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Something About Eve (An Eve Sumptor Book 1)

Page 6

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Hello? Darren, go wash up and tell Kevin he better be doing his homework! Sorry.”

  “It’s fine. Hot dogs, Jack?” She sighed. “Never mind. I’m going to be a little late tonight; I just want to let you know.”

  “How late?” He was annoyed. It irritated him that he was resentful of her new job.

  “I don’t know. I shouldn’t be too long.”

  “Fine. Just be careful coming home.”

  “I will. Tell the boys I love them.” Lainey hesitated. “You, too, Jack.”

  “Me too. Er, don’t stay out too late. Please.”

  Lainey hung the phone up momentarily confused. She had expected Jack to be angry and instead he had been concerned.

  “Everything all right?” Eve asked.

  “Yes. Everything’s fine.” She nervously twisted the stem of the wine glass around.

  “Relax,” Eve said in a low voice. “I didn’t bring you here to seduce you. Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my bedroom.” Eve hooted with laughter when Lainey stopped dead in her tracks. “Are you afraid of me, Lainey?”

  “No! I’m sorry, I don’t...”

  “I don’t bite - unless I’m asked to.”

  Lainey’s cheeks turned rosy. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so young and inexperienced. She was acting like a fool. She barely managed not to flinch when Eve took her hand in hers and led her up the curved stairs.

  Eve’s room was a vast and immaculate space, and Lainey’s jaw dropped as she stepped into the sitting room which adjoined it.

  “You have a sitting room in your bedroom?” Lainey asked in amazement. “I barely have room for more than a chair or two in mine.”

  A white couch that looked comfortable and big enough to sleep on centered the room and to its left sat an oversized chair that reminded Lainey of the one in the living room, positioned in front of one of the two fireplaces. She guessed from the complicated remote control sitting on the table that a full entertainment center lay hidden behind the white cabinet walls and that the curtains, lights and alarms were all at Eve’s fingertips.

  Lainey ran a fingertip lovingly across yet another piano, this one a white baby grand. “Do you play?” she asked. And when Eve nodded, “Will you play for me sometime?”

  Eve smiled in response saying neither yes nor no. She had never played for anyone. Perhaps that would change soon, Eve thought.

  Eve’s bed was mammoth sized, and stood upon a platform three steps high. The pristine white of the comforter and sheer white veils that hung from the canopy surrounding the bed only served to make it look as if it had came out of a fairytale.

  “You sleep there?” Lainey demanded.

  “I told you I was narcissistic and needed everything bigger and better,” Eve said with a shrug. “Besides, it’s a great ‘sex’ bed.”

  She led the way to a vast closet. Lainey noted that each shoe was in its place and the clothes were separated in likes. Shirts, skirts, jeans, dresses and slacks all had their own area.

  “There is a reason I brought you here, Lainey,” Eve said as she rummaged through the dresses. “As you know, Adam and I are going dancing tomorrow night. I would like it if you – and Jack, of course - came too.”

  “Jack?” Lainey exclaimed. “My Jack? Dancing? I don’t see that happening. Besides, wouldn’t you and Adam want to be alone?”

  Eve found the dress she was looking for, a black cocktail dress with a plunging “V” neckline. “That’s exactly what I don’t want,” she said, dropping it on the bed. “Look, there are two motives for me asking you to go, Lainey. Number one, I think doing something new and exciting will help you and Jack find that spark, again. I saw, when you were talking to him, how much you love him and how much it hurts you that you two have grown apart. I believe that if you just spent some time together, maybe do something that you’ve never done before, it would help.”

  Eve paused, and then decided to be honest with Lainey.

  “My second reason is much more selfish,” she confessed. “Adam and I...we have no problems in bed. As a matter of fact, things there are incredible, phenomenal. It’s outside of the bedroom we have problems. And it’s not his fault. He’s perfect. It’s me. I’m great in the bedroom. It’s everything else that I’m horrible at and terrifies me. So I’m asking you to go because what I don’t want is to end up back here. I want you to help me understand what it is I have to offer Adam other than sex. Do you understand?”

  Strangely enough, Lainey did. Eve wanted to be in a situation in which sex wouldn’t be thick in the air. Most likely she thought that being around Lainey and Jack would help her.

  “How am I going to convince Jack to go?” she asked. “And how can I really help you not end up back here, Eve?”

  “You have to keep reminding me that I don’t want to end up having sex with Adam tomorrow which, believe me, will be an achievement in itself. It’s going be one of the hardest nights of my life as I truly enjoy being with him. As far as Jack is concerned, you could just tell him that you would like to spend some time with him. Which is true. But, that you would like to try something a little different. Dinner and dancing, with his wife, how can he resist?” Eve gave Lainey a charming, hard-to-resist grin. “Will you go?”

  “Yes, of course. Just tell me when and where and we’ll be there.”

  Eve smiled that devastating smile, “Good. Tomorrow night, nine o’clock at O. Do you know where it is?”


  “Fantastic. Take this dress. You’ll look beautiful in it.”

  “What? Oh, no, Eve I can’t take this.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “It’s beautiful! I love it, but I can’t...”

  “Lainey, I never say anything I don’t want to say. And, I never do anything I don’t want to do. I want to give this to you. Take it. Please?” Eve paused, astonished by what she was about to do. “Can you spare a few more minutes, Lainey? I’m not sure why, but I would like to show you something.”

  “Of course.”

  “Good,” Eve replied. “Follow me.” In the sitting room, she picked up the remote control, pressed a button, and a panel in the wall opened revealing a short hallway.

  “I’ve never shown this to anyone, and I’ll confess that it unnerves me that I want to show you,” Eve said leading Lainey to a thick, metal sliding door.

  Lainey didn’t even try to hide her amazement. She had read of secret passageways in books before, but never had she actually seen one. “Are all of the apartments in this building like this?”

  “I had my place renovated to suit my needs,” Eve told her. She slipped a gold chain out from under her shirt and removed a key. In a moment, the door slid open and she motioned for Lainey to go in.

  The moment Eve opened the door Lainey was awestruck. The smell of paint and paint thinner hit her first, but was forgotten the moment she saw easel after easel of beautiful oil paintings, primarily portraits. There was a magnificent study of an old woman with a weathered face and wise eyes, and another of a young woman whose haunted eyes seemed to hold the secrets of a life of sorrow.

  “Oh my God, Eve. These are magnificent! Did you paint these?”

  “I just finished that one this morning,” Eve said gesturing to an image of an old man smoking an old fashioned briar pipe.

  “This morning?” Lainey exclaimed. “You were at the gallery at seven this morning. When did you have time to do this?”

  “I don’t sleep much,” Eve said matter-of-factly. “And when I’m restless I paint.”

  “Are you going to display them in the gallery?”


  “Why? They’re amazing.”

  “They’re mine, but thank you for the compliment.”

  Lainey walked around the enormous studio taking in each painting, each color, each stroke, until she came to one that was covered with a paint stained sheet. “May I?” she asked and Eve nodded.

  It w
as a nude painting of an extraordinary looking man. A man whose body could have been chiseled by Michelangelo himself.

  “Is this Adam?” Lainey asked, not sure how she knew it was the man Eve was seeing, but certain that he was perfect for her.

  Eve nodded.

  “What a beautiful man. You’re a lucky woman.” Lainey’s eyes wandered down the length of Adam’s breath-taking body with its muscular chest, and rippled stomach. It was clear that Adam and Eve belonged together. Their bodies were made for each other.

  Lainey’s eyes didn’t stop at Adam’s stomach. “Oh my!” she exclaimed, turning red. “You’re a very, very lucky woman. Does he know how to use it?”

  Eve laughed aloud at Lainey’s bold question. “Oh yes,” she said. “Extremely well!”

  “Did he pose for this?”

  “No,” Eve admitted reflectively. “He doesn’t even know it exists. He’s never been in here. I’m a photographer as well as an artist and I have a photographer’s memory. More to the point, he’s a fabulous subject and I’ve had a lot of time to study him.”

  “I bet you have,” Lainey murmured. Tearing her eyes away from the painting, she noticed some of Eve’s photography on the other side of the room.

  Eve stayed with the painting of Adam for a while longer as Lainey crossed the studio and stopped to touch Adam’s painted face before she replaced the sheet over the canvas. Mortified by her sudden vulnerability, Eve quickly replaced the cover and went to join her friend who was studying her work intently.

  “Eve,” Lainey said. “These photos are incredible. Just amazing. Do you develop them yourself, too?”

  “Yes. My dark room is in there, through that rotating door,” Eve answered, indicating a tall canister looking entryway.

  “I’ve always wanted to learn how to do that.”

  “I’d love to teach you sometime.”

  “That would be wonderful.” Lainey tried not to think of the thrill that moved through her. “And these photos of the little boy, they’re fantastic. Is this...”

  “Little Stevie? Yes.” As Lainey gazed at the photos, Eve picked up her Nikon off of the table, and quietly snapped a photo.

  “Oh! Eve, don’t!” Lainey said raising a hand to shield her face.

  “Sorry. Occupational hazard,” Eve told her. “Adorable isn’t he? He’s going to steal a lot of hearts when he gets older. You’re beautiful.” She aimed her camera again and Lainey raised a hand to cover her face. “You’re even more beautiful when you blush,” Eve told her. “Okay, okay. No more photos. For now.”

  “I love this photo,” Lainey said of the black and white of Stevie, needing to get Eve’s focus off of her. “No wonder it’s Trudy’s pride and joy.” She hesitated, debating whether or not to ask someone as talented as Eve, someone who has already given her so much, for a favor. “Would it be possible for you to, um...”

  “Take some of Kevin and Darren?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ask.”

  “No. Please, it’s fine. I’d be more than happy to. Would you like one of the whole family, as well?”

  “If it’s no trouble, that would be wonderful.”

  “No trouble at all. Now, I’ve shared quite a bit of myself with you tonight. Something that I didn’t do intentionally, but actually I think I’m glad I did.”

  Eve smiled and hooked her arm through Lainey’s and started out of the loft.

  “I’ll take you back to your car,” she said. “Or, I could just take you home.”

  “Eve, it’s too far. Besides how would I get to work tomorrow?”

  “I’ll pick you up, silly. And anyway, I like driving, so it’s fine.”

  “It’s not too far out of your way?”

  “Lainey, I don’t mind. Really. Let me take you home. It just doesn’t make sense to drive all the way back to the gallery when it would be easier to just drive you home and pick you up tomorrow.”

  “If that’s the easiest thing for you, then let’s go!” Now Jack and the boys could meet Eve. Maybe then Jack would understand why she wants to do well at her new job.

  Eve pulled up to the curb in front of Lainey’s two-story house of off white stone and russet shutters, surrounded by colorful azaleas and a well kept lawn.

  “Beautiful,” she said simply.

  “Thank you.” Lainey opened her door and paused before getting out. “Would you like to come in for a minute?”

  “I’d love to if you’re sure it’s not too late.”

  “Not at all. I want to introduce you to my boys before they go to bed. And, I know Jack would like to meet you as well.”

  Eve released her seatbelt and stepped out on the curb. She took a deep breath smelling the air which was so clean compared to the exhaust fumes of the inner city. She looked up and down the street of the neighborhood.

  “You’ve picked a lovely place to raise your sons,” she said as she fell in step with Lainey on the walkway to the front door. “Maybe if I decide to ‘settle down’ I’ll look for a place around here. Don’t look at me that way, Lainey. It could happen.”

  “I never said it couldn’t,” Lainey said grinning.

  The first thing that hit Eve was the sound of two young boys having what seemed to be a heated argument over who was the better superhero, Spiderman or Superman.

  “Come on in. Welcome to my zoo,” Lainey said laughing.

  As soon as she closed the door behind them, the youngest of the boys came racing into the foyer.

  “Mommy, Mommy! Tell Kevin that Spiderman is a better superhero! He doesn’t know nothin’!”

  “Anything,” Lainey corrected. “And Kevin is allowed to have his own opinions, just as you do. Now, come and give me a kiss.” Darren ran and leapt into Lainey’s arms. To Eve, it was the sweetest thing she had ever seen. “Darren, this is my boss, and friend, Miss...”

  “Eve.” Eve extended her hand to Darren. “It’s nice to meet you, Darren.”

  “You’re pretty!” Darren exclaimed with an honesty only children possess and took Eve’s hand, shaking it with energy.

  “Why, thank you. You’re very cute,” Eve replied which set Darren giggling just as Kevin dashed into the foyer to join them.

  “Hi,” Eve said. “You must be Kevin. I’m Eve.” Again, she extended her hand in greeting, chuckling when Kevin only stared at her. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, taking his hand.

  “She’s pretty isn’t she, Kevin,” Darren chimed in to his brother’s humiliation.

  “Mom! Darren’s been bothering me all night. Will you tell him to leave me alone?” Kevin said, clearly trying to sound as grown up as possible in front of Eve.

  Lainey tried, unsuccessfully, to hide her amusement at what she knew was a little crush that Kevin had on Eve. “Now, Darren, leave your brother alone. And you, young man,” she added, crooking a finger at Kevin. “Come here and give your mom a kiss hello.”

  “Mom!” he began, but knew better than to argue with her and obeyed.

  “Thank you. Now where’s your father?” Lainey set Darren down and both boys took off running.

  “Dad! Mommy’s home! And there’s a pretty lady with her!” Darren shouted.

  “Adorable,” Eve said chuckling, as she followed Lainey into the living room. “They really know how to boost a ‘lady’s’ ego.”

  Unlike Eve’s home, Lainey’s looked thoroughly lived in. Photos graced the mantle above the fireplace and lined the pale yellow walls of the hallways. Eve had known that Lainey was a proud and loving mother and the photos only substantiated the fact. Toys were scattered on the floor of navy carpeting and traditional furniture. The house was full of color and life and Eve didn’t know whether to feel comfortable and welcome or extremely alone.

  “You have a lovely home, Lainey.”

  Lainey watched as Eve studied the photos, and thinking of how Eve had none in her own home, had to fight the urge to reach out and console her. She could feel the sadness inside Eve no matter how much Eve tried to hide
it. Just then, she heard Jack walk into the room and turned to him quickly.

  Eve turned in time to see Lainey kiss Jack quickly on the mouth and hook her arm in his. “This is Eve Sumptor,” she said pleasantly. “Eve, this is my husband, Jack.” She nervously watched as the two shook hands. She saw Eve deliberately tone down her devastating smile and was grateful for her efforts. She didn’t believe Jack would fall for Eve’s charm, but she didn’t want to find out if she was wrong.

  “Lainey has told me a lot about you and the boys,” Eve said. “It’s nice to finally meet you all.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well. I hear the gallery is coming along just fine.”

  “Yes it is. Thanks to Lainey. She’s been a tremendous help to me, and her visualization is remarkable.”

  Eve saw Jack swell with pride.

  “She always did have a good eye,” he said, draping an arm around Lainey. “Please, won’t you have a seat?” Jack gestured to the couch on the far side of the room.

  Catching Darren peeking around the corner at her, Eve beckoned for him to join her. In an instant he was at Eve’s side, Kool-Aid in hand and a big red grin, propping himself next to her when she sat down.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Jack asked her. “Wine?”

  “Actually, that looks refreshing,” Eve said, pointing to Darren’s Kool-Aid.

  “I’ll help you, Jack,” Lainey said, smiling at Eve. She was Darren’s first crush and Lainey couldn’t blame him.

  After Jack and Lainey disappeared into the kitchen leaving Darren and Eve alone, Kevin, doing his best to look cool by playing his Game Boy, joined them.

  “Move over squirt,” Kevin said, trying to wedge himself between Eve and his brother.

  “No! I was here first! Eve, tell him I was here first.”

  “Kevin, why don’t you sit next to me over here?” Eve said sweetly and patted the couch on the other side of her. “What are you playing?”

  “Baseball. Do you want to play?”

  “Sure. Will you show me how?”

  “This is homerun derby,” he told her eagerly. “So when the pitcher pitches the ball to you, you swing at it and try to hit a homerun. Okay? Use this button to hit.”


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