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Page 19

by Frank Carey

  "Don't take this wrong—I find the offer intriguing—but why me?"

  "Your credentials are impeccable, you were recommended by every scholar on the team, and..."

  "Your alternate-universe daughter stole a ship we want back. Does that cover it, Neta?"

  Neta looked across the desk at her friend, "Yes, that pretty much covers it. The two of you are inextricably linked to this woman and I would prefer one of you being on that expedition to deal with her or her parents."

  Sheila looked at Kel. "I want your scaly ass back here in one piece. Understand, Dragon Boy?"

  "Yes, dear. When do we leave, Director?"

  "As soon as you gather your tools and kiss your wife and baby goodbye. The ship is staging at R-SEC Hangar 18. Don't be late."

  Kel nodded then both he and Sheila got up, shook Neta's hand, then headed out the door. Once outside, Sheila grabbed Kel's arm, spun him around, and jumped up to give him a very large kiss. When she finished, she said, "Remember, Lug, she's not your daughter. Sam is your daughter, and I'm your wife, and both of us need you. Got it?"

  "Yes, ma'am! Message received and understood."


  Sydney, Australia, Earth, was a city transformed by Earth's Entry into the League. It's investment in the planet's largest spaceport only a few years prior to inclusion had paid off a thousand-fold with the sudden influx of visitors from around the League who arrived hungry for new markets and sources of revenue which the city was happy to provide as was evidenced by the Sydney Interplanetary Market—soon to be renamed the Sydney Intergalactic Market.

  Gus, Minnie, and Horus exited their shuttle and found themselves surrounded by hundreds of shops and businesses run by virtually every species from across two galaxies. Overhead, ships from all over the League and Commonwealth arrived and departed, carrying goods and peoples from hundreds of planets. Someone pointed out that if you looked into the night sky and pointed at a star, its people probably had something for sale in the market.

  "Where to first, boss?" Minnie asked as Horus twisted his head around trying to keep track of everything happening around him.

  "Jerry's got an office near here. I want to see if Savannah is spending any money. Though not a credit card, Sheila's Master's License can act as a voucher for emergency funds."

  "Jerry Smythe, Tralaska Order of Accountants. I remember when we found his daughter after she ran away from home. I never saw anyone so happy."

  "I thought his wife, Julia, was going to blow a fuse," Gus said as they walked. "Tralaskan women don't tolerate ill-advised actions perpetrated by the female offspring."

  "What would a Storen mother have done?"

  "Taken the daughter fishing. We're a calm race whose solution to most interpersonal problems involves fresh protein."

  "How you can keep that boyish figure is beyond me."

  They turned a corner and found Smythe and Daughters, Ltd. "Here we are," Gus said as he opened the door for his companions.

  "Yes, sir, ma'am," the Katalan security operative standing behind the reception desk asked , "what can we do for you?"

  Gus handed the operative his card. "Capt. Gustav Curran. I'm a client of Jerry's. I would like to speak with the office manager."

  "Yes, sir," the big cat said as he typed something into his terminal before scanning Gus's card. "This way," he said as he led him inside. All around them were human-looking individuals, all in business suits, and all working with what Gus assumed were clients. "Ms. Demetriou will meet with you shortly."

  "Uh oh," Minnie said quietly, then to the guard. "Excuse me, sir, but is Ms. Demetriou an Olympian?"

  "Yes, ma'am, all the partners are Olympian."

  "Dammit. Gus, I think I should step out..." But it was too late. Ms. Demetriou walked up.

  "Thank you, Jennifer, you may return to your duties. Capt. Curran, how nice to meet you. And your companion is..." She stopped and stared at Minnie and Horus. "By the gods! Mistress Athena!" she said as she went to one knee. Around them, the other Olympians went to one knee as well, leaving confused clients in disbelief.

  Minnie hung her head while Horus opted to quietly cluck. "Get up. You're embarrassing me," she said quietly.

  The Olympians slowly got to their feet. "Yes, mistress," Ms. Demetriou said.

  Grinning, Gus explained to the non-Olympians, "Unannounced visit by a deity."

  "Ex-deity," Minnie corrected.

  The clients all nodded as everyone got back to work.

  "I am so sorry about that outburst," Ms. Demetriou said as she led them into her office. "I've never met a real, living immortal before."

  "I guess we could have handled our return better," Minnie said. "Our only defense is that it was a spur of the moment thing."

  Gus could see only adoration on Demetriou's face. The Olympians and the Immortals went way back, and he got the impression that at least the Olympians would like to rekindle that relationship.

  "What can I do for you, Captain?"

  Gus explained, sort of. "So, this rebellious young woman stole her aunt's—your client's—masters license and you think she may be trying to access its contingency funds?"

  "Correct. You know how families work. All my client wants is for me to find Savannah and bring her home."

  "His client is a good friend of mine," Minnie added. "Her husband works with an immortal."

  "Oh, my. Let me see what we can find... Here it is, Dr. Sheila Minty... Yes, her card funds were accessed about an hour ago. Funds were withdrawn and transferred to the account of Negis Corporation."

  "Negis? Can you tell which office?"

  "Hmmmm. Ah, Alyson. The funds were used to pay for a shipment of 'Machine parts' being held for pickup in a warehouse at Settlement 4. I think that is one of the unused settlements."

  "Machine parts," Gus said with a hint of sarcasm. Smugglers used the term "Machine parts" as the universal euphemism for "Illegal weapons." His musings were interrupted by a message alert from his comm. After a quick glance, he stood up and put away the device. "We've got to go. I will make sure Jerry is made aware of your great help in this matter, Ms. Demetriou. He should be pleased."

  "Thank you, Captain. Mistress, it has been an honor to meet you," she said, unsure what to do next.

  Reluctantly, Minnie walked over and gave her a hug while Horus nibbled on a lock of the immortal's hair. "The honor has been all mine."

  Ms. Demetriou almost fainted.

  Once outside, Gus hailed a cab while Minnie stared back at the entrance. "I hope they realize that they shouldn't think us divine. We came back to help you mortals, to impart our wisdom, not be worshiped."

  "They'll come around. You've taken the first step, right old bird?"

  Horus fluffed his feathers, then put an errant one in place.

  Their cab arrived moments later. "Where to, sir?" the cabbie asked as he opened the door for them."

  "Spaceport Security Office."

  "Yes, sir!" the driver said as he closed their door before getting inside and underway.

  The cabbie was good and got them to their destination in record time. After paying the fare along with a fair-sized tip, the three travelers walked into the building and immediately identified themselves.

  "Ah, Captain Curran and Ms. Minnie, My name is Security Director Munson. We were expecting you. Horst Fowler contacted us and briefed us on what to expect. The drive units are currently under video surveillance and we have been informed that Ms. Hardy will arrive within the hour. How do you want to work this caper?"

  Gus was impressed by the director's use of the word "Caper." It spoke volumes about his background. "I want them to load the shipment and leave the planet unimpeded. We just got word of another shipment waiting for them on Alyson, so we want them to attempt pickup of that crate as well."

  "I see. We can watch from our control room..."

  We want something a little closer," Gus noted. Minnie and Horus looked at him.

  "We do?" She asked.
r />   "Yes, we do."


  Savannah woke up an hour early, showered, and ate breakfast before getting to work. She pulled a pendant from around her neck and placed it on the table next to the room's locked computer terminal. "Morty, it’s show time!"

  The status lights of the security cameras in the ceiling flashed before turning from steady red to steady yellow while the terminal came alive. The pendant flashed as a tall, human-looking male of indeterminate age appeared, sitting on a chair sipping on a drink.

  "What the hades is that?" Savannah asked while pointing to the glass.

  "According to the League database, It's a popular drink on a planet Earth. It's called a mint julep. Very tasty; want to try some?"

  "Not right now. We need to hurry. We want out of here before Sheila finds her Ship's Masters card missing."

  "Right," Morty said as he downed the drink in one gulp, the glass disappearing the moment he finished. He walked over to the terminal and stared at it as data flowed across the screen. "Found them. A crate of four drive units is aboard a ship designated for the Earth Space Freighter Yosho Maru. It's parked in a secure hangar at the Ventos Prime Spaceport. "Wait one... Part of the shipment is hung-up. Dammit, the synchronizers are held up in a hanger on Earth."

  "Can we jury-rig a work-around?"

  "Not in your lifetime."

  "OK, file a flight plan to Earth, but make sure it is innocuous. I don't want anyone to think we're doing something nefarious."

  "Copy that. Plan filed for ship named the 'Dragon Lady'. Once off-planet, I can modify the ship's IFF to match our plan."

  “Good, then let's get the heck out of here.”


  Having said goodbye to his mate and daughter, Kel walked down the astrobridge connected to the R/S Henrietta Swann Leavitt. At the far end waited an Alturan holding a clipboard. "Name?" she asked politely

  "Dr. Kellan Matu Hardy," Kel replied as he looked around the airlock. "Big," he noted.

  "Yes, sir, very. It's one of four. each used for both personnel and equipment." She handed him a folder. "Sir, my name is Ens. Gertrude Steel, and this is your packet. It contains shipboard credentials, itinerary, a map of the ship, and the list of your team's members." She waved a tentacle and a young human woman appeared, her uniform screaming steward. "Sidney will show you to your cabin, then escort you to the lounge. Have a good day, Dr. hardy."

  "Thanks, Gertrude. I plan on it."

  "This way, Doctor," Sidney said as she headed into the ship proper.

  "Sidney, is this ship Space Navy or civilian?"

  "Both, Doctor. We have a navy crew, but no weapons. The researchers and staff are civilian while everyone else is military. We are unique."

  "Earth registry?"

  "Yes, sir, but the crew is from all over the League. We also have two teams of Basili Marines on board. Sir, may I ask you a question?"


  "Can you fly with those?" She asked with a nod toward his pennons.

  "Yep. My daughter loves it when I fly her to the market."

  "That is so cool... Forgive me, Doctor."

  "Nothing to forgive, and it is very cool."

  She showed him to his room where he dropped his stuff. She then took him to the lounge. "Here we go, Doctor. Will there be anything else?"

  "No, Sidney, that's it. Thank you."

  "You're welcome, sir. If you need anything, just ask one of the stewards. Good day, Doctor."

  Sidney walked out leaving Kel in a room full of civilians and military types from all over the League. He walked over to the buffet table and loaded a small plate with an assortment of fruit.

  "I thought dragons ate meat?" Kel looked over and saw Dr. Tannith Aymar, his friend and colleague standing next to him.

  "A myth propagated by evil people," he noted. "How are you doing, Tanni? How's Penny?"

  "Good and good. She's staying home this time around to watch Rufus."

  "You know, I was overjoyed when I heard the two of you decided to adopt. How old is he now?"

  "Three. He's a handful. And Sam?"

  "She's two. You know, we really have to arrange a play date."

  "I agree. I think they would make a good pair. So, what do you know about this trip? All I got was vague story about a mysterious station they found orbiting a variable Cepheid star in the Large Magellanic Cloud."

  "You mean they didn't tell you what's going on?"

  "No, but I take it they told you. So spill it, Dragon Boy. What's the real deal?"

  Before he could answer, the room went silent as the captain walked over to stand behind the podium. After tapping on the microphone, he said, "Welcome, everyone. My name is Captain Marsden Marks, and I am in command of this lovely lady, the Research Vessel Henrietta Swann Leavitt. I bet you're all wondering what this is all about. Well, then let me explain." When he finished, he noticed that every head in the room was turned toward a very nervous Dr. Kellen Hardy.

  "Dr. Hardy, would you care to add anything?" the captain asked.

  "Nooooo, Captain, I think you pretty much covered it."

  "Good. This expedition is under the governance of the Ventos Prime Office of Royal Security, and your work is funded and managed by Ventos Prime University, so all data and artifacts will be funneled through them. As for Ms. Hardy, she is being dealt with by an R-Sec asset. She poses no danger to this expedition or its members. I will give you our ETA once we're on our way. Good day." He gathered his papers and walked out of the room.

  Tannith turned to Kel while the rest of the room gathered around. "Kel, ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME...US?"

  Kel popped a piece of fruit—a porchiss berry to be exact—in his mouth and smiled.

  "Don't give me that 'mouth's full' bullshit. When were you going to tell us about this?"

  He swallowed. "The Queen told me about Samantha, and Grendel Tavish told me about Ms. Hardy's theft of a freighter and subsequent escape." He smiled.

  She grabbed him and dragged him out of the room, down the corridor, and into an unused conference room. "Spill it."

  "Spill what?"

  She put her fists on her hips and tilted her head.

  "OK, Sheila and I talked to Grendel who told us to basically let the pros do their jobs. When Grendel left, Sheila called a friend of hers for help. He came over to the house, and we explained what happened. He said he would find her and the ship she stole."

  "The friend's name?"

  "Gustav Curran. He's a finder."

  "He's the asset the captain was talking about. Gus does odd jobs for the Royalty, especially Director Tavish, Grendel's aunt. He also has a crush on her."

  "No, Neta, and I think she has just as big a one on him. Well, at least she doesn't know about your involvement."

  "She doesn't?"

  "No, she doesn't. He would never tell her. He probably spun some tale about an unnamed source giving him a head's up about a job. Kel, you do realize that Samantha is not your daughter. She's just someone who happens to have the same DNA. Gods, that makes no sense."

  "Tell me about it. I stood there, holding my two year old daughter while talking to a version twenty years older. It was freaky."

  "Kel, Gus will find her. I've heard about this guy. He's never failed to find something he was looking for. People, ships, lost loves, he has never failed."

  "You and Sheila both think he's the cat's meow. Works for me."

  "We should get back to the reception. Up for a few dozen questions from prying scholars?"



  They found the hangar devoid of life when they arrived, so after Morty defeated the security system, they stole inside and found the Yosho Maru sitting in the middle of a pool of light created by a single, large spotlight embedded in the ceiling. Morty walked up to the ship and placed a hand on the hull. He then walked over to a cargo handler and put his hand on it as well. "I've spoofed the Yosho's IFF and used the original to replace the one
in the handler. Now, nothing will be amiss if they do an electronic search.”

  "Let's get out of here," Savannah said as they boarded the freighter. Moments later, with no fanfare, the Yosho Maru was headed into orbit, then on to Earth.

  Once underway, the two made their way down to the bay where the drives were stored. Grabbing a pry bar from its spot on the wall, Morty opened the first crate. "Nice. These are way beyond anything we have." He retrieved the owner's manual and thumbed through it. "Damn! Not only does this pair have the capability to travel to close universes, the designers were able to include access to the Erdexi gateway system."

  "What does that mean?"

  "Any ship equipped with this drive pair will be able to travel from planet to planet—hell, galaxy to galaxy—almost instantaneously."

  "We will be gone before they even know we're here."

  "Copy that. Now, I think..."

  "Ummmm. Captain, why don't you warn a guy when you take off like that?" A voice said from the back of the hold. Savannah and Morty turned in time to see a tall, extremely dark, elf with glowing eyes and a glowing crystal in his sternum, walk out from behind a crate wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist, held there with one hand while the other ran through his stark white, tightly-curled, hair. Behind him, his tail made corkscrew shapes.

  They both pulled out weapons and aimed them at their new companion.

  He, in turn, dropped his towel and raised his hands over his head. They were now positive he was a he.

  "Oh my!" Savannah blurted out.

  "Damn," Morty said while holstering his weapon. "I don't think he's packing any weapons, mistress."

  "Shit!" the lad said as he grabbed a box and used it to regain some semblance of decorum.


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