Perfectly Clueless

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Perfectly Clueless Page 3

by Madeleine Labitan

  When the song ends, I press pause and scroll through the playlist, looking for the next one. I’m about to hit play when I hear soft giggles coming from the seats near the front of the class.

  Looking up, I scowl when I see that it’s Kristen.

  She’s giggling at something on her phone. Twenty bucks say she’s texting with Dylan.

  And here I thought I left their nauseating PDA at the cafeteria, where I spent nearly an hour shooting daggers at them from across the room. Nick even had to pry a fork from my tight grip. Now I have to endure it in class, too?

  I have a class with Dylan later. Am I going to see him giggling at his phone, too? Gag.

  I bang my fist on the desk, accidentally sending my pen clambering to the floor. Muttering a curse, I bend down to pick it up but a hand beats me to it.

  “You dropped this?” a male voice with a British accent speaks.

  Straightening up, I meet the amused gaze of Rohan Mallick.

  He’s British-Indian who moved from London to Bayfield just right before junior year started. Since we don’t get a lot of new students, Rohan is still known as the “new kid” in school. Or the “new hot British kid,” if you’re asking the female population.

  I’m not a part of that population, but I can agree that he’s easy on the eyes. He has thick wavy black hair and equally dark eyes that crinkle at the corners. He doesn’t smile often, but when he does it lightens up his face. It also gives him quite the mysterious vibe, especially when despite being popular, he mostly keeps to himself. His dark tanned skin, courtesy of his Indian heritage, only adds up to his appeal.

  So I can understand why some girls are going the extra mile—to the point of embarrassing themselves—just to get his attention. I mean it’s hilariously cringe-worthy, but I get it.

  I snatch the pen from his hand and mutter a quiet thanks.

  He gives me a tight-lipped smile, then focuses his attention on the front.

  Huh. He’s seriously listening to the lecture? Everyone knows Mr. Anderson is just reading every word in the book out loud. He doesn’t really contribute anything new to the lecture.

  So if we want to pass his tests, all we have to do is simply read the book. Basically, students only come to his class for attendance.

  Principal Mitchell doesn’t really interfere with his method of teaching. Probably because Mr. Anderson is rumored to be retiring next year. He’s, what, nearing eighty now? Although he always claims that he’s only seventy years old.

  Can’t say I blame the guy. I’d probably do the same when I reach his age.

  When the bell rings, I shuffle out of the room with the rest of the class, yawning. Man, I can’t wait to go home and sleep the afternoon away in my bed.

  But my drowsiness disappears when I step out into the hall just in time to see Dylan greeting Kristen with his lips.

  I look away quickly, pretending not to see it.

  But not quick enough for El who’s apparently right next to me and staring at them, too. “I’ve wondered what he saw in someone like her. She doesn’t look like his usual type.”

  “She’s a girl. That makes her his type.”

  She scrunches up her nose. “Yeah. But he usually goes for—”

  “The slutty type?”

  She chokes out a strangled laugh. “I didn’t say that.”

  “But you were thinking it,” I say dryly. My eyes dart back to them. Now they’re lovingly staring at each other’s eyes.

  Kill me now.

  Dylan chooses the moment to lift his gaze and it connects with mine. His eyes soften even more, if that’s possible. “Hey, B.”

  “Hey,” I nod, schooling my expression.

  “Come on, I’ll drive you home.”

  I glance down at their clasped fingers. Yeah, no. “Go ahead. I already have a ride.”

  Dylan frowns. “With who?”

  My mind races with a quick answer. “With El. She’s going to give me a ride.”

  “I am?” El sounds puzzled. But thankfully, she covers it up by clearing her throat. “I mean, yeah I am. We’re going to have a slumber party at Bianca’s place later.”

  What the hell? I stare hard at her, but she’s not looking at me so she can’t see my warning glare.

  Dylan smirks at me. “Really, huh? Are you going to braid each other’s hair and paint each other’s toes?”

  The asshole knows I don’t do those girly shit. So I surprise him by agreeing with El, even though I’m currently imagining myself putting duct tape on her mouth. “Yes. We’re going to do all that and more.”

  “You’re going to have a slumber party?” Kristen interjects, unfortunately reminding me of her presence. “That sounds so fun. I haven’t been in one in forever.” The wistful tone in her voice is evident.

  So evident, in fact, that El decides to invite her along. “You can come too, if you want.”

  “Oh, I’d love to.” Kristen gives me a shy look. “I mean if Bianca doesn’t mind.”

  Oh, she’s gotta be shitting me.

  But she’s not. She’s staring at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.

  God help me, I’m so tempted to say no. But if I tell her there’s really no sleepover, Dylan will want to know why El and I lied. Then he’ll figure out I lied because I don’t want to ride home with him and Kristen. He’ll ask why. And that’s one question I’d rather avoid.

  So I grit my teeth and force a smile. “Sure, why not? The more the merrier, right?”

  Kristen squeals in excitement, lifting their joined hands. Dylan just gives her an indulgent smile, then raises a brow at me.

  I can practically hear him asking, Are you sure about this, B?

  I whip my head toward the culprit. This is her goddamned fault in the first place. All she had to do was nod along to my lie. But no, she had to ramble on.

  El just shrugs, as if to say, What did you want me to do?

  Well, how about you leave all the talking to me next time?


  “I can’t believe you’re legit having a slumber party right now.” Adam is chuckling when I walk into the kitchen to get some refreshments.

  Refreshments. Ugh.

  “You and me both.” I open the cupboard and scowl at the snacks inside, before taking three large bags of chips and depositing them into the tray on the table. Then I go to the fridge to get the pack of coke cans El and I bought from the convenience store earlier. Which she paid for out of guilt.

  She sure doesn’t look guilty now. Girl is immensely enjoying herself. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she planned this slumber party all along.

  “Hey, thanks again for letting me borrow your girlfriend.”

  I asked Madison to join us because someone has to play nice with Kristen, and it certainly isn’t going to be me. Although El seems to have no trouble being nice to her as well. You’d think they’ve been friends forever.

  “Don’t mention it. Although I should probably be a little pissed at you for stealing my girl’s attention away from me. But she seems to be enjoying herself.”

  I snort. “Trust me, she is. She’s literally braiding Kristen’s hair up there while El is applying nail polish on her toes. I swear it’s like having a royal makeover inside my room right now.”

  “Sounds fun,” Adam snickers.

  I flip him off as I walk out of the kitchen with the snacks, his laughter ringing well after me. As expected, El and Madison are still not done tending to “Her Majesty” when I step back into my room.

  Forcing a sugary smile, I announce my presence. “Care for some snacks, ladies?”

  And like a damn princess, Kristen claps her hands together.

  Seriously, is she for real?

  While my three new besties munch on the snacks, I sneak in a text to Nick who, I know, is currently hanging out with Dylan and Sloan. Probably smoking some joints or playing video games. Or both.


  Nick: Why the hell did you
even host one in the first place?

  Me: Blame El! It’s her damn fault.

  Nick: I don’t know about that, B. I’m pretty sure you asked me and Sloan to have a sleepover a few weeks ago.

  Me: Like hell I did.

  Nick: Yeah, you did. Have fun. Tell us all the deets tomorrow. Or maybe not. The asshole even attached a laughing emoji at the end of the message.

  “You’re not helping,” I growl at the screen.

  “Who’s not helping?” Maddie sits next to me on the couch.

  “No one.” I pocket my phone. “Are you two done making Kristen pretty?”

  She raises a brow at my sarcastic remark, but doesn’t call me out. “Are you going to tell me why you decided to host an impromptu slumber party? I’m assuming it’s not because you’re suddenly in need of a girl bonding time.”

  “Ugh. It’s a long story.”

  “She’s nice, you know. Once you got to know her better.” She glances across the room, where El and Kristen are giggling at a magazine.

  It’s one of those fashion magazines Kristen brought along with her. Why she even thought to bring them I have no idea. But clearly, El is enjoying them.

  “Yeah, she is,” I admit grudgingly.

  Kristen turning out to be nice only makes the whole thing worse. Because how can you hate someone who’s nice? Not that I hate her. But I also don’t want to like her.

  It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t know that I’m in love with Dylan. Or that Dylan wasn’t even my boyfriend before she came into the picture. She took the one person I’ve always wanted. And that should be enough for me to hate her or, at the very least, dislike her.

  But I don’t. I can’t find myself to.

  But it doesn’t mean that we’re going to be best friends any time soon. Not when she’s still dating Dylan and not when I’m still in love with him. And there are still probably going to be times when I’ll act all bitchy toward her out of jealousy. That can’t be helped.

  “Thanks again for coming here and doing this,” I tell Maddie.

  “Well, technically I’m already here when you sent the distress call.”

  I laugh, remembering how I sounded when I called Adam on the way home. “I sounded really panicky, didn’t I?”

  She puts her fingers close together. “Just a little bit.”

  We both snicker.

  “Hey, guys, wanna do something fun?” El calls out to us. Apparently, they’re done gushing over the magazine.

  “Aren’t we already having fun?” I say sarcastically, earning a soft elbow poke from Maddie.

  El rolls her eyes at me. “You know what I mean.”

  “Actually, I don’t,” I mumble.

  Maddie decides to interject. “What do you have in mind?”

  Something like mischief gleams in El’s eyes. “We’re going to have a blind makeover game.”

  “What the hell is a blind makeover game?” I ask just as Maddie exclaims, “Oh, I’m so in!”

  It’s Kristen who gives the answer. “Have you ever watched those YouTube videos where girls make their boyfriends put makeup on their faces while blindfolded? That’s what we’re going to do.”

  I scowl. “That doesn’t sound fun at all.”

  Besides, I don’t have a boyfriend. Who’s going to do mine?

  Her smile only widens. “That’s why we’re going to put a twist on it. We’ll pair up and all of us will put blindfolds on—no boyfriend needed. Then each pair will put makeup on each other’s face at the same time.”

  “I don’t know, Kristen. That seems like a recipe for disaster. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to end up being accidentally stabbed in the eyes by a mascara or whatever.” Throwing my hands up, I scowl. “I don’t even own any makeup.”

  I only have that one lip gloss Mom insisted on buying for me a month ago. And I barely even use it.

  “Oh, we’re not going to use anything sharp. For the eyes, we’ll just settle on eyeshadow brushes. And don’t worry about the makeup. I brought plenty for us to use.” Kristen walks over to the oversized bag she brought with her and pulls out what looks to be a professional makeup kit. Putting it down in front of me, she opens it and reveals what I’m sure is more than a thousand worth of makeup paraphernalia.

  I glance up at her. “Are you, by any chance, a professional makeup artist?”

  She giggles. “No. I’m just kind of a makeup hoarder.”

  I look down and choke out a laugh. “You don’t say.”

  Twenty minutes later and I’m staring at my haphazardly made-up face in the mirror. “I look like someone who had been trampled on in a One Direction concert.”

  Kristen stands next to me. “Aren’t they already disbanded?”

  “Who cares?” I stare at her reflection and burst out laughing. “I didn’t think it would be possible, but you look worse than me.”

  While her dark blonde hair looks impeccable with the braids, her face looks like something straight out of a nightmare. Like she was beaten to a bloody pulp or something. Even the Annabelle doll would be afraid of her.

  “I know, right?” She giggles. “Too bad it’s not Halloween.”

  El pokes her head between us. “Bitch, tell me I’m pretty.”

  “Wow,” I deadpan. “You look like a zombified Harley Quinn.”

  “Right? That was totally the look I was going for.” Kristen gives a smug self-satisfied look for what she did.

  Madison—who did my makeup—stands on my other side, looking just as ridiculous as the three of us. “We should do this more often.”

  “You’re welcome,” I snicker.

  A wicked glint crosses her eyes. “Think I can sneak up on Adam and scare the heck out of him?”

  I laugh. “I bet he would pee his pants.”

  “Adam Hayes peeing in his pants?” Kristen wiggles her brows. “I’d pay to see that.”

  “Ew,” I grimace. “That’s my twin we’re talking about.”

  The four of us burst into peals of laughter.

  “Let’s do it. All of us,” El decides excitedly when our laughter subsides.

  A slow smirk makes its way across my face. “He’s probably sleeping by now.”

  Maddie nods. “With the lights closed.”

  Kristen bites back a laugh. “We’ll sneak into his room quietly.”

  “Wait!” They start to walk out of the room while I jog to my vanity dresser. Opening the top drawer, I grab my handy flashlight. “We’ll need this.”

  El rubs her hands together. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

  Laughing under our breaths, we make our way out the hall toward my brother’s room, careful not to wake my parents and little sister. They can’t spoil our fun.

  Maddie carefully opens the door to a pitch-black room, taking a peek to see if Adam is already asleep. “I think we’re all clear,” she whispers to us.

  Trying hard not to laugh, we all pile inside, carefully closing the door behind us.

  I spy something on the floor. Grabbing it and realizing it’s a shoe, I throw it on Adam’s head to wake him up.

  “Ouch. That’s gotta hurt,” Kristen mutters.

  “Huh? Who’s there? What’s going on?” A sleepy-sounding Adam sits on the bed.

  That’s when El turns on the flashlight, illuminating our faces showing sinister smiles.

  Maddie amps up the creepy atmosphere by speaking in a soft voice. “Hi, baby. Did we wake you up?”

  Adam lets out a high-pitched, ear splitting girly scream that lasts longer than it should, sending the four of us laughing hysterically on the floor.

  “What the hell?” The light from the bedside lamp comes on.

  “We…You…” I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t stop myself from laughing.

  And the other girls are just as bad. Kristen is clutching her stomach. Maddie has her head thrown back. El is slamming her fist over and over on the floor beside her.

  Adam glares. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “No,” Kristen manages to blurt out in between laughter. “Just trying to make you pee in your pants.”

  That only makes us laugh harder, especially when Adam growls in anger.

  A moment later, the door to his room opens.

  “What happened? We heard screaming. Is everything okay?” Dad stands on the doorway, concern written on his face.

  “That was Adam’s girly scream,” I choke out.

  When he sees us on the floor, he blinks in confusion. “What on earth are you girls doing down there? And what’s that on your faces?”

  Our laughter is the only response we can offer.

  “Kids.” He shakes his head, his lips twitching before reminding us it’s time for bedtime and closing the door.

  Adam, on the other hand, doesn’t share our humor. He looks absolutely pissed off when he yells, “That’s it. Out. Now!”

  “We’re going. We’re going.” Saluting him, I lead the girls out of the room.

  “Did you think he peed his pants?” Kristen whispers as we go out.

  El shrugs. “I don’t know. But his girly scream was epic.”

  “And I’m not going to let him live it down,” Maddie giggles.

  Unsurprisingly, we burst out laughing again. And it grows louder once again when Adam slams his door shut, obviously hearing the conversation.

  As we go back to my room, still laughing and talking among ourselves, I admit to myself that this slumber party is the best one I’ve ever had.


  “So, how was the sleepover?” I almost jump out of my skin at the gruff voice near my ear.

  Closing my locker and whirling around, my forehead bumps with Dylan’s jaw. I glare up at him. “Did you really have to sneak up on me?”

  He just smirks down at me. “Since when did you get jumpy?”

  I ignore him, hoisting my bag higher on my shoulder. “The sleepover turned out great.”

  It was more than great. It had been awesome. Who knew I’d have fun at a slumber party? The last one I had was years ago back in ninth grade when I was forced by my mom to go even though I wasn’t even friends with the other girls who came. I got bored and ended up sneaking out early in the morning.

  But last night… Last night had been a lot of fun. After we scared the crap out of my twin, we went back to my room and binge-watched movies on Netflix, sleeping at around three in the morning.


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