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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 20

by Riverr Ravenswood

  “Yes. They have to know what it is they are cloaking against, otherwise the cloaking wouldn’t work.” Dad answers, looking thoughtful.

  “Then, it stands to reason that someone knows in detail what you can all do. Because the fact that they haven’t broken down yet, means that they are protected. Against your specific brand of power. How? Who else knows this much detail about you guys?”

  “As far as we know, nobody. Except maybe the Preservation sect Gods and Paramaiah,” Dad tells me.

  “Paramaiah? How does he know?”

  “Remember that He had blessed some couples’ unborn kids?” Dad asks me.

  I nod.

  “Well, it is you all. Paramaiah had blessed us. The six of us for our kids to be Paramaiah blessed. That is the reason you all are so strong and powerful. No other sect has Paramaiah blessed Gifts. And He had blessed Shakti and I. That is why I am The Protector.”

  I sit there, open mouthed. Probably looking like a cross between a zombie and a fish. Are we all Paramaiah blessed? How fucking badass is that!

  “We will circle back to this in a bit. I know you have a lot of thoughts on this,” Baba says, bringing my attention back to them. “Lexie, anything else?” Baba asks her. But his eyes have that restless energy that I can feel too.

  “In addition to that, like everyone else, I can cast basic banishing, warding, and protecting spells. And I am somewhat stronger than the rest in that degree. But it is something that everyone with the ability to visualize can do.”

  “But you are stronger in it?”

  She nods.

  I am piecing things together. Something doesn't click. But I don't want to offend anybody by asking or stating that.

  “What is it? You can ask us anything… promise” Lexie tells me.

  I look up knowing my face must have given away my inner conflict.

  “Don't take this the wrong way. But how do you know that your allure does what you all think it does? I mean, has one of these guys tried to come on to you?”

  Various degrees of no reach my ears. But my eyes are glued to Lexie’s. She keeps looking at me as if trying to figure out why I am asking this, or is maybe working out the details herself as well.

  “Not one of them, no. But almost every other man has done that. It is stifling and creepy. Plus, I can feel the lust they feel, right?” she says, but she is thinking hard.

  “So you all assumed that it is your ability to attract sexual intentions from others? Or make others feel sexual towards you?”

  “No,” she starts but stops. “Actually, yeah. Because, what else could it be?”

  “How does magic work? Does it work with your mind, or does it have a mind of its own? As in, will it unleash anytime or something?” I ask everyone. Because I could be wrong in what I am thinking but I need to know if I’m wrong.

  “Magic is like intention. You tell it what to do. Like your limbs or mind. Like your hands won’t pick up something you don’t want to pick up. Similarly. However with recent events, we need to explore more about what is different in you guys. Having said that, magic is a part of you, an extension of you. So yes, it does what you tell it to do,” Dad tells me, leaning forward to look at me.

  “Okay. So, in that case, you all assumed that Lexie can make others sexually attracted to her, and you all just went with it.”

  “How can you say it like there is another explanation?” Enzo asks.

  “Well magic works with your intention. It works as an extension of you, right? So stands to reason that it does what Lexie believes it to do. Correct? So if the only thing she has ever believed is that she attracts men sexually towards her, then that's what her magic does, is it not?”

  “But I have felt their lust. Without even my saying anything or doing anything. What else could it be?” Lexie asks but her eyes have a hopeful glint.

  I look at her for a long moment before I stand up and start pacing.

  “So Baba always used to tell me during my training that the only limit I can ever have is my mind. I am sure he has told the same to you all as well. You have set a limit in your mind.” I stop and look at the faces around me. “It is surprising that a team full of men couldn't have thought about this in detail. You all know that when men feel happy about someone, their first thought is always with their dicks. Right? No offense Dad, Baba.”

  Dumb faces look at me.

  “Oh come on! Enzo, if you saw someone for the first time and you liked her aura, or her looks, or her eyes, or if your heart felt lighter looking at her, what would be the first thing you would think of? Will it be oh wow she could be my best friend? Or will it be to ask her out? Because that is how men think. It is only after you get to know a girl that your thoughts divert towards other possibilities. But the first one is always attraction. Correct me if I am wrong.” I tell them, hands on my hips, ready to take on everyone.

  Enzo thinks about this. So does everyone else.

  “Yeah, my first instinct would be to get to know her. Could be lust sometimes,” Enzo says, seeming surprised by this himself.

  I nod. “Yes. That is because it is the default setting for men. If someone makes you feel cherished, all you want is to make her feel cherished. And the only way you can do that is by wanting her. With me so far?”

  Everyone nods, but is sitting up straighter. Except Lexie. Who is huddled in Ash’s arms.

  “So Lex. All these years the men might have been feeling happy to look at you, or protected or warm, or just lighter. And because men can only react to females with lust or wanting to know her as a potential mate for lack of a better word, their first instinct, you felt that lust on you. You are a good looking girl. So that was a justified assumption. And that reinforced the belief that you are sexually lusted after by men. You knew that that causes women to hate you, and that reinforced the feeling of being hated by females. But maybe we can try and see if you can make others feel different things too. Or maybe there's a way for you to peel off the top layers of lust and see where that emotion is coming from. Like is it because he likes your boobs or is it because he thinks you are sunshine. Know the difference?”

  She keeps looking at me for a long time.

  “How will I even achieve that?” she asks in a low voice. Almost as if she is afraid.

  “That is on Dad and Baba. I don’t know if I can help with that. I will if I can. In every way possible. Any way possible. I promise.”

  She nods with tears in her eyes.

  Poor girl. All her life she couldn't make friends because the girls thought she would steal their boyfriends.

  “Imagine Lex. You could bring a smile to someone’s face. You could give hope to someone who is on the verge of committing suicide. You could calm the animals who get lost and don't know what to do. Isn't it amazing?” I ask her, kneeling down in front of her.

  She nods and then in a flash is wrapped around me. I stumble slightly, but firm hands hold me in place. Lexie sobs in the crook of my neck, and I soothe her back. But I am smiling. This is what was needed. For her to open up about her issues and all of us finding a solution.

  “What if I cannot?” she asks softly in my ears.

  “Then so be it. What is there to be ashamed of?”

  She nods and then leans back. I look at Ash as he takes her in his arms giving me a grateful nod.

  “And I would be thrilled to have that skill girl! Can you imagine? Having men become putty in my hands?” I ask cheerfully.

  I honestly think it is a good skill. I do.

  “I for one am grateful you don't have that,” Enzo grumbles.

  “And for once, I agree with him,” Dad mumbles.

  I roll my eyes and as Lexie giggles I sign I am going to die a virgin. Yes I know sign, as does everybody else here. Talk of high achievers.

  Ash and Lex burst out laughing at that, while everyone looks on.

  “Okay, so...” I say as I stand up. “Who’s next?”

  “Ryan?” Baba says.

  As I look at Rya
n, he winks at me and steps forward. His wink, for the first time in a long time, makes my stomach flutter. Yes, the entire stomach flutters. It has been happening a lot lately, with all four of them.

  I shake myself and settle down next to Dad. A worry for another day.



  My turn. Okay. I hope the princess doesn't feel threatened. The last thing I want is for her to be wary of me.

  She looks at me, those almond shaped beautiful eyes staring at me, and I find myself unraveling. I wink at her and she smiles.

  I look at Ash and I’m rewarded with his sly wink. Bugger knows what I am thinking. A bubble of laughter leaves me as I stand.

  “Okay, alright. So.. Like Lexie said, I can do all the basic stuff. But I can also see someone's surroundings.”

  That cute little frown settles on her forehead, which happens every time she is trying to pay attention to something that she doesn't understand and this, she doesn't.

  “Complicated?” I ask her.

  She nods, looking at me intently.

  “I can get control of anyone’s eyes, and see what they're seeing around them. So, I can check to see who’s around that area - human or animal, and then seek control of their vision and see everything they are seeing. Or what comes to their mind when they see a certain thing. For example, right now you see me, right?” She nods. “Now maybe, seeing me, something else comes to your mind. Let's say, an image of Adam Levine. So I will be able to see what you are seeing. But I will also be able to see what you thought of me when you first saw me.”

  “So, let me get this straight. You can take control of someone’s vision, and you can see the actual world, whereas their mental world, while doing so?” she asks, sitting forward looking awed.

  I find my chest puffing up with pride. She isn't scared or wary of me.

  “Yes,” I tell her with a smile. “But, I can only see. As in, if I saw you seeing Enzo, and then saw a burger in your mind, I can either interpret it as you being hungry at that time, or that Enzo looks as scrumptious to you as a burger,” I tell her with a crooked grin.

  Pa grumbles, Enzo shoots daggers at me. But Ada is deep in thought.

  “Oh! So you don’t know for sure the relation between the things you see. You don’t know their emotions?”

  “Correct. I can only see, and strictly see their point of view. I cannot look three sixty for example. I can only see what is happening where their eyes are focused. And I can see what you are thinking at that point. Not behind or forward. There are limitations. Again, if I do not get permission, or someone cloaks themselves.”


  “Humans don’t generally need to give permission because their minds are fairly easy to access. Animals on the other hand. We need their permission. What is surprising is, the day you ran away, I tried looking for you. Yet every bird and animal that may have seen you, refused to give me permission. They didn't want to show you to me. I am generally good with animals. None of them ever decline me for anything. But they did so for the first time, whenI wanted to look at you.”

  And now I know why. Because she is the Kazi, for God’s sake.

  “Okay, so you can control sight. But you cannot see in the past or the future? Or induce another sight?”

  “No, I cannot. I wish I could see the future or the past. Or even induce visions. It would help with the captives, but no I cannot. I can only know the present.”

  “Much like Lexie can. She can feel in the present,” Ada says biting her lips. Looking down.

  “What are you thinking?” I find myself whispering. Because I need to witness her mind work once again. What an absolutely marvelous feat her mind is. I am sounding like Vee.

  “I am thinking that you’re all blessed by the Preservation sect, right?”

  We all nod.

  “So why only present? Why not the past and future too? Unless….,” that light bulb lights in her eyes, and a smile breaks over my face on its own. “Unless, you all haven't tried anything else. Can you for example, forage into someone’s mind beyond the current time? Try and see what they ‘saw’ a day before or something?”

  The smile vanishes from my face and I look at her. “No, I haven't tried. Ever. Never thought of that. Never had a reason to.”

  I look at Sensei, and he looks at her with pride. A deafult setting for him of late. Sensing I am looking at him, he looks at me and smiles.

  “This is what I meant when I said that she looks at things we would never think to look for. I am sure that a lot of good changes are coming,” he says.

  I nod, because in this moment, I know exactly what he means.

  “Having said that, we’ve discussed all of this briefly. Everyone. Cael and I had brainstormed a lot over expanding our gifts. But whatever we tried didn't work. Maybe we’ll see if you could help come up with another way of doing things?” he asks Ada.

  “Sure Baba. Anything to help. Anything I could do would be awesome.” Then she turns to me and says, “what else?”

  “And...nothing else.” At her questioning look, I say, “the basic things like intention setting, or protection, warding, etc all of us can do. I am sure you can do that too. But there are some things that one of us is stronger in than the others. Lexie, for example, is stronger in warding and protection. I am stronger in breaching others mental walls. So if their protection is slightly weaker than mine, I can breach it. But know that all of us can do that to some extent.”

  She nods and looks down at the carpet.

  I cannot help but want to be inside her brain right now.

  I look at Vee, because he is usually the analytical type. His eyes are glued to her face with a smile on his lips. I know he is as proud of her as I am. But I know when it comes to being attracted to mind and intellect, he takes the cake. He has always sung praises of her intelligence. They share a class together, and he is always exhilarated after their group presentations. Saying that he saw things in a different way that day.

  And now I know why.

  “Okay. Shall we move to Vee now?” Sensei asks Ada. She lifts her eyes and looks at Vee, and smiles.

  Vee licks his lips. He’s nervous. He didn’t need to be. From what I’ve come to know about Ada, she's completely respectful. But yes, she will look at things from a fresh perspective and that will definitely render us senseless.

  Maybe that's why Vee is worried. His magic is what we all have struggled with the most. Not in terms of danger levels, but just sheer understanding. I give him a nod and a thumbs up.

  Because if there is something that can help Vee figure it out more, then Ada is the one to find it.

  Chapter 33


  Everyone has been so impressive, and I cannot help but think of what she’ll think of my power.

  I am proud of my magic. But even I understand that there is a lot to be explored in it. We just don't know how.

  All we have is Sensei’s proclamation, that he had received a message from Krimavi while meditating that I will be able to figure everything out as soon as I find the most precious thing.

  Anyways, no time to think about it now.

  “Why do you look like you are bringing your report card home?” Ada asks me mischievously.

  I give her a smile. But the seriousness on my face turns that mischief into concern.

  “Like Lexie, I am also not so sure about my magic. I mean I love it. I do, I just haven’t found any other use for it.” I run my fingers through my hair to get some control back. “Rather, I don't know if anything useful can be done with it.”

  “I doubt that. But please tell me what it is?” she asks me with such innocence and worry radiating off her face that it takes everything in me to not go to her and take her in my arms.

  I shake my head, and then continue. “So I can smell things and find their lineage. Any object, any person. It is weird, but I just need the scent of someone or something and I can tell you the whole history of that person or object. Includ
ing where they are coming from, etc. But usually it doesn’t work, because if things are doused in artificial fragrance, like room fresheners or cleaning products, or strong perfume for humans, then I cannot do anything about it.”

  I say and look out the window.

  “And the basic stuff?”

  “Yeah I can do that.. And I’m stronger in tracking than the others. Even though my scenting is okay and has its own set of limitations, I can still track the fastest than anyone else out there. Just like a dog.” I say, touching my nose.

  She smiles at me and then asks, “so what can you find out from your scenting?”

  “Anything that is there to know about that person - not their feelings or thoughts, but just the places they’ve been to and where they’re coming from.”

  “Interesting. So you can’t scent emotions?”


  “Umm…. Yes I can, but not in a straightforward way.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that though I can get a sense of their emotions, it is only a fleeting thing. What I can tell in detail is where someone is coming from, what they ate, when they slept, how long it has been for them, etc. Emotions are jumbled up. Like, I can sense that someone is coming from their home. But sometimes it is mixed with happiness or feelings of sadness. Sometimes it’s that they are upset about leaving home but happy about something else. So while I can get a sense of emotions, it is not straightforward. The emotions could be about anything, regarding anything. But my scenting can tell facts about the places they’ve been to, other people they have met, where the clothes they are wearing were bought from. Things like that, that is concrete. Makes sense?”

  She waits for a bit then nods slowly.

  “So, straightforward as in you cannot tell whether that emotion is a result of one thing or coming from a lot of other facts combined? Maybe someone is upset coming back from shopping and you may end up thinking that they don't like shopping and that's why they are upset, but in reality they might just be grumpy that they didn't get something they were eyeing. Right?”


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