by Paul Horgan
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Abbott, Emma, in Leadville
Acoma, Pueblo school at
Adams, John Quincy
Adelaide, Princess
Agreda, María de
Albuquerque, Machebeuf and; Lamy in; religious scandals in; citizens of, and Gallegos; and Gallegos house; capture of, in Civil War; railroad at; schools in
Alchemist, The
Alemany, Archbishop, takes on Utah
Alleman, Father
Alma, Machebeuf and party on
Alonso, Fray
Amat, Bishop
America, see United States and names of cities and states
Ann Joseph, Sister
Anthony, George T., and railroad
Apache Canyon
Apaches, threats of raids and raids of; Governor Calhoun and; in Chihuahua; U.S. Army and; and Tucson; Machebeuf and; in New Mexico; Lamy visits; and Arizona; in Santa Fe
Aquinas, Thomas
architecture, Romanesque; Gothic,
Loire; Islamic; Grecian; of Mexico; Egyptian; of New Mexico; of St Francis Cathedral; Byzantium; of Lorettine chapel; mansard; see also under Spain, France, etc.
Ariel, Eguillon party on
Arizona; as part of New Mexico; and Lamy jurisdiction; Machebeuf trip to; and fugitives; and Civil War; missionaries to; Lamy planned visit and visit to; and separation from New Mexico; description of; Catholics in; nominees for bishop of; Pius IX examines map of; and diamond swindle; and Pueblos; proposed as suffragan diocese; railroads and; terror in; successor to Salpointe in
Armijo family
Arny, W. F. M., and button
Arroyo de los Indios
Arroyo Hondo
Ashland, Ohio, Lamy and
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe
Aumale, Duc d’
Aurora, gold camp at
Austromonius, Saint
Auvergne; fresco paintings in; plans to visit; Lamy in; and Lamy’s garden
Avel, Antoine
Avignon, Machebeuf and
Baca, Francisco Tomás Cabeza de
Baca, Jesús, resignation of
Baca, Señor
Baird, Spencer E., and button
Baker, Chief Justice Grafton
Baltimore, Lamy to; archbishopric at; councils in; cathedral at
Balzac, Honoré de
Bandelier, Adolph
Barcelo, Señora Gertrudes
Bardstown, Ky.
Barnabo, Alessandro Cardinal, re: Mexican dissidents; jurisdictional dispute; church funds and properties; chalice; Castrense chapel; Machebeuf memorandum; his becoming cardinal; chapter at Santa Fe; poisoning of Avel; assigning of Pike’s Peak; record of Baltimore meetings; recruiting Jesuits; and chains of St Peter; pastoral visits and education; separate establishments at Colorado and Arizona; informs Machebeuf of designation; and Salpointe; retirement of; see also Rome, Vatican, and names of popes
Bax, Father Lawrence
Baylor, Colonel William
Beaubien, Charles
Beaubien, Narcisco
Beaubien, Paul, joins Lamy
Beaulieu, Ursulines at
Becket, Thomas à
Beckx, Father, and Jesuits
Ben Hur
Benavides, Fray Alonso do
Bent, Governor Charles
Bent, Charley, with Indians
Bernal, Father
Bernard, Father, and Lamy
Bertaud, Bishop
Bianchi, Father Rafael
Billom, Jesuit collége at
Billy the Kid
Birmingham, England, Lamy in
Birmingham, Father Patrick
Blanc, Bishop (later Archbishop); and Lamy travel plans; Lamy stays with; Lamy to, re Santa Fe
Blandina, Sister
Bocandy, Captain, of Alma
Bolsón de Mapimi
Bonney, William
Bontesheim, Madame
Bosco, Father Luis
Bosque Redondo
Botolph, Brother, and new college
Boucart, Father Francis
Boulogne, Lamy in
boundaries, Rio Grande and; after Mexican War; revision of; national vs religious; see also Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Gadsden Purchase, and jurisdictional dispute under various headings
Bourgade, Father Peter (later Bishop, Archbishop)
Breedon, William
Brent, Father Julius
Brophy, Mr
Brothers of the Christian Doctrine, see Christian Brothers
Brown County Ursulines
Brun, Father J.
Buchanan, President James
Buena Vista, victory at
Caballo Pass
Cabeza de Vaca, see Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca
Caesar, Julius
Calhoun, Governor J. S.
California Gulch, mines of
Camino Real
Camp Bowie
Canby, General E.R.S.
Cañon del Diablo, Lamy at
Cañon de la Vivora, Lamy at
Carleton, General James H.
Carlisle, Pa., Indian school at
Carlos, Father, and Lamy
Caron, Father
Carrel, Bishop, and Lamy debts
Carrière, M.
Carroll, Archbishop
Carson, Kit
Casa Americana
Caso, Brother Prisco
Castrense; reredos of; repair of; as diocesan church; and Lamy homecoming; sale of
Catalina, Sister
Catherine, Sister
Catholics (ism); opposition to; acceptance of, and conversion to; growth of, in U.S.; in Santa Fe; and Protestants; in Lamy diocese; in Arizona; and Pueblo Indians; see also Church
Catron family
Cavaignac, Louis Eugène
census, Lamy’s, of Santa Fe
Central City
chalice, from papal treasury
Chanson de Roland
Chateaubriand, and Niagara Falls
Chaves, Don Francisco
Chaves, Don Jorge, Lamy and
Cherry Creek, rebuilding of
Chihuahua, state and city of: traders and; capture of; and boundary; Lamy in; description of; Americans and; extent of; “bad state of”; diocese for
Chiuawapa, Lamy in
Chivington, Major John M.
Christian Brothers; schools of
Christmas, celebration of
Chrysostom, St John, Newman and
Church, evolution of; influence of; world-wide structure of; and U.S.; properties of, in New Mexico; rituals of; and Gallegos election; and immorality; persecution of, by Juárez; Machebeuf and unity of; separation of, from State; Mexican population of; see also Catholicism and other names of religions
Cincinnati Catholic Telegraph
City of Paris, Salpointe on
Civil War (U.S. in N. M.)
Civitavècchia, Lamy in
Clarilli, Cardinal
Clementi, Archbishop
clergy, native; abuses among; hospitality of; and jurisdictional dispute; education of; and tithes; and pastoral letter; and division of parish; hostility of, to Lamy and Machebeuf; see also individual names of
Clermont; churches at; bishops of; description of; Lamy in; Machebeuf in; Eguillon to; Salpointe and Machebe
uf to; and Lamy’s death
Clermont-Ferrand, see Clermont
Cochiti/Santo Domingo
College of Santa Fe
Colopy, Squire
Colorado, Lamy and; discovery of gold in-; Machebeuf and; Raverdy and; growth of; realignment of boundaries of; and Civil War; soldier of, and Lamy church; as diocese; Pius IX examines map of; Irish priests to; railroads and; Utes in
Comfé, Father
Condado; and confusion of names; and jurisdictional dispute; inhabitants of, and jurisdiction; and papal decree; Salpointe and
Conejos, schools in
Conejos River
Confederacy; see also Civil War
Connelly, Governor Henry (New Mexico)
Conquistadora, La
Contreras family, and cathedral
Coudert, J. M.; as Machebeuf assistant; accompanies Lamy
Council Grove
Covington, Ky., Lamy in
cowboys, trouble from
Crepúsculo de la Libertad, El
Cuba, U.S. and
Ciudad Juárez
Cummings, Captain James
dancing, Lamy and
Danville, Ohio, Lamy at; churches at
Daugherty, Messrs, and ambulance
Dead Man’s March
Dear Experience
De Goesbriand, Father
De Smet, Father P. J.; and Lamy; and Santa Fe reception; and Machebeuf party
De Vargas, and La Conquistadora
Denver, General James W.
Denver (City), Miège description of; Machebeuf and Raverdy and; Lamy in; and Civil War; news from; schools in; Sisters of Charity in; fire in, and rebuilding of; wealth and growth of; hospital in; episcopal see in
Denver Gazette, and massacre
diamond fields, “discovery” of
Dickens, Charles
Diderot, Denis
discipline, Lamy’s acts of; see also suspensions
Disturnell, J., map of
divorce, Lamy and
Don Fernando de Taos
Don Quixote de la Mancha
Doñana, village and county or district of; and jurisdictional dispute; and confusion of names; people of, and jurisdiction; population of; and papal decree; Bishop Loza and; Machebeuf at; Lamy at; Salpointe and; Salinas and; and proposed vicariate apostolic
Doyle, Mr
Drown, William
Dubois, Bishop John
Duchesse d’Orléans, Lamy on
Dunlop, Bishop George K.
Durango (state and city); diocese of; Lamy to; Martínez and; bishop’s palace in; claim of, to Mesilla-Doñana; description of; and tithes, Baltimore Council and; Ortiz and; Machebeuf plans to visit; new bishop for; see also Zubiría and Salinas
Eccleston, Archbishop Samuel
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
education, in New Mexico; in Santa Fe; Lamy and; Martínez and; and Indians; public-
Edwards, Amory, and button
Eguillon, Pierre, to New Mexico; accident to; becomes vicar general; to France; and education of Indians; and Lamy and Santa Fe; and Lamy investiture; and Loretto chapel; and Gallegos; and Lamy’s death
El Charco del Yuma, Lamy party at
El Paso; Machebeuf and Lamy to; description of; Lamy in; Spanish colonists and; and boundary; Machebeuf and Ortiz and; new names for; and Civil War; Salpointe and; and jurisdictional dispute; and vicari-ate apostolic, El Paso County
El Vado de San Miguel, Lamy to
Eldorado City
Emerald, ship
Emory, Major William H.
Europa, Lamy party on
Europe, Lamy, Machebeuf, and Salpointe trips to; see also places in
Ewing, General Charles
Exchange Hotel, see La Fonda
fees, see levies and tithes
Fenian Brotherhood
Fenwick, Bishop Edward
Féron, Bishop
Fesch, Cardinal
Fidelis, Sister, and Machebeuf
Fillmore, President Millard
Filomena Lujan, Sister
Fils, Mme Condamin
Flaget, Bishop Benedict Joseph
Fort Bliss
Fort Buchanan, Machebeuf at
Fort Canby, Indians to
Fort Craig
Fort Dodge, and Lamy party
Fort El Gallo, Lamy at
Fort Fillmore
Fort Harker, and Lamy party
Fort Larned, and Lamy party
Fort Marcy
Fort McRae, Lamy at
Fort Mojave, and Lamy party
Fort St Louis
Fort Selden
Fort Stanton, Lamy at
Fort Sumner, Indians at
Fort Sumter, fired on
Fort Union
Fra Diavolo, in Leadville
France, Machebeuf to; Lamy and; conditions in; Ussel to; Salpointe to; at war; architecture and art in
Francesca, Sister, see Lamy, Marie
Franciscans; and New Mexico bishopric; and St Francis church; and education of Indians; and art and architecture; and San Xavier church
Franklin, Texas, American town of
From Hay-Time to Hopping
Gaceta de Santa Fe, letters to
Gadsden, Senator James
Gadsden Purchase
Gallegos, Father José Manuel; scandalous behavior of; education of; against Lamy and Machebeuf; suspension of, and reaction to; and politics; residence of; death of
Galmier, Joseph, joins Eguillon
Galveston News, letter to
gambling, Lamy and
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garrett, Sheriff Pat
Gasparri, Father Donato M.
Geatley, John, and Indians
Genoa, Machebeuf party on
Gibbons, James Cardinal
Gilpin, Governor William (Colorado)
Glaizal, Father
Glorieta Pass, battle at
Governor’s Palace
Grantie Creek
Grant County, N. M., and vicariate apostolic
Grant, U.S.
Graviche, Abbé
“Great American Desert, The,”
Great National Road
Greene, Colonel Tom
Gregory XVI, Pope
Gregory diggings
Guadalupe Range
Guaymas, Machebeuf to
Guérin, Jean, to New Mexico
Habile, Mrs G. de
Harney, General William S.
Harris and Morgan
Harrison, Thomas, pilot
Hart, Peter
Hatch, General Edward
Hayden, Mother Magdalen, see Mary Magdalen, Mother
Hayes, President Rutherford B.
Hayes, Thomas
Hayne, Mrs Julia
Hermosillo, Machebeuf at
Hidalgo del Parral
Hilaria, Sister, and the Devil
Holy Week, observation of
hospital, in New Mexico, Salpointe and; in Denver and Leadville; vegetables for
Hotel de Dunk
Hotel Française, Talbot at
Howlett, Father W. J.
Huerfano River
Independence, Machebeuf party on
“Indian War, The,”
Indians, burial mounds of; fear of, and raids of; Catholic; and churches; and New Mexico; and Lamy; and missions; votes of; of Taos; and Chateaubriand; and Machebeuf; and Eguillon party; and emigrants to West; and Civil War; in Colorado; and Sisters of Charity; and art; see also names of tribes
Infallibility, issue of
nocent VI, Pope
Ireland (Irish)
Irrizarri, Don Manuel
Isleta del Sur, on Rio Grande
Ixtacamastitlán, Lamy in
Jackson, Andrew
Jacob’s Well, Lamy at
James, Henry, and Pius IX
James, St, of Compostela
Jemez, Pueblo school at
Jesuits; Gallegos and; and Sonora; Lamy and; and Arizona and New Mexico; mission of; schools of
John, Gospel of
Joinville, Princess de
Jojita, Lamy at
José, Juan
Josephine, Mother, Lamy and
Jouvenceau, Father, and Lamy’s death
Juárez, see El Paso
Juárez, Benito
Juilliard, N.
Julia, Mother
Juvenceau, François, joins Eguillon
Kansas, Lamy party on
Kansas, and Kansas City, description of
Keams, Thomas V., and button
Kearny, Stephen Watts
Kenrick, Archbishop Francis Patrick
Kenrick, Archbishop Peter Richard; Lamy and; council under; and Pike’s Peak; and Vatican Council; and jurisdictional dispute; and Santa Fe
King, Clarence, and diamond swindle
La Bajada
La Conquistadora
La Fonda
La Mesilla, see Mesilla
La Mesita
La Ysleta
Laguna, Pueblo school in
Lamy (railroad station)
Lamy, Anthony (nephew)
Lamy, Etienne (brother)
Lamy, Hippolyte (nephew)
Lamy, Jean (father)
Lamy, Jean (nephew)
Lamy, Jean Baptiste, to Paris; and parents; illnesses of; birth of; childhood and education of; and Our Lady of Good Tidings; description of; and missionary life; ordination of; to America; and language problems; in New York; in Wheeling; and Cincinnati; at Danville, Newark, Mt Vernon, and Mansfield (Ohio); churches of, see also names of; financial problems of, see also Society for the Propagation of the Faith; and report of Machebeuf’s death; self-searchings of; and sick calls; and anti-Catholicism; and Sandusky; death of father of; becomes citizen; and father’s estate; trips of, to Europe and return; errands of, for Machebeuf and Purcell; and Irish immigrants; becomes vicar apostolic of New Mexico, and Bishop of Agathonica; consecration of, in Cincinnati; journey of, to Santa Fe; in Galveston; and Palmetto wreck; in San Antonio; pastoral visits of; feelings of, and comments about Santa Fe; and New Mexican architecture and art; and Calhoun; early days of, in Santa Fe; suspensions by; and request for new diocese for; pastoral letters and circulars of; and accusations against Machebeuf; confirmed as bishop of Santa Fe; and ritual demonstrations; and Gallegos house; gifts to; attacks against; to Taos, re Taladrid and Martínez, see also Martínez; support of; Otéro and; excommunications by; petitions to, re Machebeuf; and Avel’s death; sends Eguillon for recruits; and Pike’s Peak; as colonist; and Civil War; Talbot and; trip of, to California and Arizona; and hospital, and Spalding; Christmas Eve threat to; and industrial home; report of capture of; and Indian attack; and Sister Mary Alphonse; and Machebeuf consecration; and vicar apostolic for Arizona; and Salpointe; ordains nephew; and France at war; vestments of; and separation of Santa Fe from St Louis; silver jubilee of; as archbishop of Santa Fe; investiture celebration for; and Lew Wallace; and President Hayes; visits Purcell; and coadjutor for Machebeuf; requests third vicariate apostolic; petition of, for coadjutor; garden of; and gold mine; library of; characteristics and human relations of, in later years; sermons of; resignation of; and Bourgade consecration; as Archbishop of Cyzicus; and pension; last days and death of; and jurisdictional dispute, see Zubiría, Barnabo, Ortiz, Rome; and native clergy, see clergy, native; see also Machebeuf, Purcell