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Something About Eve (An Eve Sumptor Book 1)

Page 33

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Don’t you dare pull away from me!” Lainey cried. “And don’t you dare talk to me that way! I just lied to my husband! I’m not going home to my sons! Do you think I would do that just because I feel obligated to stay here with you? I am so fucking confused about what’s going on in my life right now, Eve, but I know that I have never felt obligated to be with you! I wanted to stay!”

  “I’m sorry. Baby, I’m sorry,” Eve said as Lainey released her. She didn’t know what else to say. She had been completely wrong about Lainey, and it wasn’t the first time. Why couldn’t she learn that Lainey was different from everyone else? “I’m always screwing up,” she murmured. “I don’t know how these things work, Lainey. Relationships. I know how you feel about me, or I know how you say you feel about me. I have a hard time believing anything that wonderful. I’ve always had trouble believing the good things. And, I’ve always tried to control everything.”

  “Don’t you ever want to give up that control, Eve?” Lainey interjected. “Just for a little while, let someone else take control?”

  “Yes,” Eve whispered. “Yes, I do want that. But, I’m afraid. What if I can’t get it back? What if I fall?”

  Lainey brushed a fingertip over Eve’s cheek. “I won’t let you fall. Lie back.”


  “Lie back. Let me be in control for you.” She watched, satisfied, as Eve did as she was told, then rolled over until it was Eve that was pinned beneath her. “Let go for me, Eve,” she whispered.

  Her hand caressed Eve’s breast through her t-shirt but when Eve’s hands began their own exploration of Lainey’s body, Lainey stopped her.

  “No.” Lainey put Eve’s hands above her head, and the look in her eyes told Eve to keep them there. “This is for you.” She let her hands roam over Eve’s beautiful body again; the soft curves paired with toned muscles, excited her. Hearing Eve’s breathing coming quicker, her small moans of pleasure as Lainey touched her was intoxicating. When she slipped her hand inside Eve’s shorts, she heard the sharp intake of Eve’s breath as Lainey touched her. Lainey’s own heart was beating faster, and twinges of pleasure shot through her when Eve started to move. “I love you.”

  The words were a breath in her ear, but she heard them clearly. Eve’s body quivered in response and her closed eyes flew open. Lainey had said the words to her before, but never like that. Never like this. She opened her mouth, but, as always, the words didn’t come even though there was nothing she wanted more than to tell Lainey that she loved her, too.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” Lainey said softly. “Just let go. Please.” Lainey’s voice was ragged and raspy with desire.

  Eve writhed beneath Lainey and she knew that Eve was close. Suddenly she felt Eve shudder and held her close as she cried out in pure ecstasy.

  A single tear slid down Eve’s cheek. Eve was crying. It wasn’t the bucket of tears Lainey knew Eve needed, but it was a start and Lainey was grateful for that. She bent her head and kissed the tear from Eve’s cheek, then cried tears of her own as Eve held her tightly.

  The moonlight filtered into the room, casting a faint glow across Eve’s face as she stared out the window. She couldn’t close her eyes, because if she did, she would see too many images from her past. Talking about it had brought it to the surface and now, in the quiet of the room, it came back, making her afraid to fall asleep again. What if she had the nightmares that plagued her most nights and lost it? Yes, Lainey had seen her lose control before, but that didn’t mean that Eve wanted her to see it all over.

  For her entire life, Eve had struggled to be perfect. For her mother, who saw Eve as perfect no matter what she did. For her father, who thought she was nothing but nuisance or play toy. For everyone else that passed through her life, including Adam and Lainey. But, now, Lainey knew everything. There was no pretending with her anymore, and Eve knew that Lainey had wanted it that way. She didn’t want Eve to be perfect, just herself. Why couldn’t Eve be sure that Adam would feel the same way?

  “Eve?” Lainey’s quiet voice sent a shiver through Eve’s body.

  “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “Why aren’t you?” Lainey countered. “I guess I’m a bit restless.”

  Eve studied Lainey. “You keep thinking about it, don’t you?” She could see it in Lainey’s eyes. Eve sighed. “I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “Don’t say that. I’m glad you told me, Eve.” Lainey sat up and pulled the covers up around her breasts. “It upsets me that something like this happened to you, but it makes me happy that you can trust me enough to open up to me.”

  “Come on.” Eve tossed the covers to the side and slipped out of bed.

  Lainey was fascinated by the way the moonlight washed over Eve’s tanned, naked body. “Where are we going?” She couldn’t take her eyes off of Eve as she walked to the dresser.

  Eve flashed Lainey a grin over her shoulder. It felt good to have Lainey looking at her like that. She took two nightshirts out of the dresser and threw one to Lainey. “Put this on.” She watched as Lainey dropped the sheet and stood up, enjoying the vision of Lainey putting on her shirt as she slipped on her own.

  Walking to Lainey, she took over buttoning the shirt, stopping at the third from the top. Eve feathered a finger down Lainey’s cleavage, then took her hand and led her to the sitting room towards the piano.

  “The first time you were here, you asked me if I would play the piano for you,” she said, sitting down on the bench. “When I can’t sleep, I do one of two things. I paint. I’d still love to paint you, you know.”

  “Like you did Adam?”

  “Right. But as easy as it would be for me to paint every inch of your body from memory, I’d rather you pose for me. It’s more...intimate.” Eve grinned wickedly.

  Lainey flushed, letting the pleasure of Eve’s words wash over her. “This is the other thing you do? Play the piano?”

  Eve smiled. She had noticed the flush on Lainey’s cheeks, and found it endearing. “Yes.” She began playing softly. “I taught myself as sort of a defense mechanism. Or, maybe just a way to get away from all of the pain. It relaxes me, takes me to a whole other place where I don’t have to think about the things that are going on in my life.”

  The beautiful strains of a sonata by Chopin captured Lainey. It was clear from the expression on Eve’s face that she was feeling every note she played.

  Unable to help herself, Lainey walked around until she was standing behind Eve, and kissed her neck. Startled, Eve paused.

  “Don’t stop,” Lainey whispered in her ear. “It’s beautiful.” Lainey slipped her hands inside Eve’s shirt and caressed her, loving the way Eve’s nipples grew taut with her touch and how Eve’s breath quickened and heart beat faster as Lainey trailed her hands further down.

  Eve moaned quietly as Lainey touched her, her playing becoming more passionate as she neared the peak. The music, Lainey’s touch, it was almost too much for her. She climaxed quickly, intensely, no longer able to play as her body quaked with pleasure.

  “God!” Eve leaned back against Lainey. “I can honestly say that’s never happened before.” She turned on the bench until she was facing Lainey. “Come here.” Pulling Lainey to her lap, she held her tightly against her. “Wrap your legs around me,” Eve whispered, closing her eyes and smiling as Lainey did as she asked. Eve took Lainey there on the bench, her fingers moving as expertly on Lainey’s body as they did on the piano.

  They never made it back to the bed that night, falling asleep instead on the oversized couch in the sitting room. Lainey awoke to Eve’s soft body underneath her, and her arms wrapped around her. It wasn’t a bad way to wake up, Lainey thought. The shower that they took together was even better. These were the thoughts that ran through Lainey’s head as she dressed for the day. Borrowing some of Eve’s clothes, Lainey dressed slowly, not looking forward to the rest of the day and having to share Eve with others. Then, she had to think about going home and not being with E
ve tonight. It saddened her, and made her feel guilty at the same time. She truly did love Jack, and knew that she couldn’t imagine her life without him or her children. But, at the same time, she couldn’t imagine her life anymore without Eve.

  Lainey sat on the bed and watched Eve through the open bathroom door. She wore nothing but a towel around her damp body, and was doing nothing but combing her fingers through her wet hair. Lainey thought then that Eve was easily the sexiest, most beautiful person she had ever seen. When the phone rang, it startled Lainey enough to make her jump.

  “Could you get that for me please, honey?” Eve called to Lainey. Eve smiled knowingly to herself in the mirror. She had felt Lainey’s eyes on her and had enjoyed the way it made her body react. She was glad now that she had confessed so much to Lainey the night before. This morning she felt lighter, emotionally, for the first time since she could remember. When they had finally fell asleep together, Eve hadn’t dreamt. It had been the most peaceful night of sleep she had ever had.

  “It’s someone called Billy,” Lainey said uneasily.

  Eve took the phone from Lainey and placed her hand over the mouthpiece. “It’s not what you think,” she whispered. “I’ll explain everything to you later.” When Lainey started to leave, Eve caught her arm keeping her in place. There would be no secrets between them anymore. Lainey needed to know everything, especially about Tony. She deserved that much.

  When Eve finished confirming plans to meet Billy, she leaned against the sink and pulled Lainey to her. “It’s time I told you what is going on,” she said. “I don’t particularly want to. All I want to do is protect you.” She leaned forward and kissed the tip of Lainey’s nose. “Let’s go make some breakfast. I think better on a full stomach. Last one to the kitchen owes the other a full body massage.”

  The playful mood between them hadn’t lasted after Eve told Lainey everything. Lainey had, she said, the right to know that her life was in danger. Even the drive to the gallery had been silent and somber. The more she thought about it, the angrier Lainey became. When Eve pulled up to the curb in front of the gallery, Lainey turned on her.

  “How could you keep this from me?” she demanded.

  “I was trying to protect you,” Eve interrupted. “I didn’t want to scare you. I didn’t want you to be upset over this. I’ll take care of it. I’ll protect you from him, Lainey. Please believe me.”

  “Like you did Jackie?” She regretted the words as soon as they were spoken. The pain that filled Eve’s eyes made Lainey want to cry. “Damn it! I’m so sorry.”

  “Why? You’re right. I couldn’t protect Jackie.” Eve deliberately shielded the hurt inside. “She had nothing to do with this and he came out of nowhere. But I’m ready for him now.”

  “Are my children in danger, Eve?”

  Their eyes locked. “I won’t let him get to Kevin and Darren. Or Jack. That I promise you. I won’t let him get to you. It’s me he wants, Lainey, but he may try to get to me through you and I won’t let that happen. He has to kill me first if he wants to get to you.”

  “Do you think that makes me feel any better? You know how I feel about you. I can’t lose you either.” Lainey ran a hand through her hair. “You should have told me. You’ve had people following me, following my children. I should have known.”

  “I know. And, I know that me telling you now doesn’t make up for it, but, Lainey, you have to understand that all I wanted to do was protect you. I’ve done everything in my power to keep you and your family safe, and I’ll continue to do that. I didn’t want you to have to worry about it.”

  Lainey remained silent and Eve sighed silently.

  “I have to go to Sumptor, Inc. and take care of a few things before I meet with Billy,” she said.

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “Of course I do,” she said quietly. “But, you should stay here and help Mikey until the others come in. Do you want me to pick you up to go to the auction, or do you want to meet me there?”

  In fact, Lainey welcomed having some time alone so that she could think about everything Eve had told her. Things were more complicated now that there was a possibility of her sons being involved or in danger. She had to seriously consider her actions and their consequences from now on.

  “I’ll meet you there,” she said. “Listen, Eve, be careful. I’m not mad at you, honey. You just have to give me some time to adjust to all of this. I know that I sound ungrateful for what you’ve done for me, and I’m sorry for that. I’m scared...for my children, for you. When I look at you, I can see that you mean what you say. I know you’ll protect me, but at what cost, Eve?”

  Eve risked touching Lainey’s hand briefly. “I couldn’t help my mother, I was too young. I couldn’t help Jackie because I wasn’t prepared. But I swear to you, I’m prepared now and nothing is going to happen to you or your family.” She wanted to tell Lainey that she loved her but the words still wouldn’t come. She could only hope that Lainey could see love in her eyes. “I have to go,” she whispered.

  ‘I love you, too.’ Lainey mouthed as Eve drove away.

  Eve dialed as she drove towards Sumptor, Inc. “It’s me,” she said when the other party answered. “I’m on my way to Sumptor, Inc. now. Any word about Meredith?”

  “No, ma’am. We’re trying to get information from inside, but no one is talking. If Tony has her, he’s not telling us.”

  “Do you think he suspects you?”

  “No. I think we would be dead if he did.”

  A pang of guilt passed through Eve. “If you want to get out of this while you can, I understand.”

  “Frankly, Ms. Sumptor, we’re glad to be on your side. I think we could handle Tony if it came down to it. We like to be on the winning team, and I believe we are.”

  Eve wished she was so sure about that. “Thank you. Any word on Pauly?”

  “It’s not good, ma’am, but he’s alive.”

  Goddamnit! “Where is he?”

  “Same hospital as Christine. He was pretty roughed up, but it looks as though he held his own. Doctors say they need to wait for the swelling to go down before they can determine whether the paralysis is permanent.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Eve whispered vehemently. “He’s gone too fucking far this time. This is going to end very soon. I trust that Pauly is safe now?”

  “Yes. He and his family are now under protection.”

  “Good.” She looked up at her rearview mirror. “I seem to have company.”

  “Do you want us to get rid of them for you?”

  “I have a meeting after this stop, and they’re not invited. Make sure they get lost so they can’t crash the party.”

  “Yes ma’am. Consider it done.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be in touch.” She ended the call and checked her rearview mirror again. “Enjoy it while you can, Detective,” she said under her breath. “I’m taking you down along with Tony. I promise you that.”

  Her visit to Sumptor, Inc. had left Eve with a headache. She had had to do a lot of fast talking and make a lot of promises to keep everyone from quitting on her. The cops had been by to talk to the employees, and, as a result, morale wasn’t exactly high. They had been told, in so many words, that their boss was under investigation for two disappearances and one known murder.

  It was a good thing for Eve that her employees had a little more faith in her than the cops did. Most have been with her since the beginning and helped convince the new hires that Eve Sumptor could never do what the cops were accusing her of. In any case, Eve knew her time was limited and she was going to have to finish this game with Tony quickly or not at all.

  At precisely two o’clock, she stepped into The Garden of Eve. As usual, she was met with stares and suggestive smiles, but she held her anger in check, which was quite a difficult task at the moment.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Sumptor.” Elliot greeted Eve with a genuine smile. “Your guest is waiting.”

  “Thank you. It’s okay,�
� she smiled at him sweetly, “I’ll find him.”

  She knew that Billy would be sitting at one of her regular tables in the back, and sure enough, there he was, dressed in a black, crisply pressed suit with his light hair neatly parted on the side.

  He’d been waiting for her, sure that everything he had felt for her all those years ago had passed. He had moved on, of course, so why was he so nervous? But when he saw her walking towards him, his heart dropped to his feet. “Christ,” he whispered as he rose to greet her, instantly aroused, praying his body would not betray him.

  “Billy.” She closed the gap between them and kissed him softly on the cheek.

  The scent of Eve was intoxicating, and Billy realized then that all of those feelings he had for her were still there. “You...” He was having trouble forming words. Clearing his throat, he started over. “You look amazing.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said, flashing him a grin that had him melting inside. They remained silent as the waiter brought Eve a glass of iced tea and set it in front of her. “Perk of owning the restaurant,” she said, seeing that he was impressed. “They always know what I want.”

  My God, why does she have to be so beautiful? Billy shook himself, picking up a breadstick from the basket in front of him. He would focus on that instead of her, then maybe he would be able to think of something intelligent to say to her. Much to his dismay, the breadstick wasn’t helping. He was still thinking of her and nothing else.

  “Billy? Are you all right?”

  He forced himself to look at her, blanking the emotion from his eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. I guess I’m suffering from a little jetlag.” Jetlag? What are you stupid? I can’t believe you just said that to her. Jetlag. From Washington, D.C. to New York?

  Eve chuckled. “Well, I’ll try not to keep you long.”

  “I don’t mind the company. After all, you are why I came here.”


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