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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 118

by Love,Michelle

His emerald eyes dance with his question. I look into them, trying to see what his mind has hidden from me. There is nothing but a black wall. Maybe I don’t want to know after all.

  That damn curiosity I have overtakes me. “Eden! Yes, I’m sure.”

  He looks into my eyes and smiles that smile which melts my insides. “When you turned into the bird I heard something different. I heard more than I usually do.”

  I frown at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “I heard your heart beat, it’s loud and strong,” he says.

  “Oh, that’s cool. I hadn’t paid any attention to that. I’ll see if I can hear yours next time we turn into the birds,” I say, thinking to myself he made a bigger deal out of that information than it was worth.

  I lay my head back down on his shoulder, but he takes my chin in his hand and pulls it back up, so I have to look at him. “Alyssa, that’s not all I heard. I heard your heartbeat, and I heard another one as well, a little heartbeat,” my husband tells me, then it all goes black.

  A baby! Already…

  Eden’s Ending

  Our daughter, Gwen, was born on a Tuesday morning in the month of April. It’s been four years since that day. My connection to my mate is still strong, but thankfully not the same. With the pregnancy, we found the child connected us even more so than we already were.

  I experienced everything Alyssa did throughout the pregnancy and the delivery. Thanks to that knowledge I now have a new respect for mothers. The whole thing is hard, and the end is a nightmare of squeezing pain.

  But in the end, you get this perfect little person and somehow it makes it all worth it.

  Thankfully, that condition is gone, and I can feel only my feelings, and she can only feel hers. We still have our telepathy, and it keeps getting stronger.

  With the arrival of our own child, we became aware that many children needed our help, so we’ve moved our foundation in that direction. Not only feeding and educating children but also setting up programs for people to spend time doing meaningful activities with them.

  Educating their parents about how to make a happy life for them. Putting family first and material items second. Building homes for needy families and helping the parents get educations if necessary.

  To build a better future for their children, was my mate’s idea and I quite like it. We want to make the world a place where the importance of the family is in the forefront again. Like it once was.

  My wife is a professional speaker now and holds seminars on the importance of finding a balance in relationships. Her disdain of the ancient ways made her seek education, and she found Anthropology is what excited her the most.

  She’s on her way to a Master’s degree. She says she’ll be content to stop there, but my bet is on her getting her Doctorate. My wife, Dr. Alyssa Fontaine. I like the sound of that.

  Kyle has an MBA and his own band. He and Laura married and still live outside of Austin and have two children now, both boys, and a farm full of animals and a yellow lab they treat like one of their children.

  Laura has just started college. She wants to be a school teacher. It turns out she loves kids and teaching them things. She found that out, helping with our foundation.

  Me, I’m into spreading the word of our creator. I studied religions from all over the world, then majored in Philosophy. Now I am the Pastor for our organization and also for, The Rising Spirit Church.

  We have a little television program that comes on Sunday nights and a following of a few million people from around the world. It’s a nondenominational church, of course, we welcome all kinds.

  It’s getting to be time for dinner. The whole clan is coming to the mansion this evening. Scotty is introducing us to his new girlfriend. It’s not his first girlfriend, but it’s his first serious one.

  Scotty turned out to be a player in more ways than one. Those days might be numbered now as he talks about this girl constantly, a sure sign.

  My mate is at the door to my office. I can tell she’s ready for us to go downstairs. I walk to her and take her hand. A flash of her naked body, lying across our bed with a large stomach, blasts through my mind.

  “Where’s Gwen?” I ask.

  “With your father, he took her for a walk,” she tells me. Her hair is curled and falling down around her face. Her lips are so red and shiny, and I can’t focus.

  I can only think about how beautiful she is and how much I want her. Oh Lord, help us, here we go again. And I couldn’t be happier.

  The End

  The Alpha Billionaire’s Pursuit

  Book 1

  By: Michelle Love

  Chapter 1

  A little boy of eight years was not born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. He had a very unstable and tough childhood, as his mother and step-father were more interested in their nightly pursuits at all the bars in town.

  At the age of nine, this little boy ran away from home and while crossing the road at the wrong end, was knocked down by a truck driven by Ricardo Lorenzo, construction magnate. Although the little boy was not badly injured, Ricardo took him to hospital. All attempts to find out from where he came proved futile. He did not utter a word and kept mum, as he feared the hospital authorities would return him back to his parents.

  Ricardo liked the boy the sooner he saw him. He had a mischievous pair of eyes and a broad forehead, which according to tales of long ago, depicted intelligence.

  “Would you like to come and live with my wife and me?” Ricardo asked the little boy.

  Those mischievous eyes lit up like hundred watt bulbs and he nodded his head. At an instance like this he would go and live anywhere on earth, as long as it was the farthest place from where his parents lived.

  “I am sure you have a name, son,” said Ricardo.

  The little boy nodded. He felt elated that this kind gentleman had called him son.

  “Yes, I am Bernardo,” he said.

  Ricardo took Bernardo home with him. When the truck turned into the driveway Bernardo’s eyes lit up again as he saw the spacious garden and the beautiful house. .

  Joyce, Ricardo’s American born wife was surprised to see a little boy at the doorstep with a bandaged knee. Joyce took an instant liking to Bernardo, as he peeked at her from behind Ricardo.

  Ricardo explained to Joyce the circumstances of Bernardo’s presence. She was delighted to have him, as they did not have children and life was very lonely when Ricardo went out on business.

  “Yes of course. Welcome home Bernardo,” she said.

  It was as if Bernardo had received the whole world on a platter. He was shown to a room, which Joyce said would be his and she would have it zurnished in all boyish designs very soon.

  The following day Ricardo met with his lawyer who completed all legal formalities pertaining to the adoption of Bernardo and thus emerged Bernardo Lorenzo.

  Bernardo called Ricardo and Joyce Mum and Dad and they were thrilled. He excelled in his studies in College and Ricardo sent him to Oxford where he graduated in Business Administration and Engineering.

  At the age of sixty five, Ricardo suffered a heart attack and succumbed to it. Bernardo was devastated at the death of Ricardo. At the reading of the last Will of Ricardo, Bernardo came into inherit Lorenzo’s Conglomerates, a multi-million dollar business venture, with a vast clientele.

  Joyce was confident that Bernardo would bring the business to greater heights of success and she was not wrong.

  Chapter 2

  From the moment Kathy entered the offices of Lorenzo’s Conglomerates, she had this eerie feeling that she was walking into the liar of trouble, with her eyes open.

  A tall brunette, with her hips swaying as she walked down the corridor, came to stand before Kathy.

  “Miss Wilson, Bernardo Lorenzo will see you now,” she said, as she pointed to the only door at the end of the room.

  Kathy almost tripped as she walked across the room. She cursed herself for agreeing with Mala to wear t
he ridiculous high heels she now wobbled upon. Hesitating before the leather bound door, Kathy almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a voice.

  “You can enter, Miss. Wilson,” said the voice.

  Kathy had heard of Bernardo Lorenzo and how sexy he was.

  “Oh hell, even his voice is sexy,” thought Kathy as she entered the plush office of Bernardo.

  Bernardo Lorenzo, Italian billionaire and every woman’s dream. He never went after women, but had only to snap his fingers and they stood in front of him, waiting to bare their all.

  Bernardo’s billions had come from his construction company which was lovingly nurtured by his father Ricardo Lorenzo. After the death of his father Lorenzo had expanded into building super luxury apartment complexes, his clientele consisting of the elite and even royal families from the Arabian Gulf.

  Kathy stood before Bernardo Lorenzo trying to ignore the rivers of sensation that clogged her nerves. There was nothing to say that he was going to devour her on the table, but it did cross her mind.

  “Miss Wilson,” he said

  Kathy snapped out of her day dreaming and chided herself.

  Alarm bells sounded, as if they were clanging right around her head. Kathy always knew how to keep her emotions in check. She never let her emotions get the better of her, but with Bernardo, she was not sure.

  Kathy nodded and tried to find her voice. She had gone for several interviews and met many men as her job entailed, but she never felt a rush of emotions like this on an initial meeting with them. Hell why was it different with Bernardo. Her first meeting had been with his Assistant Director Giovani, who was a dear person and put Kathy at ease. But all that was now swept under the carpet as she looked into the darkest of black eyes, hooded by eyelids, which Kathy was sure, did not blink at all.

  “You can speak, can’t you?” he asked staring into her eyes.

  Kathy straightened her shoulders. Who was he to play with her emotions as if she was part of a set of billiard balls on an 8 ball pool table?

  “Yes, I am Kathy Wilson,” she said.

  Indicating the chair opposite him, he gestured for her to sit.

  “What a rude man,” thought Kathy. “A while ago he asked me whether I can speak and now he plays the dumb boss.” Her thoughts made her smile.

  ‘What amuses you so much, Miss Wilson?” asked Bernardo, in that deep sexy voice.

  Kathy shook her head and looked straight at him. He was not only a gorgeous man, but everything about him screamed sex and wealth.

  “I presume the agency briefed you on the job and Giovani would have also told you what the job entails,” he said.

  “Yes,” said Kathy, thinking that it was better to answer him than nod her head at everything he said.

  “So are you in agreement to working for me here at Lorenzo Conglomerates and also moving into the apartment just next to mine in Cardiff?” he asked.

  Kathy was about to say yes, when she caught on the lines, “moving into the apartment just next to mine?”

  “Let me get this straight,” said Kathy, moving to the edge of her chair.

  “Why do I have to move into the apartment next to yours? The agency and even Giovani did not mention anything to the effect that I should move residence,” she said.

  “Miss Wilson. I make the rules here, I change them. If you are not in agreement, you could walk out the door,” he said pointing to the door.

  Although he pointed to the door, he half wished she would not walk out. Somehow, he seemed intrigued by her and he rarely let woman have their way.

  “I was not made aware of moving residence,” repeated Kathy.

  “Well what is it? Do you agree to move in or not? If the answer is yes, then you move in tomorrow and if it is no, then like I said, there’s the door,” he said.

  Kathy could have kicked him where it hurt most.

  Kathy sucked in a deep breath.

  “Okay I will move in,” she said.

  A smile of triumph crossed his handsome face, as Bernardo looked deep into her eyes. Kathy felt as if she was in the nude and he was x-raying every part of her with his eyes. Eyes that penetrated the most delicate parts of her anatomy.

  “Although your credentials are explicit, I wonder whether you could put up with the job, working with me. Let me tell you Kathy, it’s a hard job and you have to be available 24/7, if you know what I mean?” he drawled.

  “Yes I understand Mr. Lorenzo,” she said.

  “Well I am running late for a meeting right now and I would expect you moving into your apartment in Cardiff by tomorrow evening. This is the address and I will inform the reception to expect you” he said getting up from his seat and giving her the piece of paper he has scribbled the address on.

  It was then that Kathy saw how tall and very handsome, not forgetting sexy, he was. Everything about him screamed wealth and sex. She kept staring at him and snapped out of her world when Bernardo spoke again.

  “We are going to make a great team, Kathy and stop calling me “Mr.”. It is Bernardo from today,” he said shaking hands with her.

  Kathy shivered as she felt an electric current go through her body when shook hands. Picking up her handbag, she left the room. The brunette at the reception gave her a departing smirk of a smile and Kathy could not care less. She had bagged the job and she was going to stay in Cardiff, her neighbor the billionaire playboy Bernardo Lorenzo.

  Chapter 3

  Kathy Wilson lost her parents in a car crash on the Bologna highway two years ago and from then onwards she had lived with Mala her roommate. Kathy worked as a Secretary at the start and then went on to complete her Chartered Secretaries Degree, which entailed more responsibility on the job. She had no brothers or sisters.

  Kathy’s Aunt Margie wanted her to come back to London and live with her after Kathy’s parents died, but Kathy had politely declined. Aunt Margie had told her the invitation stood open and she could come back anytime she wanted to.

  Kathy loved her independence and up to now she had not got into any trouble being independent. However, moving into Bernardo’s Cardiff apartment, she was not sure any more.

  The following day she arrived at the Cardiff Apartment of Bernardo. The doorman had apparently been told of her arrival, as he came towards her.

  “You must be Miss Kathy Wilson,” he said.

  “Yes,” smiled Kathy.

  “I am Ralph the doorman and Mr. Lorenzo told me this morning to expect you,” he said.

  Looking at the four suitcases the cab driver had placed by the door, Ralph signaled a porter who came rushing with a trolley and loaded her luggage on to it.

  “The 20th floor. Apartment No. 21,” he told the porter.

  Handing her a sealed envelope, Ralph indicated that the keys to the apartment were in it.

  Thanking Ralph, Kathy walked across the lobby to the elevators.

  She was about to press the button of the elevator door when it opened and out stepped Bernardo. Kathy’s legs felt like jelly, as he walked back into the elevator and with his finger on the button holding the doors open; he beckoned for her to enter the elevator.

  Kathy just walked on air and she was in the elevator. Why on earth did she have to turn into mush when she came in contact with Bernardo?

  “Kathy, let me ask you a question. Are you always in the habit at staring at your employers, as though they were from Mars?” he asked.

  “No Mr. Lorenzo,” she said and then realized her mistake.

  “So it is only at me then,” asked Bernardo.

  Kathy blushed as she looked away. Was she running out of her mind by gazing at her employer like this? Was she heading for some kind of danger? Wasn’t it better to tell him that she was quitting and then walk out? Or could she put up with his drop dead gorgeous sexy look and continue to work for him?

  Kathy was appalled by her behavior. In her whole 24 years, she had never every felt this way about a man she hardly knew and moreover her employer.

  She once
again snapped out of her day dreaming as she heard the elevator ping to a stop and the doors open. Kathy gasped at the luxury of the outer area that separated their apartments. She looked around trying to locate other apartments, but she found none. Bernardo looked at her, as her eyes wondered around.

  “If you are looking for other apartments, let me put your mind to rest. There are no other apartments, except yours and mine,” he said with a gleam in his eyes. Kathy did not like the look of the gleam, which spoke of many things to come and she shuddered even to think of them.

  Her bags lay outside her apartment and Bernardo took the envelope from her hand and tore it open, fishing the keys out.

  He opened the door to her apartment and stood aside.

  “Welcome to Bernardo Lorenzo’s,” he said with a mock bow.

  Kathy walked into the apartment and gasped at its luxury. Her feet sank into the carpets and it was as if they massaged her soles when she walked.

  “This is beautiful. Thank you for letting me move in,” she said, looking at Bernardo with her amethyst blue eyes.

  “You are welcome. I am glad you like it,” he said with a smile.

  Kathy looked at him in surprise. He had just smiled and what a different man he looked when he smiled.

  “Why do you look at me, as if I was the only man on this planet?” he asked.

  “It is just that you look so different when you smile,” she said.

  Bernardo threw back his head and laughed.

  “This is the first time a woman has said that to me, Kathy,” he said and laughed again.

  Kathy blushed and looked away.

  After Tom had left her for Diana, Kathy swore that she would never let a man get to her, but it seemed to be happening now and she could not really fight it.

  “Is there something wrong?” asked Bernardo, as he noticed that look on her face.

  Kathy literally came back to earth when she heard Bernardo speak.

  “Kathy make yourself at home. I have had the refrigerator stocked with groceries, which should last you maybe for a week, unless you are a big eater. But looking at your figure, I doubt it,” he said running his gaze from top to bottom.


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