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Sinful Temptation: An Opposites Attract Romance (Temperance Falls: Selling Sin Book 1)

Page 6

by London Hale

  He reached around, gripping my ass in both his hands, and hauled me up against him. Taking my mouth in a kiss, he slid his tongue against mine as he lowered us to the bed. He tasted like wine and the tiniest hint of chocolate from our dessert. Pure heaven.

  I opened my legs for him to settle between, the rough material of his pants brushing against me. I didn’t care that I was nearly naked save for my stockings and garters and he was partially clothed. That I was no doubt leaving a trail of wetness over the front of his pants. All I cared about was getting him inside me again.

  Noah cupped my breasts in his palms, his thumbs flicking back and forth over my nipples, tugging on my barbells. I gasped when he brought his mouth into play, sucking one hardened peak between his lips, circling his tongue around and around and around until I thought I’d die of pleasure.

  No longer able to just lie back, I slid my hands over every inch of him I could reach—into his mess of hair, over his shoulders, down his arms as his biceps flexed under my palms. Trailed my fingers down his chest, over his nipples to the hills and valleys that made up his abs, until I hooked my fingers into the waistband of his gray slacks. Desperate to get him uncovered, feel him inside me, I tried to pry open the button.

  “Wait.” He covered my hand with his, inadvertently stilling it against his cock. With a groan, he pressed into my hold a bit, and I gave him a squeeze.

  “For what? Feels like you’re ready to go.”

  “You come first, remember?” He lowered his face to mine, kissing me once more. “I want it to be on my mouth.”

  Oh, hell yes. Where moments before I could only think about getting him inside me, now all I could think about was what it’d feel like to come on his tongue.

  He kissed a path down my stomach, stopping to swirl his tongue around my belly button, taking a detour to scrape his teeth over my hip. And then he placed his hands on my inner thighs and spread me wide for him, those broad shoulders settling between my legs, and just…stared.

  “I’ve dreamed of doing this to you for months. Of tasting you.” He turned his head to the side, brushing his lips over my thigh before sinking his teeth in hard enough to make me jump. “There’s no way in hell I can be gentle.”

  “Then don’t be.”

  With a groan, he dove in. No preamble. No working me up. No teasing. He covered me with his mouth, his tongue working fast and furious against me. Long licks up the length of my slit, followed by fast, hard flicks back and forth against my clit.

  And then added his fingers to the mix.

  He had me on the edge so fast, flying straight toward my orgasm, I couldn’t tell up from down, couldn’t discern his fingers from his tongue from his teeth. All I knew was he was devouring me whole. And I absolutely loved it.

  “Oh God, you’re gonna make me come. Noah…”

  He groaned against me, working his tongue faster. With a moan, I arched off the bed and reached for his hair, holding him to me as I pressed myself harder against his face. He responded to my moan with one of his own, the sound vibrating against my pussy, and then I was in free fall. Colors burst behind my closed eyelids as I came and came and came…the orgasm drawn out near to the point of discomfort. But Noah didn’t stop. He continued his assault on me, not slowing in the slightest. He cupped my ass in his hands and brought me closer to his face, doubling down on his efforts as he worked me right back up again until another orgasm overtook me.

  I gasped, unable to speak, to groan, to do anything but remember how to breathe as this man brought me pleasure I’d never known. I rode out the waves of my second orgasm to lightening swipes of Noah’s tongue. Then he brushed his mouth over me, back and forth, the tickle of the stubble he’d let grow in creating delicious friction against my clit. I didn’t know if I wanted to press closer or pull away, but Noah made the decision for me.

  “Hope you don’t take the loss too hard, but there was no way I was coming without you going first. That’s never going to happen.” He pulled away, wiping his forearm across his mouth, and stood, stripping off his slacks and boxers in a rush while I stared. It was the first time I’d seen him completely naked, and I relished every second of it, letting my eyes do a slow sweep over him.

  I’d felt him inside me, knew intimately exactly how blessed he was in that department, but laying eyes on the thick inches of flesh and steel in front of me was something else entirely. I wanted to get my hands on him. I wanted to get my mouth on him. But before I could do either, he covered himself with a condom and settled on his knees on the edge of the bed.

  With quick movements, he stripped me of my remaining articles of clothing, the garter belt and stockings I still wore tossed somewhere to the side. Even with the efficiency with which he moved to get me naked, it didn’t feel cheap or rushed. He was still tender in his touches, his eyes caressing me every second.

  When I was naked, he smoothed his palms from my ankles to my knees, tugging me closer to him as he hooked my legs over his thighs. Vulnerable and completely open to him. At his mercy with nowhere to hide.

  “Is it still considered strip Jenga if we’re both already naked?” he asked.

  The surprised laugh he pulled from me quickly turned to a moan as he pressed inside. Forget Sunday church services or Bible study or prayer groups—when Noah slid into me, his eyes locked on mine, it was the only kind of religious experience I needed. He rocked into me slow and steady, making the rest of the world fall away. Filling me over and over, he caressed every inch of me he could reach, bending down to suck a nipple, taking my mouth in a heated kiss.

  “Need you closer.” He slid his hands under my back and lifted until I was settled in his lap, my legs wrapped around his hips. “Want to watch you do the heavy lifting for a bit.”

  I wasn’t normally a fan of this position. It was too close…too intimate. It allowed your partner access to every inch of you. Something Noah took advantage of. He ran his hands over my legs, gently encircling my ankles with his fingers. He gripped my ass, tugging me closer, cupped my breasts and drove me crazy with his mouth.

  After running his hands up the length of my spine, he threaded his fingers through my hair and tugged my head back to feast on my neck. Intermixing soft kisses with teeth and tongue, he continued to rock inside me, bringing us both to a slow climax.

  And when it hit, when he braced his hand at the base of my spine, holding me to him and grinding so deep I had no choice but to fall, I knew it was different. Every second with him was different, from the teasing to the sex. From the way he looked at me to how he kissed me. If I’d been paying attention, I would’ve seen it’d been different all along.

  “Harper…” Even the way he whispered my name was something I’d never known.

  When he came apart in my arms, my name a prayer on his lips, I knew whatever I’d thought this had been between us was a lie. Noah was all in.

  Strangely, so was I.

  Warm. Harper’s skin was so warm against mine, so soft and plush. Sharing a bed with her was an extravagance I’d never expected to get to enjoy. It was the pinnacle of my desires, the impossible dream I’d had since the day I met her. And yet, there we were. She had her back to me, her arm pulling mine underneath her pillow to support her head. My leg was between hers, my hand resting on her stomach. In that moment, she was mine… Completely.

  Unable to stop myself, to resist touching more, I traced patterns on her skin. I kept my touch innocent at first. Then I moved a little higher on my passes, allowing myself to caress the flesh of her breasts. To slide up to her nipples. Pierced. Of course she was pierced. I’d nearly come in my pants when I finally saw the silver jewelry glinting in the light after feeling them through her clothes. I hadn’t gotten nearly as much time to play with them as I wanted. An error I intended to correct.

  With my face buried in her neck, her lilac scent driving me absolutely wild with desire, I explored her pierced nipples—tugging, rolling, pinching. Seeking a response. I wanted Harper awake. Well, not just awake
. I wanted her wet and slippery as I plunged my cock inside her. Wanted my name on her lips as she came around me. Wanted the taste of her on my tongue as she soaked my chin again.

  The first sign that I was well on my way to waking my sleeping doll was a small groan and a shift of her hips closer to me. Her ass—so round, so fucking biteable—pressed into the cradle of my hips, giving my needy cock a good, long rub. I practically growled in her ear, leaning over her, tweaking that fucking nipple again. Wishing I could taste it. Wanting my mouth on her.

  “Noah,” she groaned, rocking back against me harder as her arm came up to hold the back of my head. She pulled me closer, and I responded. Rolling her over onto her stomach. Biting down on her neck as I covered her body with mine.

  “Condom,” I said, pressing her into the mattress. Fuck, I wanted to be inside her. Wanted to feel every inch of her. I needed it.


  I stretched and yanked open the drawer, finding her stash. In seconds, I was sheathed and ready, my heartbeat pulsing through my cock as I slowed down. Anticipation was a thing, and I wanted her to feel it. Wanted her to grow antsy and desperate. I wanted her to crave me.

  It took Harper mere seconds to lose her patience. “Fuck me already, Noah.”

  I always had done what I was told. Without another delay, I bit down on her neck and pushed inside. Heat. So much heat. And the pressure of her pussy enveloping me. She was so tight, especially with her legs as close together as they were. I’d never had a woman like this, never laid my body on top of hers, pushed myself inside her, and simply took. Never had I allowed myself to overpower a woman, trusting they’d tell me if I went too far. Harper opened doors and opportunities I hadn’t expected, and I loved every second. Loved being bold and daring with her, loved the openness and sexual freedom she represented. To be honest, I loved her. I just couldn’t tell her that yet. But I could show her. I could demonstrate my care and concern with my body until she was ready for the rest of me. If she was ever ready for the rest of me.

  I’d make sure she was ready.

  “Everything about you is so soft,” I said, breathing harder as I fought to keep control. Unable to resist, I slid a hand beneath her body, moving to cup her breast. To flick the barbell through her nipple. “Except these. There’s nothing soft about your piercings.”

  “Noah…” She moaned, pushing her hips up. Forcing me to slide deeper inside of her. “Pinch them.”

  I twisted her nipple between my fingers and pressed deeper inside of her. Making her jump and gasp at the dual stimulation. “Next time, I want you on top. I can’t wait to get my tongue on these while you fuck yourself on my cock.”

  “Jesus, I love your mouth.”

  She felt too good to concentrate on anything other than my cock in her pussy. The warmth, the wetness, the tension surrounding me—it all came together to create a world where there was nothing else. Only her and me and the noises we made as I fucked her long and deep. She mewled and clutched at the sheets, her scent still teasing me. I would never look at those purple flowers again, never be able to walk by a bush of them without getting hard. They were inevitably entwined in my mind with Harper and sex.

  Harper gasped as I bit down on her neck again, her arms stretching out before her as if to hold us in place. “I’m… Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

  Hand on the headboard to anchor us to the mattress, I thrust hard and deep, rocking the bed into the wall as I did. The squeaks and bangs added to the feeling of a fury approaching, cut out the rest of the world completely as I led us both toward where we wanted to be. Where we needed to be. This was it…us. Together. Our pleasure intertwined, our lives wrapping around one another.

  This was everything.

  Harper came with a moan, her pussy clenching around me as her body went stiff. She squeezed me so hard and yelled so loud, I thought I heard bells with every heartbeat and pulse. Eyes closed, ears ringing, I slammed into her until the telltale tingle at the base of my spine moved down and through my cock. One more thrust, one more push. Just a little…

  I crashed right after her, pushing deeper and stilling as I did, growling through the longest, hardest orgasm of my life. Stars exploded behind my eyes, colors lighting up the blackness, and those bells grew louder. I was completely surrounded by her, owned by the heat of her. Dominated by the scent and feel of her. There would never be more than this, never be anyone who compared to her. Never be another who could make me feel the same way, physically or emotionally. I was hers. I just needed to make sure she knew that.

  “Wow,” Harper said, laughing slightly as she wiggled beneath me. I groaned and pulled out of her, rolling to the side to deal with the condom. Once done, I pulled her back to my chest and wrapped my arms all the way around her. I still wanted her touch, still craved the feel of her skin against mine.

  “Yeah. Wow.” I snuggled her close, needing a moment more of contact. Focusing on her breaths and the feel of her fingers skating over my arms. If only I could get my ears to stop ringing…

  “Is that the church?” Harper asked, rocking back into me as if trying to turn over.

  “I’ve never had a woman call my dick ‘the church,’ but I’ll take it.”

  “No.” She laughed, reaching back to playfully slap my thigh. “The bells.”

  It took a few seconds for her words to filter through the fog around my brain, but when they did…

  “Shit.” I jumped up, running for the front window of the apartment. Cars…lots of them. Including ones belonging to the people who were technically my bosses. “Double shit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Tuesday. I’m supposed to be at the church to welcome everyone for the hour of silent reflection. The entire council is coming.” I yanked on my clothes, or those I could find. I’d have to leave my socks behind, apparently. Those bells meant I had five minutes before the hour would begin. Not enough time to make a cup of coffee, but enough to run to my office and brush my teeth in the washroom. Hopefully.

  “You’re leaving? Just like that?”

  Shit, I was being an ass. I dove back onto the bed for one last quick kiss. “I know this seems bad, but I need to go to work. Thanks for last night. It was amazing.”

  I rushed for the door, practically running out of the apartment. Refusing to look back. If I saw her all warm and sex-rumpled in those sheets, knowing she was naked and probably still sloppy wet, I’d be right back on top of her. If she asked me to, I’d never leave her side. I just had the one service to perform, the one council meeting to deal with afterward, and then I could come back. Maybe I’d take her out for brunch or coffee. Maybe…

  “I’ll see you later, doll,” I said just before the door to her apartment closed behind me. Later…just a few hours…then I could be with her again. I raced down the stairs and jogged across the street, heading for the back door of the church. I ran into trouble in the parking lot, though, in the form of one of the church council members and his wife.

  “Pastor Noah,” Henry said, looking me up and down as if surprised to see me coming from across the street. Not that I could blame him. I wasn’t dressed for any sort of church function, and I probably looked as if I’d just rolled out of bed. Which I had. After fucking the woman of my dreams.

  “Henry. Marge. It’s a good morning for reflection, don’t you think?”

  “Are you”—Henry’s wife Marge glanced behind me at Harper’s store, her face white and her eyes round—“are you coming from Sin?”

  Sin…yeah. That was what we’d been doing. Harper and I had been sinning. I couldn’t wait to do more of it, either.

  “No, of course not.” I grinned, unable to hold it back. “I’m coming from Miss Davis’ place.”

  That certainly didn’t make her look any less surprised. “Harper Davis? The owner of…that store?”

  “Yes. We’re dating.” The silence that greeted me from the two of them couldn’t even touch the joy I felt after last night. Let them talk—Ha
rper was mine, and they’d stop gossiping once they realized I was serious about her. I had faith in that. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab a few things from my office before the service begins. See you in there.”

  I left them staring after me as I headed for the church. I had about two minutes to get myself ready for the day. Thankfully, Tuesdays weren’t all that busy for me. Just a few hours, and I could be back with Harper, which was where I wanted to be. But my duties were clear, and these hours of reflection were something the community really seemed to enjoy. Besides, sitting in silence the way I would be for the next hour meant I could reflect on my night with Harper. I could relive every moan and sigh, every touch and taste. I could plan for what I wanted to do to her tonight.

  One hour of reflection, then probably two of council meetings. That was it.

  I’d be counting down the minutes until I could be back with my girl for sure.

  I stared at the closed door for a full minute after Noah blew out of it without even a backward glance. After he’d just fucked me into the mattress. After a night unlike any I’d known. After I’d let him get closer than anyone ever had before.

  I was naked, lying in a bed of rumpled sheets…alone. Stunned. I didn’t get caught off guard very often, but Noah had managed to do just that, throwing me way off-balance.

  But this was exactly what I’d always wanted. What had always worked for me… Being left, alone, after a night of amazing sex. I’d spent my life seeking exactly that, had always been satisfied with it. No strings, no commitments, no relationships.

  So why was my stomach churning? Why was there this hollow feeling inside? Even though my body still ached with awareness of exactly where Noah had been and what he’d done last night—and again this morning—I’d never before felt this empty.

  I hadn’t spent the night with a man in…well, ever, so I was probably just a little off my game. Especially considering I’d closed my eyes for only a moment last night and then suddenly woken up this morning in Noah’s arms, his hands cupping my breasts, his cock hard and ready against me. It’d been languorous…affectionate. Two things I never thought I’d equate with sex. It was definitely a first for me—just like the sleepy morning sex.


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