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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 21

by Love,Michelle

  ‘Probably not.’ Naveen touched her face. ‘Do I detect a hint of remorse?’

  Sabine rolled her eyes but then grinned shyly. ‘You know what? Yes. I was jealous. Crazy jealous…I mean…look at her. Gorgeous, brilliant and sweet. Ugh.’ But she laughed. ‘I honestly don’t know what I was thinking because now I get why Arlo just fell for her. That utter and complete feeling when you’re wiped out by love. You make me feel like that.’

  Naveen pulled her to him. ‘You are a viper, Ms. Karlsson, a conniving, slippery pit viper but I have to admit…you’re intoxicating. We both of us have done things or planned things that are the worst that people can do. How about we try and make amends for that – together?’

  She studied him, and he saw mistrust in her eyes. ‘Sabine…are you really that damaged that you cannot trust a man telling you he loves you?’

  Sabine’s eye filled with tears. ‘I guess I am…but I don’t want to be, Nav. I want to trust myself that this is different, that I don’t care how much money you have, or status or connections. This is new for me, wanting to be with a man for him…even with Arlo, although I did love him, without everything he had, I doubt I would have felt this strongly.’ She pressed her lips to his. ‘Darling, can you trust that I love you for you?’

  Naveen smiled, cradling her face in his. ‘Why don’t we both try and see?’


  ‘Where’s Cos?’

  Jack was sitting in the small diner where Arlo had suggested they meet, a half-empty glass of soda in front of him. Arlo, his tie pulled open, his jacket off sipped his coffee. ‘Back at the hotel. She’s distracting herself with work…she’s hoping Harpa will call her or turn up tonight.’

  ‘It’s not Cosima’s fault, any of this.’

  Arlo shrugged. ‘I know…and I’m sure Harpa knows that but I can imagine what’s going through her head right now. Cosima is Arjun’s daughter, Harpa loved her Dad as much as Cos did but now she finds out…Mikah called me earlier. Harpa went down to Frisco to confront her mother. He was waiting outside Monica’s hotel for them to finish when I last spoke to him. God, that woman…’

  ‘Piece of work, isn’t she? You know, she never once got in touch when the girls were being threatened, asked how they were, if enough was being done to protect them. She just didn’t give a crap.’

  Arlo made a disgusted noise. ‘God, just when I think we’re getting back on track, something else happens.’

  Jack nodded but was silent. ‘Changing the subject…you two made any firm plans for the Frisco move?’

  Arlo shook his head. ‘All I know is that we definitely won’t be going while Monica’s in town. Cosima is contacting a lawyer to see if she can get a restraining order on her mother ever contacting her again. She knows it’s a long shot because there’s no physical threat but she says it’s worth a try.’

  ‘Unless there’s money in it, I doubt Monica will be in touch again. Not that that’s any consolation in this case. Any idea who Harpa’s real dad is?’

  ‘None.’ Arlo shook his head. ‘Damn it, I feel so useless. If she were coming after me, I’d throw every legal thing at her but when it’s not my call…anyway. You’ll still come tonight?’

  ‘Of course. After that, though, I’m probably being reassigned…now the international and political threat to the girls has gone, it’s unlikely they’ll fund any more protection. But you’ve got it from here, right?’

  ‘You have my word. Until we find Cos’s abductor, I won’t rest. I already have people out looking for him…it would help if you could spare any information?’

  Jack smiled. ‘All I know, that I can tell you, you know already. The guys didn’t find anything at the house where Cosima was held – dude wiped the place clean and the ownership was buried so deep in false papers we’ll never know. I promise, though, anything I think of, I’ll let you know.’

  ‘I appreciate it.’ Arlo glanced at his watch. ‘Look, I have to get going – see you tonight?’

  ‘Count on it.’


  Late afternoon and as Arlo got home, he heard the shower running. Smiling, he walked towards the bathroom, pulling his clothes off and leaving them where they fell.

  Cosima jumped slightly as he pulled open the shower door and stepped into the cubicle with her. She grinned at him, her hair soapy with shampoo. ‘Hey, gorgeous.’

  He kissed her mouth then let his lips trailing down to her throat. ‘Hey yourself, beautiful.’ He cupped her full breasts in his hands and then smoothed his hands down over her curves. ‘Everything all set for this evening.’

  Cosima’s hands were in his hair, her fingers knotting in the dark strands. She nuzzled her nose to his. ‘All set. All done. It’s going to be great…I tried to take a peek at the new signage and was batted away by Mac.’

  Arlo grinned. ‘You’re so impatient. I told you I wanted one thing to surprise you with…’

  Cosima was ignoring him, tilting her head up for a kiss. ‘We have a few hours left…what shall we do?’

  He grinned and pulled her against him, sliding his hands down to cup her butt. ‘Well, if I remember rightly, there a basket of toys in our closet which haven’t seen the light of day for a while…wanna play?’

  Cosima grinned. ‘Oh hell, yes I do…’

  They finished showering and then Arlo was lifting her into his arms and carrying her to their bed…she protested as he dropped her onto the bed, still wet. Arlo dropped on top of her, pinning her hands to the bed.

  ‘I love it when your skin is wet, it glows…in fact, let me get the basket because I remember some special oil…’

  He found the basket and took out the small bottle of monoi oil. He dripped some into her navel then smoothed it over the rest of her belly and her breasts with his warm palms. Cosima sighed happily as his hand dipped between her legs and he began to massage the oil into her sex, feeling her dampen, her labia swell and redden at his touch.

  ‘Sweet, sweet Cosima…I’m going to fuck you so hard right now…first with my tongue on your clit, as I fuck you with that big dildo that we have yet to use…then I would like you to suck me until I come….then my cock is going to nail you to this bed, and this floor…’

  Cosima moaned with arousal and excitement as he dropped to his knees between her legs. ‘You have the prettiest little cunt, my darling,’ Arlo smiled lazily up at her before his tongue found her clit, already sensitive and trembling. His tongue lashed around it, his teeth grazing the small bud. His fingers dug into the flesh of her inner thighs, pushing them apart.

  Cosima gasped as Arlo slowly inserted the dildo into her vagina, the friction of his tongue working her into a frenzy as the toy filled her. Arlo slammed it in hard and Cosima cried out as he worked the toy, teasing her with it before plunging the length of it in. Her back arched as she came and he quickly moved to grab the silken rope from the basket and using it to tie her hands in front of her. Her eyes were alive with passion, almost delirious with pleasure. She cupped his cock in her hands; it was already engorged and throbbing and jerked when she gently ran her fingertips down the long shaft. Before she took him in her mouth, she looked up at him.

  ‘Tell me what you want to do, Mr. Forrester…’ Then her warm, wet lips enveloped him, taking him deep, the gentle sucking motion enhanced by her tongue teasing the tip, licking the salty pre-cum from the head, her hands fisting the root of his cock. Her other hand massaged his balls and Arlo sighed at her touch.

  ‘The things I want to do with you, to you, Cosima Malhotra…I want to fuck your perfect cunt until you scream, kiss and taste every delicious part of you, suck your delicate nipples, bite the soft mound of your belly, wrap your thighs around my head. I want to put that rope tighter and have you completely at my mercy as I fuck your perfect ass.’

  Cosima moaned at the thought, and her mouth grew quicker on his cock, her pull harder, drawing him close. He tangled his fingers in her long dark hair. ‘I want us to fuck like animals, hard, dirty, fast then slow and sensual li
ke lovers. I want to spill my seed onto your belly and massage it into your skin. I want to fuck you against the cold glass of the big windows in the living room, taking you from behind, pressing your breasts and belly to the cool glass so everyone can see your breathtaking loveliness.’

  He felt his cock thicken to a painful extreme and knew he was close. ‘Cosima…my love…my life…’ He came, and she swallowed his seed down as it shot onto her tongue. He couldn’t wait any longer and push her back onto the bed, pushing her knees to her chest so her swollen, red, wet cunt was laid bare to him. He plunged into her, as deep as was possible, and his balls were hard against her butt as his cock slammed into the center of her. God, the way her muscles tightened around his cock made him almost frenzied. Her hands still tied stroked his stomach, her mouth sought his hungrily. Her legs curled around his chest as he slammed into her, her back bending with the effort. He felt her vagina contracted around his cock, become warm and she shuddered and whimpered with an overwhelming orgasm. It was the perfect sound to his ears and he felt himself peak again, shooting hot, sticky cum deep into her womb.

  As they recovered, he pulled her on top of him, released her hands then tied them again behind her back. She grinned down at him. ‘You like tying me up, don’t you?’

  He nodded, still breathless, his fingertips tracing patterns on her belly. ‘As much as it sounds caveman-like, I like that you’re entirely mine when we make love. When we fuck…’

  Cosima smiled. ‘That’s better…I do love you but damn it, Forrester, we fuck, and we fuck hard…that’s us, that’s what we do. You nail me to the freakin’ bed and I love every moment of being yours when we’re in bed.’

  Arlo grinned. ‘Good. Now be a good little girl and sit on my cock, would you?’

  Cosima laughed. ‘My pleasure, sir…would you be so kind as to help guide you in…my hands are a little tied up.’

  As he spread her labia with his big fingers, she lowered herself back onto his already hard cock and sighed happily. ‘Consider this hotel duly christened….oh god, Arlo….that’s so good…’


  Naveen Chowdry made his way down to the hotel bar where he had agreed to meet Mikah Ray. When he got there, however, he was surprised to see not Mikah, but Harpa Malhotra waiting for him. The young woman stood, and he could see she was trembling. She didn’t look much older than when he’d last seen her, nearly twenty years previously. He had been so preoccupied with Cosima then, and had dismissed her younger sister, but he could see now she had grown into a beauty; dark hair, dark eyes, slim but curvy figure. He held out his hand, and she shook it.

  ‘You remember me then,’ she said in a soft voice.

  ‘Of course, Harpa, it’s very nice to see you. Shall we sit and you can tell me what you needed to see me for. Can I get you a drink?’

  When their drinks were brought to the table, Harpa took a big gulp of her cocktail then winced as the tequila hit the back of her throat. She glanced at the patiently waiting man with a half-smile. ‘Thanks for not killing my sister.’

  Nav inclined his head. ‘It would have been a tragedy and one brought about by petty jealousy and age-old grudges that are no longer relevant to my or your lives.’


  A long silence then Harpa, in a half-broken voice, spoke. ‘So, I don’t know if you’ve heard…my mother – ‘ she spat the word ‘ – gave an interview in which she said that I am not the biological daughter of Arjun Malhotra. My dad is not my dad.’

  Nav shook his head. ‘I hadn’t heard, no.

  Harpa shrugged. ‘That’s not surprising unless you were an involved party or a reader of some of the gutter press.’

  Nav smiled. ‘Not really.’

  Harpa took another slug of her Margarita. ‘The thing is…you are involved. At least, that’s what my mother says.’

  Nav laughed. ‘Harpa, I may be older than you, but I assure you, I am not your father.’

  Harpa gazed steadily at him. ‘Not you. Your father. Iqbal.’

  The smile faded from Nav’s face. ‘No, that isn’t possible.’

  ‘According, to my mom, it is. We’re brother and sister, Nav.’

  Nav shook his head. ‘No. Look, my father worshiped my mother, there’s no way…’

  He trailed off, and Harpa looked sympathetic. ‘I know how you feel. Look, the quickest way to settle this is a DNA test.’

  ‘No,’ said Nav shortly, ‘the quickest way to settle this is to go to the source. We’re going to see my father.’


  Cosima grabbed Jack as he arrived, a relieved look on her face and handed him a flute of champagne. ‘Thank God, Jack, I’m surrounded by Arlo’s business associates who either ignore me or can’t stop staring at the ladies.’ She indicated her chest and rolled her eyes. ‘How Arlo puts up with them, I do not know.’

  ‘Do they stare at his breasts too?’ Jack said with a mockingly innocent look on his face. He grinned and she laughed.

  ‘I hope so, and then he’d know how I feel. Thanks for coming, though, I mean it, it’s good to see you.’

  ‘Anytime, sweetheart, you know that.’ He held her gaze for a beat too long, and she colored and changed the subject. They were in the reception room of the hotel, a room now filled with businessmen, journalists, local celebrities.

  ‘Lord knows if Harpa is going to turn up, or Mikah or Nav. Tal’s coming later with the others.’

  ‘Naveen Chowdry’s coming?’

  She nodded, searching his face. ‘Yes. I invited him. Problem?’

  Jack shook his head. ‘I do not trust that guy. Who spends years fixated on killing someone then changes his mind, just like that? It doesn’t make sense.’

  Cosima sighed. ‘That’s what Arlo thinks too, but I’ve had enough of this unpleasantness for a lifetime. I’m choosing to believe he’s changed, that he’s my childhood friend again.’

  Jack again shook his head, taking a sip of his champagne. ‘Don’t blame me if you end with a bullet in your gut.’

  Cosima flinched, and he regretted his harsh words. ‘Sorry, Cos, I didn’t mean that. Just…for me, for Arlo…be vigilant, okay? I couldn’t bear it for anyone else to hurt you, I just couldn’t.’

  She touched his face briefly. ‘Jack…’

  ‘Hello, hello.’ Tal appeared behind Jack, grinning widely. ‘Cosima, this place is a triumph.’ He kissed her on both cheeks then stuck his hand out to Jack, and they shook as Cosima introduced them. Jack excused himself then wandered around the room, out into the lobby. Although he’d now been here many times, he never stopped marveling at the renovation Cosima had masterminded. The hotel, full of Orleans flavor was finely balanced with a classic, elegant French atmosphere while incorporating state of the art technology. Talmidge Hunt was right; this place was a triumph.

  Jack finished his champagne and went to grab another, looking for Arlo or Cosima, but finding the place full of strangers instead. He turned and stopped when he saw a blonde woman slide silently into the room. Jack’s mouth popped open in amazement. What the hell was she doing here? He stood back, never taking his eyes of the newcomer, waiting to see the next move she would make.


  Sabine Karlsson told herself again, and it would be okay. Naveen had called her, told her he had to suddenly leave town on business. It had taken her no more than a few minutes to decide to come to the opening, use Naveen’s invite. The doorman hadn’t blinked.

  The hotel was gorgeous; she had to begrudgingly admit, as she wandered around. She kept her eye out for Arlo…she was really here for Cosima. She reckoned the younger woman would be more receptive to her. Ha, you’re kidding, right? You had her stabbed, you psycho.Sabine grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and took a big swig.

  There was Cosima, all elegant, a dark red dress that fell halfway down her thigh and that clung to every curve, her dark hair piled up on her head, minimal make-up except for a deep red lipstick. As jealous as she was, Sabine could appreciate true beauty,
and it shone from every cell in Cosima’s body. She would have been a fantastic model if she’d been taller,’ Sabine, thought, critically. She could see a little of Monica Lascelles in Cosima’s face, but Cosima’s face was softer, kinder, sweeter than Monica’s had ever been.

  Draining her glass for courage, Sabine moved slowly to Cosima’s side. The other woman didn’t see her at first, but as she turned to Sabine, her smile faded.


  Sabine gave a slight smile. ‘Hello, Cosima.’

  Cosima’s face hardened. ‘I don’t remember inviting you.’ She took a deep breath. ‘But seeing as you are here, welcome.’

  She started to move away, but Sabine caught her arm. ‘Cosima, please, please just give me a moment.’

  Sabine let go of Cosima’s arm; then noticed the jagged scar on her forearm. She touched it with a finger. ‘For this, I am truly sorry. I mean it. For years, I have been behaving badly, with no-one to check me, no-one to reel me in. I take full responsibility; however, I don’t know what possessed me. I’m sorry.’

  Cosima studied her, her eyes wary then she gave a brief nod.

  Sabine smiled. ‘Thank you. That’s all I came here to say, I won’t keep you. It’s just now that I am seeing Naveen – and I know you have reached a peace between you – we may run into each other from time to time. I don’t want it to be awkward.’

  Cosima sighed. ‘Fine.’ She chewed her lip. ‘You modeled with my mother on some shoots, didn’t you?’

  Sabine nodded and Cosima half-smiled. ‘Utter bitch, isn’t she?’

  Sabine wasn’t expecting that and burst out laughing; Cosima had to join in eventually. Sabine wiped her eyes. ‘Sadly, yes. The apple fell a long way from the tree, though.’

  ‘Thank you. Look, there’s food later, after the official sign…disrobing, is that what it’s called? Anyway, the ceremonial bit – Arlo’s so excited, he’s like a kid. Stay, have some food, meet some people.’


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