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Lamy of Santa Fe

Page 67

by Paul Horgan

  Santa Fe Plaza, condition of

  Santa Fe Republican

  Santa Fe Trail

  Santa Fe Weekly Gazette

  Santa Rita, N. M.

  Santo Domingo, N. M.

  Sapp, Catherine

  Sapp, Francis

  Sapp, George; son of

  Sapp’s Settlement, see Danville

  Savannah, Ga., request for see in

  schools, see education

  Scott, General Winfield

  Segale, Sister Blandina, see Blandina, Sister

  seminarians, see missioners


  Sena, José

  Senez, Father

  Séptimo, Juan


  Shepherds, The

  “Short History of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico,” by Lamy

  Simeoni, Giovanni Cardinal

  Sinaloa, Mexico, civil war in

  Sisters of Charity; schools of; to Santa Fe; Lamy and; at St Vincent’s; hospitals of

  Sisters of Notre Dame

  Sisters of St Joseph

  slaves (slavery)


  Smith, Captain Jeremiah

  Smith, Truman, and New Mexico

  Smithsonian Institution

  Society for the Propagation of the Faith (Lyon and Paris), and missioners abroad; and funds for Purcell; and immigrants; Lamy reports and appeals to, Lamy thanks to; Machebeuf asks help from; and dissident clergy; Lamy to, re boys’ school; Lamy repayments to; Lamy to, on Indians; and report of Lamy’s death; Lamy to, on conditions in New Mexico; Lamy to, on his illness; Lamy to, on gold mines; Lamy to, on resignation

  Socorro, N. M.

  Sonora, Mexico

  Sopranis, Very Reverend Father

  South Park, Colo., Machebeuf at

  Southern Pacific Railroad

  Spain (Spaniards)

  Spalding, Bishop John Martin

  Spare, Thomas

  Spiegelberg family

  Sprees and Splashes


  Sultana, Machebeuf on

  Sumner, Colonel E. V.

  suspensions, see under Lamy

  Sylvie de Grasse, ship

  Symington, Dr, and Lamy

  Tabor Opera House, Leadville

  Tactics; or, Cupid in Shoulder Straps

  Taladrid, Father Damaso

  Talbot, Josiah Cruickshank

  Taos; schools in; see also Martínez

  Taos Massacre

  Taylor, Zachary

  teachers, see missioners and Loretto nuns

  telegraph, to Santa Fe

  Telegraph, and Pike’s Peak

  Tesuque Cañon, Lamy lodge at

  Texas; villages of, and jurisdictional dispute, see under Lamy, Odin, and Zubíria

  Texas-Santa Fe expedition

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Theodosia, Sister

  Third Order of Penitence

  Third Order of St Francis

  Tiffin, Ohio, Machebeuf at


  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Todd’s Landing, Mo.

  Tomé, N. M.

  Ton to Apaches

  Topeka, and railroad

  Tournoël, castle of

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  Trinidad, Colorado

  Trollope, Anthony

  Truchard, Father Johannes

  Tubac, Ariz.

  Tucson, description of; Machebeuf to; Loza and; church in; and Santa Fe; and Civil War; Jesuits to; Lamy and; dangers of journey to; school at; Salpointe at; railroad and; new bishop for

  Tumacácori, Ariz.

  Ullathorne, Bishop, W. B.

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  United States, becoming world factor; missioners and; conditions in; new boundaries in; territories of, and religious jurisdiction; and Chapel of Our Lady of Light; and Spain and Cuba; and Mexico; and war with Canada and England; and Indians

  United States Army, in Texas; in Santa Fe; and Doñana; and Chihuahua; and Apaches; new forts of

  United States Congress, memorial to; Gallegos and; Otero and; and Buchanan proposal

  United States War Dep’t

  Upper Sandusky, see Sandusky, Ohio

  Urban II, Pope

  Urban VIII, Pope, and Santa Fe


  Ussel, Father Gabriel




  Valdes, Don Antonio José

  Valverde, battle at

  Vatican, and religious jurisdiction; and notification to Mexico; and tithes; and native clergy; Lamy to, on Ortiz; and Pike’s Peak; see also Pius IX and Rome

  Vatican Council

  Vaur, Sébastien

  Venice, Machebeuf in


  Vermare, Father

  Vézelay, France, architecture in

  Vezza, Brother Rafael

  Victor Emmanuel

  Victorio, Apache leader

  Vigilante, Father L.

  Villa Pintoresca

  Villiger, Father, and Jesuits

  Vincent, Sister Superior

  Walker, Arizona

  Wallace, Lew

  Wallace, Mrs Lew

  Walworth, M. C

  Washington, D.C., Carleton to


  Weaver, Ariz., Lamy party at

  Weightman, R. H.


  Wheeling, West Va.

  Whipple Barracks

  White, John

  Who Breaks Pays

  Wilde, Oscar, in Leadville

  Williams, E.

  Willis, Major

  Willow Springs, Lamy at

  winter, difficulties of

  women’s suffrage, Machebeuf and

  Wood, Archbishop J. F., supports Lamy

  Wootten, Uncle Dick, saloon of

  Xavier, St Francis

  Xavier, Sister, and Lamy

  Yaqui Indians

  Yuma, attempted mission for

  Zacatecas, Mexico, Lamy at

  Zacatlán, Lamy in

  Zacopoaxtla, Lamy in

  Zanesville, Ohio

  Zubiría y Escalante, José Antonio Laureano Lόpez de, visits of, to New Mexico; and New Mexico jurisdiction; Lamy correspondence with; and Texas villages; Martínez and; Lamy visits; palace of; description of; and Condado; letter of, to Rome; and Penitentes; and church properties; and Father Lujan; reception of dissidents by; Gallegos and; and Cardenas; Lamy, and old age of; and La Mesilla; no longer bishop; see also Durango and Ortiz, Juan Felipe

  Zuñi, N. M., pueblo of, Lamy at

  Zurich, Machebeuf party on




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