pueblo school at
San Marcial, N. M., Lamy at
San Miguel, N. M., Lamy at
San Miguel chapel
San Xavier del Bac
Sandia Mountains
Sandoval, Joaquín, and Martínez
Sandusky, Ohio
Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Santa Anna, Antonio Lόpez de
Santa Cru
z, N. M., riot in
Santa Fe, capture of; traders and; and boundary; local clergy in; various religious divisions of; possible routes to; Machebeuf and; Lamy welcomed in, and returns to; description of, and people, life, and customs of, population of; churches of; plains crossing from; Ortiz and; farewell party to Lamy in; and Gallegos campaign; seminarians, missioners, and Jesuits to; convent in, see also Loretto nuns; Avel in; cost of burial in; and Civil War; comments on, in press; hospital in; “attempted murder” of Lamy in; Anthony Lamy in; and railroad; architecture in; Territorial Exposition in; trees and flowers to; and Bour-gade consecration; and jurisdictional dispute, see under New Mexico; see also Castrense, education, Lamy, and New Mexico
Santa Fe New Mexican