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Love Me Like I Love You

Page 11

by Willow Winters

  “I guess I’ll take one and I want the whipped cream too.”

  I order easy enough and reach into my clutch, ready to pay since I offered. Charlie beats me to it though.

  “Hey,” I protest watching him hand over the cash. “It was my treat,” my tone is wounded.

  “Nonsense,” he answers, taking the change and then both of our paper boats of dusted donuts. “It’s my date,” he nods and passes me the fried deliciousness I’ve been craving.

  “Well thank you.”

  It’s obvious by the way his lips part that he was going to say something, but a bit of cream slipped off the top of a hot donut and hits his wrist.

  I must be crazy, because Charlie licking off that dollop of whipped cream turns up the temperature around me to about a thousand. A second passes as we step out of line.

  My body heats, igniting with desire as I bite my lip, and see his gaze drop to my lips. I suddenly realize that I want him to kiss me. No, need him to kiss me.

  I lean in just a fraction, rising on my tiptoes to kiss him and close my eyes, his lips mold against mine. The touch is electric, filling my whole body with a restless energy. The kiss is slow, not pushing for anything more, but that just makes it all the sweeter.

  When we pull away, my whole body is covered with goosebumps, my breathing labored.

  What really gets my heart racing, though, is the fact that the same expression is on his face. Our eyes meet, and it’s so intense that I wimp out.

  I look away and laugh, and the tension breaks.

  “Is that how you say thank you for donuts all the time?” he asks mildly. “I could add these to the menu.”

  Another laugh leaves me at his joke. “Maybe,” I say with a shrug.

  Silence stretches, but it’s easy. Everything suddenly feels easy and like it’s supposed to be this way.

  I try not to think of the details because, right now, it’s just perfect.


  As I walk Grace back to our cars, I can’t help thinking that I don’t remember the last time I took a day off.

  There’s a reason I work my ass off.

  I go after what I want, and what I want right now, more than wanting the bar to be stable, is her.

  I lean close to her ear, letting my warm breath tickle her neck and sending goosebumps over every inch of her body as I ask, “You have a good time tonight?” The sun’s setting, the crickets are out, and everything about this moment is picture perfect.

  “You know I did.” Her shoulders shake with a soft laugh and she pushes me away slightly, a bit of space coming between us as we walk through the grass of the park. I’m quick to close the gap, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze before pulling her back to me.

  “Does this count as a first date?” my voice carries through the dark night.

  “A date? All you asked was if I wanted funnel cake,” she answers with a wide grin as she looks straight ahead.

  “Well who doesn’t love funnel cake?” I respond without thinking.

  Grace rips her hand from mine, covering her face with a laugh before shaking her head. I love that sound. She practically skips a few steps to get back to me, that beautiful smile still etched on her face. My chest feels warm and full.

  But I know this is temporary unless I do and say the right things. Committing to things in life that I am not ready for. It feels like a date, but a girl like her needs more than a hot dog, cola and fried donuts.

  The night's still young.

  The clouds seem to dim a bit more as the noises from the people leaving the festival behind us fade. We’re some of the last people to leave.

  Grace clears her throat in a polite fashion as we pass the last tent. The sky’s darkening and dry lightning is in the far-off distance, brightening the horizon before leaving us in darkness with a loud crash. It’s comforting though, and each time it happens, Grace steps a little closer to me. Her small body practically molded to mine as we leave the festival and head to the parking lot.

  I love the warmth of her body, the feminine sounds of her gasps every time the lightning cracks across the sky. It doesn’t take any effort at all to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer.

  It’s a real date, whether she wants to admit it or not.

  I don’t miss the way she perks up and deliberately avoids looking at me the second my skin touches hers.

  “Did you have fun?” she asks me shyly. I like this side of Grace. At the bar she lets herself go sometimes, but mostly she’s just joking to hide the real her.

  She has a shit day, it’s just a joke.

  She’s in a fight, she laughs it off.

  But that insecurity is always there just beneath the surface. Out here in the open without the dim lights of the bar and alcohol, I’m not letting her get away with hiding anything. I want to know the real her. And I’m not holding back in the least.

  It’s different, and I like it. I want more of it. I want more of her.

  “I did,” I smile down at her as we walk through the path and finally reach the skinny sidewalk that leads us home.

  The parking lot is at the very front and there’s relative privacy from a row of trees that lines the sidewalk. It’s late and dark. The sound of a car starting up leads my eyes to look straight ahead and watch the passengers drive off. Other than that, we're leaving the world behind us as we head home.

  My jaw ticks and I tighten my grip around her waist as I realize we drove separately. Dammit. My fingers tighten a bit on her. I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to leave here and never get this side of her back.

  I just need another date. The wedding.

  The anxiety squeezing my heart fades as I realize I still have her. I still have a chance to give her what she needs to stay with me.

  I can hold her for a little longer, get to see more of this side of her. She’s looking for Mr. Right, but I can keep her occupied until he comes along.


  “Oh!” Grace jumps slightly as we walk across the pavement and she nearly falls. A rough chuckle tickles the back of my throat as I hold her closer. She’s even more tempting in my arms.

  She doesn’t leave my hold right away, her soft blue eyes looking into mine. Her breath comes in faster, and it makes her breasts rise with each short intake. I can feel the spark between us, the pull that’s ignited and pushing me closer to her, wanting to feel more of her, all of her. It’s not until the steps of other attendants leaving the festival get louder, as the people get closer, that she pulls away.

  She tucks her hair behind her ear, breaking my heated gaze and brushing it off like what just happened wasn’t affecting her.

  I can hear the smartass comment, the joke coming out of her mouth before she even says it. But I turn her in my grasp, gripping her hips and pulling her to my hard chest and crash my lips against hers. Silencing whatever was going to come out between those sweet lips.

  I want her and she’s going to know damn well that I do.

  At first her lips are hard, caught by surprise, but she molds them to mine and parts that sweet seam, opening her hot mouth for me. She moans as I deepen the kiss, her small hands gripping my shirt.

  I don’t want to leave with only that little blip of a taste of her. The way her car’s parked near mine gives us a bit of privacy. I want her to know what I can give her.

  She may want marriage and babies, and I’m sure as fuck not ready for that... But I can get her addicted to something else.

  More than an innocent kiss.

  My hands grip her hips and I hear her ass smack against my car as I splay my hand across her back and pull her against me. My dick’s hard in an instant.

  I don’t know what happened. One minute she’s all for it, kissing me back with just as much passion.

  The next, she breaks the kiss too soon, the moment gone as she steps out of my grasp and leaving me pining after her. There's a chill between us.

  “We’re just friends, right?” Grace’s voice is sof
t, full of feigned strength, the vulnerability shining through. “This is just fun?” Her eyes dart up to mine as she starts walking to her car, her heels clicking on the pavement as she tries to catch her breath and blow off what just happened. I quicken my pace to catch up to her and hold her in my arms, searching her face for the reason she just took off.

  It takes me a moment to even register what she asked.

  I know what she wants to hear. She wants me to say I want more. But the words won’t come out.

  The last time I gave someone more, she ripped my heart out. All I can see in front of me is how much of a fool I was back then.

  Grace wants more, but I can’t give it to her.

  I pull away from her, forcing a smile on my lips and ignoring her question as I say, “I had a really good time tonight.” Fucking hell, what’s wrong with me?

  Her eyes flash with something, and the shame of knowing she wants more but deliberately not giving it to her presses against my chest. She turns to leave without another word.

  The dry lightning turns to rain as I watch Grace walk away. The droplets are light at first, warm. I don’t do a damn thing to stop them from coming down as I unlock my car. It soaks into the thin cotton of my shirt, making it stick to my skin as I climb in and close the door.

  She wants to be more than friends.

  She wants a commitment, but she’s already talking about kids.

  I’m fucking crazy for wanting her. But I can’t help it. I’m not stopping until I’m deep inside of her making her scream my name. She’ll let it go then. It won’t matter if there’s a title on us or not. I’ll make her happy. I can do that.


  Sitting in traffic, rubbing my temples, I let out an agitated sigh. Traffic is nearly at a standstill. I could get out of my car, go get a cup of coffee, and come back to find that traffic hasn’t moved at all.

  It’s been a long day. A long week, actually. I laugh a little to myself because it’s only Wednesday.

  My goodness. I really need to unwind.

  This past weekend… Charlie. My grip on the steering wheel tightens as I let out a strangled breath. What was I thinking? I’m playing with fire. He wants a good time and that’s all I’ll be to him. How much clearer could he make it for me? It’s as clear as day.

  But a good time is starting to look real attractive to me.

  The image of Mac’s Tavern comes to my mind, unbidden. Charlie, behind the bar. He’s wiping down the counter. He looks up at me, and smiles when he recognizes me. And then he starts taking off his shirt…

  A smile stretches slowly across my face and I actually giggle ridiculously. The fantasy is sweet and innocent. A lot sweeter than my day has been, at any rate. The fantasy is also unrealistic... just like my other thoughts regarding our relationship.

  I chew on my lip. I wasn’t planning on going to Mac’s today, but… seeing Charlie would be nice. I feel good when I’m with him. There’s no label or commitment though, and that makes me feel like a damn fool. After our date though, I couldn't care less about how it looks. I just want to be happy.

  While I’m stuck in traffic, I manage to change out of my office attire, a gray pencil skirt and a white silk blouse. I pull a pale blue dress, strappy and knee-length, out of the back seat.

  I try not to make eye contact with the people in nearby cars as I sneakily slip out of one outfit and into another. They’re getting a free show, but nothing more from me. It’s not like my bra shows any more than a bikini top anyway. My knee smacks against the steering wheel and I let out a sharp hiss. Ouch!

  I have to shimmy the dress down over my ass and nearly hit the gas pedal, but I got it done.

  I smile at myself in the rearview mirror and reach into my purse so I can put on some lipstick. A deep red, not my usual color, but it looks nice with the dress and brings out the blue in my eyes.

  Not that I’m dressing up, or anything… I tell myself and then grin like the Cheshire Cat. Is it so wrong to do this with Charlie? My ovaries might say ‘yes, yes it is,’ when I’m at the doctor’s but they don’t have any objections when Charlie’s kissing me. I know that much.

  The parking lot is nearly empty by the time I finally get to Mac’s. So empty that I think it may be closed, but it doesn’t stop me from taking a peek inside. When I open the doors, it’s vacant inside as well, the soft hum of the TV is the only sound. I turn around and check to see if there was a sign on the door. Maybe I missed that they’re not open somehow.

  But no. There’s no sign. Just a big empty bar.

  I walk across the floor, aiming for the back hallway that Charlie is always disappearing into. I chew the inside of my cheek nervously, knowing that I probably shouldn’t go back there. My heart’s beating faster at the prospect of being alone with him in his bar. It’s definitely marked “Employees Only” for a reason.

  But the bar is empty. There’s no one to see me do it, so it doesn’t really count. I remember how he kissed me the other night, and that’s all I need to get my feet moving.

  Navigating past the walk-in cooler and stockroom, I poke my head inside each to make sure they’re empty. I continue back the hall, getting more and more nervous.

  Finally, I spot him. Coming to an abrupt halt, I watch Charlie in a small office, leaning over a desk full of paperwork. For a second, I’m too shy to announce my presence, so I just stare. He’s nothing but trouble. But I knew that. Right from the beginning, I already knew it.

  Charlie’s wearing dark jeans that probably mold perfectly to his ass, and a dark t-shirt that fits snugly over his hard pecs and abs. He’s hard at work, a pen in his mouth. I lick my lips nervously, strangely jealous of the pen.

  The nerves start building when he doesn’t notice me, and I can’t take it. I clear my throat. “Ahem.”

  Charlie looks up, surprised. “Hey,” he says, dropping the pen. It lands in his hand but he’s quick to drop it.

  A gentle smile, joined with a warmth that flows through me, creeps up on my face. “Hey. The bar is empty.” I lean against the doorframe, not looking away from him. “I wasn’t sure if I should come back here or not.”

  I don’t miss how his eyes travel down my body before he answers. “Yeah. There’s some free festival that’s going on downtown.” He shrugs. “Everyone left a bit ago. I didn’t want to lock up though… just in case.”

  “Ah. Well, at least you’ve got one customer,” I say, feeling more and more naive. He’s busy. He’s working. And I came unannounced. But he didn’t tell me to leave.

  My breath hitches when Charlie stands up, tall and with his masculinity on full display. I try not to stare at him, at the way he moves toward me.

  “Well, if I’ve only got one, at least you’re a pretty customer,” he teases, flashing a grin.

  I can’t help but be dazzled by him. He’s so handsome, with his deep green eyes. This is how he got me. I know it is. I’m struck by the air around him, the ease of everything about him and the charming way he looks at me, but the rough cadence when he speaks. He's the perfect mix of what I want if I could pick everything out on a checklist. I could get lost in those twin pools, swim deep below the surface of them. I already am lost. I know this is bad, but I can’t help myself.

  I open my mouth, but nothing intelligible comes out. “I… uh…”

  Charlie comes nearer. This close to me, I can see the desire in his eyes. It almost melts me where I stand.

  “I was thinking…” he says, brushing a coppery lock of my hair back behind my ear. “About the other night, at the festival.”

  His chest is almost touching mine now. I can feel a tingle of anticipation begin there, hardening my peaks.

  “Oh?” I whisper breathily.

  His big hand caresses my shoulders, warm fingers kneading my muscles. My eyelids flutter closed as he touches me. It’s all I can do not to moan.

  “Mmmhm. I think you need to unwind,” he says. “You’re so tense all the time.”

  “And you have an idea of h
ow I should unwind?” I say, opening my eyes. I already know what his idea is. I had the strength to walk away at the park… but like a moth to a flame, I came right back.

  A wicked grin lights up his features. It makes my toes want to curl.

  “I do. I think you just need to get laid.”

  I suck in a breath, looking up at him. His eyes are searching mine, looking for an answer.

  “Maybe I do,” I barely breathe knowing I’m the one caving between the two of us.

  The second the affirmation is out of my mouth; his lips are on mine. He spears my hair with one hand, and puts his other hand on my lower back pulling me to his chest, and taking what he wants from the kiss.

  I press myself to him, molding us shoulder to hip, feeling the faint beginning of pleasure running through my heated blood. I’ve wanted him for days. He gives me a little of what I want with firm sweeps of his tongue against mine.

  It’s not enough, though. It can never be enough with Charlie.

  “More,” I demand, my voice rough. I know what I’m doing and there isn’t a piece of me that doesn’t know what this is. I want him. Plain and simple. Regardless of what happens tomorrow.

  In a swift motion, Charlie picks me up, his hands wrapping around my thighs and making me squeal in surprise. He knocks over a cup of pencils in his haste to settle me on the desk. I hear papers drifting to the floor, but I’m too wrapped up in him to look.

  I’m breathless, nervous, but more than anything… I’m wanting. Skin on skin, more of his lips on mine, more of him, taking me.

  He fits himself between my legs, pulling down the straps of my dress. I'm busy trying to get his t-shirt off. He finally growls and steps back, ripping the t-shirt over his head.

  Running my hands all over his warm muscles, over his shoulders and down his back, I knew he’d feel like this. He pulls the top half of my dress down and nearly rips my white lace bra off; he’s so eager. I guess we’re both wanting.


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