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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 29

by Riverr Ravenswood

  “You don’t feel a mass of magic sitting somewhere within you?”

  “No, Baba. I don't.” Even I can hear the worry in my voice. How can I not feel my magic or sense it? I have always been the one with the senses and feels.

  “Okay. Focus on your chakras. Dive within. And tell me if the colours are more vibrant.”

  Okay, now that I can do.

  I dive deep and say hello to my chakras.

  Everyone knows that coming from the Crown chakra to the root chakra, the colours are in the pattern of VIBGYOR. And I have worked closely with my chakras before so I know what I am looking for.

  But this time as I focus, I see that there is a fine outline of shimmery gold around my chakras. The colours are vibrant, iridescent, and wrapped in a golden hue. Whoa talk of beauty….

  As I delve deeper, I am even more mesmerised to see the golden has a filigree of a shimmery black within them. But it glitters, and is super vibrant. I take a moment to notice all the chakras connected with one another by that thin and twisting golden and black shimmer. I don’t know what the colours mean, I don't know the significance of it all, all I know is that it is beautiful. Fucking mesmerising.

  ‘Kali, do you see this?’

  It takes a moment for Kali to come to the forefront.

  ‘I am not sure what I am supposed to be looking at chica..’

  ‘The chakras and the colours…’

  ‘Oh yeah. Was it different? Why am I looking at this and why do you sound like you are in awe?’

  ‘Wait, what? No it was not always like this. The chakras were their colours. The golden and black thread is new, and fuck if that doesnt make it beautiful.’

  Kali is quiet for some time. She is thinking. I don't know how I know this, but of late, I am getting more attuned to her.

  ‘What is this then?’ she asks in an unusual sombre tone.

  ‘My magic? I don’t know! All I know is that my chakras weren't a part of a beautiful intricate pattern that seems to be within me now.’

  ‘Ada, if this is magic, then this is highly unusual. Magic doesn't wrap itself around your energy centers. It is connected to it, yes. Magic is energy too, after all. But the magic and your chakras are always a separate entity. Like different entities, you know? At least it was till you. Wow.’

  What does that mean?

  ‘It means that my bestie is a fucking badass!’

  I try to focus on one chakra - I start with the root. The bright red is glowing owing to the delicate, yet robust, filigree of gold and black shimmer around it. The three colours don't even look separate. They look twined. Together. So beautiful.

  As I focus more on my root chakra, it pulses and becomes brighter. I see it as a beautiful red lotus uncurls its petals. Sitting within the red lotus is a beautiful dancing tree, made of red, gold and black. Branches made of the black shimmer, and something like gold dust falls from the branches.

  Is this really within me?

  The branches sway a little more, twirling, dancing to its own rhythm. And then, as if the beat changed, the branches stand straighter, erect. The tree grows bigger. The branches start growing golden leaves.

  What the ever loving fuck!

  ‘Fuck, do you see this?’ Kali squeals.

  I can only nod.

  I see, and feel, the tree growing its root. Using the energy channels in my body, the roots grow, moving across my hips and legs. It reaches the soles of my feet, and then connects to the earth below me.

  And my senses explode!

  I was always able to connect to my chakras and know my surroundings. But this? This is fucking exhilarating, and confusing at the same time.

  Because now I can feel everything. I can feel the earth, the trees, the plants and the wildlife. They rush to me with energy. I feel like I am connected to the cosmos. I mean, that is how it would feel, right? That is literally the only way I can describe it.

  I feel secure. I feel safe. I feel stable.

  I focus on my senses. It feels good, warm. I feel a sense of belonging. It is almost as if the earth and nature are welcoming me to their fold. With open arms, wrapping me in their warm embrace.

  I feel the surprise of the animals around me, and a rush of their joy reaches me.

  Whoaaaa! Bad-fucking-ass!

  Everything. I feel everything the earth has to offer. Around me. Not around the world. Just my surroundings. I don't know how far this sense goes. But I feel them all. I try to send my warmest embrace to all these lovely beings that I seem to be connected to. I feel them return my embrace.

  And as soon as that feeling had started, it ends.

  I frantically try to feel more, and I relax when I realise that I am still connected to them. To every thing that makes this earth, earth.

  Just when I am about to open my eyes, I feel another presence. Closer to me. Shining vibrant and bright. A beautiful golden and violet hue, that almost looks like white. And just off to my right, another presence. This is glowing orange and green. The moment I feel these two, the warmest of feelings assault me. Like my own personal wool blanket. Something else that is connected to Earth. Not a person. No. Because I wasn’t able to feel people. I can sense them, alright. But they are not connected to earth the way the animals and the trees are.

  But this presence is beautiful.

  Right in front of me.

  Kali squeezes me in her version of giving me support, and I open my eyes.

  Baba’s face comes in focus, his eyes intent on me, and for a moment his eyes widen.

  Before I know what is happening, awe and reverence fills me and words tumble out of my mouth.

  “Who are you?”

  Chapter 43


  He keeps staring at me for a long moment.

  “Gudiya, you were within yourself for two hours. Are you okay?”

  Two hours? Shit. That long it took? It felt like just minutes. Half an hour tops.

  “What do you mean two hours? And why do I feel you?” I say taking a hand to my chest and rubbing it.

  “What do you feel?” he asks, trying to act nonchalant but I sense worry in him.

  Why would he be worried?

  “I feel you Baba. And your presence is like this beacon to me. It's like the earth is revolving around you, or that you are caressing it just with your presence. And I feel your caress too. I feel safe and secure. Especially with you there,” I say pointing at the air in front of me, denoting his energy body.

  Baba keeps looking at me for a long time.

  “Can you tell me what exactly happened Gudiya?”

  Dad enters the room and sees the tears brimming in my eyes. He rushes to me and takes me in his arms.

  My brows furrow trying to understand what is going on.

  “Gudiya, what happened? You are scaring us..”

  Baba’s voice holds concern and I have never heard concern in his voice like this.

  I nod and start telling them what I found.

  The golden and black shimmer, the delicate patterns, the root chakra, the colours, the red lotus and the tree unfurling. The connection to earth and feeling two beings that aren't animals. But now as I recount it, I am more than sure that it is Baba and Dad.

  Is that even possible? How could they be connected to earth?

  ‘May be it is the purity in their souls? Maybe that’s why they are connected to earth? Or it could be that they are irrevocably connected to you?’ Kali offers.

  I forgot that she could hear my thoughts as well as she can. And that makes sense. Surprisingly.

  Yeah that is it. As I end the retelling of what happened, I look up and find both of them looking at me with their mouths open.

  “Are you saying that your magic is twined with your energy centers? And that one of those centers is now connected to Earth?” Dad asks me, bewildered.

  I nod and tell him, “I know, it is weird for me too. But Dad.. feeling the love of all the animals?” a fresh wave of emotions wrap me again. “It is the most bea
utiful feeling ever, Dad. Perhaps that’s why I am crying. Such innocence and purity… And humans have been killing them for sport. I am so grateful that I can connect to them in a way that I haven't heard of anybody connecting. Even though I don't know what I am supposed to do with that or what I am supposed to feel, I am immensely grateful.” My voice breaks by the end of it.

  Dad squeezes me tight. When I look at him, I find him looking at Baba intently. Probably talking to each other telepathically.

  “What does this all mean?” I ask them, my voice unnaturally small, bringing their attention to me.

  “It means that your magic is much more than magic, gudiya. It is a blessing. Having said that, I promise you that we will figure it out together. Okay?” Baba tells me crouching down in front of me. “Now, does this mean that you can access your magic? That you know where it is in your body?”

  “Umm.. No, Baba. There is no separate place where my magic is placed. It is closely linked and twined with the chakras. I mean, there isn't a specified place where the magic is. But I can see it alright. I just don't know what to do from here.”

  “Okay, we will figure it out. For now, go pack and take some time off. Accessing magic at the beginning is a big deal and is known to exhaust the gifted. Okay?” Baba asks gently, and I nod.


  “But hang on, how are we getting there? Can we get there? What about the other sects who we don’t want to know about the travel?” I fire the questions rapidly as we carry our respective bags down the stairs.

  ‘Calm down will ya? Jeez…’

  ‘Kali, these are valid questions!’

  “We will get there, and don’t worry about the other sects. Sooner or later they are going to find out,” Ash explains to me. “But the sooner we get close to finding what we want, the better.”

  “And it won’t get us in trouble?”

  “No sweetheart, it won’t,” Ash winks before jogging upstairs to help Lexie with her bag.

  I won't deny the flutters his wink caused.

  Kali scoffs. ‘And not his use of the word sweetheart?’

  Yeah that too. Oh my God, what's wrong with me?

  ‘Nothing is wrong with you sweetheart. You are only now realising what hotties the men are.’

  ‘Can you not be listening to my thoughts every freaking moment please?’

  ‘Sorry can’t do. Your thoughts are my only source of entertainment chica. Get used to it.’

  Urgh, fine!

  “All ready?” Dad asks, placing his bag next to mine.

  “Yes, Dad. But …”

  “I know you are worried. Don’t be,” Dad winks.“You will find out that we all are some of the most powerful Gifted in the world. Okay? Don't stress baby girl. You have got us.”

  ‘Hot damn! Cael is the badassest and the hottest man alive!’

  ‘Can you please not say such things about my Dad please? I don’t need you to be rooting to be my step mom!’

  ‘Jeez. Calm down. I am only appreciating what is worth appreciating. Cael is hot. I would love to call him Daddy….’

  ‘Can you just shut up and stop objectifying my father? Just please… urghh’

  ‘Okay okay calm down. I will take a nap. Seems like you are starting your periods. Jeez.’

  I feel Kali retreating back and going to sleep. It is uncanny how I can feel her, yet have no clue about people around me.

  “What is it?”

  I startle and find Enzo looking at me with worried eyes. He must have seen the confusion on my face, because he smoothens his forehead and gives me a hug.

  “You had this look of utmost helplessness and anger on your face. What was it?” he asks me.

  “Oh, nothing.. Just Kali being Kali,” I tell him.

  “You guys get into another argument?”

  I look around me to ensure that we are alone. “She has a crush on Dad!” I hiss.

  His face freezes for a moment, and then he starts laughing. His dimples make an appearance and he looks so fricking hot that my ovaries melt!

  “Shut up! It isn’t funny!” I hiss again.

  He says, “yeah, I can imagine how you can be repulsed by it. I am sure she is kidding.”

  “I hope so too. She has gone to sleep because I was being ‘too moody’ for her,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

  He laughs some more.

  “Well, if it helps, then we all have had our moments of fanboying and fangirling over Pa. But now we have become immune to him. Give her some time.” With that he laughs some more, ruffling my hair.

  Before I can take in his dimples and this carefree vibe he has going on, others are joining in. My body hums as all four guys close in around me and we wait for Baba.

  This weird sensation has never happened before. And I hope it isn't one of those silly fated things that I read in books about. Because even if that is the biggest gift, if my will and choice isn't in it, then it will become too problematic for me to deal with it.

  ‘Oh Dear Lord!’

  I jump at the sudden scream of Kali, and everyone is ready to rush into battle.

  “Just Kali. Ignore me,” I tell them.

  ‘What the hell Kali!’

  ‘You are literally screaming in our mind. Can you not for one moment over-stress? No, there is nothing about fated things and nobody is taking your choice away. Just relax. Go with the flow!’

  ‘Hey, Kali… can you hear everything I am thinking about because you are, well, under my skin? Is that why?’

  I am greeted with silence as she thinks about it.

  ‘I think so…… why?’

  ‘I am thinking that it must get annoying for you and I understand that. So do you think it will help if you are not under my skin and you can shift into a chain so that you are over my skin? I don't even know if that makes sense…’

  ‘No, I get it. I understand. Actually, it's a good idea. I love you, I have waited a long time for you, but sometimes….. Yeah I think we should know if that is an option. What do you say?’

  ‘Yeah, why don't you shift into a fancy chain and then we can see how it goes?’

  ‘Okay. But only for half an hour. And Paramaiah forbid, first sign of trouble, I am going under!’

  “Yeah. Of course. Come on, let’s see if this works.’

  I follow others to the garage. Within five minutes, Kali is out as a chain.

  I, surprisingly, don’t feel her absence. It feels like she has stepped out for an errand and is coming back.

  Can she hear me now, I wonder. Will our conversations still work?

  I get in the middle seat of Enzo’s SUV, Enzo and Ryan on either side of me. Vee is driving and Dad is sitting upfront. Baba, Lex and Ash have taken the back.

  I look at the chain around me, and take it in my hands.

  ‘Kali, can you hear me?’

  I ask in my mind.

  ‘Yeah, I can. Were you not thinking anything till now? It was so quiet.’

  ‘I was thinking! I was constantly thinking! You didn’t hear anything?’


  Well damn it worked. Now Kali can take rest when she wants.

  ‘I don’t like it.’

  “What are you doing?”

  I look up and see Ry leaning close to me, whispering.

  “What are you doing? You have been awfully quiet and why is Kali out? You had a falling out?” he smirks.

  “We are trying something. Now shh. Let us focus,” I shove his shoulder with mine.

  My stomach is fluttering at his smirk and cologne.

  ‘What don’t you like Kali?’

  ‘I feel too alone.’

  My heart goes out to her.

  ‘Come back in. Come on, you can deal with the constant chatter in my mind.’

  ‘Let me be here for some more time. If it gets too much then I will..’

  ‘No, now Kali. We look out for each other. And I can feel your pain. Please.’

  Maybe it was the hurt in my voice, or she felt me feeling it too, sh
e doesn’t argue. And I watch as she melts in my skin.

  A euphoric feeling enters me. As Kali settles inside me, she gives a gentle sigh.

  ‘Yeah this is it. You are home.’ With that, she drifts off to sleep.

  My eyes fill with tears as I think about what she said. How many years had she spent alone?

  I lay my head on the back of the seat, and I feel Baba’s hands stroking my hair.

  ‘I will take care of you Kali. I promise.’

  And with that promise to her, I drift off to sleep as well.

  Chapter 44


  We step out of the car to take our private jet. Yeah, we are rich, it turns out. Ada will probably lose her shit over it.

  The car door closes shut behind me and I turn.


  Her golden eyes are swimming with golden and black flecks and in this light, it is more prominent. She gives me a smile, melting my heart a little more.

  “Come on spider monkey. We are here,” I tell her as I point at the jet.

  “You were able to hire a plane?” she asks, eyeing the jet in front of us.

  “It is ours.” I am going for a nonchalant shrug. But with the way her head whips back to me, clearly it didn’t work.

  “Whoa! What do you mean? Yours? Yours mean what? You own this plane? A freaking plane?!”

  “Calm down darlin’. It is Adishakti’s plane. All the sects have their luxuries. Sensei and Pa have been on top of the investments and increasing the money that Adishakti had.”

  “Who is the pilot? Is he one of us, like, can he remember everything? Or is he gonna forget it all when he leaves us there and has to come back?”

  I smile at her and her eyes zero in on my lips.

  That did not go to my groin at all.

  I clear my throat. “He remembers. He is, in fact, one of the most trusted people in Adishakti. Pa will definitely introduce you.”

  “Is it safe for them to know who I am? Won’t he question?”

  An arm wraps around Ada, that I find belongs to Ash.

  “Always with so many questions….” he tsks.

  “Hey! I didn’t have the privilege growing up in a cult and being part of it to know everything.”


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