Silent Witness

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Silent Witness Page 5

by Aurora Rose Lynn

  All those lost years, he thought sadly, when she’d been out of his reach, when he’d ached with a passionate longing that knew no bounds. She was his counterpart at a social level, one of the nobility of Celadia. She’d have nothing to do with him nine years ago, when he’d first met her and had wanted her with a longing that went beyond passion and bordered obsession. The dozen times he’d lain in wait for her as she left a masked ball dressed in lavender ribbons and froufrou or when she’d been walking home in the valley, unescorted by her private bodyguards. He knew how she valued those times of being an ordinary citizen, but invariably, something would intervene before he could grab her, rip off her panties and force her to acknowledge that she needed him as much as he needed him. Each time they’d encountered one another over the intervening years, they’d played at not knowing the other, and circumstances beyond their control— or was it their inability to recognize they belonged to each other? —had kept them apart.

  “Oh please! Stop the dramatics!” She raised her hips higher, taking his long length in deeper.

  He sighed with pleasure.

  “I know about the times when I evaded my bodyguards, and you lay in wait for me. I sensed you.” She gave him one of her effervescent smiles, the kind that said ‘I told you so.’

  “Is there anything I can do that you don’t know about?” he muttered, not surprised that she knew.

  She shook her head. “Finish this, Daniel. I want you to see spiralling rainbows and fluttering butterflies and moving mountains and—”

  Daniel shut her up, pressing his lips to hers, and prying them apart with fierce possession.

  She wrapped her ankles around his waist and held on even as her nails painfully dug into his shoulders. Their tongues mated, quested for familiar territory, and she thrust her hips higher to accommodate him even better.

  He wanted to slow down, to kiss her all over every satiny inch of her body, but the building pressure in his balls and the frantic search wouldn’t let him. Stretching his neck towards the ceiling, he waited for the explosion to shatter his nerve endings. When Lia’s pussy clenched around his shaft, he could wait no longer. Together they soared through that hollow region where neither time nor space existed, but only two people who had found tender comfort in each other’s arms.

  * * * *

  Mel huffed a breath as the pair vanished into an oblivion they’d probably created for themselves. Lia and Harmon were sick exhibitionists, at the very least, twisted lovers at the most. The class muttered profanities.

  “This is what I pay tuition for?” Sal grumbled, clearly unhappy he’d been unable to participate in laying Lia, although he had a weak recollection of a haunting memory, or had it been a dream, of fucking her. Paul and Roberts looked around with glazed eyes and flushed faces. It didn’t take a genius to figure out they’d been looking forward to some action with the pretty looker, but events had turned weird.

  Disgruntled, the students filed out, one by one. Mel was fairly certain the administrative office would hear at least a few complaints about the class’ failure to meet expectations. She formulated a plan, but Lia and Harmon could wait. She got to her feet and stopped Paul and Roberts from leaving.

  She thrust her tits out and asked in as seductive a tone as she could manage, “Hey guys. Wanna a little fun?”

  The two men glanced at each other, turned back to her and said at the same time, “Oh yeah!”

  Mel canted her head to one side. “Are you two twins or something?” Although she couldn’t see how since their surnames were different.

  Paul’s lips curved in a smile. “You could say that.”

  They approached her from either side. Mel had a split second to reconsider her invitation but decided that after the drama between Lia and Daniel, she could use a mind-blowing orgasm herself. And how better than with two blonde-haired men catering to her every whim?

  Paul paused, looked towards Roberts and asked to Mel’s surprise, “Dom or sub?”

  “Definitely sub,” came the quick response.

  Paul inclined his head and chuckled.

  Mel felt as if they’d ganged up on her, but before she could protest, the men took her by the hand and led her between the empty desks to the front of the classroom.

  “Hey guys, play nice,” she pleaded, surveying Paul’s face. Brooding, dark brown eyes were set wide in a pleasant but not overly masculine face. He had lips that might be considered a shade too full and holy cripes! Mel swallowed hard as her gaze lowered down to his chest, past a belt with a small phoenix rising from the ashes and to his crotch. The man’s cock was huge! He’d never fit inside her.

  Disconcerted, not tugging on her wrists, she observed that Roberts was big, too. The massive bulge at his crotch made her sweat. “Um, guys, how about we go home for dinner?”

  “Together?” Paul asked with droll sense of humour.

  “Um, no. That’s not such a good idea.” She changed her mind suddenly. She hadn’t realised these men were built like bulls. No way they’d fit in her little pussy. Her arms broke out in wild goose bumps as she caught sight of Robert’s tight grin. Her nipples puckered painfully under her thin blouse and cunt juice streamed down the inside of her left thigh. She had the feeling they had no intention of letting her go. They were horny after watching Lia.

  Past the descending fog in her mind, she heard Paul say, “Just relax, Melissa. You’re really, really going to enjoy this gyno exam.”

  All Mel could do was lift her shoulders in a half shrug, but the words, “I’m screwed, I’m screwed,” kept echoing in her head.

  Chapter Six

  “Do you think my class learned anything from watching you with your thighs spread and waiting for a hard dick?” Daniel asked with a wriggle of his eyebrows. He loved having Lia, willing and compliant, in his bed, her face flushed and her eyes, usually so expressive and observant, dreamy and unfocused. Her lips were slightly parted as she gasped.

  “Did I give you pleasure?” he asked, stroking a finger along the tip of her breast. Her skin was as soft as that of a rose petal.

  She moaned and her vibrant, emerald eyes flashed open. “Would you mind unhanding me?” She yanked on her wrists to free them, but he was stronger.

  He sighed, his cock already hard and ready for her again. “You have the sweetest way of making your wishes known.”

  Her lips curled in a lascivious smile. “You think so? Then why aren’t you complying?”

  “Because I need you again.”

  “That’s no reason not to free my hands.”

  “Have you seen my back recently? You’ve embedded your pretty nails in my skin many times.”

  She cut him off, her breathing quieting. “Love marks, nothing else.”

  “Hmm.” He bent over her and nipped the base of her throat, moving higher towards her ear. He laved her skin and sucked hard.

  She squirmed underneath him. “You’ll ruin my pristine look,” she complained.

  He lifted his head and burst into a raw guffaw of laughter. “Your pristine look? Who are you kidding?”

  She pressed her lips together, refusing to fall for the bait. She should have been on Celadia, preparing for a charity ball or any number of other trivialities noblewomen occupied themselves with

  He ground his hips against her smooth thighs, curled his lips and kissed the crown of her ear. She’d be hot for him in a moment—if she wasn’t already. “Remember that time when we were in the bar on Zangrie, and you protested you didn’t want all those men staring up your cunt?”

  “Don’t remind me.” She closed her eyes against the memories pressing in on her.

  Even though the other men were false selves, he’d been jealous and madder than hell with six pairs of hot, male eyes perusing her pink clit and cunt gaping open with hunger and yearning passion. Nothing satisfied her sexual hunger for very long. When they’d first met nine years earlier, he’d been able to sate her but not for long. He’d conjured different men for her, in pairs and trios, a
nd even though she’d enormously enjoyed their attention knowing she was in a safe environment, he’d made himself sick with jealousy. He wanted to keep her for himself, to lock her away and throw away the key, but lately, her sexual appetite knew no bounds. The classroom, with a few ‘real’ people thrown in, had been his last ditch effort to appease her mounting sexual hunger.

  “We have to talk, Lia.” He didn’t want to tell her that the continual shifting, splitting his energies into other selves was wearing him down. If he kept this up, he’d end up ill or, even worse, dead.

  He’d spoken in such a serious tone, Lia examined him with keen awareness. “What’s wrong, Daniel?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, and he averted his eyes. “You’re wearing me out.”

  She laughed, disbelieving her ears. “I’m what?”

  “You’re wearing me out.”

  Her laugh died in her throat. Daniel was absolutely serious.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen back at home?” She paused, searching for possibilities. Daniel wasn’t normally morose. “Are you ill?”

  He let her go, rolled over to one side and rested his head on the pillow next to hers. “Everyone’s fine at home. Your mom and dad, everyone.”

  His palm caressed an erotic trail of fire along her hip and along her outer thigh. She could so easily have him again, she thought languidly, her eyes fixed on his handsome face. Her hand slid along the tousled bed sheet between them, headed towards his groin and his half-flaccid cock.

  Daniel stopped her, clasped his fingers over her knuckles. “Not now, Lia. I’ve got to tell you something.”

  Lia sat up, her vagina sore from the lovemaking yet wanting more. “So? If it’s not my family or yours then what is it?” She stroked the hard ridge of his biceps. He was rock hard everywhere except where she wanted him right now.

  His tongue darted out between his lips, and he lowered his gaze.

  “You found someone else?” Her heart sank like a stone plummeting from fifty feet. She couldn’t face the fact he might care about another woman the way he did about her. Or more.

  “No.” He spoke the single syllable with an unaccustomed terseness.

  “Did you marry someone else?”

  On Celadia very often, the wife wasn’t the real head of the household but a mistress instead who vied with the wife for nights with her lover. More often than not, the mistress received the better portion of those steamy nights. Lia couldn’t bear the thought of sharing Daniel even though that was an unspoken custom on Celadia. She chalked it up to being selfish, wanting her man to herself all day and all night. Sharing wasn’t her strong point, especially when it came to men.


  Relief washed over her. “The suspense is killing me, Daniel. Talk.”

  He usually would have made a light-hearted sexual remark, but he didn’t. “Maybe you should put your clothes on for this.”

  She lifted an arched eyebrow and said peevishly, “I’ve already got boots on. Why are you stalling, Lord Daniel Harmon?”

  He pushed her hand away, rolled off the bed effortlessly, every movement virile, masculine and graceful. Disliking his stance, she pulled the silk sheet over her hips. “You’re scaring me,” she said in a small voice. Fear ate at her. Was he going to tell he’d had enough?

  Daniel turned towards the window giving her the opportunity, despite herself, to admire his physique. So powerful, so latently sexual, so overwhelming to her female senses. He stood without moving.

  “Lia, there are men you have no idea about,” he began slowly. “Men who initially have your well-being at heart but soon turn the tables and become extremely possessive. They make love to you, over and over, and the woman gets to feeling as if she can never have enough sex, both with that men and others.”

  Lia waved an impatient hand. “What’s wrong with that?” As if her sexual appetite was unquenchable. That’s all she could think about. What was wrong about that? It simply meant she had a strong libido.

  “Nothing.” Abruptly Daniel faced her, his eyes narrowed and his hands clenched together. “It’s a group of Celadian men. They, we, get a woman to do our bidding in bed and out, and the woman can’t get enough. All she can think about is sex and sex and more sex. Finally, she has to be committed, put away.”

  Lia listened impatiently. “What does this have to do with me? With us?” she queried. She wanted him again, got to her knees on the bed and toyed with her nipples in silent invitation The man was pure sin. There was no getting around that.

  “Let me suck your cock. That should make you feel better.” Instead of telling stories about other Celadians’ woeful experiences. “You always love it when my tongue swirls around the tip of your big, big, dick,” she murmured.

  Suddenly, strong hands jarred her to her feet.

  “Don’t you get it, woman? I’m one of those men, and you’re my sex slave!” Daniel shouted.

  Lia’s lips parted in abject shock. Her lover had never, ever raised his voice at her, let alone shouted. And the wild look in his eyes frightened her. Her limbs began to tremble uncontrollably.

  “I shouldn’t have yelled at you,” Daniel said, his voice abject misery. Tenderly, he sat beside her, leaving several inches between their thighs although he continued to hold her hand between his. “You have to understand you’re in danger. There are slave traders that would give a lot of money for you. If any of those unscrupulous men come along, they’ll put a collar around your neck. They’ll haul you off and sell you to a lunatic or even worse, to a brothel where you’ll be a prisoner, where you’ll have to service every male whether you want to or not.”

  Lia examined his face. The wildness was still there lurking in his blue eyes and his jaw worked with suppressed what? Anger, helplessness, pity? She couldn’t tell.

  “What are you saying?” she asked in a whisper. She didn’t know whether to believe him and be afraid or to laugh hysterically at the story he’d told her. “I’ve never heard of these…” She searched her mind for the appropriate word. “These vultures,” she finished lamely.

  Daniel hung his head. “Vultures is right. It starts as an adolescent game to find a girl and have sex with her enough times that she attunes to your energy field. That energy field isn’t normally destructive in a normal man, but in a Celadian Maestro, it harnesses the woman’s sexual energy for her lifetime whether she is near him or not.”

  “Even when he’s dead?” Lia asked incredulously. She’d never heard of such a thing even though she was Celadian herself. Was this a secret the Maestros kept to themselves, fearing repercussions throughout society? It wasn’t as if the nobility was well liked on the planet, as it was.

  Her lover nodded. “At any distance.” He brushed the back of his hand across his wet cheeks. “You’re now one of those women. I can’t let these others find you to sell you.”

  “They won’t,” Lia crooned like a mother to a hurt child. Even as she soothed him, she didn’t fully understand what all this meant. She’d lived such a pampered life where she was always protected from the vile part of Celadian nature. Was Daniel hiding one of those dirty little secrets the nobility never discussed with anyone for fear of reprisal from the masses? Her heart shattered into tiny, bleeding pieces. Did Daniel still love her or had he used her for his own ends?

  * * * *

  Mel choked back the hysterical laughter threatening to bubble from between her lips. Paul and Roberts were okay guys, she guessed. They weren’t the type of macho guys who took ladies against their will. And she had asked for a sexual experience. No doubt with the two men she was about to get her wish.

  She lay down on the medical bed’s cool, rustling plastic sheets and wondered if Paul and Roberts would tie her ankles to the stirrups to hold her legs immobile. Or, she thought with chagrin, they could use a stretcher bar, a piece of metal to show her pussy. “Are you going to tie me up?” she asked hesitantly, peering at Paul who appeared to be the more casual of the two.

  “Do you want me to?” he asked, looking directly into her eyes. The forthright gaze sent shivers of excitement down her spine and into her womb.

  “I don’t care too much for being hogtied,” she murmured, knowing her nipples had become turgid peaks against her sheer blouse. “Or for being spread-eagled,” she added as an afterthought.

  Bondage of any kind didn’t appeal to her. Too much of the past lurked in the shadows of her memory. Mel only wanted to shove them deeper and have fun with Paul and Roberts. A lot of fun.

  Roberts nodded in silent agreement while Paul said, “Your wish is my command, beautiful lady.”

  Mel had never had a lover, outside of Lia, who treated her with respect bordering on adoration, yet these two men did just that. Paul gently slipped the buttons from the buttonholes on her blouse. Roberts reached to her side and pulled down the skirt zipper.

  The whole scene suddenly became surreal. Mel in an empty classroom with a duo of extremely attentive men who wanted to show her a good time. Not that she didn’t want to do a few things she’d never done before. Like suck their big cocks, taking turns with each. In her mind, she tasted the pre-cum from Paul’s rock-hard dick then shifted on her knees with her mouth to Roberts’ cock. She would have thought it impossible, but her nipples became more painfully erect than they’d been, and her juices flowed between the crack of her ass. Man, but she was in a bad way, and they’d not even started.

  “Do you want to live some fantasy other than the one we’re showing you?” Paul asked, his large hands pausing on her breasts, preparatory to his slipping the fabric off her tits.

  Mel swallowed hard, disbelieving her ears. “Come again?”

  “I have the feeling this isn’t your foremost fantasy,” Paul replied easily, lifting the blouse away from each globe with a reverence that struck Mel with awe—an experience she’d never had before.

  At a loss for words, all she could say was, “Ah, yeah.”


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