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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 74

by Love,Michelle

  Sitting on the bed, looking at her. I place my hand on her stomach. She looks at it like she’d like to rip it out of the socket and possibly beat me with it. “Britt, you can’t. Wait for the doc then this is all going to be done.”

  “You don’t know, Jason. I need to push.” She closes her eyes and I snap my fingers in front of them to make her open them again.

  “You look right here, Baby.” I point to my eyes. “I got you. Do you hear me? You just keep your eyes right on mine. Okay, good. Now do you remember when we were in Bora Bora and you needed to listen to me about that shark?”

  “There were two of them,” she says as she pants like a puppy who’s just run a mile.

  “I know. And I got you out of the water safe and sound, didn’t I?”

  She nods and grits her teeth. “And that dumb lady was giving us a biography lesson all the while.”

  “Yes, she was,” I say as I watch sweat pour down her face. “And you were so brave. You are so brave, Britt. And you’re about to bring our son into the world. I’m so damn proud of you, Baby. Do you know that?”

  She looks like she’s about to cry. “And I’m damn proud of you, Jason. You’re the best husband ever. I know you’re going to take good care of me and Levi.”

  “Garret,” I correct her. “Remember we decided on Garret?”

  She groans a loud groan. “Ow! It hurts not to push!”

  Her eyes close so I touch her cheek and she opens them again. “But you have to wait. So when did Garret get thrown out?”

  “A little while ago. I forgot to tell you. Levi is his name now.”

  The machine next to her is going crazy as it records a very long contraction. I glance at it for only a second and see some high marks on the piece of paper. It has to be a bad one.

  “Well, Levi is a great name, Pumpkin butt.”

  The door opens and the nurse and doctor come in. Both are pulling on gloves as they come in. The doctor says, “What do we have here?”

  One look has her draping another blue sheet over Brittany. Several more people come into the little room and Britt looks at me with scared eyes.

  “You got this, Baby. You do,” I say then kiss her forehead.

  “You can push, Brittany,” her doctor tells her. “With the next contraction, you can push.”

  “Thank God!” she says then her face goes red as she looks at me.

  The way she squeezes my hand lets me know she’s having a lot of pain. But she just makes a loud groan and pushes hard.

  “Okay,” the doctor says. “Probably two more then he’ll be out. He’s a little bigger than I thought he was.”

  The nurse mumbles. “Ten pounds, easy.”

  I look at the doctor. “You said eight.”

  She nods. “I did. That’s not the case, though.”

  My hand is squeezed again and I look back to find Brittany going red again as she pushes. “You are doing so great, Baby.”

  Relief spreads across her face. “It’s almost over. I feel it.”

  The doctor looks up with a smile. “Shoulders are out!”

  The nurse adds, “One more push, Britt.”

  My wife’s eyes go glassy as she says, “I love you, Jason. I always have and I always will. I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

  “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” I kiss her hand as she goes red again and makes a growl then I hear a weird slurping sound followed by a loud cry.

  “He’s here,” I tell her. “You did it!”

  The doctor holds up our son and I laugh like a crazy man as I see how big he is. Brittany’s eyes go huge. “That came out of me? I carried that little linebacker around inside of me.”

  “You did,” I say.

  I find tears falling out of my eyes and my nose is running and I’m crying as I look at our son as he cries too. Then I look down at Brittany and find her crying too.

  Seems we’re a bunch of cry-babies!



  I’m not sure when I knew I loved Jason. It seems like I always did. There isn’t an exact moment in time that I realized it. He moved right on into my heart with such ease, it felt natural.

  That’s how it was with our son too. He seems to have always been a part of us. Like he was always there, lurking around somehow. Little Herbert is crawling now and finds his way all over the ranch house with ease.

  We knew that was his name the moment he looked into our eyes. We said it at the same time and I swear that baby smiled when we did.

  Our little family is just beginning but most of my fear is gone. There’s still some, but it’s not in the forefront of my mind. It’s back there in the recesses where I’ll make sure it stays and doesn’t threaten our here and now.

  Watching Jason follow our son around, I know we’re the two people who have his heart. That’s enough for me. That’s enough to keep me happy and feeling safe with what we have.

  Sometimes things start out hard and end up easy. I suppose that was our course in this life. Whatever the reason, I’m glad we found each other again. And I am never letting him go.

  I think we’ve found our happily ever after, after all.

  The End

  The Billionaire’s

  Wings of Thunder

  An Alpha-Male Billionaire Paranormal Romance Thriller


  Michelle Love

  ©Copyright 2016 by

  Michelle Love- All rights


  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights are reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Desire. Secrecy. Dilemma

  Eden Fontaine is a man on a mission as he seeks out his betrothed bride he’s allowed to live a normal life up until the time has come to make her his wife and begin their new life as legendary shifters.

  Alyssa Devlin is living a normal life in Cloudcroft, New Mexico with her over-protective parents. She’s kept a secret from them. She has a boyfriend and they’re planning on moving away together.

  When Eden finds out what’s happened and that she’s fallen in love with another, he speeds up his plans and decides he wants her to fall in love with him and choose him over the other man.

  Kyle Stephens is Alyssa’s boyfriend and first true-love. He’s not about to let her go, and finds her love for him takes him into the paranormal world the three have to move onto.

  Twists and turns fill the pages of the full length novel, ‘The Billionaire’s Wings of Thunder’. Get ready for steaming hot romance, sizzling heated scenes, and a look at an existence where the unreal becomes real.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42r />
  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Eden’s Ending

  Chapter 1


  My heart beats hard in my chest as Kyle pulls me through the forest of tall pine trees. A large, dark shadow follow us from above the trees. I keep glancing up to see if it’s still there. It seems impossible.

  Another clap of thunder fills the surrounding air. How strange, I didn’t see any lightning. There’s no rain, and the only wind comes from directly above us.

  I can’t remember a time I’ve felt wind blowing from above me. A small patch of flat terrain gives me a chance to look up again without worrying about tripping.

  What the hell is that?

  Shit, there’s two of them! They’re huge. I’ve never seen any bird so large. I tug at Kyle’s hand, trying to get him to stop.

  I want to look at them, not run from them. They can’t be stalking us, they’re just birds.

  His eyes are wide and full of fear as he looks back at me, still running. “What are you doing, Ally?”

  “Let’s stop. I want to look at them.”

  The look I get in return assures me he thinks I’m nuts. He keeps running then a horrific shrieking sound vibrates down my spine.

  I look up and see giant, black wings beating through the light blue sky. Kyle’s speed increases. I’m practically flying behind him. My feet barely touch the ground as he pulls me along.

  Thing is, as weird as this might be, I’m not afraid. Kyle is, though so I’m not trying to stop him again. I don’t want him to feel like a fraidy cat.

  His feet hit the ground with loud thumps as the wings continue to beat above us. The noise the huge wings make is so loud. I can’t help thinking how magnificent they must look.

  The gate of our privacy fenced back yard looms only a few yards ahead of us. As Kyle hits the latch to allow us into my back yard the sound stops.

  They’re gone!

  We both stop and look up, turning in a full circle. It’s as if nothing was following us at all. The sky is bright blue. Not a single bird flies above us.

  Crap, I really wanted to see them. I was hoping I could get a good look as they flew over our yard. This is really disappointing.

  Kyle looks back at me as we walk into the yard. “What the fuck?”

  My eyes go crazy wide. It’s no secret my parents are the strictest people in the entire world. Make that the universe.

  “Kyle! Language!”

  He bends his head to speak in my ear. “Sorry, baby. But seriously, what was that?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “I don’t know. But whatever those things are, they’re gone now.”

  He tugs at my hand, pulling me further into the yard. “That was weird. Don’t you think it was weird, Ally?”

  I roll my eyes. “Of course, I think it’s weird, Kyle.”

  “Isn’t it strange when you kissed me the thunder of wings began?”

  I laugh. “You kissed me, not the other way around.”

  Suddenly I’m halted, his hands on my shoulders. The twinkle in his sky-blue eyes captivating my attention.

  “I asked you to go to Texas with me, and gave you a ring, then you kissed me after you said yes. Remember, Ally?”

  I nod, making him smile. My parents are not going to be happy, but I’m going to Austin with Kyle after graduation. Only three weeks away. I turn eighteen the day after, so I’ll be legal and they can’t stop me.


  God this is scary. So much scarier than those birds were.

  How could they have just vanished? Man, I wanted to see them clearly!

  My hand is still in his. That’ll be a problem as my father’s looking directly at us. He’s frowning.

  I’m not supposed to be touching my boyfriend. My parents don’t think he is what he is. They think he’s a friend. A longtime friend, but only that.

  When I was thirteen, I had to promise my parents I’d never engage in any relationship until I turned eighteen.

  Ludicrous, right?

  My dad yells out, clear across the large back lawn, “What’s going on, Alyssa?”

  Kyle drops my hand. “Sorry, sir. Something happened in the woods.”

  My younger, pain in the butt, brother, Scotty, approaches us. A smile on his mischievous face. “You’ve made Daddio mad, Kyle. Not good, dude.”

  My mother comes out the back door, carrying a large tray and Kyle sprints across the lawn to help her. “Please let me get that for you, Mrs. Devlin.” His voice is a mixture of Middle America and the south.

  His parents are from Texas. They moved here to Cloudcroft, New Mexico because his mother is a real estate agent who got a break in the tourist business our town has. She’s not my biggest fan.

  Perhaps my parents’ lack of understanding of teenage romance is the reason. I’m not at all sure of why she dislikes me, but she does. One time she even said my best friend, Laura, would be perfect for Kyle.

  They live three houses down from each other. I just about had a shit-fit with her words. But Kyle stopped me from acting like a freak in front of his mother and father.

  I let him know exactly what I thought about that once we left the confines of his family home.

  Kyle’s help with my mother’s burden seems to have helped. My father’s frown has turned into a slight smile. Not an entire one, though.

  I jog up next to Kyle. Just to test the waters with my parents I run my arm around his waist and place a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for helping my mom, babe.”

  My father shoots me a look, but Mom stays cool. I need to get them ready for our news.

  Wow, our news. That sounds weird.

  The touch of his lips on my cheek send chills down my spine, and not for the reason you might think. I know it’s about to explode.

  “Hey! What the hell?” Dad yells.

  Kyle further surprises me. “Mr. Devlin. We have something to tell you.”

  “No, we don’t.” I try to stop my true love from getting himself annihilated.

  When Kyle’s sky-blue eyes meet mine, I melt into his side.

  Damn I love this guy!

  “Mr. and Mrs. Devlin.” He raises my hand, the one with the ring on it. “Ally is moving with me to Austin after graduation.”

  The next things happen in a blur. My father goes for Kyle’s throat. Scotty and Mom blindside Dad, taking him away from my one, true love.

  “Dad!” I scream as I pull Kyle back from the monster my father has become.

  My father is usually a very calm man. He and my brother look a lot alike. Tall, soft brown curls and light green eyes. This attack upon my boyfriend, while anticipated by myself, was not by my sweet Kyle.

  “Mr. Devlin,” Kyle says. “Please don’t think I’ve any bad intentions with your daughter. I love her with everything in me. I want to marry her one day. It should be after I’ve made something of myself. Which is exactly what I will do.”

  My ears are burning. Did he just say he wants to marry me?

  I turn to him. “Kyle, you don’t have to explain.”

  A pat on my hand from my mother lets me know she has things back under control.

  Thank you, God!

  “Seems like some things have gone unnoticed by your father
and myself. We’ll discuss this new information in private. For now, we need to eat,” she says with the soft comfort her voice always brings.

  My mother is from Connecticut. Jet black hair and eyes of blue. She and I stand five foot two. Almost identical. I think she’s much prettier than I am, but she says the same of me.

  “Thank you, Mom. There’s no need for this,” I say as I take a chair at the table on our patio. Kyle pulls out the chair next to mine, planting himself in it.

  Just to piss my father off I take Kyle’s hand. Kyle looks at me with his eyebrows cocked. “You sure about this, Ally?”

  I look at my father, directly in his eyes. The horrible part is he looks right back into mine. “Get used to it, Dad,” I hear myself say.

  Shit, am I really doing this?

  “I love Kyle. The rest of my life will be with him.”

  To my complete amazement, my father smiles at me. “How wonderful, baby. You couldn’t have chosen a better man. Kyle, I expect you to take good care of my daughter.”

  Scotty chokes on his cherry cola, and I give him a go to Hell look. “Sorry, Sis,” comes from his mouth as he dabs at it with a paper napkin.

  Unbelievably, my mother starts doling out potato salad as Dad cuts the brisket. We all eat in silence. My Spidey senses are on overload.

  Something is not right. Things are too calm!

  The silence is deafening. I can’t take it anymore. “Mom, there’s a dance on Saturday. Kyle asked me to go, his band’s playing at it.”

  Mom jerks her fork, loaded with meat, towards my father who sits next to her. “Don’t ask me, dear.”

  Reluctantly I look at my father. He smiles at me.

  Didn’t see that coming.

  “Sure you can. But only for a little while. I want you back by ten. You do remember you have a curfew, right? I mean, you seem to have forgotten our deal about no relationships until you’re eighteen, so I have to ask.”

  Kyle answers for me, “Mr. Devlin, I can assure you she’ll be home by her curfew. And just to let you know. We haven’t broken your no dating rule.”

  Kyle looks directly into my father’s eyes. That’s no easy task as my dad is glaring back at him. His words come out much nicer than his look, “Thank you, son. I appreciate your respect on this matter. I’m sure Alyssa has also let you in on the fact she’s not allowed to have sex yet, either.”


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