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Unexpected Packages

Page 8

by Sindee Lynn

  Kenny ran his hands up and down her arms. Goose bumps peppered her skin where he touched. A shiver of pleasure ran through her body. When had he moved so close to her?

  “So maybe, just maybe, you can stop imagining what it would be like to have that guy and start living it,” he said, burying his fingers in her hair.

  Connie’s eyes grew wide in shock. Surely he couldn't be suggesting what she thought he was suggesting. The thought caused her heart to race unbearably in her chest.

  “That was just a dream I used to have when I was younger,” she began.

  Kenny’s brow quirked upwards, and a smile slanted across his face.

  Connie couldn't keep an answering smile at bay.

  “Okay, so it wasn’t that long ago. But it was just a dream. Reality has set in now. Besides, there are hardly any just okay guys who don’t want a girl who pays attention to her hair and her clothes. Not to mention everyone seems to want the size six jeans.”

  The amusement she saw within his eyes sent a chill of a different kind up her spine. Was he laughing at her? She attempted to pull away, but he pressed closer against her, effectively keeping her prisoner between the railing and his body. His head lowered until his eyes were level with hers.

  “Then, I guess it’s lucky for you that this somewhat successful pretty boy just so happens to like his women in oversized t-shirts and baggy sweat pants,” he said before his lips brushed hers in a whisper soft kiss.

  “And it’s pretty damn convenient I happen to have a sudden fascination for a woman who wears size eighteen jeans.”

  His lips brushed hers again before she felt his tongue slip between her parted lips. Her last thoughts before giving herself over to the kiss was of how he’d known what size jeans she wore.

  Connie moved her arms to circle his waist and massaged his back through the soft texture of his shirt. Heat centered between her legs at the intensity of their kiss. His hands moved between them to squeeze her breasts through her shirt. His thumbs moved over her extended peaks, and she groaned in pleasure. Her legs grew weak, and if not for his weight pressing her back against the rail, Connie was sure she would have fallen.

  By the time Kenny released her lips, her heart was pounding against her chest. He had to hear and feel its incessant beat as close as he was. Connie kept her eyes closed for fear of what would be reflected in their depths.

  “I think I should take you home now. If not, we’ll end up in my bed. And no matter how much the sound of that turns me on, I don’t think it’s the right time,” he said, his forehead resting against hers and his breathing coming out labored.

  “Yeah,” she said, snuggling closer to his heat. “I mean no. It’s not.”

  Connie smiled softly against his chest.

  Chapter 10

  The ride to her house passed in silence, and that was fine with Connie. She needed time with her thoughts and time to figure out just what she was getting herself into. It had all seemed so simple while she’d been standing outside under the stars with his arms wrapped tightly around her. All her doubts and confusion had seemed groundless, but the moment he had released her, it had all come crashing down upon her. She glanced over at the man beside her from beneath her lashes. They were parked at the curb outside her house. He sat with both hands on the wheel, engine still running.

  “Thank you for tonight. I had a good time,” Connie said, the silence growing uncomfortable as tension settled around them.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for not kicking me out of your house for being late,” he replied, a half smile on his face.

  More silence followed, and her doubts increased. Not more than twenty minutes ago, tension of another kind had them both thinking of nothing more than ripping the other’s clothes off, but now holding a conversation was a challenge.

  “Alright,” she paused, unsure of what to say.

  “I guess I will see or talk to you later then,” she said, reaching for the door handle.

  Escaping was her only thought, but Kenny’s hand flashed across the seat to stop her before she could pull the handle. Connie looked down at the hand gripping her wrist. She moved her hand away from the handle and turned in the seat to face him.

  “I want to see you again,” he said, lifting his gaze to meet hers.

  “You do?”

  Joy replaced misery instantly, and a smile broke free. Connie knew it was craziness to tempt fate. At some point, this would end and more than likely with her on the opposite side of a closed door. But none of it mattered right now in this moment.

  “I’d like that,” she said before she could talk herself out of it.

  Silence surrounded them once more as Kenny continued to hold her hand within his grip, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand as it lay in her lap.

  “I think I should walk you to your door. The urge to head back to my house is just a little too strong.”

  He released her hand and got out of the car to walk around to her side. Connie hoped he didn’t feel the trembling of her fingers as they walked hand in hand to her front door. She turned to face him when they got there.

  “Thank you again for tonight, Kenny,” she said, suddenly feeling shy.

  “Next time I take you someplace nice.”

  “If you feel you have to, but I enjoyed tonight, not for what we ate or where you took me but because of who I was with,” she said, staring boldly into his eyes.

  The smile he graced her with was worth her bravado in revealing some of what she was feeling. Kenny closed the small gap separating them and lowered his head to hers, his eyes locked on her lips. Anticipation made her stomach flutter. Her heart rate increased the closer his lips got to hers, but a soft brush of his lips was all she received. Opening her eyes in surprise, Connie saw the desire upon the face only inches from hers.

  “I have to go,” he said, releasing her and stepping back.

  Had Connie not seen the look for herself, she would have thought she’d done something to scare him off. But she knew he was fighting the same desire threatening to make her do something rash. Finding courage she didn’t know she had, she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his, her tongue grazed his bottom lip. When he gasped his surprise at her actions, she took the opportunity to take possession of his mouth with her tongue. She wasn’t as experienced as he was and her technique may have been lacking, but the groan of pleasure she heard from him proved she was doing something right. Kenny’s fist tightened in her hair to hold her head in place for their kiss. When they broke apart, they were both breathing heavy. Kenny took the keys from her slack fingers and opened the door for her. He then pushed her over the threshold.

  “Go to bed,” he said, his voice coming out huskier than normal.

  She glanced down and saw the definite outline of an erection straining against his slacks and smiled. She had done that.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said before turning and heading back to his car.

  Connie closed the door behind her and leaned against it, a huge grin on her face.

  “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

  Her keys fell to the floor as her hand flew to her chest.

  “Dammit, Brenda, what are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack,” she asked, bending to retrieve her keys.

  What the hell was she still doing here? It was.... She glanced at her watch. Man, she hadn't realized it was so late. It was after two in the morning. She was gonna be tired later today for class, she thought, smiling to herself.

  “Where have you been, Constance?” Brenda asked, a deep scowl on her face and a look of disapproval shining in her eyes. “If Mom and Dad knew this was how you were spending their good, hard earned money, they’d flip.”

  Connie simply rolled her eyes. She was in no mood for a big sister chitchat.

  “What are you still doing here?” she asked instead of answering Brenda's question.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to get home,” Brenda said, standing there with her hands on
her slender hips.

  “As you can see I’m fine. I’m a big girl, Bren. I don’t need you waiting up for me.”

  Her sister's hard gaze raked over her body.

  “That goes without saying.”

  Connie chose to ignore the obvious dig about her size. It was an old hurt she’d long ago come to grips with. But still she couldn't keep the feeling of self-consciousness from washing over her at Brenda's continued perusal. Funny how the whole time she’d been with Kenny, she hadn't felt bad about being in her sweats. But two minutes in the presence of her sister, she was wondering how he’d managed to touch her let alone have a hard on for her. But he had, she quickly reminded herself. He wanted you. You felt how hard he was for you. You saw it.

  “Brenda, I’m tired and ready for bed, so if you don’t want anything, lock the door on your way out,” she said, heading upstairs to her room.

  “He’s out of your league, you know,” Brenda called after her.

  A heavy sigh moved through her as she paused on the stairs. Apparently it was burst Connie's bubble time. She should have realized it was coming but hadn’t been expecting it so soon. It had only been one date.

  “Did you sleep with him, Connie? I mean I’m sure he pulled some moves you’re not used to. Just don’t hold your breath waiting for him to call.”

  Her spine stiffened. No matter how many times she found herself on the receiving end of Brenda’s wrath, it never failed to catch her slightly off guard. And really she didn’t know why because for more years than she cared to recall, this had been their relationship. Had there ever been a time when she had actually enjoyed having an older sister?

  “I didn’t sleep with him, not that it’s any of your business,” she finally answered, her back still turned on Brenda.

  Connie was glad her voice came out sounding calmer than she was feeling. A part of her was yelling for her to fight back. While the rest of her just wanted to run away and hide from the cruel words like she’d done most of her life.

  “Look, Con, why don’t you save yourself some time and a lot of hurt feelings. Just end this farce now before it goes too far.”

  For the first time in a long time, Connie felt the prick of tears burn the backs of her eyes at Brenda’s words. She had learned at a young age it did no good to cry over the things Brenda said because she would find herself crying whenever in her presence. So she had learned to hide her emotions, and she was determined not to give her sister the benefit of seeing how much her words had upset her now. The peace and solitude of her room was waiting for her. All she needed to do was just go upstairs and leave Brenda standing there. She continued her ascent up the stairs before pausing. The rational side of her brain questioned her actions, but the part of her that wanted vengeance for all those years of hurt feelings egged her on. After all, she knew what this was about, and it had nothing to do with her welfare.

  “What’s wrong, Brenda? You got your panties all in a bunch because Kenny didn’t pay enough attention to you?”

  A look of shock passed through her sister’s eyes. Yes, Connie wanted to scream. It seems she had hit the nail on the head. Her always calm and collected sister looked a little unnerved by the comment. Her ever steady gaze had dropped a few centimeters. Connie walked back down the stairs until she was standing directly in front of her.

  “That is what this is all about, right?”

  “I don’t know what you're talking about, Constance. This is about my not wanting to see you get hurt by a man who only has one thing on his mind. And that’s how he can use you to get me to notice him or have you forgotten that’s how it normally works,” Brenda said, a small smile coming to her face.

  It was a low blow. Normally they sparred back and forth before she went in for the kill but not tonight apparently.

  “That was a long time ago, Brenda. I’ve grown up since then,” Connie said, fighting the memories threatening to overtake her.

  She was not that same naïve girl she had once been. High school was behind her.

  “Oh, Connie, you’ll never be grown enough to handle men like Kenny Jamison,” Brenda said, her tone condescending. “He’s way out of your league, honey. Why don’t you leave the real men to women who can handle them?”

  The implication was clear in the smug grin on her face. Every part of Connie wanted to yell and scream and tell her she was wrong. But more so she wanted to wipe the patronizing smile right off her face. But tonight was not the time. She was just too uncertain of what she was doing to get into it any further.

  “Go home, Brenda,” she said, brushing pass her towards the door.

  She was done discussing this.

  “Con, you know I love you, honey. You're my baby sister. I don’t want to see another man take advantage of you and your naïveté, especially not a man like Kenny Jamison. It would just be too unfair, and I don’t want you to get your little heart broken,” Brenda said, stepping closer and embracing Connie.


  When Connie failed to return the hug, Brenda stepped back an irritated look on her face.

  “Good night, Brenda,” she said, opening the door for her.

  “Fine. Don’t listen. But don’t come crawling to me when he tears your heart out for fun,” Brenda said, flouncing through the door.

  Connie closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. Fighting with Brenda was always emotionally draining. She closed her eyes, and an image of Kenny came instantly to mind, bringing a smile with it. His eyes dancing with amusement and then filled with desire as he’d turned away when leaving. The way his lips had felt against hers. Thoughts of her evening spent in his company came racing back, causing her body and face to flush with heat. Brenda was right about one thing, she thought, pushing away from the door and heading upstairs to her room. It took a certain type of woman to handle a man like Kenny Jamison. The question was could she be that woman?

  Chapter 11

  Kenny entered his home on Tuesday evening through his garage, tossing his keys and briefcase on the counter. He breathed his first real breath of the day. From the moment he had stepped into his office, he had been going non-stop. There hadn't been a free moment to even stop and eat, let alone....

  “Oh, no,” he groaned, recalling his promise from last night.

  He glanced at the clock over the stove. It was after nine o’clock. Dammit, he was not making a very good impression, if he said so himself.

  Loosening his tie, he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and headed upstairs. He sat his beer on the nightstand before hanging up his suit jacket. Grabbing the phone in one hand and unbuttoning his dress shirt with his other, he dialed Connie’s number. If last night revealed one thing with the utmost clarity, it was the fact some idiot or possibly several idiots had done a number on her self-confidence.


  “Hi, may I speak with Connie?” Kenny said, sitting down on the edge of his bed to remove his shoes.

  He rolled his neck back on his shoulders and felt the tension tightening at the back of his neck. It had been one helluva day. And it was taking a toll on his body now that it was over.

  “Sure, hang on,” the female said.

  A deep sigh escaped him as he waited for Connie to pick up. He was feeling restless, and he knew it was from the day he’d had at work. He had managed to get in early this morning, thinking to get ahead of his always hectic day and recalling how he had left early yesterday. But as he had flipped through the slips of paper his secretary had been kind enough to leave on his desk, which held his messages from the day before, he had felt the beginnings of a head ache. He’d been going since six this morning, not even stopping for lunch. There were days when he lived for the fast paced life, but there were days like today when he had wished for half a moment to pause and just breathe. Or have time to make a simple phone call.

  He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and felt the knot the muscles there had worked themselves into during the course of his day. If he didn’t
find a way to relieve the tension, he would never get to sleep tonight. There was another full day in store tomorrow, so not sleeping was not an option. There were few things that had the ability to loosen him up from a day like today. A few hours of hot and heavy sex was the quickest way to do the trick. Not to mention his favorite. A vision of Connie's desire filled eyes flashed across his mind, causing his body to tighten in other areas. No, it was too soon to broach the subject of sex, no matter how his body demanded he change his mind. And he refused to use her luscious body for the sole purpose of unwinding. No, the only other option was to get out. A thought came to him as he put his shoes in his closet.


  Kenny felt a smile come to his face at Connie’s soft spoken greeting.


  “Hi yourself,” came the almost shy reply.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you today, but things were a little hectic,” he said in way of explanation.

  There was a pause on the line. Kenny stopped what he was doing.

  “It’s okay. I figured it was something like that,” she said slowly.

  “You did, huh? I’m not sure I believe that, but I’ll let it go. So what are you doing?”

  “Ugh, I’m studying for finals.”

  He smiled as he heard the frustration in her voice. She sounded as if she could use a break. And he wanted to see her again.

  “Would you be interested in a break?”

  A smaller pause came this time.

  “What kind of break did you have in mind?”

  “I’m feeling a little restless and thought I’d go for a ride,” he said, pulling a t-shirt and jeans out of his closet.

  “Well I guess I could use a little break. I have been going at it since I got home from class.”

  A smile lifted his lips as he tossed his clothes on the bed.

  “Okay I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes,” he said, enjoying the excitement he felt over the thought of seeing her again.


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