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Shackled to the World: A Phantom Touched Novel

Page 17

by Brutger, Stacey

  Indecision flickered across his face, then he heaved the put-upon sigh that guys gave when they’re stuck doing something for their girl just because they asked and moved aside for her to go first. He followed closely behind her, not leaving room for anyone else to slip between them.

  Before she reached the door, he touched her arm, then opened it and peered inside to make sure it was empty. Only when he stepped back did he give her a nod to enter. Annora was baffled by all the precautions but didn’t protest.

  If it made him feel better, who was she to judge?

  But before the bathroom door could close behind her, his large presence followed her inside the room, securing the small space.

  “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” She planted her hands on her hips, tightening her lips against saying more. She wasn’t sure if she was more annoyed or amused.

  He gave her a hard look, then waved a hand at the two stalls in the room. “We shouldn’t linger.”

  Knowing he wasn’t about to budge, she turned toward the sink and slipped her shirt off. She shook off as much of the stubborn wax that clung to the material as she could, but it did little good. She grabbed a few pieces of the cardboard towels that didn’t absorb shit, put in the bathrooms by some genius, and used it to scrape off the wax that dotted along her jeans.

  It didn’t take long to get most of the crap scraped off. She slipped on her shirt, then turned toward Camden…only to see him frozen in place, devouring her with hungry eyes.

  “Camden?” She took a hesitant step toward him and could swear he actually growled at her like a dog with a bone. Her feet froze to the floor, her hand halting halfway between them. She stilled at the fierce expression on his face, fascinated by the emotions he normally kept locked down tight.

  Instead of backing away like she should, Annora stepped toward him until her palm came to rest against his chest. He inhaled deeply, then shook himself like he was coming out of a trance. The yearning and longing were still there but banked.

  He leaned down and grabbed her jaw, lifting her face up to his. “You should never take your shirt off in front of anyone but us. Too many others would see it as an invitation.”

  Then his fingers brushed along her jaw, making her skin tingle, and she licked her lips, suddenly craving the taste of him. The smell of exotic flowers and wildness clung to him, and she wanted to bask in the freedom of being close to him. “What if it was an invitation?”

  His mouth slammed shut and a muscle ticked along his jaw. His eyes became fierce, narrowing dangerously, but it was the way his grip tightened on her face, the way his fingers trembled slightly, that gave away his need. Without giving him time to retreat, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

  He stood frozen for all of a second before his control snapped.

  His mouth opened over hers, and he devoured her, his lips and teeth demanding everything. The rest of the world vanished while he bit and nibbled at her lips, like he couldn’t seem to get enough.

  His arms came up to wrap around her, pulling her closer, and he scooped her up off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he gave a groan of approval, walking her backwards until her ass came to rest on the counter.

  Then he leaned her back, his lips trailing down her jaw to nip along her neck. The scruff along his jaw scraped her skin, making her squirm as every nerve ending flared to life and begged for more. Annora couldn’t stop the way she arched into him, his every touch seemingly connected to her core, each brush of his lips sending her need ratcheting higher.

  His hands slid under her shirt, barely trailing his palms over her skin, his touch reverent. Needing more, she tugged his shirt out of his pants, then nearly groaned when her fingers and then her palms encountered warm flesh. He was all muscle and heat wrapped up in a delicious package.

  She could feel slight ridges under his skin as his beast rose to the surface, his black hair becoming iridescent. The need to taste him was like a craving. She shoved up his shirt and pushed him back, then set her lips and teeth to his chest. He cupped the back of her head, groaning as she nibbled at the delicious expanse of flesh.

  His hip surged against her core, and it was her turn to moan. Then he trailed one finger down her spine, leaving shivers in its wake.

  Until he got to the waistband of her pants.

  He hesitated and pulled back from their kiss to stare down at her. Then his eyes dropped, and he traced the backs of his fingers along the patch of skin between the gap of her shirt and pants.

  “Tell me to stop.” His tone was tortured, his eyes shooting up to hers, the longing and fear there nearly tearing her heart to pieces.

  “Do you want to stop?” Because the gods knew she didn’t.

  He swallowed hard, his eyes betraying his longing when they dropped to the button of her pants. Knowing he needed this almost as much as she did, needed to feel connected to another person, she reached down and unsnapped the button that had riveted his attention.

  He didn’t seem to be breathing.

  As she slowly lowered the zipper, he licked his lips, greedily watching her every move. A tremor went through him, his breaths coming in great gulps when her panties were revealed, his neon eyes blazing with so much lust and longing that it was hard for her to swallow.

  When he didn’t move, she grabbed his hand and brought it to her lips to nibble at the tips of his fingers. “You can touch me if you want…or not. You won’t break me.”

  The need to give him what he needed, what no other woman could give him, made her more daring. She ran his hand down the front of her torso, between her breasts, down her stomach until they reached her pants.

  When she would’ve pulled away, he wove their fingers together, then leaned his forehead against hers. “Stop me if it gets to be too much.”

  She nodded weakly. Instead of drawing back, he watched every nuance of her expression as he slowly slipped their joined hands down the front of her panties. She bit her lip at the heat of him, then he used his other hand to pull her hips closer to the edge of the counter, making her legs spread wider to fit him between them, and guided their joined hands to slide over her core.

  A moan tore from her as pleasure shot along her limbs, and she struggled to keep her eyes open and trained on his as her desire soared even higher. Then he moved his hand and she couldn’t help the way her head fell back and her hips arched against his seeking fingers in a greedy demand for more.

  She pulled her hand away from his hold, needing to be closer, and arched into him again when he rubbed against her harder. A gasp escaped her as pleasure sizzled from her fingers to her toes. Ravenous to touch him in turn, she reached for his pants. The instant her fingers brushed along his bare stomach, he sucked in a sharp breath, and she took advantage and slipped her hands into the small gap in the front of his jeans.

  His body stiffened, as if he’d been completely unaware of what she was doing until then. She peered up at him from under her lashes, loving the way he had his head tipped back, the strong cords of his neck standing out, thrilled that she could make him lose control.

  She wrapped her hands around his staff, marveling at the size and silken texture. He gave a tortured groan, then his other hand came up to settle on top of hers over the pants and he tightened his grip, showing her what he wanted. His head dropped forward, and his lips came to rest against her ear.

  “Harder.” As if to emphasize the point, he bit her earlobe sharp enough to make her jump.

  Which sent his fingers into her core and elicited a groan from both of them.

  She tightened her hand around him as instructed, following his lead as he grabbed her wrist and showed her how to pleasure him. For each stroke, he mimicked her movements, until her eyes fell shut and she crested…then all she saw were stars.

  When his cock swelled in her hand, her eyes fluttered open. She needed to watch him reach his pleasure.

  Only for him to pull her hand away, his breathing ragged.

� When she reached for him again, he pulled his hand away from her core, and she couldn’t help shivering, her body on the verge of another orgasm. Instead of answering her, Camden turned away and tucked in his shirt, refusing to meet her gaze as he buttoned up his jeans.

  Suddenly feeling cold, she fussed with her clothes until she was fully dressed once more. “What is it? Did I do something wrong?”

  He gave a strangled laugh, looking pained as he turned toward her, brushing a chaste kiss along her lips. “Sweetheart, if it was any more perfect, I would have come in my pants.”

  Heat singed her cheeks, but something about the way he avoided her eyes made her push. “Why didn’t you?”

  “We should go.” When he reached to help her down from the counter, she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, refusing to budge.

  She ducked her head until he met her gaze. “Tell me.”

  A dusting of red colored his cheeks, and he coughed a little nervously before he shrugged. “I don’t know what my seed would do to you. My touch is toxic, my kiss is even more potent.” His gaze met hers, direct and frank. “This isn’t the way to find out if my body fluids would be harmful to you. I would never leave you vulnerable in a public bathroom stall.”

  Annora pursed her lips, wanting to argue, but she couldn’t refute his logic. Then she gave him her best sultry smile.

  She must have done it wrong because he stiffened in her arms.

  Unwilling to admit defeat, still able to feel his arousal pressed between them, she rested her hand flat on his chest, brushing her fingers along the shirt that now separated them. Skimming her fingers lower, she trailed them over the front of his pants, dragging her nails over the rough material hard enough that he arched into her with a strangled groan. “We can easily find out.”

  He gave a start, searching her eyes, and her cheeks heated at her boldness. She wanted to duck her head, suddenly shy, but refused. This was too important. She would not allow him to run from her.

  * * *

  Sweet gods above, she was going to kill him.

  Camden had to lock his knees as the image of him touching himself in front of her popped into his head. Then the image of her falling to her knees before him nearly had him spilling himself in his jeans. He struggled to get his breathing back under control before he hyperventilated.

  He rubbed his hand along his jaw, then closed his eyes as the smell of her arousal tantalized him, and he couldn’t resist the urge to lick his fingers.

  Bad decision.

  A feral growl rumbled from him, and it was all he could do not to push her back, strip her and taste her directly. The only thing that held him back was he wasn’t sure what effect his poison would have on her after prolonged contact. Until they knew for sure, he had to keep his hands to himself.

  Case in point, when she looked up at him with those sultry brown eyes, he had to shove his hands into his pockets or he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.


  He’d had sex before but never like this, never skin to skin. He’d always remained fully clothed, wore gloves for their protection, and always wore three of the thickest condoms he could find. No kissing permitted. No hugs or cuddling afterward.

  After a while it left him cold, and he simply stopped trying, the company of his own hand enough for him.

  Then Annora walked into his life and turned it upside down.

  That he could touch her…he shoved his hands deeper into his pockets to resist temptation, nearly groaning when he bumped his cock. The fucking thing was so sensitive, it throbbed with the need to be inside her.


  He needed control.

  She was everything to him.

  He couldn’t risk going any further until he knew what long-term effects it would have on her.

  When she continued to gaze at him, her lips bruised from his kisses, her eyes still dazed with lust, he had to force himself to back away from her. “Not here, and not now. I want more than a quickie in a public bathroom.”

  Annora narrowed her eyes, then jumped down off the counter, taking a step toward him, and he backed away like a virgin protecting his virtue. He wasn’t sure if he was afraid she’d eat him alive or more afraid that she wouldn’t.

  The cold wall hit his back, knocking the breath out of him with an oomph.

  Then she was right in front of him, lifting her stubborn chin up in challenge.

  “Then we’ll wait until we get Logan back. We don’t have to have sex, we can go as slow as you need, but I will prove to you, once and for all, that you don’t have to be afraid of touching me. I’ve never felt safer than when I am with you and the guys. Nothing will change that.” She reached up on her toes and brushed her lips against his jaw, then pulled away. “We should head back before the rest of the team starts to worry.”

  When she reached for the door handle, he slumped against the wall, not sure if he was happy with the way things ended or if he should be kicking himself for foolishly turning her away. As she sauntered away, he cursed, then pushed off the wall to follow.

  Knowing smirks and even a few hoots rang out as they re-entered the café, making it obvious that the bathroom was a known hot spot for couples. Unfortunately, the few minutes away from the watchful eyes of the university had relaxed him, and he had to scramble to get his head back into the game and protect her.

  The café had erupted in chaos after the demonstration, most of the people still lingering to keep an eye on them. The other half had already left, eager to share the news with their packs and covens.


  She might as well just have stood up and yelled come and get it to a pack of starving animals. While the shifters could be vicious, witches were worse.

  Even if she survived her father, neither group would stop hunting her—unless they could prove that she was a bigger and badder threat than the rest of them combined.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As they left the café, the cold air hit her like a slap in the face, and Annora shivered, still not used to the freedom of being able to walk outside at will…or the way the weather could change from one minute to the next.

  But when Camden followed her outside and stopped next to her, she no longer felt the cold. He scanned the street, noting the pedestrians, even the drivers of the cars that went past. He was back in protector mode, quickly guiding her across the street. The sun was about to set, shadows were already stealing across the world, which meant they would be leaving to rescue Logan soon.

  Nerves churned in her stomach.

  Nothing could go wrong tonight.

  Too much rested on this mission.

  They were halfway home, each lost in thought, walking through the quad, when the air around her began to darken and stir. Instinct took over. Annora leapt away, barely missed having her head removed by a freaking sword that swooshed through the air, close enough that a breeze fanned her face. Black flames trailed after the blade as if it was eating away the metal.

  The sword was there one second and gone the next.

  Camden yanked her behind him, going into combat mode, turning in a circle, searching for the threat.

  Only they were completely alone.

  The darkness began to churn again and Annora tackled Camden, then squealed when he grabbed her around the waist and spun them until she was protected underneath him.

  That’s when she got a good look at their attacker.


  That bitch!

  Determination gleamed in the girls’ eyes as she raised the sword over her head.

  Without hesitation, Annora wrapped her arms around Camden and rolled them, the sword hitting the ground so hard the metal twanged and reverberated just an inch from them and cleaved the earth at least a foot into the ground.

  Determination hardened Camden’s face, and he was on his feet in seconds.

  But Sadie had already stepped into the afterworld and vanished once more.

  Annora concentrated on the guy
s, focusing on Edgar, doing her best to send him her location, hoping against hope that he’d get to them in time.

  Only to be interrupted when Sadie popped back into existence in a swirl of dust. Camden quickly stepped in front of her, blocking the sword blow by grabbing Sadie’s wrist. Her face went slack, her eyes dulling with confusion as Camden’s venom pumped through her blood.

  As if sensing the threat, she jerked away and swung a smaller second blade, nearly gutting him.

  Camden leapt sideways and lost his hold—and Sadie popped out of existence again.

  “Fuck!” Camden turned and went back to back with her, scanning the darkness. “I don’t think she can jump if I’m touching her. I just need a couple more seconds for my venom to hit her.”

  Annora scowled, not liking the idea of him anywhere near the bitch, and quickly grabbed two of the blades she had stashed.

  The darkness stirred to their right, and she didn’t hesitate, throwing the blade hard and fast, the way Logan taught her.

  Only to have Sadie swat it aside like a pesky gnat.

  Camden swung, but she had vanished…only to appear behind him. Annora stepped between them, blocking the sword with her much smaller blade. Metal scraped along metal, skidded off her smaller weapon and hit her side. The sword slid along the blades she had stashed at her waist, then bit into her hip, the pain sharp and instant.

  Sadie bared her teeth in a victorious smile.

  Camden grabbed Sadie around her waist with a roar and flung her away.

  Before the girl landed, she vanished in a puff of smoke.

  Camden hauled Annora closer, checking the injury through the gap in her clothes, his face a mask of concern and worry.

  When the darkness swirled again, Annora tensed and smacked away his hands. “Incoming!”

  Camden barely whirled in time to duck out of the way of the damned sword. Annora flung her second blade, nailing the bitch right in the thigh.

  Sadie screamed, yanking out the blade, then scowled down at the bloody knife. Camden ran to tackle her, but she vanished out of existence…and reappeared behind him again.


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