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BLADE_The villains also love

Page 20

by Mari Sillva

  -Thank you, Hugo, tell my father I'm not coming back to work today. - Jesse hung up quickly and ran as fast as she could without saying goodbye to anyone.

  Before going any further, she went to a pharmacy to buy whatever she would find useful for what she was planning. In just over an hour she had managed to reach the Forest Park that Rodrigues had spoken of, remembered the place vaguely when he drove past when Blade took her home when she spent the night in his hiding place.

  After passing through the forest on a terrible dirt road, she was able to find the trail that led to this mountain. However, only a small vehicle like the Impala could pass. The way was to leave his sister's car tucked under some bushes that closed the entrance to the stone tunnel where he would need to pass. she climbed on foot, almost terrified of that dark place, full of flying bats, but nothing would make him give up seeing with his own eyes if Maldonado had come home well.

  After sweeping hours, Carter saw a light on the top of the mountain, far off, glowing like a shooting star. Pulling her strength she did not know where she stepped up with her feet aching, all roasting in her sneakers and her back begging for at least ten minutes of rest only she did not rest for a second. When he got close to the house, he saw the Impala parked anyway, near the main entrance staircase with the door open. He went into complete despair as he drew closer and realized that the door was half open with one foot falling out. Crazed, she practically flew down the steps to rescue Blade. The scene she'd seen was heart-wrenching, he was unconscious all huddled on the floor, wet with sweat and shaking badly from the chill of the mountains.

  - My God! You're hypothermic! - Jesse found when throwing himself on him and placing her hand on his face that had lips and cyanotic ends in a dark purple color.

  His skin was icy, and his body showed signs of spasms, about to convulse. The investigator looked around the territory analyzing the possibilities of carrying a man of that size to a place where she could warm him as soon as possible. She noted that the key was still in the door, a sign that probably fainted because of a high fever that would explain the wet sweat. Consequently, the cold helped lower the fever, but if the body faces a temperature below normal it goes through the process called hypothermia, which worsens if the person is wet and cold at the same time, after all, a person loses heat twenty-five times faster when it is in the water.

  Without much thought, she turned him upside down, positioning himself behind him so that he would fit hers arms under his, dragging it easily up to the fireplace on a soft white rug he had. He noticed that the wood inside her was wet with a thick, sticky black liquid. she picked up a matchbox on the furniture and with only a toothpick the flames of fire lit the whole room, heating it at the same moment. she ran to his room to get a blanket, went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and gave him the medicine she had bought at the pharmacy. she took off the wet clothes from Blade, leaving him only in Calvin Klein's white boxer's underwear. It turned red as I noticed the large volume inside of them.

  If sleeping is that size, imagine it awake? She thought, she had to shake her head to dismiss the inappropriate thoughts for the moment.

  Even after some time, the fire in the fireplace gave as much as it could to keep the place warm and he wrapped in a blanket, yet Maldonado shivered in the cold. Then, on impulse, Jesse took off his own clothes, just being intimate, and joined his body under the blanket as if they were one, hugging him with all his strength. Incredibly, the young woman's act began to take effect immediately. Maldonado shifted slightly, opening his eyes with a little difficulty.

  -You came to take care of me, angel? - He drawled.

  Jesse needed to be strong to hold the sea that formed in his eyes, the affectionate way Blade had looked at her as he uttered those words touched her deeply.

  -Yes, I came to take care of you. - Jesse's voice was trembling, compassionate to see him so vulnerable in that way.

  - This is a dream? -Maldonado was disoriented, brought his hand to her face to make sure it was real.

  - Yes, the most beautiful I've ever had. -Jesse smiled sadly at him, her hand on Blade's on his face.

  -Why is my angel crying? - Maldonado asked in complete confusion, his gaze lost.

  He wiped her tears with some difficulty because of the lack of tact with the upper limbs caused by hypothermia.

  -Because I'm glad you came into my life, I feel safe by hyour side. Carter's voice was tearful - she was beginning to realize that this thug was more important to her than he thought.

  -Good, because I spent my whole waiting for you, my angel.

  Blade sighed deeply, filling his chest with air, then releasing slowly. The eyes closed slowly, giving a shy, innocent smile perhaps. The investigator found him incredibly handsome when serious, but smiling was a staggering thing.

  -I'm not an angel, Blade, if you're expecting someone so special, there's no chance of me. - Carter had her feet on the ground she did not want to be deceived by words that were the result of delirium.

  -Yes, sent to save me. It was possessive, beyond the account. You're an angel and I'm your mission.

  He ran the index finger across each contour of the young woman's face, starting at the forehead in the middle of the frontal bone, sliding in a straight path to the tip of her nose. Then he made the outline of curvilinear lips, noticing how thick and inviting they were.

  -I wanted you so much that you were happy and that you had reason to smile, always. - Jesse's sobs filled the place, tears falling wildly.

  -You make me happy, angel, wanting to smile every time I see you. -His voice was soft and pleasant, almost a whisper.

  -Do not do this to me, Blade. -With every word she spoke, Jesse felt her heart fill with more and more passion for Maldonado. Something forbade and it was not right to feel for someone who despised her.

  - Please, do not cry. I hate to see you sad, especially because of me, -he begged, gripping her waist tightly and pulling her closer to him. -I'll tell you a secret when I was little my mother would tell me stories about guardian angels. I always knew that mine was somewhere far away looking for me, so at night, when the stars lit up my room, I would sit alone at the window talking to the Moon for hours, wishing she would take my words until you, hoping you'd be on the other side talking to me, too. Sometimes I thought I was just a lonely madman, doomed to die alone, -he finally said honestly.

  -If you're crazy, so am I, because as a child, every time I look at the moon I'm sure I hear the voice of someone talking to me. - Jesse smiled through his tears. She was glad to know that his madness was a little like hers, they matched perfectly.

  -And what did you hear? - He asked sleepily, he was almost asleep.

  -Do not worry, angel. I'll wait for you ... -Jesse answered quickly those words were impregnated in her mind, especially in the heart.

  -It does not matter when - Blade completed the sentence, placing a kiss on her forehead, surrendering to deep sleep shortly after.

  Then Jesse cried even more. She'd made every word perfectly, the connection between them coming from a long time, perhaps from other lives. With his head on his chest, listening to the slow, quiet heartbeat of his heart, he had no more reason to worry he had finally found his guardian angel.

  The investigator wept for hours until she fell asleep in his arms, she even tried not to fall in love with a thug, only she loved him before she even knew him. Blade had been his first love, the only one who spoke to her through the moon. She wanted something she could never have she knew that when he woke up the other day he would be disgusted if he remembered that he had touched her. But she would be smart and would leave that place before that happened, taking with her every vestige that passed by. That if she had not been overcome by sleep, she had never felt as well in a place as in his arms, protected and happy.

  As Jesse saved Blade's life once again, the somber Stephen Salvatore drove his Jaguar more than three hundred miles an hour, he was in a hurry. Every now and then she would thrust her head ou
t of the window to feel the wind touching her face, her black hair like that night flying as a magic cloak. In fact, the moment he was living seemed to be really delighted. For the first time in his life, he was feeling alive, human. This was her state of mind more than two weeks ago when her hut was invaded by a stubborn and courageous stylist that would be the right word. That day, Nayla was not afraid to be all huddled inside a criminal's trunk, even though space was scarce and the weapons that shared the place with the girl did not help much. He was thrilled to hear the beautiful voice of Stephen to the sound of Carl Orff "Carmina Burana", great lyrical singer. He had an angel's voice, could easily have been a famous singer with all that elegance and good posture could have chosen to be whatever he wanted that would have been very successful. That darkness all around Salvatore had been his own creation, she thought with a sad expression. After a few hours walking where she had no idea, at last, the car stopped somewhere where it smelled of nature, fresh earth. He waited ten minutes, and as soon as he heard the front door open, and then a door slammed, he left the trunk, terrified that he could not see a foot away from his nose. Whatever the place was, it was very dark. There was a small light from inside the wooden hut that she guessed was a candle. Nayla felt like crying just to imagine that Estevão could live in such a gloomy place. Without making too much noise he opened the door, did not even know where to tread in fear of bumping into something to alarm the thug of his presence. But it did not take him long to discover that he was not alone, for the raven made a point of warning him, croaking as high as he could, coming in through the window.

  - What are you doing here?

  Stephen appeared out of nowhere at a pretty safe distance, not enough to almost kill the young woman in fright. Even so, she did not reveal how much he found his house terrifying, it looked like those haunted houses of horror films. But she had not come this far to give up now, not really.

  -I'm going to get closer to you, Estevão, I can´t see you without being able to touch you. - The only way to stop me from doing this is by killing me because if I have to live without you, I'd rather die. - The stylist was brave with her it was all or nothing.

  -Do not tempt me, demon, you do not know what I'm capable of! - One more step and I shoot, I disappear in you in such a way that your parents will not have a hair of yours to watch. So I suggest you leave and leave me alone hidden in my darkness.

  Salvatore pulled two pistols out of his waist in an elegant manner, causing the cape to fly for a few seconds because of the sudden movement, pointing them toward the young woman. His gaze was darker than usual.

  -I will always remember the day I met you, it was morning and you were alone staring at a dark gray sky. -It was the first thing I saw when I stepped into that school. I had seen you sitting in the garden earlier when I entered the classroom. It was autumn, my favorite season of the year, there were orange leaves lying around it, making a beautiful contrast to all the darkness emanating from you. I had never seen anything more beautiful, my father did not understand at the time why I had hated the idea of going to live in England I spent a whole month crying later when I was forced to move there. It has been more than a year of depression, therapies and anxiety medications that I make the most use to date. Nayla took a firm step toward Stephen, not intimidating Nick and Clyde at her.

  - I am not kidding! Do not think I would not be able to shoot you because I am. - He threatened, his guns still pointed at her.

  -At that moment when I saw you so alone, I wanted to hug you, make your loneliness go away, get to know you better. I wanted to be everything, everything to you. -Nayla continued walking, nothing would stop her.

  - Why are you doing this to me? Did not you hurt me enough already? Does your level of cruelty have no limits? - Stephen wanted to cry a river if it were possible, but different from Blade, besides not knowing how to smile, also did not know how to express his tears. There were no good or bad feelings in him.

  - Miscommunications and lost promises, how to be strong in the face of so much time and a broken heart? - After the horrible form that has treated me, I should go away and forget that it exists! But seeing the way you have lived alone in this dark and cold place, all my doubts are suddenly gone and the only desire I have is to hold you as strong as I can, so you do not feel so lonely and see that the darkness can be quite enjoyable depending on the company. A step closer, the Englishman did not understand the malicious expression on her face.

  - No! I do not want your company or anything that comes from you, -he shouted, utterly upset.

  Inside him is a mess of feelings wanting to leave that was once something he could not control. She could have run, fled from that scary place, but she was stronger than that and kept walking toward him.

  -I have died every day waiting for you, my love, I have loved you all this time and I will love you for the rest of my life. Now that I've found you, I will not let anything take you away. - Nayla was facing him, the barrel of one of the pistols touching her forehead. -I've been dying every day waiting for you, baby, do not be afraid, no lie can separate us now. But if you do not feel the same way I am feeling right now, kill me right away and end my suffering.- The designer closed her eyes as Estevão unlocked the gun, preferred to die than to live being despised by him.

  -Please go away! - He turned his back on her, keeping his weapons in the same place he had taken. I was crying.

  -What on earth, Stephen! When you'll understand that I'm not going anywhere, not without you.

  Nayla hugged his wide back, Estevão's body was still cold, but he must have been about ten inches longer than he'd remembered standing on tiptoe. Clutching her arms around his waist, she was surprised to feel the icy tips of his beloved's fingers stroking her arm tenderly.

  -Even if you mean it, it's too late for us now, little one.

  An emotion-filled tear ran down the girl's face, Stephen had called him by the nickname affectionate as in high school. What touched her most was the soft tone of her low, loving voice.

  - Why my love? Now that I found you, it does not leave you anymore, nor does it come that it does not. And do not come with a litany assembled saying that there is no place for me in your world and that there are many enemies and blah ... blah ... blah.... Because you're not Clark Kent and I do not get a handle on Lois Lane. -That was exactly what Stephen was going to say to her, but Nayla had been smarter than he.

  - Damn it! If I say that we can´t be together is because we can´t even, you are light and I, darkness, do not you understand? And what else have in my life are people wanting revenge on me. Stephen burst out, turning her face to face like wet face. Even if he wanted to believe her, they could not be together. -Let's shake hands and each one goes his way as if we've never met again. She made the proposal, which, after being said, did not seem so good.

  - It's ok! It will be as you wish, farewell - Estevao Salvatore said earnestly, looking deep into his eyes and reaching out for that final fulfillment to be fulfilled.

  -Good-bye, Nayla Borges, - said the Englishman, squeezing the young woman's hand, which held her tightly and pulled him toward her.

  Consequently, the bandit, a member of the group of thieves most famous for the boldness and cleverness of the robberies, was caught totally by surprise by a single woman smarter than he. So she stole from him something she owed since the day of the ball: a kiss of love. Yes, she kissed him.

  The criminal, at first, could not figure out what it felt like when her mouth touched hers. He felt a wave of heat invade his body radiating more towards the middle of the legs, where in the same place something dormant for a long time began to create life. Nay held his face with one hand on either side to make sure he was not going to run. As the designer's eyes remained closed, Stephen's eyes were wide, frightened until the girl's tongue asked for passage, which he gave without delay, closing his eyes slowly to taste that new sensation. Initially, they intertwined timidly gradually they became more daring and were overwhelmingly lost at that mo
ment. It was a wet, hot, possessive kiss. Salvatore's hands rested on her waist, pulling her closer to him and leaning against a nearby wall, gluing their bodies together as if they were one. The climate warmed in that place, panting breaths and oppressed moans. Nayla took advantage of the stolen kiss, tangled her fingers in her black hair as she bit the boy's lower lip willingly, teasing him. She was a girl who knew what she wanted, lost her virginity at the right moment, and she enjoyed the experience, it happened to a nice guy who had been dating for more than two years, but she would never forgive herself for not having happened to Estevão. He had tired of waiting for him until he gave up after Brian told her that he had arranged another one after he left London, and decided to live his life as best he could. She had other boyfriends, she was an experienced woman. The villain almost went mad as he felt the nipple of Nay's hard breasts rubbing against his chest, especially when her hands tried to open his belt. They were two adults, they could allow themselves. His limb caressed her body as an invitation to something more intimate.

  -Nayla ... - The lover's name moaned, almost in a whisper of pleasure. For a moment, it seemed as though he would thrust the girl into the wall, as much as she tried to join in as much as she could.

  -Tell me, my love, - she said, her voice choked with desire. She was just finishing his belt, ready to do the same ritual with the buttons of his pants.

  -I've never been with a woman before, it was actually my first kiss, - Esteban said, holding her hands in utter embarrassment.

  Nayla literally froze at the bandit's report. Then he smiled beautifully, that kind of lightening the whole world.

  - Glad to be the first. - she laid a light kiss on his lips, so he would relax a little. - Even because we have to clarify many things, one night will be little to put so many years to date.


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