Perfectly Clueless

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Perfectly Clueless Page 4

by Madeleine Labitan

  I let out a yawn, my body reminding me that I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Eh, it was worth it.

  “I’m glad you and Kristen are getting along,” Dylan tells me. “She likes you.”

  “She does, huh?” I can’t even infuse sarcasm into my voice.

  Because the truth is I’m starting to like Kristen. After I had the chance to hang out with her last night, I realized she's not so bad.

  We're not going to be best friends any time soon. Or ever. But I can't bring myself to be a complete bitch to her anymore.

  Who knows? Maybe she'll be good for him. In ways I'll never be. And maybe, just maybe, being friends with her will force me to fall out of love with Dylan. I can only hope.

  "Hey, honey."

  Speak of the devil.

  Kristen approaches, her arm slipping around Dylan's waist.

  I glance away when he bends down to kiss her, my eyes locking with Rohan’s, who happens to be walking down the hall at the same time. I honestly don't know what came over me when I let loose a smile.

  Then Rohan shocks me when he smiles back. The boy who rarely smiles just smiles at me—again. Did...Did that just seriously happen?

  I'm still staring after him even when he disappears from view.

  “What the hell was that about?” Dylan's sharp voice brings my attention back to them.

  “Oh, leave her alone.” Kristen swats his chest then widens her eyes at me. "Bianca, Rohan totally smiled at you!"

  "Eh, he was probably smiling at someone else,” I say lightly, playing it down.

  "Don't be silly. That smile was meant for you. And the fact that his smiles don’t come often makes it all the more precious." She practically swoons when she says, “He’s such a cutie, isn’t he? And he seems to like you. That’s exciting!”

  “Kristen, he literally just smiled at me. How could you have possibly known that he likes me?”

  Really, it was just one damn smile. Who knows? Maybe Rohan was just in the mood to smile at that particular moment. How would anyone know it meant something more?

  “Was he the guy?” The edge in Dylan’s tone makes me whip my head back to him.

  “What guy?”

  “The guy you refused to tell me about.”

  I stare at him blankly before it dawns on me. He’s talking about that imaginary guy back at his dad’s garage. “You’re still into that?”

  “Guy? What guy? And still into what?” Kristen looks between the two of us in confusion.

  “Nothing,” I say before Dylan can open his big mouth again. “Dylan is just being stupid.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  The first period bell rings just then and I’m thankful for the excuse to end our conversation. “Oh, look. It’s time for class.”

  Dylan gives me a look that says we will revisit the subject again.

  Yeah, good luck with that. It’s a non-issue, anyway. I don’t even know what’s the big deal.

  “We have to go.” Kristen pulls Dylan away. Over her shoulder she tells me, “See you later, B.”

  One sleepover and she’s already calling me “B.” How cute.

  I simply nod and watch them walk away, ignoring the familiar sting inside me.

  “They look so perfect together, don’t they?” a sarcastically sweet voice says behind me.

  Turning around, I come face to face with Erin Taylor. I give her a bored look. “Oh, you’re still around? Here I thought you’re already cancelled.”

  Her popularity took somewhat of a nosedive after it came out that she was hooking up with Jason Everly while letting everyone think it was Madison. Serves her right for being a massive bitch.

  Her sneer disappears, replaced by a mean look. “Well I’d rather be cancelled than be a pathetic loser who’s secretly in love with her best friend when said best friend doesn’t even notice she’s a girl.” She takes a little step closer. “Accept it. He will never go for someone like you. You’re nothing like Kristen.”

  I clench my fist to control the urge to punch her in the face. She’s not worth the detention I’d surely get.

  Seeing my reaction, her smirk widens.

  A giggling Mackenzie Brown walks past us just then, with her boyfriend Sean Murphy whispering something in her ear. It causes Erin to stare hard after them, her teeth obviously grinding.

  An evil grin takes over my face. “Who’s the pathetic loser again?”

  She just rolls her eyes and walks away.

  “Walk away now, real loser,” I cackle loudly after her, feeling incredibly catty.

  Whatever. She started it.

  But despite me telling myself her hateful words don’t mean a thing, they stay with me for hours. You’re nothing like Kristen.

  It’s true. I’m not like her. But since when did I aspire to be her? The girl is turning out to be nice and all, but I’m pretty damn happy being myself. Why change that? I’m aware that I sometimes feel pathetic with my unrequited feelings for Dylan, but a loser? Hah. Never.

  Erin Taylor can eat my cool ass.

  The words still nag at me though, pissing me off, that by lunchtime I’m practically scowling down at my food and refusing to participate in the conversation around the table. Just one wrong word and I’m ready to bite someone’s head off.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to show up at Todd’s after school. I’m too sleepy. I’m barely able to pay attention in my classes,” El is complaining to Nick. She sits with us sometimes.

  Nick chuckles. “Let me guess, because of the slumber party you girls had last night? Don’t worry about Dad. I’ll cover for you.”

  Like El, Nick also works at his Dad’s pizza place, although not as often as his cousin. He works there mostly when he needs a boost to his allowance. I’d ask if he’s going on a date, but I’m not in the mood to talk.

  “Thank you so much,” El breathes out. “I’ll owe you one.”

  “Eh, it’s nothing.”

  “Hey, Kristen told me something.” El turns to me, oblivious to my sour look. “Is there something going on with you and Rohan Mallick?” She utters his name in a hushed tone, as if afraid he’s listening.

  The hell? I glare at Kristen’s table across the cafeteria where Dylan is sitting. Sloan is there too, trying to charm Kristen’s preppy friends. Why did she even have to mention something so trivial to El?

  “Nothing’s going on, okay?” I snap. “Kristen doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean—” she sputters, looking a little embarrassed.

  “Someone’s in a pissy mood,” Nick snickers.

  “Sorry,” I tell El, feeling guilty for raising my voice at her. “Just having a bad day.”

  She nods, giving me a tight smile.

  I blow out a breath. This is what happens when I let stupid words affect me. I really should’ve punched Erin in the face when I had the chance.


  Parking Adam’s car at the curb, I grab the folders from the passenger seat and climb out.

  Mom forgot some important files at home so I’m bringing them to her and Dad’s place of business.

  She was asking for Adam, but he and Maddie looked to be having a moment in the family room. I didn’t want to interrupt, so I decided to do it myself. I had nothing else to do anyway, after I finished doing a couple homework.

  Walking into the reception area, I pass by Nancy—my parents’ secretary who’s currently talking to someone on the phone—and go straight to Mom’s office. The door’s already ajar so I enter the room without knocking.

  I’m already inside when I notice she’s not alone. There’s a client sitting in front of her desk.

  They both turn to look at me.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Just here to bring the files,” I say apologetically, raising the hand carrying the files.

  The male client, who looks familiar to me for some reason, gives me a reassuring smile. “It’s okay,” he says in a thick British accent.
br />   “Thank you, sweetie.” Mom stands from behind her table, looking so put-together in her form-fitting wrap dress and French chignon. It also makes her look like someone who’s only in her late thirties instead of late forties. She makes the introduction after taking the files from me. “This is my daughter Bianca. Sweetie, this is Mr. Raoul Mallick. He mentioned his son also goes to your high school. You may know him from one of your classes.”

  “Uh, is your son Rohan Mallick?”

  “Ah, you do know him,” Mr. Mallick chuckles. “Is he your classmate?”

  So that’s why he looks familiar. And now that it finally clicks, I feel like I’m staring at the older version of Rohan. The resemblance between father and son is definitely strong.

  I nod and smile. “We have Government together.”

  Not wanting to cause any delay on their meeting, I promptly excuse myself and step out of the office, making sure to close the door behind me. I’m thinking of saying hi to Dad, but seeing that the door to his office is closed, I assume he’s entertaining a client as well. I don’t want to make another interruption.

  When I reach the reception area, there’s a boy sitting on the receiving couch. Huh. He must have got in after me. He wasn’t there when I arrived.


  He glances up, startled. Then rises from the couch. “Bianca.”

  “Are you waiting for your dad? He’s in Mom’s office.”

  “Ah, yes. We arrived together. I was just using the loo.”

  “That’s why I didn’t see you when I got here.” I should probably leave, but my curiosity is piqued. “What do you need the Hayes Realties’ services for? Are you planning to sell your house?” Are they moving back to London?

  He rubs the back of his neck. “Actually, we’re planning to buy one. At the moment we’re living in my uncle’s house. He and his family moved across the state years ago, so Mum and Dad volunteered to house sit for them when we moved from London. But now my parents decided it’s time to have our own home here in town.”

  “So you’re looking at potential properties.”

  “Basically yes.”

  “Well, don’t worry, you’re in great hands.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” he chuckles.

  Wow. He really is a cutie when he smiles.

  Shaking my head of the silly thought, I tell him. “So I’m heading out. Guess I’ll see you later?”

  I turn for the door, about to step out, when his words stop me. “I didn’t know you’re a fan of indie music.”

  Huh? But then I remember I’m wearing my Reckless Pursuit shirt.

  Does Rohan know them? Of course I have to turn back around to discuss it. “It’s never been a secret. Are you telling me you are, too?”

  “I know the drummer. He’s my cousin,” he says, a little sheepish.

  My eyes widen. “No shit?”

  His sheepish smile grows. “Yes. The uncle I told you about? Well his eldest son, Angelo, decided to stay behind. The band was newly formed then.”

  Angelo Bradford is his cousin? That’s the coolest thing ever! “Oh man, you need to introduce me to them,” I say shamelessly.

  He just chuckles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “How did you come to know them, anyway?”

  “I went to the music festival in the city last year.” Well, me and Dylan. He took me there as a surprise for my seventeenth birthday. The band was playing there, and I fell in love with their music right there and then. “They were awesome. I’ve downloaded their songs in Spotify.”

  “Same. They produce bloody good music.” He scratches his nose, the sheepish expression coming back. “Tell you what, if they ever have a gig nearby I’ll try to score some tickets for you. If you fancy going, that is.”

  “Please. As if I’ll turn that down. Dude, you’d seriously be my hero if that happens.”

  Rohan laughs at that, his infectious laughter making me laugh along with him. He really should smile and laugh often at school.

  “Looks like you two are having fun.”

  Turning to the direction of the voice, I see Mom and Rohan’s dad walking toward us, both of them smiling.

  Rohan clears his throat. “Should we head out?”

  Mr. Mallick nods at his son before turning to Mom and shaking her hands. “I’ll keep in touch.”

  “I’ll have the pictures sent to you sometime tomorrow,” Mom says.

  “See you at school?” Rohan tells me, echoing my earlier words to him.

  I laugh. “Sure.”

  He and his dad step out then. But before they do, he looks at me over his shoulder and smiles.

  I smile back, watching them disappear outside.

  “That boy is cute,” Mom whispers behind me.

  I roll my eyes. Of course she’d notice that. “He’s just a classmate, Mom. And he’s not interested in me in any way.”

  I know my mother. She’d continue teasing me about Rohan if I don’t put the brakes on it. Truthfully, she’s still teasing me about Dylan up to this day. I never told her about my real feelings for him, but something tells me I never really have to. Mothers always know, don’t they?

  “I don’t know, honey. I saw the way he looked at you. And that was far from being not interested.”

  Great. Now she sounds like Kristen. Oh, whatever. They can think what they like, but I know the truth. Rohan isn’t interested in me at all.


  My head is resting on top of Dylan’s stomach, and I’m belting out the lyrics of the song currently playing, matching the volume of the music coming from his iPod. We’re in his room, chilling out when Spice Girls’ Who Do You Think You Are comes on. And one does not listen to Spice Girls without singing along.

  Even Dylan is singing under his breath. He’s pretending not to. But I can totally hear him.

  He can pretend to be cool and aloof nowadays, but when we were kids we used to sing and dance along to Wannabe—him, me and sometimes even Adam. Honestly, I wish Mom had caught those times on video. It would have been epic seeing the look on their faces if I could show it to them now.

  When the song ends, Dylan reaches out to adjust the volume on his iPod. I don’t mind since the next song isn’t exactly my vibe.

  We stay quiet, both of us preoccupied by our respective thoughts. Although I’m just really enjoying the moment. This is one of the few times where I get to have Dylan all to myself. We haven’t been spending a lot of time together lately. And I’ve been missing him.

  I suspect he feels the same way. When he drove me home after school, he surprised me when he said he wanted to hang out with me the whole afternoon. I guess that’s why he made sure to drop Kristen off first.

  Can’t say I’m not pleased by that. Knowing he still wants to spend alone time with me despite having a girlfriend makes my heart somersault with joy. It also tells me that no matter what, he’ll still have time for me. I didn’t know I needed that kind of assurance until today. Dylan never says a word about it, but then he doesn’t have to.

  “Kristen wants to go to the drive-in Friday night,” Dylan says all of a sudden. “She likes to check out whatever’s playing.”

  “Uh, okay?” I don’t even know why he felt the need to tell me.

  “Come with us. I’ll ask Nick and Sloan, too.”

  “Are you serious?” That makes me sit up and stare down at him, my hair cascading down my back in the process.

  I try to ignore how annoyingly sexy he looks lying with his hands behind his head. He’s only wearing an undershirt, his defined biceps on full display and tempting me like crazy.

  You’re such a perv, Bianca.

  Only when it comes to D.


  FFS, I mean Dylan! Not that kind of “D.” Geez, brain, get yourself out of the gutter.

  I shake my head to ward off my inner crazy. “It’s supposed to be a date between you and Kristen, D.”

  “So?” He shrugs. “I’m not allowed to bring my friends alon
g if I want?”

  I fix him an exasperated look. Because, wow, this guy. “Do you even know how a date works?”

  “I’m not an idiot,” he grumbles, scowling.

  “I’m not saying you are.” I bite the insides of my cheek to keep from laughing. “But considering you’re practically a virgin in the dating department—” I yelp when he suddenly pounces on me. I’m pinned on the bed and he’s hovering above me. I don’t miss the wicked glint in his eyes, telling me he’s up to something.

  “Virgin, you say?” A smirk spreads across his face.

  “Don’t you dare!” I yell.

  But he already launches his attack, tickling me furiously on the sides.

  I’m laughing so hard while trying my best to escape the assault, but to no avail. The bastard simply won’t let up. He knows my ticklish spots and he’s taking full advantage of them.

  “Uncle! Uncle!” I gasp out in between breathless laughter.

  Stopping, Dylan gives me a smug look. “Still calling me a virgin?”

  Because I’m a masochist, I continue to taunt him. “But you are a vir—”

  He doesn’t even let me finish. The tickle-attack is back in full force. And I’m reduced into a gasping, writhing mess once again.

  “You asshole!” I manage to blurt out, panting hard after he’s done tormenting me.

  “You’re too easy.” He grins wide, reaching down to pinch my nose.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts our banter, making us turn our heads toward the door. We always leave it open whenever we’re in his room.

  We should’ve probably closed it today though. Because Walter and Kristen are staring at us from the door. Walter is sporting an amused look on his face, while Kristen has her mouth open in shock. It’s almost comical.

  That’s when it dawns on me. Dylan is straddling my stomach.

  I push him off me and quickly rise from the bed, running a hand through my hair. “Sorry. We’re just messing around.” When her eyes widen, I quickly amend, “Dude, not that kind of messing around. He was just being a bully.”


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