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Trinity High: High School Bully Romance

Page 22

by Savannah Rose

  My phone buzzes.

  “We need to go,” Kellan says, his breathing ragged as he watches Valenti in the throes of agony. I can’t even look anymore. Hearing him is enough to make my stomach turn.

  “Hold on,” I reply, checking my phone. It’s a message from Elly. An attachment.

  I should open it later, but curiosity gets the better of me, and I open the message. Nausea comes over, closing my throat up, as the image attachments come on the screen. The ME in his chair, dead. He got a bullet to the head. The second photo is all the more terrifying, because it shows Elly, unconscious—or so I hope, at least, and bound to a pillar in some basement. I can tell from the lighting and the small, rectangular windows behind her.

  “Fuck,” I manage, showing both pictures to Gage and Kellan.

  “He found out about the ME,” Gage whispers, his eyes bulging.

  This is it. Our last chance to do right by Elly and stop this from going beyond the point of no return.

  I make a quick call to make sure that my mom’s security is as tight as they get, promising to double whatever the hell Kevin could possibly pay them if he offers them anything. These guys are known to be loyal. But even loyalty is known the crack under the pressure of a few Benjamins.

  My mind spins with thoughts of Elly, tied up the way she is. There’s hope, I think. You don’t exactly restrain a dead girl. Part of me knew we might have to deal with this, sooner rather than later, but I hoped we’d get to Kevin before he took Elly.

  Obviously, I was wrong. Looking at Kellan and Gage, I breathe deeply, slipping the cyanide vials back in my bag.

  “Come on, we’ve got work to do,” I say.

  We vanish into the night, like shadows of vengeance. Our mission isn’t done yet. I only pray that we find Elly before it’s too late. Rage threatens to take over my senses, but I have to keep going. I can’t stop. If anything happens to her, I’ll… burn this whole fucking town to the ground, with everyone in it, until there’s no one and nothing left.

  “Rhett, he has Elly,” Kellan feels the need to say it aloud as we get into the Range Rover. “He has her…”

  “It’ll be okay,” I mumble, failing to reassure him.

  I can’t promise him that. But I can make sure we end this tonight, one way or another.

  “We stick to the plan,” Gage says, staring ahead from the backseat. “We stick to it.”

  “Yes, we do,” I reply, finding the sliver of strength I need in his words, as I turn the key in the ignition, and the engine roars to life.

  The plan is good. We’ve been designing it for days, now. It’s the three of us against Kevin. If the odds aren’t in our favor yet, we’ll make them be.



  Self-control is key in everything that’s about to happen next.

  I’m outside Kevin’s house, about to knock on his door. He’s probably expecting me, given the message he sent from Elly’s phone. I stare at the photo again, my heart heavy as I see her, bound and gagged and helpless. She doesn’t deserve any of this.

  Elly is the purest, sweetest thing in my life. In our lives, for that matter.

  We’ve hurt her. Abused her. Lied to her… and for what? She wound up in Kevin’s clutches, anyway. We underestimated him after grandpa died. I should’ve known that he wouldn’t stop there. I should’ve thought farther ahead. Maybe dad would still be alive. Maybe Elly would be safe, if only I’d had the courage to take Kevin out before he made his move.

  Mom was right. I’m not a killer. Otherwise, it would’ve come easier.

  I bang on the door. “Kevin! Open up, you son of a bitch!” I shout, breathing fast to get my blood pumping. The real anger simmers beneath the surface. This is merely my finest hour as a thespian. Those drama club geeks would love me right about now.

  The massive mahogany door opens, and Kevin appears, casual in his dark red robe, with a cigar between his fingers. His smile sickens me. “I take it you got my message?”

  “We need to talk,” I say.

  “We do?”

  He knows I’m not going to answer that. Chuckling, he steps back, allowing me in. It’s his biggest mistake, so far. Thinking he’s got me by the balls.

  “Let’s go in the kitchen. My wife is having one of those midnight cravings,” Kevin says, and I follow him down the hallway.

  I pass by one of the O’Donnell boys he’s got on his security detail. One of Gage’s second-degree cousins. Yet another mistake. Kevin’s cockiness is mind-boggling, to say the least. But I can’t get ahead of myself. He’s got Elly. Her life hangs in the balance and, in a way, so does mine.

  Brigitte’s at the dinner table, peeling the lid off a bucket of ice-cream, spoon ready next to it. She sees me and smiles, as if I’m simply a wonderfully unexpected surprise.

  “Hi, sugar plum!” she says. “What brings you here tonight?”

  “Oh, I was wondering if you’d suck me off again like you did on Memorial Day weekend. In the boathouse. Remember?” I reply, my tone as dry as a fucking desert.

  She stills, and Kevin whirls around to look at me with disbelief.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” he hisses, fury flickering in his green eyes.

  It was a gamble, but the look on his face was worth it. This may be the last inkling of joy I’ll ever get if I fail tonight. “She didn’t tell you?” I ask, playing the ingenue. “Those were the best twenty minutes of my life. I mean, I can see why you married her. With a mouth like that… sheesh…”

  “Do you want Elly back in pieces?” he replies, then gives Brigitte a dark look. “You get your ass back upstairs. We’ll talk in a bit about Memorial Day.”

  She’s terrified. I hope it sticks, because I’m not even done.

  “No, she should stay. I told you. We need to talk,” I say, my chin high, the hint of a smile settled on my lips.

  Kevin is not an idiot. He knows I’m playing on his ego right now. It’s a sociopath’s weakest spot, and he’s aware. He just needs a minute to get himself under control, before he does something he’ll regret. I’ve made him curious, and he can’t resist my willingness to discuss this entire situation.

  I hear steps in the hallway. Gage is on the move. Kellan’s busy, too. If there is silence, then we’re on the right track.

  “What is it you want to talk about, dear nephew,” Kevin finally says, having found his composure. He leans back against one of the kitchen counters, taking a long drag from his cigar.

  Brigitte crinkles her nose, disgusted by the smell, but she can’t say a word. She’s fucked six ways from Sunday. All she can do is sit here and watch her life fall apart, one piece at a time.

  “About how this is all going to end for you,” I reply, pointing at the bottle of brandy he’s got on the kitchen table, along with a couple of crystal tumblers. “Mind if I help myself?”

  “You can take your gloves off, first,” Kevin says.

  “Ah, right, sorry about that,” I chuckle, peeling the gloves off and shoving them in my back pocket. I pour myself a glass, remembering every single surface I’ve touched in the process, and gulp it all down, relishing the burning sensation the caramel liquid leaves behind.


  “So, what, Kevin?”

  “Will you cut the shit out?” he replies, smiling smugly.

  “Actually, no,” I say, pouring him a glass as well.

  A shadow darts past the kitchen window. A loud thump makes Brigitte jump. Kevin frowns and steps out, stopping in the hallway with his back at me. My hand’s in the bag. Looking over my shoulder, I see Kevin turn right. He tells the O’Donnell boy to check out that noise outside.

  Kellan’s face briefly appears in the window. I unscrew the cap off a cyanide vial, hand still in the bag. I’ve only got seconds to get this right. He vanishes, and a tap on the glass pane startles Brigitte enough to get her out of the chair. She checks the window, and I do what I came here to do.

  By the time Kevin is back, I’m done pouring his dri
nk, and Brigitte is shaking by the window. “Someone’s out there,” she says.

  “Sit the fuck down,” Kevin snaps. “The boys are checking it out.”

  Raising my eyebrows, I feign concern. “Something wrong?”

  “Are you up to something, Rhett?” Kevin asks, scowling at me. “I doubt you’d be this stupid.”

  “You underestimate me,” I say, wearing a sly grin.

  “Where’s your brother? Gage? You three are usually joined at the hip,” he mutters as I offer him the glass.

  “I didn’t want Kellan to come, because as you’ve already seen, he lacks self-control. As for Gage, I don’t know. He’s probably banging one or more of the cheerleaders. Let’s drink,” I say. “For the end of it all.”

  “You baffle me,” Kevin replies, taking a long sip.

  “And you make me sick, so… I guess we’re even?”

  “What kind of game are you playing at, you little shit?!” Kevin snaps, putting the glass down on the counter.

  I slowly move around the table, until I’m standing next to Brigitte. He watches me like a hawk. “You’ve always considered yourself the smartest person in the room,” I say. “But the thing is, Kevin… You’re not the only one who listened to grandpa when he talked about dealing with one’s enemies. I paid attention, too. So, I’m going to make you a one-time offer. Tell me where Elly is, and I won’t kill Brigitte right here, right now.”

  Kevin’s expression of irritation fades away. “You’re joking, right?”

  I take out the gun, silencer still on, and point it at Brigitte’s head. She shrieks with horror. Kevin straightens his back. “Michael!” he shouts. “Michael, get your ass back here now!”

  But the O’Donnell boy can’t hear him. “He’s outside, having a smoke with Gage,” I say calmly. “Listen, Kevin, I’m only going to say this once. This is your last chance to leave something of yours behind. As we speak, the O’Donnells are being informed about Valenti and how you killed my dad. I left enough dirt in Valenti’s vault for the feds to have a field day with him and his family. If I don’t get Elly back, your wife and your unborn child will die. Don’t think I won’t do it, though. You took something important from me. I’d like to pay you back in kind.”

  “You wouldn’t fucking dare,” Kevin grunts, blinking rapidly.

  “Hey, man, give me Elly and I’m out of your hair for good,” I say with a shrug. “You can have the businesses, the house, the cars, whatever the fuck you want. Just give me Elly. Or…” I cock the gun and press it against Brigitte’s temple. “You get my point, now, right?”

  “Honey, please,” Brigitte whimpers, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looks at him. “Please… tell him, get him out of here…”

  “Listen to your wife, Kevin.”

  I don’t have much time. He needs to come through quickly, so I press the nuzzle harder against Brigitte’s head. “Honey, please…”

  “You won’t get away with this,” Kevin snarls. He’s angry. He didn’t expect me to pull one on him like this. That’s the thing with underestimating an eighteen-year-old like me. I don’t have any fucking limits.

  “Probably not, but I can at least get Elly out of here,” I sigh. “I think it’s a fair deal. You’ve got three seconds, Kevin, and at the risk of repeating myself, after what you did to my family, rest assured that I will be putting a bullet in your wife’s head if you don’t give me what I want.”

  “You son of a bitch…”

  “Okay, you’ve got five seconds,” I say, finger firmly on the trigger. “Five. Four…”

  “Honey!” Brigitte cries out, quivering in her seat.


  Kevin still holds on to the thought that I wouldn’t hurt his wife. I need to get serious, before it’s too late, so I briefly point the gun down and fire. The bullet grazes her thigh, and she screams from the burning pain. Kevin is stunned.

  “There will only be stitches, Kevin, unless you let me get to zero here,” I continue, my nostrils flaring with savage delight. Blood trickles onto the floor, seeping through her yoga pants.

  “You bastard,” Kevin gasps.

  “Honey!” Brigitte is about to pass out, unless he stops this.

  “Two… one…”

  “Hold on!” Kevin barks, putting his hands up in a defensive gesture. If there’s one thing a psychopath like him loves more than himself, it’s the prospect of an heir, someone he can raise and mold in his own image. I played a good card. “44th and Lennox,” he says.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, slightly amused.

  “Of course I’m fucking sure, you little shit! Now get out before I put a cap in your ass!”

  I smile and put the gun away. “Well, okay, but not just yet,” I say, taking out the empty vial from my bag. I give it to Brigitte. She’s so dazed, she doesn’t even realize what just happened.

  “What… What’s this?” she mumbles.

  “Evidence,” I reply.

  “That’s it, I’m done with this…” Kevin’s voice trails off, as his skin begins to change color. It’s finally kicking in. He stares at me, realizing what has just happened.

  I take my phone out and call Kellan. “Yeah. It’s done. Come in.”

  Seconds later, Kellan and Gage join me in the kitchen, as the poisoning symptoms begin to manifest. Kevin’s breathing is heavier, ragged and gradually faltering. Brigitte is neutralized by her own shock and crippling fear. She doesn’t understand what’s going on, her lower lip trembling.

  “What… What did you do?” she whispers, looking at me, then at Kevin, who falls to his knees, gripping his throat with both hands, his purplish tongue sticking out.

  “Would it be too on the nose if I said I gave him a taste of his own medicine?” I wonder aloud, crossing my arms as I watch Kevin writhing and squirming on the fine marble floor.

  Foam drizzles around his mouth. He’s choking. Dying. Spending his last minutes in this world in utter agony—the same he put my father through. Brigitte gets down to hold him, hands shaking as she doesn’t know what to do. She’s losing her senses, crying inconsolably as she understands.

  “You… You piece of shit!” she screams at me.

  Kevin is on his back, eyes rolling into his head. No one’s death gives me any pleasure, but I know this was our only way to have a shot at even the semblance of a decent life. It’s over. Kevin’s last breath leaves him, and Brigitte is now a pregnant, slightly wounded widow.

  “For your information, Brigitte, your hubby’s paid goons are gone,” I say. “Kellan here took care of them. The O’Donnells are no longer with you, either, especially now, that Kevin is dead. In fact, I think they’ll be looking for some kind of retribution over what happened to our dad. You might want to make yourself scarce.”

  “You won’t get away with this!” she says, her eyes filled with venom as she rests her hands on Kevin’s chest.

  I put on my gloves and wipe down the glasses and the bottle of brandy. “Actually, I will. Everyone who could possibly testify against me and my brother is either dead or anything but interested in ratting us out,” I reply, then point at the vial she left on the table. “Plus, your fingerprints are all over that thing…”

  She stills, connecting a couple of dots. “You set me up… No, it won’t fly. I’m innocent!”

  “Not according to Michael here,” I sigh, as the O’Donnell fella shows up from the hallway. “He can and will be happy to testify against you in court. You and Kevin have been fighting a lot, lately. You took out an insurance policy on his life this morning. I mean, you could’ve at least waited a little bit longer before you offed my poor uncle.”

  “Wha… What?”

  I take out a document and leave it on the table. “This is your copy. The insurance company will provide on to the police, when the time is right.”

  She finds the strength to get back up and skims the document, flipping pages with shaky fingers. “You… How the fuck did you do this? You forged my signature. This will nev
er fly.”

  “Really, Brigitte. Are you sure you want to question the reach of a Flanagan?” Kellan reminds her.

  “You want to be smart about this, auntie,” I say. “Plead guilty, and you get life in prison. Your kid gets to live here, and I’ll make sure he or she is well looked after. We can’t punish a child for the sins of the father.”

  Brigitte is speechless. Maybe she’s not entirely sold on this yet.

  Gage delivers the final blow. “Or fight us on this, and you’ll still give birth in prison, and your kid will grow up in the system. We’ll make sure he never sees a penny of the Flanagan money. Everything you’ve worked for, all the shit you’ve probably had to put up with because of Kevin… it will have all been for nothing.”

  It doesn’t take long for Brigitte to understand her real odds in this development. As blindsided as she is, she can still process the basics. I can almost hear the wheels turning in her head.

  “Michael,” I say. “Stay with her and work on your stories. Then call 911.”

  The O’Donnell boy gives me a firm nod. “Uncle Connor’s on his way, already.”

  “Good. Let’s go,” I reply, glancing at Kellan and Gage. “I know where Elly is.”

  That’s all they need to know. Hope is a fickle and treacherous thing, especially if whoever’s holding Elly is armed. But I owe it to her. She needs us now, more than ever.



  My mouth feels like cotton. My throat burns. Every muscle in my body aches, as if I’ve been… electrocuted. Son of a bitch!

  I remember seeing Kyle behind my house. The pins of a taser.

  That son of a bitch!

  My shoulders hurt. The skin on my wrists and ankles feels raw. I’m bound. I can’t move. He tied my hands behind a pillar. Ah, my back is killing me…

  Why? Why would he do this? Why would Kyle do this?

  I don’t understand. My vision is hazy, but everything starts coming into focus. It’s dark in here. It smells old and damp. Water drips incessantly, somewhere in the corner. I groan and cough. I am so thirsty…


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