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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 37

by Riverr Ravenswood

  This works. The Four stumble a step back. I look back at Pa and Ada, and find Ada smirking. Yeah, in God hierarchy, Kshitara is way above The Four. Besides that, a mother’s weapon for protecting her child will any day be more powerful than anything else.

  “Let’s start,” Sensei says, clearly not wanting Pa to unleash.

  The Four look back and forth between Pa and Sensei. Then the brown eyed female smiles. “I am Muros-a-ya. Nice to meet you. You must be The Protector. We apologise if we unintentionally insulted you or her,” she says slanting her eyes to Ada. “I hope we can get to know each other later.” She gives him a winning smile. Is she flirting? Holy fucking shit on cheeseballs! She is!

  But Pa does not falter one bit. He takes one more step forward and speaks, “You need to bring Vyhdir back. Do not think of her, do not look at her, do not fucking speak to her.”

  Muros-a-ya’s eyes widen, while the others crack up.

  “Come on! We are running out of time,” Sensei says, directing them towards Vyhdir.

  “Dad?” Ada calls out softly. When Pa turns around, his face softens. He is still spewing lava from his body, and he is still holding his whip, but his eyes soften. It is a sight, really. To see the magma in his eyes softening. “Come back to us. They will take care of Vyhdir.”

  Within a second Pa is back to normal. Ada reaches out her other hand, the one I am not killing, to give his shoulder a soft squeeze.

  Then we turn to watch the Gods and Sensei. Oh wait, Sensei is a God. What God is he?

  Before I can ask more questions in my mind, the five of them start circling Vyhdir. They raise their hands. The Four direct their hands at the ring of elements, while Sensei raises his hand skywards. Spirit? He will coax Vyhdir’s spirit back to him?

  They start chanting. And everything happens at once. The elements around us rustle. It is not one single elements. It is like we are in the middle of a tornado, only this tornado has hot air with water and dust particles. Hot wet air laden with leaves and mud swirls around us. It gets more intense as their chanting grows. It reaches a point where the visibility is almost nil. This goes on for about some time, but then it stops. We are still in a packet of dust, water, and hot air. But the wind no longer blows. We can see one another and the five of them. The ring of elements around Vyhdir blazes high and bright.

  The Four and Sensei then cut open their palms, and we gasp. Their blood drips on the ring of elements. I am assuming that spirit element is within that ring too.

  As soon as their blood touches the ring of elements, it starts sizzling. The ring, I mean. Then, as if a puppeteer is commanding the jumble of different colours and materials that made the ring, five distinct strings start separating from one another.

  One, almost translucent strand, comes out of Vyhdir’s forehead. Sensei commands that strand with his palms, without touching it.

  The other four strands, of the colours of the Gods’ eyes, are connected in one clean line from Vyhdir’s stomach to The Four’s palms.

  All five of their eyes blaze. They start coaxing the elemental strands back to Vyhdir. The wind is still stagnant around us. After some time, as I see rolls and rolls of the elemental strands being sent back to Vyhdir, the air around us starts dissipating. And as it happens, Vyhdir’s colour starts coming back, his body starts filling out.

  Oh my fucking God! He is the hottest God I have ever seen. Hah! That is no not normal speak for a college student. But I don’t care. Vyhdir is sexy with a capital and a bold S. He is a God after all.

  “Fuck, is it only me, or do you all find them hot and sexy too?” I cannot stop from asking others.

  Ian is the first to speak, “they are hot indeed.”

  “Yeah,” Vee speaks from behind me. “They are fucking phenomenal.”

  “Aren’t they supposed to be this hot? I mean, they are Gods, after all,” Ash says.

  “What do you think, Ada? Are you drooling?” Enzo asks her.

  Her eyes are fixed on Sensei. She shrugs and says, “Dad and Baba are the sexiest men there are. And I find Lexie sexier and you guys hotter than these gods. Including you, Ian,” she says, completely normally.

  I am frozen. Did she just place us higher than the Gods? Pa grunts and that brings me back to the present. I look around and find all of my brothers’ eyes fixed on her face. And their faces are splitting into hugeass smiles. Mine too.

  “She included me,” Ian whispers, as he slides his hand in my hand. The gesture surprises me. He squeezes my fingers and when I look at him. He is smiling softly while he looks at the Gods doing their mojo. Ash wraps an arm around my shoulder from behind me and kisses the top of my head. I smile as a blanket wraps itself snugly around my heart. I am happy. I belong. And I am sexier. For the first time I am happy with this information.

  Chapter 54


  Vyhdir is back to his normal health. As the elements get back in his body, his body lowers to the ground on his own. Like Lexie said, he is a beautiful God. But my eyes are riveted on Baba.

  He is not tired, is he? What can we even do if he needs help? And not to forget, what if Vyhdir needs help? Not that we have food or something.

  At last, all the elemental strands are inside his body, and The Four and Baba collapse on the ground. Before I even realise, I am running towards him. But as I reach him, I see that it is just exhaustion.

  Thank God!

  Dad reaches me with a bottle of water in his hand. I kneel down next to Baba and support his body with mine, while Dad helps him drink water.

  After gulping the entire bottle down, Baba lets out a breath of relief. Dad and I do too, as we see his face return to normal colour.

  “Oh Baba thank God you are okay,” I say, hugging him tight. Dad wraps his arms around the both of us.

  Suddenly, Baba starts laughing.

  “What?” I ask him as we get back.

  “We did it,” he starts softly, at first. Then he jumps up and pumps his fist in the air. “We did it! Vyhdir is back!” he turns back to The Four, who are wearing matching smirks and drinking water from the bottles the guys got them. “Thank you! I cannot thank you enough.” His eyes mist at that. It is true, if they hadn’t come, then we don't know what would have happened.

  “No,” the blue eyed female says. “Thank you for calling us. If anything had happened to him, I….,” she trails off. As if the mere thought is unthinkable. Actually it is.

  “How about introductions now?” the gray eyed male God asks.

  Baba nods. Then looks at Dad.

  “This is Cael. My son in every honor of the word and sentiment. He is The Protector,” pride rings in his voice. I look at Dad and see him holding back tears. My chest puffs up with pride too. My father is the best-est man in the entire bloody universe.

  Dad stands and wraps Baba in a manly hug. Then he turns to look at The Four.

  Muros-a-ya steps forward first. She bows the warrior bow that Dad returns. “You already know my name. I am Muros-a-ya. Goddess of the Fire Element.” With that, she thrusts her hand forward for a shake.

  Dad accepts it and says, “I am Cael.”

  “Beautiful name, Cael,” she says. Dad sputters, and Lexie cough-laughs. I roll my eyes. If she doesn’t have good intentions towards Dad, I will have to gut her.

  ‘I will gut that bitch with you,’ Kali seethes. A mental image of Kali smashing her fists Hulk-style flashes in my mind.

  “I am Draidon,” the blue eyed one says. She repeats the warrior bow, and thrusts her hand forward, “Goddess of the Water Element. Nice to meet you Cael.”

  Oh fuck is she seductive or is she seductive. Her voice can melt melted puddles. That is how much heat her voice has.

  Dad is going a beautiful shade of pink. I cannot help but find that adorable.

  “I am Vala-di-Somi,” the green eyed God steps forward with his warrior bow. But he doesn't thrust his hand forward. He holds it out arm-wrestle-claw-like, like the fist-hand-shake that men do. Dad seems relieved at that.
He shakes his fist-claw. “I am the God of the Earth Element. And I am a fan. The Protector. You are the legend that we have heard of for years. I cannot wait to get to know you!”

  I spread my senses far. I don’t detect any ill-will or mockery from them. But again. If any one of them tries to hurt my Dad, or anyone in my family, I will really have to kill them. I have to maintain my street-cred.

  ‘With you babe, with you.’

  “I am Wana-Yu,” the gray eyed God steps forward, with his warrior bow and fist-claw. Once done, he says, “I am the God of the Air Element. Cannot agree with Vala more.” He clasps Dad on his shoulder and steps back.

  “Thank you for coming,” Dad says.

  Baba too claps Dad on his back as he steps forward. He then starts introducing us. “This is Lorenzo, Vincent, Asher, Ryan, and Ian,” he says, introducing the guys first. That is so wrong on so many levels, but I am sure Baba has a plan.

  When the guys finish their greetings, Baba turns to Lexie and me, with a wide smile. “This spitfire is Alexis.”

  Lexie blushes and meets all the Gods. When done, she turns to face me, and her eyes are wide, starstruck. I stifle a giggle as Baba turns his beaming smile at me. “And this bundle of mischief and love is my granddaughter. Cael’s daughter, Ada.”

  I smile at him, and step forward to meet The Four.

  “You are his daughter?” Muros-a-ya asks, gesturing towards Dad. When I nod, she looks at Dad and says, “you are The Protector. That...,” she turns to me again, “Are you the Kazi?”

  I shrug and nod. Did they expect someone impressive to be Kazi.

  ‘You are impressive Chica. This blond God spawn has nothing on you.’ My Kali, ever the loyalist. I love this girl to bits!

  I smile despite myself. But The Four are looking at each other as if they are solving the Black Hole mystery.

  “What is going on?” I ask her.

  “Oh! Sorry, nothing. It is just… we never thought that The Protector and Kazi will be father and daughter. That alone makes Cael the one to be feared.”

  Everyone laughs. I do too. But I shake my head.

  “He is the one to be feared alright. But not only because he is The Protector. That is a big enough reason. But he is to be feared because he is a kickass warrior, and if he is pissed then he will not be alone in his rage. He comes with his own small army that is more than enough to defeat anyone.” She is about to laugh and deny it when I continue, “and Baba, is part of the army. Where Dad goes, Baba goes. And Vice versa. So yeah he is to be feared, alright.” I look at Dad and wink at him. Dad and Baba both are looking on with the softest of smiles on their faces.

  When I turn back to Muros-a-ya, I say, “is there like a short name for all of you? Your names are a handful.”

  This cracks up The Four.

  “Oh I love this girl!” Vala-di-Somi exclaims. He steps forward and hugs me. Note that none of the Gods hugged anyone else. But these four hug me. One by one. I won’t deny I love it! They are so powerful that when they hug me, I feel their power resonate deep within me.

  “You call me Vala,” Vala-di-Somi says. “And they are Saya, Aida, Wana,” he says pointing at the Fire, Water, and Air gods.

  “That is so much better! Thank you,” I tell them.

  “And call me Deer, short for Vyhdir.”

  A gruff, deep, throaty voice announces from behind me.

  Chapter 55


  I come to my senses slowly. Keeping my eyes closed, I remember everything that had transpired.

  I was betrayed.

  By someone I trusted. I should have never told the truth about Kazi bringing a new wave of creation to them.

  A voice reaches me, and my spirits lift. I am still feeling all the elements settling down within me. I was weakened. I could have been drained completely if it wasn’t for the Land protecting me by disallowing entry to the betrayers.

  Several more voices pierce through the haze of healing. I hear someone talking about the Protector.

  Could this be? Could they have found her?

  The Land sends healing into my body. Their way of telling me that I am safe and that help is here. I hear Saya trying to charm someone. I mentally roll my eyes. I know it is a very Earthly thing to do. But I cannot help it. Land helps the person who she is trying to charm.

  As consciousness returns to me full force, I am able to hear every word being said.

  ‘Is there like a short name for all of you? Your names are a handful.’

  Who is this? Who could ask a bunch of Gods these questions, and have Vala laugh at it. Vala is headstrong, and doesn’t take nicely to anyone undermining their respect and authority.

  The Land giggles.

  That’s right. The Land giggles. As if telling me that I am in for the ride of my life.

  Time to see what this is all about.

  I slowly open my eyes and the most beautiful sky greets me. I tilt my head a little in greeting. People worship Gods. They are told to do so. But the true Gods are all the elements, the nature, and the energies around us. I never dare forget that.

  I sit upright. Nobody notices me. The Four are taken by the girl they are talking to. She glows. No. She is radiant. Not the Gods-like radiance. But one of purity. Of innocence. Of love. I can see why The Four are taken by her.

  Is she Kazi?

  Best way to find out.

  I stand, feeling bliss at being able to feel everything within me once again. I take a step forward as Vala finishes telling her about their short names.

  “And you can call me Deer,” I say. “Short for Vyhdir.”

  Everything stills. Everyone stills. But my eyes are riveted on her.

  Who is she?

  Then she turns.

  Golden eyes. Translucent skin. Raven hair. A shimmering golden and black lotus on her left forearm.

  I can see the true self of people. That is why the translucence and the shimmer of her essence is a surprise. I have seen very few, barring the Gods, with this radiance.

  “You are awake,” she speaks. Not a fleck of Sama in her. But it is her soul fused with this girl, alright. “Do you need water?”

  The Four sputter. I gawk at her. She fumbles, looking around. Another girl handles her a bottle of water and she steps forward to hand it to me.

  Just as she is about to reach me she stills. She starts scanning the area around her.

  “What is it?” I ask her.

  “We need to hide,” she whispers. Then she turns her wide eyes to me and says, “all of us. Now!”

  Every nerve in my body stiffens. I am not afraid of anything. No. But whatever she felt has spooked her enough to want me to hide.

  “Gudiya?” a familiar voice reaches me from behind her.

  Someone steps up next to her and my breath catches in my throat. Before I know it, I have reached him in three huge strides and wrapped him in my arms.

  “Thank you my friend. Thank you for coming for me,” I tell him.

  He smiles and says, “I will always come for you. Ada made it possible. The Land only talks to her here.” The pride in his voice cannot be mistaken. He looks at the girl, who I am assuming is Ada. “Why do we need to hide?”

  “Now Baba. We don’t have time. Where can we go?” she asks looking around.

  Before anyone can respond, she tilts her head, and nods. Closing her eyes, a chain creeps out of her skin.


  The chain vanishes and Ada herds us away from the cliff, closer to the forest line.

  Once we are there, we see a film surrounding us.

  “What?” the other girl asks Ada.

  “Something is coming. We needed to hide. Apparently that was the only way everyone would believe,” she frowns and looks down. “Don’t ask me to explain it. We need to stay hidden for now.”

  As if that makes sense? But others nod and still. In preparation and anticipation.

  “What did you do? And is that Kaleira?” I ask her. My voice is still hoarse, but ri
ght now, it is hoarse for another reason.

  Could it have started happening?

  “Yes, that is Kaleira. Kali, as she likes to be called, is surrounding us in an invisible shield that makes it looks like there is nothing here. Anyone looking on will only ever see the forest behind us.”

  “Can we still talk or is that a risk?” one of the guys asks.

  “I think we can whisper.”

  “Because I have questions,” the same guy says, whispering this time.

  I share a baffled look with The Four, who are smirking.

  Who are these people who don’t care that they are in the presence of Gods?

  One of the men steps forward, bows the warrior bow, and asks, “Sensei, are you really a God?”


  He stumbles a bit. I see vulnerability in his eyes. Ada comes over to him and hugs him tightly.

  Then she whispers, “does Dad know?”

  His eyes widen, and he goes still. Ultimately, he shakes his head.

  She steps back and looks at him, squeezes his hand and gives him a smile. Then whispers, “nothing changes, right?”

  He pushes his tears back, and nods.

  Tuning to others he says, “Yes, I am a God. You have been reading about me. And nothing has made me more proud than being your Sensei.”

  “Wh-wh-who are you?” the other girl asks.

  His grip on Ada’s hand tightens. He keeps looking at the group.

  They must mean a lot to him for him to be worried about their reaction.

  “Come on Baba, tell them,” Ada says softly.


  “You know who he is?” the blond guy asks. Ada shrugs.

  That is fascinating. She shrugs. As if he is not about to reveal the biggest secret in existence.

  He takes a deep breath and says, “I am Paramaiah.”

  A beat of silence.

  Two beats.

  Three beats.

  Then Ada laughs. She hugs Parama once again, kissing his cheek. “Come on guys. Now you have a legit reason to be shit scared of him.”


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