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Annihilation Saga IV - Fight and They Will Come

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew


  “No! My father beat it out of me. I never used that talent with anyone but Bong.”

  “If you had used it with me, we wouldn’t have gone through all this.”

  Eddie nodded, “I suppose you’re right, but I could not bring myself to violate your privacy.”

  “Eddie, look at my thoughts now.”


  “Just do it!”

  Eddie stared at her and sighed, “I’m sorry, Cali. I just can’t make myself look in your mind.”

  “You should know that I’m proud of what you’ve become and what you’ve accomplished.”

  “Knowing you’re proud of what I’ve made of myself brings me more happiness that I can ever express.”

  “I still care about you, Eddie.”

  “I care for you, too, Cali. I always have.”

  Cali went to the bed and put her arms around his neck, “Let’s try to do this again.”

  Eddie swung his legs off the bed and stood up in front of her; he took her hand in his and Cali laughed, as all the monitors began alarming at once.

  Chapter Five

  “Danielle, there’s been an interesting development.”

  “What is that, Sprigly.”

  “It appears there is a young man on Kelen that has united with a young DEC.”

  “Say what?”

  “I know, I don’t believe it either, but the DEC’s parents have told the Elders that their child cannot unite with an Algean. They say it’s already united with a human.”

  “Do you believe this is possible, Sprigly?”

  “No, Danielle! I do not!”

  Danielle was silent for a moment and then asked, “Have you ever known of a DEC to tell a lie?”

  Sprigly hesitated and then replied, “No, but they must be misinformed.”

  “See if you can get this young man to come to see me.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, Danielle.”

  Danielle went back to work on tracking how many galaxies had been moved into the Dark Dimension and, a few hours later, she heard, “Danielle.”

  “Yes, Sprigly.”

  “I tracked down the man and requested he come to Ross to meet with the Queen.”


  “Basically, he told me to go pound sand. Said if you want to see him, you know where Kelen is located.”

  Danielle’s eyes narrowed, “Is that so?”

  “It is. He’s a professor at Kelen Tech and said he would not leave his students for you or anyone else.”

  “Sprigly, isn’t Kelen Tech one of our highest rated technical institutions.”

  “It’s in the top five.”

  “Does that bother you at all?”

  “What do you mean, Danielle?”

  Danielle shrugged, “If a human could unite with a DEC, it would require a rather high-powered mind to make it happen.”

  “Danielle, it’s not possible! Just ignore this.”

  “Ok, if you’re sure.”

  “I’m positive. Humans don’t possess a mind that’s capable of doing it.”

  “Ok, if you say so.”

  Sprigly was silent and struggled with what Danielle pointed out. He finally said, “I guess stranger things have happened in the past.”

  Danielle snickered, “Do you want to go with me.”

  “I guess.”

  Danielle focused, “Tag, do you have a few minutes.”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “We’re going to take a trip.”

  “Where, Danielle?”

  “To talk with an arrogant professor.”

  “Pray tell, what about?”

  “Humans uniting with DECs.”

  Tag snorted, “Wasted trip, it can’t be done.”

  “I asked the professor to come see me, and he told me to shove it.”

  “Oh no he didn’t?!”

  “In so many words, he did.”

  “I’ll be there in a moment.”

  Sprigly teleported to the Kosiev’s bridge a moment before Tag arrived. Danielle looked up, “Grace, do you have Kelen Tech’s location?”

  “I do.”

  “Alex, jump us there.” The Alexander Kosiev disappeared from above Ross and appeared above Kelen. “Sprigly, where is he?”

  Sprigly focused on the planet and said, “Danielle, he’s currently teaching a class in the Math Building.”

  Danielle smiled, “Alex, teleport us to that class.”

  • • •

  Eddie was going over the previous night’s equation, when Danielle, Tag, and Sprigly appeared in the back of the auditorium. He saw them appear and sighed; he suspected this was coming. He stopped speaking and said, “If you’ve come here to talk with me, you’ll have to wait until after the class is over.”

  Every student turned around and saw the two-most-famous-faces in the universe. They were shocked silent, as Danielle smiled, “If you don’t mind, we’ll take a seat here.”

  Eddie nodded and said over the microphone, “Close your mouths and focus. Someone tell me why ‘R’ must be eliminated from the left side of this equation. Mr. Thomas, give it a try.”

  “Dr. Taylor, do you know who they are?”

  “Mr. Thomas, I’m fully aware of who they are but you are in my class and you will focus on this! You can ask for autographs after class. Now answer my question!”

  Sprigly looked at the equation on the monitor and thought to Danielle, “That equation is impossible. No one will be able to solve it.”

  The student went to the monitor and began writing lines. He worked the equation out and Eddie smiled, “Very good, Mr. Thomas.” He looked out at the class, “How many of you managed to solve it last night?” Three-quarters of the students raised their hands. “Those that didn’t solve it meet with one of my assistants later today and allow them to show you the error of your ways. Tonight’s assignment is now on the monitor.

  Sprigly looked at the monitor and thought to Tag and Danielle, “That equation deals with manipulating dark energy. Something isn’t right.” Sprigly looked at Eddie’s thoughts and his leaves instantly turned dark brown.

  “What’s wrong, Sprigly?” Danielle asked.

  “I was wrong. He has united with a DEC.”

  Danielle and Tag turned to the professor and saw him smile, as they heard his thought, “I was hoping you would just stay away.”

  Tag looked at Danielle and turned back to the professor. He showed no fear and appeared indifferent to any power they represented.

  • • •

  The bell rang ending the class and the students jumped out of their seats and headed toward Tag and Danielle. She held up her hand and thought where all could hear, “I’m truly sorry but we’ve come here to have an important discussion with Dr. Taylor. Please leave so we can talk in private.”

  The students were disappointed, but Eddie walked up the aisle to the Gardners and handed each of them a felt tip pen, “If you want to talk with me, you will autograph my student’s hats, shirts, books, or whatever they want you to sign. They are my reason for being here and you will honor them, or I will not discuss anything with you.”

  Tag’s eyes narrowed, and Danielle smiled, “Alrighty then, who’s first?”

  Tag glared at Eddie and he sat down and glared right back at him. After he signed the last student’s hat, he walked down to Eddie and said, “Do you know who you’re dealing with here?”

  “The Realm’s Ultimate Warrior, if I’m not mistaken, right?” Eddie answered. Tag’s eyes narrowed even more, and Eddie looked into Tag’s angry face and said, “How does your skills stand up to a DEC, Mister Gardner?”

  Tag, Danielle, and Sprigly heard a menacing thought, “I’d listen to him if I were you, Tag. I will not allow you to harm him.”

  Tag looked over his head and saw a DEC hovering. Danielle walked up to him and looked up with him, “What do you see?”

  “There’s a DEC about eight-feet above us.”
r />   Danielle turned to Eddie, “Are you threatening us?!”

  “It was your husband that came down here doing all the threatening.”

  Danielle turned to Tag, and he turned to her, “He isn’t showing the proper respect for the position you occupy.”

  Danielle shook her head, “There is no law that requires him to do so, Tag.”

  “There might not be a law but there are consequences,” Tag said with an angry expression.

  Eddie smiled, “I’ve always heard you were pretty smart, Mr. Gardner. You’re really pushing me to believe you really aren’t all that.” Tag’s head jerked around to Eddie, as he continued, “Why don’t you sit down and explain to me how I’m the one being disrespectful.”

  Tag’s mouth tightened, “Are you suggesting it’s not you but us being disrespectful?” Tag asked with a sneer.

  “Tag, if you can take on Rose in an argument…” Danielle’s voice trailed off.

  Tag looked at her and smiled, “You’re right.” He sat down in a chair on the front row and said, “State your case.”

  Eddie smiled, “Actually, I’m the one being accused. Why don’t you start.”

  • • •

  Danielle saw a young coed sitting in the middle of a row halfway back in the auditorium. She walked back and sat down beside her, “I asked that this conversation be private.”

  “I know. But nothing being said here will be anything I don’t already know. Would you leave your husband to be interrogated without your being there?”

  “Is Dr. Taylor your husband?”

  “Not yet.” Cali leaned in and whispered, “He still needs some convincing.”

  Danielle smiled and said, “Why don’t we move forward and listen in.”

  Cali smiled, “After you, Your Majesty.”

  • • •

  Tag gathered his thoughts and started speaking, “You will agree that Danielle is the chosen ruler of the New Stars Realm.”

  “Yes, I will,” Eddie replied.

  “And as such, she deserves the respect of her subjects?” Eddie nodded. “And Kelen is a member of the Realm and has sworn to follow her directives.”

  “What do you mean by directives?”

  Tag lowered his eyes, “Anything she orders, will be followed by the members of the Realm.”

  “Ok, I’ll agree to that.”

  “So, by not coming to meet with her, you did not follow her request and showed disrespect for her position as the Queen.”

  Eddie leaned forward, “Would you mind repeating that statement and pay attention to the words you used,” Eddie requested. Tag thought it through again and then his eyes widened slightly. Eddie immediately said, “Ah-ha. You saw it that time. She did not order me to come meet with her; she requested it. I don’t believe I am required by the Realm’s laws to follow a request. By its very definition, a request can be ignored.”

  “That still shows great disrespect,” Tag countered.

  Eddie leaned back in his chair and said, “Perhaps. Let’s examine that. What is the Queen’s responsibility?”

  “To serve and defend the New Stars Realm,” Tag answered quickly.

  “How does she do that?”

  Tag smiled, “By organizing the members to work together in harmony and provide the things needed to defend the Realm.”

  “Good. Now what exactly is your responsibility?”

  “I command the Realm’s military forces against any attack against the Realm and insure that Realm is at peace.”

  Eddie tilted his head, “So, if I may state it another way, she is the boss and you are the strong-arm.”

  “I also advise the Queen on important details.”

  “Like how to defeat an enemy of the Realm?” Eddie asked. “I’ve never heard you described as the ultimate advisor. I’ve always heard you called the ultimate warrior…or am I wrong about that?”

  Tag glared at Eddie and then looked at Danielle. She raised her shoulders, before saying, “You do both, but he asked where your main responsibilities lie.”

  Tag turned back to Eddie and leaned back in his chair as well, “Ok, let’s agree that I am the strong-arm. What difference would that make?”

  Eddie sat up straight, “If you were in the middle of a battle with an attacker and the Queen requested your presence to advise her on an issue, would you go?”

  “That’s ludicrous! That would never happen!”

  “Assume it did; would…you…go?”

  “Of course not!”

  “Because you would be doing what the Realm charges you to do and that takes precedence over having a conversation with your wife, right?”

  “She’d never ask me to do that!”

  Eddie looked at Danielle, before saying, “But she has no trouble asking others, who are carrying out their responsibilities to the Realm that are just as important as yours, to drop everything and go meet with her.”

  Tag’s eyes narrowed slightly, “I’m not sure I understand where you’re going with this? I hope you’re not suggesting your duties are as important as mine.”

  Eddie smiled and noticed that Tag’s anger had disappeared; he was more than Eddie thought. “How important to the Realm are the scientists and engineers who build the weapons you’re using in a battle to fight off an attacker.”

  Tag thought a moment and then answered, “They’re absolutely critical to the Realm’s survival. Without the ships and munitions, they create, we would be in jeopardy.”

  “So, those scientists and engineers are critical to the safety of the New Stars Realm.” Tag nodded. Eddie looked at Sprigly, who was in front of the wall monitor and yelled, “Hey!” Sprigly turned and looked at Eddie. “Have you figured it out yet?”

  Sprigly leaned right, “No, I’m still working on it. I do have a question, though?”

  “What is that?”

  “Why do you have your students working on an equation that deals with the compression of dark energy?”

  “I’m hoping to build a Dark Energy Bomb.”

  Sprigly’s leaves turned red with surprise, “That’s not possible!”

  “A human uniting with a DEC is also impossible. Would it surprise you to know that I have at least seventy-students that will have that equation solved before they come to class tomorrow?” Sprigly stared at Eddie in silence and Eddie turned back to Tag, “Just as you have your responsibility to defend the Realm in actual combat, I have the responsibility to teach the future scientists and engineers that will one day develop the tools you need to win that fight. You may not believe this, but missing more than one class will harm my student’s development drastically. I’ve already missed one day; I can’t afford another and have them leave this class not performing at their maximum ability. You have your responsibility and I also have mine. But the Queen showed no respect for what I do for the Realm and requested I drop everything and go to Ross to have a conversation with her.”

  Sprigly went to the writer and entered a new equation on the wall monitor and interrupted them, “If you’re all that, Doctor, can you solve this equation?”

  Eddie glanced at the wall monitor and said, “The value of “G’ is Pi over “S”. The value of ‘T’ is a diminishing limit of X-4.” Eddie turned back to Tag, and continued, “If I were ordered to go to meet with the Queen, I would have gone. The damage to my students could not have been made up in the time remaining in this session; but I would have gone. I would be furious at the total disrespect for what I’m doing here, just like you’re furious I didn’t go.”

  Sprigly began entering the values in the equation, while they were talking, and his leaves turned dark brown. Danielle saw it and asked, “Sprigly, what’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been working on this equation for more than two-years. He just solved it with a glance.” Sprigly turned to Eddie, “I guess I need to stop using the word impossible when dealing with you.”

  Danielle turned to Cali, “Is he that good?”

  Cali smiled, “He’s better than that.

  “Are you serious?”

  “As an energy penetrator.”

  Tag head jerked around to Cali and, then he stared into Eddie’s eyes and exhaled softly, “I owe you an apology, Dr. Taylor. You didn’t disrespect Danielle or the Realm, you gave her the best service you could offer.”

  Eddie smiled, “I was wrong about you. You are pretty smart, and I can see how you are valuable to the Queen.”

  Danielle stood up, “I also apologize, Dr. Taylor. I came here intending to interrogate you about how you united with a DEC and I’ve learned a very valuable lesson. I’ll be more careful in the future when I ask for audiences.”

  “I thank you for your patience, Your Majesty,” Eddie replied as he bowed is head.

  “So, how did you do it?” Sprigly asked as he walked up.

  “I modified a data-transfer machine and had Bong go through it into my brain.”

  Sprigly stared at Eddie and finally said, “That sounds dangerous.”

  Cali interrupted, “It was. It killed him.” Danielle, Tag, and Sprigly were shocked into silence.

  Chapter Six

  Danielle broke the silence first and said to Eddie, “She must be joking. You aren’t dead.”

  Eddie sighed, “I was forced to do it before I was ready. The DECs had called for Bong to unite with an Algean and my time had run out. I decided years ago that Bong and I would be united; I refused to give him up to an Algean.” He looked at Sprigly and said, “No offense.”

  Sprigly replied, “None taken. But your mind is different from the DEC’s that united with members of my species.”

  “As you mentioned earlier, human minds aren’t equipped to do it.”

  Danielle interrupted them, “Before we change the topic, I want to know what she meant by, ‘it killed you’?”

  Eddie shrugged, “I died on the transfer couch. My heart stopped, along with my breathing.”

  “For how long?” Tag asked.

  “About ten-hours. I was clinically dead, when Bong regained consciousness and took over my vital functions.”

  The young DEC quickly replied, “I saw he was no longer breathing and I went inside his body and forced his lungs, heart, and blood vessels to move blood through his body. I kept at it until Cali arrived and the medics were called in.”

  “So, he wasn’t really dead?” Sprigly replied.


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