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Wilde Magic (Wilde Women Book 3)

Page 35

by Suzanne Halliday

Saying he was excited about his plans was the king cobra of understatements. There was something intensely primal about concentrating on her pleasure. Focusing solely on the sensations he chose for her, opened up his own senses in ways he couldn’t explain. With every tool he picked, Cal could imagine how he’d use it and what she’d feel. It was hot as fuck.

  Now he needed to prepare himself. He’d given this some serious thought too. Mulling over what he knew got her hot and bothered, it was an easy decision to strip down to nothing but his jeans.

  Well, he thought with a heavy inhale. On the exhale he huffed quietly and murmured, “Showtime.” If everything went as planned, by the time he was finished with her, she’d have a new understanding of the difference between fucking—an expression he knew she didn’t like—and making passionate love. Wild, kinky, mind-blowing, multi-orgasmic love.

  And no, she wasn’t going to have the option of being quiet or not kissing him.

  CHARLIE WAS NEARLY OUT-OF-HER-MIND with sensual anticipation by the time she heard him climb the stairs. Vowing to remember this, she tucked the effective power play into a corner of her mind for later consideration. She bet he’d melt the hell down if she did the same thing to him.

  After a hurried, last second inspection, she made sure the ties were positioned just right, flipped all her hair over her shoulders and down her back, cocked a hip, leaned against the window frame and flat out struck a pose.

  He was going to show her what he wanted. That’s what he said. A surge of wet heat overtook her, thinking about what he had planned.

  She didn’t look at him when he came around the armoire. Feeling like one of the statues she swooned over in Italy, Charlie remained still. The desire to please him was more compelling than checking out his expression. If she was going to drip arousal, he better be hard as the marble statues in her thoughts.

  Curiosity, laced with spine-tingling excitement, almost got the better of her when she heard something drop to the floor. But then he spoke in a sexy, manly growl and she surrendered to the sound so fast she nearly ended up with whiplash.

  “Tesoro,” he drawled. The sound of his voice felt like honey seeping into her senses. “You are more beautiful than I have words to describe.”

  Charlie didn’t have to see her nipples to know they peaked with delight from his words.

  Don’t move. Don’t look. Don’t ruin it. She was utterly determined to invade his senses with her willingness to feed his desires. Imagining her rugged princely knight coming upon her waiting for him was the fuel for quite a few wicked fantasies. Nobody ever even come close to bringing out this side to her. That’s how she knew he was the one because being sexually pleasing for someone else had, until him, held a shockingly low place in her opinions.

  Her eyes darted to see whatever she could peripherally. Oh my God. He was wearing nothing but jeans with the top button undone. Was he trying to kill her? That muscled V disappearing into his pants was guaranteed to give her a bad case of the swoons. She tried to calm how she breathed but her heart was beating like crazy.

  He was moving around the loft but without light or turning to watch him, she couldn’t imagine what he was doing. She heard the sound of a drawer opening, followed by his amused chuckle.

  “You’ve been handsy with my things, I see.”

  A burbling giggle burst from her mouth.

  Finally, after he drove her to the point of screaming with his silence, he spoke.

  “Look at me.”

  A swift explosion of nervousness shook her from head to toe. Despite how it looked this wasn’t a game. There was a subtext going on—one she knew would determine how they moved forward. If they moved forward. The sex was great, but it wasn’t enough.

  Both hands slid behind her back, one hand grasping the opposite wrist as she slowly turned her whole body and sought his face.

  “Very nice,” he growled. “The ties are a nice touch.” After a slight pause, he said, “Drop them on the bed and take off the bra.”

  With fingers that surprised her by how much they shook, she lost the silk ties in a hurry and removed her last garment. Now, she really was butt-ass naked and wearing only her thigh high boots.

  He was standing at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed. She almost cracked a joke. Almost.

  “You pissed me off, baby girl.”

  Oh, uh, er, um. That didn’t sound good. “My bad?” she questioned.

  “Very bad,” he grunted. “Frankly, I think you need a good spanking for trying to rattle my cage with that no kissing bullshit.”

  Ooooooooooooooh. Right. Pissing him off was exactly why she’d been such a bitch and it looked as though she was about to discover the price for her transgression. She bit down on her lip to stop from grinning.

  “But like I said, it’s your lucky day because you can make it up to me. Right now.” He leered at her for a second. “Or … you can take the spanking. It’s up to you.”

  “Well,” she simpered playfully. “Got your attention, now didn’t I?” Rubbing her hands on her bottom, she snickered. “Think I better pass on the spanking, though, thanks very much. One Wilde sister with a handprint left on her ass by a Merrill He-Man is enough, don’t you think?”

  She saw his eyebrow go up. How funny. So he didn’t know his brother was a serial bottom smacker? Guys didn’t share the way women did. Especially, when the women were sisters.

  “Fine by me. Hands behind your back again, ‘tessa. I like that. Then swagger your bad ass over here and kiss me—no hands. Apologize for withholding your mouth. And don’t even think about short and sweet. I want slow, deep and plenty of tongue.”

  Charlie licked her lips, put her hands where he wanted them and sashayed like a beauty queen taking the runway. Kissing without hands proved something of a logistics problem. Pressing her boobs against his chest, she leaned in heavily in order to get close enough to his mouth to latch on. Oh boy, but this was hot.

  He didn’t move and didn’t make it easy for her but she was ready and willing to meet the challenge. He said plenty of tongue, so she led with that. Licking all around his sexy mouth, she flicked the corners, traced the heart shaped line of his top lip and explored the curve of his bottom lip. Eventually, his lips parted slightly on a deep inhale and they stood there, lips barely touching, breathing each other in and out. When she was nearly wasted with desire Charlie got serious about the kiss. He was right. She’d been awful for playing such a stupid game.

  It felt so incredibly right to kiss him like this. Did he know what inhibiting her ability to touch would do to the rest of her senses? His hands never moved so all contact was up to her. Keeping a hold on his mouth with her lips, she went from seduction to ravenous desire in less time than it took to open an envelope.

  Her breasts crushed flat on his chest, Charlie shimmied and swayed against him as she took the kiss deeper and deeper. Some dim portion of her consciousness warned that meltdown was fast approaching, but she wasn’t able to stop. Not when he tasted so good. Not when his body radiated so much intoxicating heat. Was there anything quite so magnetic as a sexually aroused male? She couldn’t imagine what.

  Whimpering and moaning she kept up the kissing offensive until a stinging yank on her hair abruptly separated their mouths.

  “Are you ever going to pull a stunt like this again?” His voice sounded dark and dangerous. She shivered.

  “No.” Though he kept a brutal hold on her hair, she shook her head and frowned. She struggled to stay on her feet with her hands behind her back when he grunted at her answer and kissed her so aggressively she was left breathless and shaking when he finished.

  “Lay down on the bed. Arms out side to side. Legs straight. Hurry,” he urged with a little pat on her bottom. Eager to comply, she quickly did as he said.

  Ty moved to one side and knelt one knee on the mattress. “I’m going to tie your hands, ‘tessa. The restraint will feel worrisome,” he drawled with a brief grin. “But I’ll tie you in a way that if it becomes too
much, I can release you in seconds. You have to trust me, okay?”

  Was it okay? Boy. When you’re talking about these things it all seems like sexy fun and games—but presented with the reality of being helpless, well that kind of leads to a moment of truth.

  Did she trust him? Trust can’t be parsed. Not for her. She couldn’t trust one part of someone and not trust the rest. If she trusted him enough to surrender her safety, she trusted him enough to put what happened and her fears, in the past.

  “Okay,” she answered in little more than a whisper.

  Charlie’s heart was booming in her chest. Using one of the silk ties. He wrapped her wrist and secured it to something. She turned her head. There wasn’t a headboard so she didn’t understand what was happening.

  “Rope.” he murmured matter-of-factly. “Runs under the mattress. No tell tale hardware,” he snickered.

  “You’ve thought of everything, huh?”

  “Ah, my sweet baby girl,“ he proudly answered. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  A minute later, her other hand was secured. It felt odd. Her arms were stretched out and she had enough play with the restraint that she could move her wrists a little. But not much.

  He leaned down and kissed her passionately. Without thinking, she raised her hands to clutch at his hair. When she couldn’t move her arms she grunted with frustration. Two seconds of panic followed until lost in a kiss so lustful, she groaned non-stop, and calmed down. The panic was quickly replaced by excitement.

  When she was still, he stopped the kissing and sat back. Brushing a few strands of hair off her face, he ran a finger down her cheek and touched her lips.

  “Are you okay so far?”

  She wasn’t surprised he asked. Charlie knew he’d never do anything she wasn’t totally on board with. Then some words slipped from her mouth that shocked them both.

  “I would do anything for you. To make you happy.”

  His smile was warm when he tapped her on the nose. “This is about your pleasure, Tesoro. Not mine. But if you want to please me, don’t hold back. I want to hear your pleasure,” he drawled silkily. “And your pain.” She gasped. “And I want you to hear it too.”

  “But,” she stammered. “Downstairs you said something about what you wanted. I thought,”

  “I know what you thought,” he interjected. “And yes, this is what I want. I will pleasure you sweet Charlize until you beg for it to end. Then, when you’re complete attention—and surrender—is assured; I will make love to you. The way I want to. When my cock has broken you completely, you’ll know, ‘tessa. Know who you belong to.”

  It was so quiet after he spoke, she was sure they’d hear dust if it floated by.

  “Now, one more thing.” He held up another tie. Not one she grabbed from the drawer. “I want to blindfold you. Let me explain,” he added when she flinched.

  “This will be a journey of the senses. You’re an artist so you know how this goes. Even mild deprivation heightens the remaining senses.” He pulled on one of her restraints. “Tied up and helpless. That got the endorphins flowing, huh?”

  His hand moved above her face and a tie unfurled. Dragging the silk across her, he murmured, “Think about how sexy the silk will feel against your skin.”

  Unf. He was going for all her buttons. But a blindfold?

  “Will you take it away if I get scared?”

  “Oh my God,” he grunted. His hand slid beneath her neck and lifted her head. “Of course, Tesoro. Of course.“ He kissed her so sweetly, she wanted to weep from the tenderness in his lips.

  “Now, shhh. Calm your mind, love. Look at me.”

  She was reeling from hearing the word love—no matter what context he used.

  “This is who you are, baby girl. Charlize Baron-Wilde. The Contessa of Skippy and Baroness of Wild. You are my ‘tessa and before this night is over you will know and understand in every fiber of your being just how much you are seen … and adored.”

  Seen and adored. She was going to remember those words till her dying day.

  The blindfold went on. Right away she felt a jolt. Taking away her ability to see, to anticipate action, made everything that much more intense.

  She felt him leave her side and stand up. He didn’t move away, she could feel his energy close by. Was he watching her? How did she look, naked, tied up and blindfolded. Oh yeah, and wearing boots that were made for this wicked scenario. In her mind’s eye she imagined the button undone on his pants and moaned.

  “I think you’re ready.”

  Charlie pulled on the wrist restraints. Her breathing became erratic. Something came over her. It wasn’t panic. Or fear, although there was a little of that lurking on the sidelines. It was something she couldn’t explain or describe. He expected her surrender and no two ways about it, she didn’t know if she could.


  He spoke softly, but didn’t touch her. “Yes, ‘tessa. I’m here.”

  “Oh. Am I okay?” she asked hesitantly. Wanting to please him wasn’t the same as being brave in an unfamiliar situation. His voice. If she couldn’t see or touch, she at least needed that.

  His husky whisper took her breath away. Especially since his lips were so close to her ear. She trembled when he told her in a sinfully direct way just how okay she was. If he said one more thing about the glory of her breasts or how fucking sexy her long legs looked in the black boots, she wouldn’t make it to the main event.

  Before he drew away, he licked the base of her neck—one of her ‘sweet spots’ as he so decadently put it—and then ran his face across her collarbone, inhaling deeply. If she was still nervous after that, there was no way of telling because as promised, she was a moaning, trembling wreck.

  Sounds she couldn’t identify swirled in the air around her.

  “Spread your legs, sweetheart and lay very, very still. It’s going to get messy enough without you squirming all over the bed.” Ty’s manly chuckle reverberated along her nerve endings. “Next time,” he drawled, “legs tied too.”

  Yep. That was the sensation of her melting down. Damn. Keeping a big plush towel handy whenever they were together was probably a good idea because she was pretty sure the appreciative groan he gave when her thighs parted had a lot to do with how wet she was. If they stayed together as a couple, they were definitely going to need flood insurance.

  TWO THOUGHTS DOMINATED HIS MIND. Breaking her down through pleasure and marrying this experience to the bigger picture.

  Hmph. Marry. Interesting way to put it.

  Reaching in to his box of tricks he started with the frozen fudgesicle. Cal smiled. Who knew how time sensitive kinky play could be—go figure. Removing the wrapper, he scrunched the trash into a ball. ‘tessa was biting her lip again and her head was turned his way. He had to remember that her senses were on high alert. Most likely, she was so deeply focused on every little thing that she could hear him swallow.

  He glanced at the ball of paper in his hand—then at her peaked nipples.

  “Dessert was wonderful, Tesoro. Thank you.”

  She wriggled so beautifully at his words of praise.

  “I have a special treat for you. Something creamy and soft.”

  Jesus. Her moan ripped through him like a bomb blast.

  “Open your mouth.”

  He moved closer to her mouth, that’s what she expected but at the last second he used the crumpled paper to scratch the tips of her nipples. She jerked reflexively, her jaw clamped tight. A roadmap of surprise spread across her beautiful skin as visible goose bumps framed her response.

  “Mouth open,” he reminded.

  When all her focus was on what he was doing to her nipples, he bit off the end of the fudgesicle where it was starting to get too soft, then ran the frozen bar across the lips of her open mouth. ‘tessa’s tongue flicked out and laved the frosty chocolate. He let her enjoy the taste and texture before he took another bite and bent over her to engage in a gooey kiss.

ng a hand across his face, Cal dealt with the fudgesicle mess, looked down at her and smirked.

  After a final few abrasive rubs of the paper on her nipples, he tossed it aside and replaced that sensation with a much different one. Circling the tips of a breast with the ice cream bar made her cry out and shake. Switching back and forth between her quivering tits, Cal drove her wild without ever touching the frozen bar to her nipples.

  “Oh, Ty,” she groaned. Twisting against the restraints she tried to control the sensation, much to his enjoyment. She liked being overwhelmed and he liked being the one to do these things to her.

  The fudgesicle was too soft to continue so he chucked it into the trash. Hands free, he placed them on either side of her torso so she could feel him looming over her. Zooming straight for a puckered nipple, he sucked it urgently into his mouth and wasn’t gentle about it. She tried to squash a keening cry, but he wasn’t going to allow any restraint on her part.

  Swiftly releasing her nipple with a distinctive pop, he ground out, “What did I tell you, Charlize? Don’t hide your pleasure from me. I want to hear your moans. Feel the heaviness of each breath as you fight for air.”

  Reasserting his authority, he returned to devouring her breasts while his ladylove whimpered, quaked and gasped. Cal didn’t realize till this moment how erotic it was to loose himself in someone else’s response.

  What was next? He grabbed a substantial leather belt from his choice of objects. This oughta’ shake her up, he thought. Fuck. It shook him up. Looking at the leather dangling from his hand, he could definitely imagine the wide strap landing with a thwack on her fantastic ass but he’d have to do a helluva lot more research before attempting anything like that. He understood the thin line between pain and pleasure and how the endorphins their love play released inside her operated. But actually hurting her was not something he wanted to think about. Not at the moment, anyway.

  With the belt in a loop he dragged it down her chest, moved it through the valley between her breasts and lower still. She held her breath when it caressed her belly. She undulated once and then twice before he reminded her to be still. He wasn’t surprised she didn’t obey. Or couldn’t. So he smacked the belt lightly against her hip. She yelped, quieted and softly groaned.


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