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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 50

by Love,Michelle

  “It’s more than okay with me, Rachelle.” I take her lips in a tender kiss as she runs her hands up and takes my hair into her fists.

  Now I know why she got so hot so quickly when she brought me in here. The last pregnancy showed me a side of her I never knew before. The hormones make her nearly insatiable.

  Lucky me!


  Crickets chirp and coyotes howl as I lie in bed and wait for Blake to come join me after telling the kids their bedtime story. He is hands down the best father in the world. He’s right up there as the greatest husband too.

  Six months ago I found out I was pregnant again. This is our second natural child, and she was unplanned, but loved no less than any of the rest of them.

  In only three years, we managed to fill our huge mountain cabin with a real family, complete with the dog my husband dreamed of. My mother we got into a facility to help her with her many problems. My father was a bit of a nightmare to get help for, but eventually I found an organization to get him out from under the bridge.

  He is still crazy as hell, but he’s crazy as hell inside a building now. I found it best to stay away from him as he tended to go off on me, ranting about my mother and throwing things.

  It’s enough for me that I got him off the side of the road. I can live with that.

  I’d love to report that I am one hundred percent fixed and have no more emotional problems, but that would be a lie. I have to fight myself to let Blake love me like he wants to. I sometimes think he’s too good to be true and find myself becoming distant.

  I would never leave him though. I’d never leave this family we’ve built together. When my mind goes all stupid, I mostly get quiet and Blake figures out what’s going on and he loves me back to myself. He’s really good at that.

  The door opens and my gorgeous man comes into our monster sized bedroom, wearing his pajama bottoms and a soft grey V-necked T-shirt. He looks handsome and his beard is trimmed up neatly.

  I love the beard. Never thought I would, but the way it feels against my skin makes me a little bit insane, but in a good way.

  “Hey, baby,” he says as he pulls his shirt off over his head, making his biceps bulge and taking my breath away as my eyes find his tight abs and pecs.

  I lick my lips as my insides heat and I look up into his eyes as he gets to the edge of the bed. I toss the blanket back to show him I have nothing on and it earns me a wiggle from his eyebrows.

  He drops the PJ bottoms and my teeth take my bottom lip between them as I bite down and moan. “Blake.”

  Blake climbs onto our big and plush bed. “Say it again, baby.”

  I moan his name again as he runs his hand over my large belly. He kisses it and says, “Daddy loves you, Abby.”

  We picked her name out last night and hearing him talk to our baby girl like that makes my heart quiver with love for him. I place my hand over his and follow his motions over my stomach. He looks up at me with a smile.

  “I love Momma too,” he says and kisses his way up to my lips.

  My pulse races as his lips touch mine. He never fails to excite me. My body reacts to him in such a way that it doesn’t make sense. After kissing me long and hard, he pulls his mouth away and turns me over, pulling me back to him on my knees.

  My body aches as I wait to see what he’s going to do. Blake leans over me and takes a breast in one hand and starts stroking my clit with his other hand. My moan fills the large room, and he shushes me then nips my back.

  He pushes his hard cock into me, but doesn’t move it at all. I try to rock back to him to make him stroke me, but he bites me a little harder and I stop. His fingers press and pinch with just the right amount of pressure on my throbbing clit as he massages my breast and rakes his teeth over my back.

  Just as my insides start to quiver with what is sure to be the first of several orgasms he’ll give me, he begins to thrust into me. Moving slow and steady until I completely come all over his dick.

  Releasing my breast and moving his hand off my pussy he straightens up and pushes deeper into me. Now it’s him who moans as my body pulses around his large and hard cock. “Fuck me, baby! God damn it!”

  My body goes crazy for him and I rock back to meet the hard thrusts he begins as he tries to make me come for as long as possible on his dick. He’s found a trick that will take me right back into a hard orgasm most of the time if he starts it before I stop pulsing completely.

  He pulls me back to him, plunging his cock into me then my orgasm slows and he stops. Reaching up, he takes both of my breasts in his hands and pulls me up so my back is against his chest. His dick still moves inside me, but the strokes are short as he rocks into me.

  Both breasts he squeezes and pulls on the nipples, sending jolts of electricity through me. One of them he releases then he places one of his fingers into my mouth. “Suck it.”

  I run my mouth up and down his finger and suck it just like I would do his dick. He groans against my neck as he begins his assault on it. Nipping and sucking at it before he bites down hard and it sends me over the edge again.

  Sucking harder on his finger, I reach around behind me and grab his fantastic ass with both hands and help him plunge deeper into me as I fall apart around him. This time it sends him into an orgasm and he moans in my ear as he comes hard inside me.

  He quits pulsing before I do as my pregnant body is insatiable it seems. I want more and he knows this. He lies me down and rolls me to my back. I pull my knees up as I have this part down. It’s the only way to finish me, thoroughly.

  With panting breath, he kisses my clit and runs his tongue up and down my folds, dipping his tongue into me. Over and over he goes until my whole body is shaking and I scream with the ultimate release.

  He kisses me gently until my body stops shaking and everything stills in me. Slow kisses he trails up my body then lies next to me, draping his arm over my stomach and kissing my cheek as my lids grow heavy and I fall asleep quickly in his safe embrace.

  The man knows how to keep me satisfied!


  The full moon’s light shines into the window of our bedroom. Tall pines filter it somewhat as I gaze out at the night sky and hold my wife in my arms as she sleeps peacefully after we made love.

  An owl hoots then another answers its call. One, large, white owl flies past the window then the other flies after it. Both are large and majestic looking as they fly past the window, hooting as they go.

  My hand rests on Rachelle’s pregnant belly and just as one of the owls hoots and flies past the window again our baby kicks. A grin spreads over my face instantly with happiness.

  I can feel my parents’ presence in my heart and find more than comfort with it. I find joy and happiness, and thankfulness all at once. If not for their wishes of their individual ashes being spread in opposite oceans and the money I had to play the lotteries across this big country, I would not be where I am tonight.

  I would never have needed to meet Max Lane to seek financial advice. I would never have met the beautiful lady I hold in my arms. The little red-haired girl and dark-haired boy I found at the children’s home Max grew up in would still be there and not making this family what it is today.

  My son wouldn’t be sleeping in his crib down the hall and my daughter wouldn’t be kicking her mother as we speak. Nope. None of this would be, without their passing and their wishes.

  The morning I found out my parents had died a piece of me did too. I knew life would never be the same for me. I never told a soul about how low I became in the weeks following their death.

  The fact was that I had sat in their bedroom one night a few weeks after their death, drinking a bottle of whisky and holding a pistol in my shaking hand. I was planning on ending it all. The pain had become too much, and I didn’t want to live anymore all alone in this big and cruel world.

  I wasn’t always the buff bodied man I am today or when I met Rachelle. Nope, I was a fat little boy who got beat up a hell of a
lot. I grew into a pretty chubby man who had super low self-esteem. When they died, it took away the only people who loved me, the only ones who never made fun of me.

  That night as I sat there with that bottle and that gun something happened as I put the barrel of the gun in my mouth and put my finger on the trigger. Something slammed against the outside wall, making me nearly jump off the bed it was so loud.

  For some reason, I stopped what I was doing and went outside to see what the hell had made the loud noise. It was dark, but I saw a large rock near the area I had heard the noise from. As I looked around I saw the mouth of the big bass mailbox hanging open.

  I went over and found one flyer inside and pulled it out, surprised to find I must’ve left it when I checked the mail earlier that morning. Taking it inside, I looked at it and found it was advertising this weight set, home gym thing. No money down and I could make low monthly payments.

  I didn’t go back into my parents’ room that night. I left the bottle and the gun on the bed in there and went to my own room and went to sleep. The next day I called the number on the flyer and by that afternoon the equipment was delivered and the guys set it all up in the living room for me.

  The home gym came with this pamphlet that told me how to eat right and within a couple of months I was well on my way to where I am today. I took every picture of the old me and burned them all. The new body gave me new confidence, and I finally did what my parents’ will asked me to.

  I made the trip to New York and dropped Dad in the Pacific then went across the country, playing the lotteries in each state on my way to Los Angeles where I dropped off my mother.

  That was the first step on my new life’s journey. I don’t know if I’ll ever tell my wife about the desperate man I was or not. That guy did die that fateful night after all. The old, fat, depressed, and insecure Blake was no more after that.

  Happy go lucky Blake was born and apparently was being sent to find a young woman who needed him very badly. And I am happy to find out we get to have our happily ever after, after all.

  The End

  The Shameless Billionaire Series

  Books 1-4

  An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance

  By Michelle Love


  Jason Brennan- (Our Billionaire) sees a woman from his past at a charity event. Brittany Caldwell- She’s less than happy to see him as they had dated off and on when she was in high school, he’s five years older than she is, but he was a player.

  She’s impressed to see he’s made something of himself when she finds him at the event and he’s all billionaired out. Tux and handsome as ever.

  She has no idea he’s the inventor of an app that allows the user to track their multiple love interests. You input all of their information so you can keep them straight. And by adding the app to their cell phone without them knowing, of course, it gives you little pointers when you put in that your about to meet up with them.

  It reminds you of things you found out about them. Their favorite flower, color, age. Pretty much any detail you need to recall about them.

  It also will give you a signal that sounds like a text is coming in when another love interest is closing in on you so that you have ample time to move your situation to another location. It gives you the details about what direction they’re coming in from and their estimated time of arrival.

  It’s called the Polyamory Handler (PH) for short. It was designed for people who like to have more than one relationship going at a time and prefer to keep them secret. And the little app has made him rich.

  He’s just turned thirty-five and the lifestyle he’s led so far is a thing he sees himself always wanting. That’s until he sees her again.

  He hasn’t seen her since she graduated from high school. She moved off to go to college and neither ever returned to their small hometown. She’s made quite a bit of money on her own. She made a little over a million in the last year.

  She’s a graphic designer and does tons of bestselling book covers and album covers. And she’s beginning to dabble in cinematography doing some small special effects scenes for movies using her skills as a graphic design artist.

  Because of her involvement with him in her younger years, she thinks all men are serial cheaters and none can be trusted. She’s kept them all at arms-length, only using them when she needs a bit of action and getting serious with no one.

  When he tells her why he’s rich, she’s not surprised and tells him he is the master at that after all. And notes in her mind, she wants nothing to do with him romantically anymore.

  The two had great chemistry in their early school days and both feel it again, but she’s grown and not into games. At least not with him. The truth is she’s played her fair share of games with men since he taught her how to so well. She tells him she must’ve not been made to be loved and have the normal relationship thing.

  When she tells him that it makes him feel bad.

  For the first time ever, he feels bad about what he’s doing.

  He finds himself wanting to fix it for her and show her that she can be loved.

  He makes a vow to himself to get back in her life and show her she’s very loveable, only she’s not about to let him in.

  He has to work hard to get her to even let him take her to dinner. And after a few drinks and the romantic atmosphere, she gives into his advances. But only for the one night and she lets him know that before-hand.

  The next night she gets a date with another man to go to an awards show where she’s up for a special effects award. It’s on television and when he sees it, he’s livid she didn’t ask him to go with her.

  They go back and forth with her saying they have nothing real and him falling more and more in love with her all the time. She is too but won’t admit it as she thinks he’ll do what he’s always done and mess around. She thinks he’s incapable of being a one-woman man.

  But as she goes on dates with other men, she finds herself comparing them to him all the time and wishes he would settle down with her.

  They both use condoms all the time as that’s a must when you have many sexual partners. She gets a pregnancy scare and tells him about it and laughs as she’s telling him about it.

  He tells her if he was to have a kid with anyone he’d want it to be her. She tells him she doesn’t want to raise a kid alone. Her mother had to when her dad ran off and she doesn’t want that for any kid of hers.

  His wheels start turning and he asks her to marry him to which she laughs and tells him no way in hell.

  He digs in his heels and tells her they should move in together and give it a trail run. She’s sure he’ll really want out once he has to live with someone, a thing he’s never done. So she takes him up on the offer and moves into his mansion with him.

  She gives him the real deal with living with a woman and amps it up as if they’d been married ten years, letting all her ways hang out and even going overboard with many of the things married couples gripe about.

  Instead of freaking out and bailing he finds himself feeling very comfortable and knowing she’s the one for him. He takes her to Spain and asks her to marry him. She’s surprised and knows she loves him and wants to take the chance he won’t screw her over.

  She accepts and he’s over the moon. Except when they get back she sets up a little test for him and gets a friend of hers he doesn’t know to come on to him and see if he tells her he’s engaged.

  Only he overhears her on the phone and is pissed by her distrust. So when the woman comes around he flirts and acts as if he does want to go out with her, never mentioning that he’s engaged.

  The only thing is, it’s not the right woman and when his girl catches him talking to her she loses it and throws his ring at him and disappears.

  He has to search and search for her. Then he sees that she’s managed to secretly install his own app on his phone and she’s tracking him. So he leaves his phone at home and manages to find h
er at her home.

  There he confronts her about knowing about the set up and he’s sorry it was the wrong woman but he loves her untrusting ass and wants to marry her and have a family. He’s never wanted anything more.

  She feels awful for setting him up like that and tells him they should move the wedding up as they already have their marriage license. So they go and get married by a justice of the peace and finally, live happily ever after.

  The Shameless Billionaire Series

  Book 1

  Collision Course

  An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance

  ByMichelle Love

  Betrayal. Lust. Longing.

  Jason Brennan is a self-made billionaire who invented an app to help keep track of multiple love interests.

  Brittany Caldwell is a graphic design artist who’s managed to become a billionaire herself through the creation of award winning book covers.

  The two share a history as they were once young lovers, but Jason’s philandering ways broke the young couple up and each went the opposite direction of monogamy.

  A chance meeting in New York at a charity event has Jason’s sights set right back on the only woman he’s ever loved. Only Brittany wants nothing to do with the heartbreaker.

  When Jason steals away his old love from a man she picked up to make him jealous, he makes her an offer. Give him a chance to prove he can be faithful to only her and he’ll make all of her dreams come true.

  But can Brittany put the past behind her and give the man who turned her into a cold-hearted woman the chance to not only redeem himself but also heal old wounds in them both. Or will she take him back only so she can hurt him the way he hurt her so many times? Get ready to enter the world of a couple of shameless billionaires as they collide and start an explosive story you won’t soon forget…


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