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A Lifetime to Find Love

Page 15

by Ava Riley

  Erin sauntered in with coffee in hand. “I thought you might like a cup before your first appointment. Seems we are going to be short handed today. Isabelle called in, something about her kid being sick.” For the first time, Cade caught a glimpse of what Rowan and Tessa had revealed. She had distaste in her tone in regards to Isabelle having to stay home with a sick child.

  “That’s no problem. Hopefully, he isn’t too sick. It can’t be too fun dealing with a sick child all day. I, at least, get to send them home.”

  “I guess. Yet another reason why I don’t want kids. What about you Cade? Are you looking forward to having kids some day?”

  Cade was feeling a little uncomfortable with the quick turn of this conversation. He didn’t like Erin being there in the first place, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. To actually have a conversation with her about something so private and personal would only make her think that he had forgiven her for what she had done to Rowan and to him. He had no intentions of giving her the wrong impression, so he ignored the question.

  “Thanks for the coffee, Erin. I really need to get some things in order before my first appointment.”

  “No problem.” Erin shrugged and walked out of his office.

  Cade’s day seemed to drag on and on. They were busy, but every time he looked at the clock it was as if the hands never moved. The only bright spot to his day was when Tessa had called him after she’d finished her last shoot. She had editing to do, but she’d wanted to go get something to eat after he was done at the office. Because they were short handed, however, his appointments were running later and later and he knew he wouldn’t be getting out in time for dinner. He had to turn her down, though everything in him screamed to take her up on the offer, even if they didn’t eat until midnight. Now, here he was wishing that the day would finally come to an end. Three hours later he sat at his desk finishing up the last of his paperwork. He’d finally sent everyone home around eight when the last of his appointments left. Thankfully, tomorrow would be a short day for everyone. He hated having the girls stay late, most of them had families to go home to, but they never complained. Shutting down his computer and pushing away from his desk, he headed out the door, looking forward to a hot shower and his comfortable bed.

  Tessa had been disappointed when Cade turned her down for dinner. Some days, he worked entirely too hard and put in way too many hours. He’d told her he wouldn’t be getting out of the office until late because of appointments, so she decided to bring dinner to him. He still had to eat. After she got off the phone with him, she’d worked as long as she could on editing and then headed out to get Chinese food for them. It was his favorite and she made sure to get him extra egg rolls. Both he and Rowan could put down the egg rolls. When he and Rowan were in medical school and they’d have late night study sessions, Rowan would always call her and ask her to bring them dinner. It was always Chinese. At the time, she had thought it was such a nuisance, but now she was thankful to know what he would enjoy eating. She wanted to surprise him and if she would have had to call him, it wouldn’t have been much of a surprise.

  As Cade walked out to the lobby, he was shocked to find one of the girls still there. The one he least expected to see.

  “Erin, I didn’t realize you were still here. I thought everyone left the office already.”

  “Everyone has, except me.” Erin paused for a moment. “I was actually just finishing up paperwork and getting ready to leave. I’m starving and I’m sure you are, too. Would you like to go grab something to eat?”

  Cade was dumbfounded that Erin would actually think he would want to spend any time outside of work with her when he had no desire to even have her working in his office. The woman just didn’t get it.

  “Erin, you have to understand that what we have here is a working relationship and nothing more. And, if we are both being honest, after what you did to Rowan, I would rather you not even be working here, but you’ve made it so I don’t have a choice. Not to mention the fact that Tess and I are seeing each other now and I’m sure that would just make her day if I went anywhere with you outside of work. So, no, I do not want to go grab something to eat with you.”

  “You and Tess? Cade, I’m disappointed in you. I thought you had better taste in women than that.”

  “Oh, his taste in women is just fine, so is his distaste of another woman,” Tessa said as she walked into the office.

  “Apparently not, if he’s bedding the likes of you.”

  “As opposed to someone who cheats on the man they are about to marry?”

  Erin just laughed and made her way to the door. She slowly turned to face Cade and Tessa. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Cade. Bright and early.” And with a wink in their direction, she was out the door.

  “Ooh, that woman makes me feel like I could lose all sense of self control and strangle her.”

  “Don’t even waste the energy it would take, she isn’t worth it. I’m more interested in knowing what brought you here.”

  “Dinner,” she said with a smile, as she held up the brown bag she carried. “You said you were working late, but you still have to eat right.”

  “Well, I’m actually done, but we can eat in the break room. And, I see that you are a woman after my own heart by bringing me Chinese.” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  They laughed as they walked to the break room. Cade pulled out plates and plastic forks for them while Tessa pulled out a couple sodas from the refrigerator. Cade, always the gentleman, especially when it came to Tessa, pulled out her chair as they sat.

  “Thank you. You know this girl could get used to the way you spoil me.” She teased him, although she did really enjoy that he was so courteous with her.

  “No, thank you for bringing me dinner. It was sweet of you to think of it. To top it off, you bring me my favorite meal. Not many people know it’s my favorite.”

  “How could I not know? All those late night study sessions you and Rowan used to have and somehow I got suckered into making the food runs. At least you both were consistent, never once did you sway from your food of choice. Especially the extra egg rolls.” She said that last part with a wink in his direction.

  Cade grabbed the bag quickly, as excited as a kid in a candy store, peering inside. “You did not get extra egg rolls.” He glanced up over the rim of the bag. “You truly are a woman after my own heart.”

  They took their time eating and enjoying each other’s company, not paying attention to the time. They talked about when they were kids and all the crazy things he and Rowan would do, how Tessa used to pester the two of them, what their hopes and dreams were. They talked about everything under the sun. When they finally realized what time it was, it was well after midnight. They both cleaned up their mess and headed out of the office. After Cade locked up, he grabbed Tessa’s hand, intertwining their fingers and led her to the elevators.

  “I can’t believe how late it got so quickly.” She yawned.

  “Time always does seem to fly by when I’m spending it with you.”

  When the elevator arrived at the parking garage, she was surprised to see their cars were the only ones left. Cade walked her to her car, gave her a deep sensual kiss and opened the door for her.

  “So, I will meet you at your house tomorrow?” he asked.

  “I have some errands to do in the morning, so why don’t we just meet at your place around twelve thirty? That way you can get changed and we can leave from there.”

  “Sounds good to me. It will definitely save on time. Then I will see you tomorrow.”

  Before easing into the car, she reached up for one more kiss. Cade wrapped his arms around her waist. He held on to her just a little longer and a little tighter. His heart was pounding, he wanted so badly to tell her he loved her. He needed her to know, but when the thought crossed his mind, fear crept in. What if she didn’t reciprocate? What if she didn’t feel the same way? What if her thoughts were on just having a good time
with him? He knew she cared for him, knew she enjoyed their physical relationship as much as he did, but did she feel the same way about him as he felt about her? Did her heart ache for him the way his did for her? As much as he wanted to say the words, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He whispered into her mouth, “Thank you again for dinner. It was wonderful. The best Chinese I’ve had.”

  Tessa laughed. “Cade, you get takeout from that place all the time.”

  “Yep, but it tasted so much better since you brought it to me. Be careful driving home and sweet dreams,” he said before closing her door.

  Cade watched her as she drove off and then with a hitch in his step walked to his car. Tonight had been wonderful. He really did mean it when he told her the food was so much better since she had brought it. Knowing that she had been thinking about him and thinking about something as simple has him needing to eat, made his heart swell in his chest. He got in his car and drove home replaying over and over the conversation they had shared. It was so easy to share his thoughts, his dreams, and even his fears with Tessa, and she had been just as open with him. He wanted her to know that he loved her and tomorrow would be the day for that. He wasn’t going to pass up another opportunity to tell her.

  Chapter 21

  The errands Tessa had planned on taking care of that morning had nothing to do with work or Cade’s photo shoot. She was ready for his shoot and was looking forward to getting it out of the way to spend time with him. She had planned on taking a picnic basket with them though, so she had to run by the local market to get the things she needed. She wanted their time after the shoot to be romantic. She had never planned anything romantic, so she was hoping she was doing it right. Since she and Cade started dating, he had gone out of his way to make her feel special and was always doing romantic things for her. They were simple things, but still romantic. She played over in her mind, how he had cooked her breakfast the morning after they had made love the first time. And then when he took her to “his” beach and the alcove he kept to himself. She wanted to do something special for him, something that would make him understand just how important he was to her and the difference he made in her life. As she sat at the kitchen table with pen and paper, she began to write down the things she wanted to take with them to the beach.

  While sitting there making that simple list, her mind did what it often did these days. Her thoughts turned to Cade and the times that they spent together. She couldn’t stop going back to last night and the time they spent having dinner at his office. She had so enjoyed just talking and laughing with him. Although they had spent hours sitting there enjoying each other’s company, the time seemed to fly by. That was something that she was finding to be true more and more. No matter how much time she spent with him, it was never enough. She could spend hours upon hours talking with him, sharing her most intimate secrets with him, sitting in his company, making love to him repeatedly. She realized she was sitting as a statue with pen pressed to the paper when suddenly the doorbell brought her from her thoughts and her heart leapt.

  The last time her doorbell had rung, Cade had been standing on the other side of the door and he had done wicked, wicked things to her when she had opened it. She felt the heat rush into her cheeks and liquid seep into her panties just thinking about it. Her mind knew he was at work, but there was that little bit of hope that she would find him, once again, standing at her doorstep. She raced to the door, flung it open, and then let out a rush of air.

  “Oh, Rowan. It’s you.”

  “Wow. Well, it’s good to see you too, Tess.”

  Rowan sounded hurt, as he should. The disappointment of not seeing Cade was not only in her tone, but in her facial expression also. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings, but she had really hoped it was Cade. When she woke this morning, she had rolled over wishing that her eyes would have fallen on his face, but she found herself alone in her king size bed and for the first time in her life was disappointed with that knowledge.

  “Sorry, it’s just I thought you were someone else. Come on in.”

  As Rowan stepped into the house, he pulled her into his embrace to hug her. He hadn’t spent much time with her, or Cade, as a matter of fact, in several weeks and he missed his sister tremendously.

  “Well, I’m sure Cade would rather be here with you than at work.”

  “I know, and I’ll see him later this afternoon, so it’s no biggie. But I’m glad to see you, too. How are things going?”

  “Good. What are you doing this morning? Do you want to go grab a bite to eat?”

  “I have errands to run this morning before I meet Cade for his shoot. Do you want to go hang out with your sister for a while? I don’t really have time to eat.”

  Rowan gasped overdramatically for effect. “What? You don’t have time to eat? Are you feeling okay?”

  “Ha. Ha. It’s just I have things to pick up for the shoot.”

  “Sure, I’ll go with you. We haven’t gotten to spend much time together since you and Cade started seeing each other, so I’ll take what I can get.”

  “What does that mean? You’ll take what you can get. I will always make time for you.”

  “It’s not a big deal, Tess. When two people are in a relationship, it’s normal to shut others out.”

  “Is that what you think Rowan? That Cade and I are shutting you out? If so, you have never been more wrong in your life.”

  “No, I don’t think that. Come on, let’s go run your errands before this conversation turns into a huge miscommunication.”

  Tessa didn’t like how Rowan was acting or what he was insinuating, but she didn’t have the time to get into it with him right now, so she filed it away to be brought back up at another time. And she would address his comments at the first available opportunity.

  “Fine. Do you want some coffee before we leave?”


  They walked to the kitchen so Tessa could finish her list and get them both some much needed caffeine. As she was pouring the coffee, Rowan picked up her list and began reading it out loud.

  “Champagne, cheese, crackers, and strawberries. Tess, how is this going to help with your photo shoot?”

  Tessa shot him a look that said exactly how those items would be helping her today. “Do you really want to know that, Rowan?” She gave him a wink as she placed the cup in front of him and sat down across the table from him. Rowan let out a slow breath.

  “So, I guess things are going well for you two. I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to Cade much lately.” He sounded hurt and so alone. Tessa hadn’t really thought much about how her relationship with Cade would affect Rowan, so to sit here seeing the expression on his face, she realized that not only had Rowan and her not spent much time together these past few weeks, but he hadn’t seen much of his best friend either.

  Rowan was happy for his sister and his best friend, but a part of him felt a tinge of envy. Cade had called him last night to talk to him about his feelings toward Tessa. He’d never heard Cade talk about anyone with the emotions he did in regards to her. He knew Cade had fallen in love with her and, after talking to him last night, he knew that for the first time since he met Cade, he had found the one person who made his life complete. Now, after seeing the look of disappointment on Tessa face and the shopping list, he knew she was feeling the same way. As happy as he was for the both of them, he felt a void. He, too, wanted to find that kind of relationship. After what had happened with Erin, he didn’t think that he ever would want to get serious with anyone, but sitting in Tessa’s kitchen, seeing the glow on her face, made him realize that he was lonelier than he thought. His relationship with Tessa was changing also. No matter how much she loved him, he would become second in her life behind Cade and his heart ached from just the thought of it. Ever since their mother died, Rowan had been first when it came to Tessa. She had always made time for him, had always shared her disappointments, her joys, everything with him. It was inevitable for him to become secon
d to the man that held her heart, of course, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.


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