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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 4

by Riverr Ravenswood

  I stop to catch a breather, and motion for Lexie to continue.

  “Fifth,” she picks up where I’d left off. “Once they outed the Creation ruler on what he had done, the other Gods were angry and furious. It could have led to war, but the God Supreme intervened. The solution He came up with was to find and bless worthy people from the world, to be like their children. Including the Destruction Gods, who could have had children. It would depend on the Gods if they want their followers to ascend to Godhood or to make them Demi Gods or to grant them powers. But there needed to be a checklist or a guideline of sorts in place. So He asked all the Gods to create a set of checklists on what basis they would bless their followers and what that blessing would be. Hence, we hear and read about the God’s blessings to people, or saints meditating and then achieving a boon from the Gods.

  “Sixth, and here is where it gets interesting. The Destruction Gods had a daughter. The entire Godly realm rejoiced. They treated her with utmost love because she was their own. It is said that even the Creation God, who had opposed this from happening, took to her instantly. He himself showered her with love and gifts. Just like the rest of them. And he proved himself over the years with this behaviour with her.

  “Her name was Ida-Samara. Said to be one of the most beautiful beings and the most pure souls in the world. She loved animals, and would roam the Earth for years and years, living with her animals, setting up things for people that they wanted, making friends with people, connecting with them. But most importantly, she loved being with her animals. It is said that at one time she had more than a hundred animals in the house where she used to live.” She pauses. “Now, when gods come to Earth, they come at a lower power level. They are still pretty powerful, but could be killed or can die if something powerful comes their way. It so happened that she was visiting China when she got stuck in a volcanic eruption. She could have left for her realm, but she was helping move a few sheep out of the mountain, so she stayed and helped those animals and got killed.”

  Ada gasps and puts her hand on her mouth, eyes shining with tears.

  “She was nineteen years old, God years. Such was said to be her connection with the animals, that when she died in China, her animals back home where she lived, died too.”

  "Oh God,” Ada pushes her palms over her mouth and more tears fell.

  I press Lexie’s shoulder and pick up the story.

  “The Destruction Gods were devastated. Each and every God was furious and angry. It was like nature had taken something they all loved. The God Supreme, Paramaiah, said that she will come back. Because children of God don’t just die. At this, the God of Time promised that he would let everyone know whenever he detects her soul in the realms. But he never did. Centuries went by, and no ounce of her soul was detected.

  “Around twenty years back, the God of Time felt her soul come back into existence. On Earth. He felt her. But he couldn't tell who or what she is. This was the first that the God of Time, Vyhdir, couldn't get the read on a soul. Till date, he couldn’t pinpoint her exact location or identity.

  “Now, over the years, God of Fear, Betin, has been getting greedy and manipulative. You have to understand that the more followers a God has, the more powerful he becomes. People usually remember Gods when they are afraid. So Betin has had a taste of power over time. And he wants to maintain it. Somehow he thinks that the reincarnated Ida-Samara would help his agenda in some way. Whether it is to blackmail the other Gods, or whether he wants to harness her powers, nobody knows.

  “Ever since Betin started acting out, the other gods have created armies. Remember the boon that the Gods could bless their followers? They were turned into secret societies. Since the Gods are forbidden to reveal their identity, these armies are the closest that come to the Gods interacting with people. Those were rounded up and tasked with finding that soul. The treasure. They too believe that that soul will help them in some way. If nothing, then that soul guarantees the support of the Destruction Gods and Paramaiah, without doubt.

  “What we do know is that Betin has become one of the most powerful Gods. And a few years back he kidnapped Vyhdir. Now all these different armies, or rather secret societies, have been working relentlessly in trying to find Ida-Samara’s soul. She has been given the name Kazi. Some societies have good intentions, but the same cannot be said for everyone else. And it is difficult to ascertain who lies in what category.”

  I pause to give her time to digest all of this. She is wide eyed, her tears have dried. Then she seems to decide something then nods her head slowly, looking at each of us one by one.

  “So, you are what? A part of this secret society? But you don’t want to kill anyone, right? You are trying to find that soul and are trying to protect her?”

  If I am surprised at her first question, the others are too.

  “Yes. We don’t want to kill anyone. The two leaders of ours, they are pro-life in every way. Until someone they love is threatened. Then they unleash their fury. We have been working and trying to find her. But without clues, it is difficult. The only clue Vyhdir had offered, which is also what he knows, is that she is one of the most competently trained souls, and meant to bring down the power structure that is built of lies and manipulation. Now what that means, nobody knows. At least, none of us common folks know.

  “But there is one more thing…”

  This is it.

  “But wait a minute. Are you seriously trying to tell us that you don’t find it bothersome? That you believe this story?” Enzo asks.

  Lexie and I roll our eyes, while Ry and Vince curse out. He cannot fucking control himself, can he?

  Ada looks at him coolly and then responds. “I am not trying to tell you anything. You all wanted to share a story with me, and I am listening to it. Though I have yet to find out what is currently happening. And no, I don't find it bothersome. I believe it is a possibility. Unless I see it myself, I won’t be a believer. But I am not gonna deny it just on the basis of having never heard it before.”

  “But how could we know that you are actually cool with this alternative reality….I find it hard to believe that someone could so easily neglect whatever she has known till now and believe a new doctrine,” Enzo presses.

  She pinches her nose between her fingers and looks at me, “there is no cure for the arrogant and silly.” She says.

  It tugs my lips up. With her what you see is what you get. There is not a single diplomatic bone in her body. And right now she is really pissed at Enzo. She turns to him and says, “it is written in our Vedas. That how the world was created only He knows, or maybe even He does not know. Do you know what that means? It means that our vedas itself gives power to our own choice of making decisions. We are not told what was or will be. We are told to find our own answers, choose our own paths, and make our own decisions. Like I told you we believe in karma. Yes there is fate, but our fates and destinies are written by our actions. Not by someone else. There is a yes or no outcome to everything in the world. But ultimately it all depends on our choices. And this tale seems to make sense with that belief. The Creation dude dug his grave when he chose to act upon his fear, and take away everyone’s choice of procreating. Now could you please stop interrupting them?” And with that she turns to me. “Please continue.” She says.

  I look at her, even more in awe of her than before. And before that Enzo fool can dig his grave deeper, I continue.

  “So, for the last few weeks, it is believed that Vyhdir has been weakened a lot. We think his powers are being blocked. Draining a God of their powers is not easy. Not even God Supreme can do that. But blocking a God’s powers can be done with something that is not common knowledge. Not even we know how. But it has to do with something about elements and being a powerful opponent to achieve that. Hence, along with finding Ida-Samara's soul, everyone is trying to find Vyhdir as well, and save him. But we are running out of time. With this block on him, time has come to a standstill.”

  I look at the
grim faces around the room.

  “What do you mean it has come to a standstill?” Ada asks.

  I look at everyone. This is the moment. Enzo steps forward to deliver the blow.

  “It means, Stellina, that a few weeks back the block started taking hold. The days stopped progressing,” he steps forward closer to her. “It means, in simple terms, that today has been repeating for the last three weeks. And until Vyhdir is rescued, time will continue to be at a standstill.”

  Chapter 8


  I am aware that I probably look like a fish. But I cannot wrap my mind around it.

  However, somewhere in my mind, things are clicking.

  “Vyhdir is a just God. For his power to be blocked could only mean one thing. That he is weak. Very, very weak. And that Betin is planning something even deadlier for him. He needs to be stopped,” Enzo tells me, grimly.

  Vince picks up. “And that is why the same outfit is repeated everyday. Your memories reset to the previous day, everything goes back to the beginning of today when you sleep. Nobody has been able to break it. Nobody can even do anything differently than what they had been doing on the day the clock got stuck on. Until you.”

  I stare at them wide eyed. Why me? What does this mean for me?

  “So, you are saying that I am the only one who has been able to break it? How can you be so sure?”

  “Because you are remembering things from the past day. You are doing things differently every day. Even selecting your dresses differently, and then remembering it on the current day. I bet, if you go to Nikki’s house, you cannot get her to wake up. Because everyone is on a loop and they cannot do anything differently even if they wanted to. But you came here. You fought with Enzo, when you haven't done any of that in the past repeated days.”

  This is too much to take in. It is overwhelming. In all my wildest imaginings, I could never have thought of this.

  A day repeating itself.

  I get up, deep in thought and walk to the window. Every day for the past month, I had been living the same day. What the bloody fuck?

  “So that is why I haven't texted you guys? Because I didn't do that the day before the block happened?”

  I ask without looking at them. I am still looking out the window.

  “Yeah,” Lexie tells me.

  “I need to speak to Dad. He is the only one I have.”

  “You cannot disturb the equilibrium,” Ash speaks up.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why do you think Vince has been playing football at the college grounds every morning? Because that day, he was there and the ball almost hit you. That is an interaction. If he changes his routine, that means your day and your reality gets changed. And that cannot happen. Because if that happens, then it will create fear in the hearts of those whose realities are getting distorted. Fear among people gets Betin more power. And he would know that you are immune to the day lapse. And we cannot let him know that. His minions are everywhere. We need to continue our search for Vyhdir and the soul. He knows about all the sects under the different Gods being immune to this. Let’s keep it at that.”

  Will I even remember this day tomorrow?

  Now I have questions. A lot actually. I turn to find all of them standing in a semi circle looking at me.

  “How come you all remember? Is it that ring?” I ask them.

  “This was created by the Paramaiah Himself, and given to us. It has been blessed and infused with His tears and blood, to give us control over our memories and of the reality. Before you ask, we don’t know how our leaders got hold of it,” Enzo leaves it at that.

  “What if I don't remember any of this tomorrow?”

  A beat passes during which they pass loaded looks to each other before coming to a decision.

  “We feel that you will remember. You just needed a nudge. And this knowledge has given you that. We also tend to do things because everyone else is doing it….but now that you know, we have a feeling that you will be okay,” Lexie tells me.

  “But what if I don't?” I need to know what will happen if I don't.

  “Then we will deal with it. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.”

  “I have to get back home.” They all start speaking but I raise my hand. “If I don't remember, then I need to wake up in my home. Can you imagine if I found myself in a house I have never been to before? Because I won’t remember coming here or this conversation, right? Best would be that I go back home and start ‘tomorrow’ there. And if I do remember then we can form a plan. Or talk about this in detail.”

  Nobody can refute my logic. They reluctantly agree, and Vince gets ready to take me back. We are almost at the garage door when Ryan speaks up, “I think I should go and stay home for tonight.”

  “And why the fuck do you think that?” Enzo asks, seething.

  What the fuck is his problem?

  “If she remembers, then good. If she doesn't, then at least I will know as I will be there and she won't be any wiser because I technically do live there,” Ryan explains.

  “But guys, there were intruders at our place today. Will it be safe?” Lexie asks.

  “I think between Ada and I, we can handle it. I really think it would be best if no one is alone tonight. And it makes sense that Ada wakes up in her bed tomorrow. One of us needs to be with her,” Ryan tells her.

  “We have a call, have you forgotten?” Enzo asks Ryan.

  My mind is whirling and I...I don’t know what to think. First time in my life, in all my training, I have been stumped like this. I look at all of them to reiterate that I should get back home, when Enzo’s phone starts ringing.

  “This isn't over. No one is leaving until this call is done,” he says, and starts stepping away to take the call.

  Ash stops him, “do you really think telling him about her right now is a good idea? We need to be sure, man…”

  Enzo looks at me briefly, his gaze softening a bit. But then he is back to his cocky self. “I won't tell him. But we need to figure out everything. You know just telling him that Ryan isn't here won't help.”

  Ash nods at that then takes my hand and leads me to the living room.

  “We will wait for the call Ada. Please have a sit and relax. Make yourself at home. As soon as the call is done we will come in here,” he tells me.

  “Who’s on the call?” I ask.

  “Our leader. One of them. We call him Pa. He is like a father to all of us. Hence the nickname. But his actual nam-”

  “ASH!” Enzo’s booming voice interrupts him.

  Ash looks at me sheepishly and apologizes once again. I wave at him to get on with the call and sit on the same lounger I was sitting on before. My mind goes a million miles a minute. What if I don't remember anything tomorrow? Will I be as clueless as I have been till now? How is Dad doing? Is he okay? And if 31 days have lapsed then Nikki’s birthday has been over a long time back… The mere thought brings tears to my eyes. She had been so excited about her birthday.

  Before I can delve deeper into my thoughts, I hear a commotion and a second later, all of them come bursting into the living room.

  I get up and am ready for whatever is coming next. “What happened?”

  There’s something in their eyes. I cannot figure out if it is fear or respect.

  Enzo looks at me and asks, breathlessly, “What is your full name?”

  That takes me by surprise. “What?”

  “What is your full name?”

  That is such a silly question. Clearly the others know my full name, right? And why are they so agitated to learn my full name? I am still deciding when I hear a voice from the phone that Enzo is holding. “Turn the camera around.”

  I freeze. Enzo looks at me, and I could see that he doesn't want to. There’s something protective in his gaze. Like something on the other end of the line will hurt me.

  But did I hear what I think I heard?

  The voice comes again. This time, it sounds like gritted teeth inf
used with a dash of anger. One that I know like I know my face. One that I will know anywhere. “Turn. The Fucking. Camera. Around. Lorenzo!”

  My eyes widen which Enzo takes for fear.

  He is about to say something when I speak up.


  Chapter 9


  Everybody freezes. Including me.

  How is this happening? My Dad has broken away from this lapse curse thing? Or is he someone more powerful in their society?

  Why the fuck did he not tell me?

  I didn’t remember but he sure did!

  That brings me out of my funk. I step forward and snatch the phone out of Enzo’s hand. He is clearly in shock because he doesnt move to stop me. Not even a twitch.

  As I stare into the camera, I see Dad’s face look back at me. Where I am a bundle of rage right now, he looks like he swallowed an anxiety pill.

  “You knew? But you couldn't think of telling me?” I demand from him.

  “And endanger your life? Are you nuts or are you just being plain dumb?” he asks me in his usual mocking tone.

  “Dumb? You calling me dumb! As soon as I got to know that this lapse was happening, my first thought was of you!” I can see my face getting red with every word I speak.

  “As have mine been. All this month. But I very well couldn’t tell you about this, now could I?” He too looks angry. But the worry in his eyes betrays his rage. “How are you taking it all, Baby girl?” he asks softly.

  Fighting back tears I raise my hand to the camera, a gesture that resembles what Dad and I do - we draw an imaginary trident with our three fingers on each other’s forehead. By raising my hand to the camera I hope he gets the symbolism.

  “I am fine. Now. How have you been? And what is happening? How are you related to them and what is this society all about?”

  He rubs his hand over his face and just like that, his face is transformed from that of a caring father to that of a man on a mission.

  “Who told you the background about us? And how have they treated you? How do you know them?”


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