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A Lifetime to Find Love

Page 12

by Ava Riley

  Rowan was devastated. She’d never seen him so angry or upset. There were very few times in their life that she had ever seen her brother cry, this was one of those times. And, it was a time she never wanted to relive. Neither of them knew what to do to console him. It had taken him months before he was able to function as a normal person outside of his work. He, of course, called the wedding off right away. Erin didn’t hold back her anger towards her and Cade either. And, even though Rowan knew Cade had nothing to do with the situation, it was hard on their friendship during those months. Rowan told Cade he wanted him to fire Erin, but Cade wouldn’t. That made the stress between them even worse. Tessa hadn’t known until today that Erin had threatened to sue Cade, but it was the only explanation why he would keep her on at his office. His friendship with Rowan was entirely too important for him to not have a good reason to allow her anywhere near him. Tessa didn’t want to have anything to do with Erin and certainly didn’t want her anywhere near Cade. She not only betrayed and hurt her brother, but she betrayed the friendship that Tessa had shared with her. Now that she and Cade were together, she wanted more than anything for Erin to be as far from him as possible. The thought of her in the same room with him set her teeth on edge. As hard as it was for her to know that she was still working there, she knew it was harder on Cade for having to deal with her every day, so she would deal with it.

  Chapter 17

  The last two days were nothing but a blur for Tessa. She had a meeting with Dominick and Susan on Tuesday. They had spent hours going over the photos she had already completed and they began separating them into two piles of potentials for the calendar and photos they would absolutely not use. It seemed as though the pile for potentials was larger than the not using pile, which frustrated the hell out of her. It was very tiring and time consuming and Susan really wasn’t much help. She basically wanted to use any photo that showed their “happy trail,” whether it was a good shot or not. She really needed someone with an eye for detail and not the detail of the bulge beneath their pants.

  Tessa was finding it hard to keep her mind on work. Instead, she found her thoughts constantly drifting to Cade. More times than once she was caught up in memories of their time spent together. When they finally stopped for lunch, she called his office hoping to at least get a few minutes of conversation in with him. He had been too busy with appointments to even come to the phone. She had really just wanted to hear his voice and as disappointed as she was, she’d told herself she had no right to get frustrated. He had told her he would be pretty busy. It didn’t change the fact the she was aching to see him and to feel him, to hear his voice and feel the way it caressed her to the very core. She wanted to just lie in his arms and take in his scent. Wanted to feel the security she always felt when she was with him. She had known she was falling for him, but at that moment, the reality of her need for him slammed into her chest and squeezed her heart.

  After lunch, Susan and Tessa got right back to working on the photos, which ended up going late into the night. Although her entire day and night had been consumed with the tedious work, they had the photos they needed and were one step closer to getting this project completed. Choosing these pictures would definitely make it easier for them to hit their deadline, no thanks to Dominick. Susan let out a yawn and they both knew it was their cue to end the night.

  “So, bright and early we hit the pavement running.” Susan was packing up her things when she turned to Tessa. “I totally forgot to email you the schedule so I printed out a copy for you.”

  Susan handed Tessa the list.

  “Thanks, Susan. You’ve really been a big help with this project.”

  “It’s no problem. By the way, your Friday shoot said there is no way he can move it. I’m sure you won’t really mind though,” she said the last with a wink before walking out the office. When Cade had called her to reschedule his shoot, he had filled her in on his plans with Tessa. In true form for Susan she questioned Cade as if her job depended on it.. She didn’t get the job at the paper on her good looks. She grilled him on his relationship with Tessa once he told her they were dating. She’d been a little put off that she was hearing from Cade and not Tessa that she was in a relationship, especially a relationship with Cade McCarthy. He answered all her question and after an hour of grilling him she was satisfied enough to help him. She knew that if he wanted his plans with Tessa on Friday to go off without a hitch, he needed to get her in on it. She loved knowing what was going on, loved having Tessa in the dark. Anything for love, that was her motto.

  Tessa quickly glanced at the white eight by ten page that announced the jackass who was ruining her Friday afternoon. She had really been looking forward to spending time with Cade since she wasn’t going to get the chance all week. Now even that was ruined by work. If it wasn’t his work, it was her work keeping them apart. She shouldn’t be sitting here worrying about when she was going to get to spend time with him. She should be focused on her work, not some man. But Cade wasn’t just some man. He was everything she dreamed of when she let herself dream of giving herself completely to someone. He made her want to be a better person just by being who he was. It was easy to see why she wanted to spend every waking hour in his presence and every moment of sleep wrapped in his arms. He crept into her soul and resided there. She was happy to give him a home there.

  She had to do a double take to make sure she had read the name right. Cade! He had switched his shoot to Friday. Why, she couldn’t figure out. Color crept into her cheeks as she remembered that she had basically called him a jack-hole and accused him of having no life. And he had just let her ramble on about the idiot ruining her afternoon when all along it was him. She could just see the look he must have had on his face trying desperately not to laugh. He most certainly would be proud of his deception and she would definitely have to find a way to make him suffer for that.

  As she packed up her things, she became more and more nervous. She was quickly learning that anytime Cade had “made plans,” he was going to do something amazing. He’d already proven that from their first date beginning with the roses and the dress, then the dinner on the beach. He’d then taken her to his favorite restaurant and beach and she’d been in complete heaven as they’d sat in the alcove. And he’d more than proven it when they had made love. It wasn’t as if she minded, she didn’t, but all the same it made her nervous and excited at the same time. She actually found herself giddy like a school girl. As she walked to her car, her cell began to vibrate indicating she had a text message. While she read it, her pulse began to race and her body burned from just a simple thought of Cade. God, he could make her blood run hot with just a simple text message. She definitely had it bad for him like she had never had before with anyone else. Amazingly, she was enjoying every minute of it.

  Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. By now you know that I’m the jack-hole who is ruining your Friday afternoon. Don’t worry, I will make it up to you. Was hoping we could take a drive to do the shoot. Sweet dreams, Bella.

  As soon as Tessa got in the car situating herself in the driver’s seat, she placed the key into the ignition, pulled her seatbelt over her chest and buckled herself in. She quickly texted him back.

  I’m sure you will make it up and you know I’ll hold you to it. Any chance that I might get to see you tonight?

  Not tonight babe, I’ve got an early morning tomorrow. Believe me, I’d rather be cuddled up next to you in bed, but know that you are constantly in my thoughts.

  That’s too bad, I was hoping we’d be doing more than cuddling though. Then sweet dreams it is.

  My dreams are always sweet because they are always filled with you, Tess. If I can’t call, I’ll text you when I get some free time. Goodnight, beautiful.

  Goodnight, sexy.

  Cade had a way of making Tessa feel everything she never had; wanted, beautiful, cared for. She wanted him to feel the same way and hoped and prayed that she was giving to him what he gave to he
r. She placed the car in drive heading home for a few hours of sleep before she started her day all over again.

  Susan was already at the boardwalk the next morning with two coffees in hand waiting for Tessa when she strolled up to Joe’s Crab Shack. Ecstasy filled her being as the smooth aroma of French vanilla floated through the air from the large cup being held out to her.

  “I know you hate mornings,” Susan said with a smirk.

  They both laughed, though they didn’t know why. Tessa figured it was delirium from lack of sleep on both their parts. They had worked late the night before that neither of them got much sleep. ,. At least Tessa hadn’t gotten much sleep, because she had been so wound up from missing and thinking about Cade. Susan had actually looked surprisingly refreshed. Tessa started setting up in front of Joe’s Crab Shack for the shoot. Thankfully it was early enough in the morning that Joe’s hadn’t opened yet so she wouldn’t have to worry about people getting in any of her shots or having to wait for them to pass by. Also, she was glad that when she had called Joe to make sure she could use the restaurant’s front for the shoot, he had no complaints. She liked Joe. He was an older, fatherly type and anytime she had come to the shack to eat, he had been genuinely caring. He always took the time to ask her about her work or about Rowan. She had been coming to the shack for several years now on a regular basis. When Rowan got a job there busing tables during medical school she came because he got free meals. After Rowan quit, she frequented the place because she loved the food he served. But, then it was more because she loved the company. Joe would actually sit with her and Rowan anytime they came in. He was really a good guy all around. He had even told her that he would display the calendars and help sell them to his patrons once they were ready.

  She loved the look of the Shack. It would be a perfect backdrop for the photos she wanted to take today. The building had a weathered and rustic look with the iris blue paint chipping. To top it off, it sat right in the middle of the boardwalk. Although it looked like a sore thumb somewhat, it was perfect. The deep blue sky peeking out from behind the building, contrasted it perfectly. The building and sky would definitely enhance the photos.

  Peter Brine was scheduled first and he arrived right on time. He was in his late twenties and was incredibly handsome. He had dirty blond hair, a perfect smile and a healthy body, meaning yummy. She actually knew Peter. He often worked the E.R. with Rowan. As a matter of fact, Rowan had tried to set her up with him a couple times, the most recent time right before her and Cade had gone out to the bar that fateful night.

  “Hey, Tess. I haven’t seen you in a while.” He flashed a smile at her.

  “Good to see you, Peter. Thanks for helping out with the calendar.”

  “Sure, anything for a great cause. Where do you want me?”

  Anything for a great cause? What a crock of bull she thought. She couldn’t deny that Peter was a good looking man, ,but his ego overshadowed them and she knew the reason for doing this photo shoot was more for stroking that ego than for the cause. Tessa got him all set up and breezed right through the shoot. Peter seemed to be at home in front of the camera and his arrogance and the fact that he was full of himself came to the forefront during the shoot. He definitely was easy on the eyes and kind to the camera, it reminded her of why she never went out with him. She knew she could never be happy with someone like him. And that thought took her right back to where she always ended, with thoughts of Cade running through her mind. Cade and Peter were on opposite sides of the spectrum. Both of them were doctors, but where Peter was cocky, Cade showed a tremendous amount of humility. Cade was just as much the doctor as Peter, if not more, but wasn’t boastful or didn’t feel entitled for it. Tessa caught herself smiling at the thought. She tried desperately to find something distasteful about Cade, but knew that it would be impossible. The man was perfect and perfect for her. Tessa brought herself back to the task at hand as Adam Lamott, her second shoot, arrived. She quickly got through the shoot with him and allowed Susan to take over with her interrogation. At least Susan was a little more subdued today. Neither of the men looked terrified when she was talking with them. Tessa quickly packed up her equipment then headed back to the car. She really wanted to talk to Cade. Although they had been texting back and forth the last couple days, it just wasn’t enough, she needed to hear his voice. As she drove home, she called his office. Much to her dismay, Erin answered the phone.

  “Hi, Erin. This is Tess Worth. Is Cade available?” She didn’t want to have a conversation with her, so she steered clear of any pleasantries.

  “Oh. Hi, Tess.” Her voice was like nails on a chalk board and it set Tessa’s teeth on edge. Erin was the last person she wanted or needed to talk to. Any time spent talking to her was precious time wasted. As a matter of fact, this was the first time she’d spoken to her since the wedding had been called off.

  “Dr. McCarthy is actually seeing patients today. Did you need to set up an appointment with him? He’s pretty busy you know, in high demand.”

  How she said his name made Tessa want to climb through the phone, wrap her fingers around her neck and squeeze until she saw the light in her eyes fade. As if Tessa shouldn’t be calling him Cade. And as if she’d need to see Cade on a professional level. For heaven’s sake, her brother was a doctor. She would go to him before anyone else. The fact that Erin knew that her and Cade had known each other so long just made her question even more irritating. She wasn’t normally a jealous person, but realization set in quickly that the emotion coursing through her body was exactly that. She mentally slapped herself to clear her head. She had no reason to be jealous of this vindictive wench and knew she shouldn’t be giving her the opportunity to crawl under her skin. Cade, of all people, would choose to have nothing to do with Erin, if he had the choice. She had nearly cost him his best friend. Still, just her being in proximity to him set her on edge.

  “No, I don’t need an appointment.” Tessa was trying to be as polite as possible only because she didn’t want her to think for one second that she was getting to her, otherwise, she would have let her know where she could stick her appointment. “Could you just leave him a message that I called?”

  “Sure thing. Can I get your number so he doesn’t have to look it up?”

  Now she was just being a bitch and two could play at that game. Tessa had no intention now of checking the emotions running through her very being. Anger and jealousy were a lethal combination and both coursed through every fiber of her being at the moment. The little tramp was being rude and was intentionally trying to get Tessa to retaliate against her. She’d probably had every intention of setting her off so she could point out to Cade what a wench Tessa had been to her. She wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction, however. Sarcasm was Tessa’s specialty and she was more than willing to dish it out to a bitch like this.

  “Oh, honey, no need to take down my number. He has me on speed dial.”

  “Well then, I will just leave the message that you called. Is there anything else I could do for you?”

  Yeah, find a different job, was what Tessa wanted to say. However, she refrained for the sake of her own pride and a lengthy argument. Rowan had moved on from the whole ordeal with Erin, Tessa should follow suit and do the same thing. She just couldn’t get past the knowledge that this sorry excuse for a woman had broken her brother’s heart and put Cade in an awkward position. She had hurt the only two people who mattered to her, so getting past the ordeal was not so easy for Tessa.

  “No, that’s all. Thank you,” Tessa said with her sweetest voice and hung up.

  Chapter 18

  The sound of the door bell jolted Tessa out of her sleep. Peeling back her eyelids, she glanced at her clock and was surprised to see that it was eleven o’clock. She bolted out of bed, astounded she had slept so late. That meant that she missed her first photo shoot of the day. How could she have overslept? She set the alarm to go off at six and why had Susan not called her when she didn’t show up.
r />   “Shit, shit, shit.”

  She was never late for a job, never and this was not only going to piss Dominick off, but also the doctor who took time out of his schedule for nothing. The door bell chimed again. Tessa grabbed her robe from the floor where she had let it fall before climbing into her cozy bed and headed for the door. As she made her way down the hall to the living room, she saw through the big pane glass window that overlooked her front yard only to see that it was still dark outside. She hadn’t overslept or missed her shoot. Thank God. Relief flooded her at the knowledge of not having to explain herself to Dominick or the doctor. But then, who the fuck was at her door at eleven at night? Whoever it was had better have a damn good reason for waking her. When she reached the door, she took a long look through the peep hole. She let out a sigh and leaned her head against the door for a brief moment. As quickly as she could, she unlocked the door and swung it open.

  “Cade? What…” Before she could get out another word, he stepped through the door, grabbed her around the waist, and kicked the door closed. He pulled Tessa as close as he could to his body, bunching his fist in her hair as he devoured her mouth. His lips were frantic on hers, his tongue exploring every part of her mouth. They stood in the foyer of her home meeting the demands of each other. When they finally came up for breath, Cade leaned his forehead to hers, his fingers massaging the nape of her neck.


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