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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 136

by Love,Michelle

  That’s better!

  Her blue jean shorts have got to go so I get up and take them off and am left looking at a pair of white cotton panties. Not granny panties but definitely not sexy either. “I’m buying you a whole drawer full of panties tomorrow and you need to trash these things.”

  She moans as her response and I take the knife again and cut both sides as they’re way too wide to rip with my hands, which is what I really wanted to do.

  I see she’s keeping her situation in good order as she’s trimmed up and looking sexy now that I have that dumb underwear off her. Taking her legs, I spread them open and position myself to show her who it is she’ll want to belong to.

  Soft puffs of air I blow on her and she moans with each one. I move my hands around to gather her ass in them and knead my fingers into her ample cheeks as I make my first kiss to her intimate area.

  Starting at her opening, I run my tongue around it and she arches her back as she hisses, “Yes!”

  She is so primed it’s not even funny!

  I give her a few more swirls then go inside and find she tastes better than I ever expected. In and out I move my tongue, darting it around with fast strokes. She’s growing more and more wet and her body is quivering. Then I move my mouth and take in her now swollen bud. With a few licks and one nibble, she’s screaming my name.

  I knew she was a screamer!

  Bucking up, she’s gyrating her body as it makes its first release. “Like that, did ya?” I say with a chuckle as I get up to get the condom on.

  “Yes! Yes!” she moans as she puts her legs together and sways back and forth on the bed. “God, yes!”

  “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she moans. “And never like that.”

  “Good to know.” I slather on some of the lube that says, for him, on the label and find a little tingle on my erection. Then I slip the ribbed for her condom on and feel it tingle a little bit more. Finally, I rub the, for her, lube all over the outside of the condom and move into position. “Get ready to scream my name some more.”

  Moving her legs again, I open her up and move my body over hers. Pressing the tip of my cock to her, she draws her knees up as I push slowly into her. Her groan is met with mine as she feels better than anyone I’ve ever been with.

  “God!” I moan as I fill her up. “You feel amazing, Elizabeth. Damn it!”

  I bite her neck as my cock takes every part of her up. Pulling it back out, I cannot believe how this feels. It’s like pure desire. And I can see getting addicted to this very easily.

  Her legs wrap around me as she arches up to me. I have to hold her hips to the bed so I can make my strokes as she’s seeming to crave me inside of her.

  “It’s tingling, Zane,” she moans. “It’s never tingled before.”

  “It’s because my dick is magic,” I joke with her.

  “No really, it’s not supposed to feel like that,” she says, sounding a little worried.

  “I put some lube on the condom,” I tell her. “So you can quit freaking out.”

  “Oh,” she says, sounding relieved. “In that case, it feels pretty freaking great. Carry on.”

  “Thanks, boss,” I say with a little laugh. “Think you can hold yourself back until I tell you to come?”

  “I don’t know. You feel pretty fucking great,” she says with that matter of fact tone she gets at times.

  “While nice to hear, I’d like for you to wait for me to tell you when you can let it all go.”

  “I’ll give it a shot. I make no promises,” she says then she licks her lips. “How about a little kiss?”

  Giving her what she wants, I run my tongue over her bottom lip then pull it between my teeth before I kiss her full on. Moving my tongue, the same way I’m moving my cock in and out of her, she starts a little purring sound and it makes me want to move faster.

  Thrusting into her with harder moves, I feel her insides starting to tighten around my cock. Her body is clawing at mine to give into her. I thrust harder and have to stop the kiss to hold on to my climax.

  The sensations I’m having right now are things I want to feel for a while not rush through. Faster and faster I go until I can’t take it anymore. “Come for me!”

  My ejaculation starts and when her canal begins to squeeze me it makes me come that much harder. My name comes out of her mouth again with a loud scream and then we’re left panting and pulsing and it’s nearly over.

  I don’t want it to be over but it’s nearly over. I’m not even finished and I’m already thinking about the next time. This isn’t like me. I’ve never been so into it that I thought about what I was going to do next.

  Reaching up, I un-cuff her hands and take the blindfold off. Her eyes as shining as she looks up at me. Then her bottom lip starts to quiver and she closes her eyes. I watch a tear fall over one cheek and quickly kiss it away. “What the hell, Elizabeth? I thought that was fucking fantastic.”

  “It was,” she says with a quivering voice.

  “So why the tears, baby?”

  “Because it was better than anything I’ve ever felt.”

  Chicks make no sense!

  Chapter 5


  First, it was one tear that escaped then it went to a lot of them and now I’m in the bathroom trying my damnedest to stop crying. I really don’t know what’s come over me. And I feel like an idiot.

  A knock comes to the bathroom door. “Baby, are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I say then cover my face with a thick towel and hope he couldn’t hear that I’m crying with the sound of my voice. I did manage to climb out of the bed with the excuse of having to pee before any more than one tear had gotten away from me.

  “Hey, let me in. We can take a bath together.”


  Wiping my eyes, I hurry to try to conceal the fact I was crying and have no idea why that is. With a quick look in the mirror, I think I look okay, a little red around the eyes but I can tell him it was the blindfold that caused that if he asks.

  Opening the door, I find him looking at me with concern. “Are you really okay?”

  I nod and step back. “A bath, huh?”

  “If you want,” he says and pulls me into his arms.

  Our bodies press together and it feels so right and I feel the knot forming in my throat again and don’t understand why that is.

  He kisses the top of my head. “I’ll start the water. You want to go to the kitchen and get us a bottle of wine and a glass so we can share a drink while we soak?”

  With a nod, I leave him to get the tub ready and wonder what’s wrong with me. Padding, naked down the hallway, I think it must be fear that has me crying. Fear that things are going too good.

  Things have never been this good for me. I’m living with a rich man. I’m in a relationship with a man who can rock my world. So what’s there to be afraid of?

  It ending?

  Grabbing a bottle of red wine from the wine cooling fridge, I pick up a glass too and head back to the bathroom. I know everything ends, eventually, even if it ends in death. I don’t know why my heart is getting all crazy on me.

  Pushing the bedroom door, I make my way back to the bathroom and find him already settled into the deep tub. So I pour us a glass of wine and climb in front of him.

  “So, tell me about your family, Elizabeth. Are they all crazy like you are?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “More so,” I say. “Mom and Dad are going to be there, I’m sure. Mom hasn’t called me to tell me so but they never miss the get-togethers. They’re in some little village in Mexico for their summer break, as they call it. They may get a shack there to live in during the winter months.”

  “A shack?” he asks as his hands rub a clean smelling soap over my shoulders.

  “Well, from the picture she sent me in a text, I’d call it a shack. She called it a bungalow.”

  “They sound like the kind of people who like to travel a lot,” he
says then takes some water to rinse the soap off me.

  “They are. I came along and slowed their roll for a few years then they got back at it. Mom and Dad both worked at a lumber yard in our little town. Mom made it to management and Dad finally did too. They were able to retire last year and I think they’re making lots of plans now.”

  “How long have they been together?” he asks me then kisses the top of my shoulder and it sends a chill through me. For a man who says he’s not sure what love is, he sure does make me feel like he loves me.

  “Since they were in their early twenties. I swear they never wanted kids to get in their way. I was an accident. They’re all about each other.”

  “How sad, my little Elizabeth was an accident,” he says then turns me around to face him.

  My body slips easily over his and I move my legs to anchor me to him. “They say I’m not but when I was about five I asked them if I was ever going to get a baby brother or sister and the way they looked at each other and laughed then told me, no way, made and imprint on me. Even at that young age. I knew they felt trapped or grounded by me. That’s part of the reason I spent so much time at my grandparents’ house.”

  “If I ever have kids, I want them to feel special,” he says as his eyes roam over my breasts. Then his hands do and he sighs. “These really are very beautiful.”

  With a laugh, I say, “Really? I think they’re too big. You know what they say, anything more than a mouthful is a waste.”

  “I don’t know who the fool was that made that phrase up, but he was a liar!” Suddenly his hands are on my waist and he lifts me up and gives them both a kiss. “I love them just the way they are.”

  Biting my lower lip, I wonder if he’s being honest. When he lowers me back down, his hand moves over my face to brush back my hair that’s fallen into it with his handling of me.

  Placing my hands on either side of his face, I lean in and kiss him with a sweet kiss. “Thank you, Zane. You’re very nice.”

  “So are you,” he says then kisses me.

  Lying in the tub full of warm water and kissing him as I lie on top of him has me feeling better than I’ve ever felt. His arms hold me in a loose grip as his tongue wanders around my mouth.

  I pull my mouth off his and just look into his eyes. There is something in them that wasn’t before. I never knew having sex could make deeper feelings manifest so quickly.

  I could be lying to myself about what I see. I could be lying to myself by thinking this can last. But for now, I think I’ll let myself believe just that.

  “I think you’ll like my family if you like me.”

  His hand moves up my arm then over my shoulder and his finger runs over my lips. “And I like you very, very much. How much do you like me?”

  “More than I’ve ever liked anyone.”

  “Good. Because I like you more than I’ve ever liked anyone too.” A kiss ends his sentence and I find myself falling so damn hard for him it physically hurts me.

  I never realized I was that type of person who was afraid of love or losing it, anyway.

  When our mouths part, I find him looking at me with a smile. “Hungry?”

  “Starving,” I say as we’ve not eaten dinner yet.

  “I’ll have room service bring us something up. Steaks?”

  “And huge baked potatoes?” I ask.

  “What kind of dessert?” he asks.

  “I was kind of thinking I’d have you for dessert.”

  A grin moves over his lips and I have to kiss it off of them. “I like the way you think, baby. I knew once you had a taste of me, you’d only want more.”

  “You did?” I ask. “You were pretty sure of yourself. And by the way, if you have never had a woman in your bed, why did you have that drawer full of fun?”

  “For you. I just got that stuff yesterday. I’m afraid I’ve been having fantasies about you since the moment I met you. Little, crazy, dirty fantasies. So get ready for me to fulfill them all.”

  “Sounds like you have big plans there, Romeo.”

  “I do and you’re in every single one of them.”

  I’m in his plans!

  Chapter 6


  “We’d love to make a trip over to visit the place in person,” I tell the man sitting across from us. Sven Schweiz’s resort property is a thing Elizabeth is finding very interesting.

  “I can’t wait to see it,” she says as she claps her hands. “How exciting!”

  “When can you make it?” Sven asks.

  Elizabeth looks at me for the answer and I decide to let her make this call. “You can decide, Elizabeth.”

  “Me?” she asks. “I have no idea what you have coming up.”

  “It’s okay, I can schedule anything I have around what you want to do.” I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate her into my life so I don’t make the same mistake I did before. And I’m finding it so much easier than I did before to think about her, pretty much all the time.

  “When’s the best time of year to make a visit, Sven. I’d like to see it at its peak.”

  Patting her on the thigh, I lean over and whisper, “Great thinking.”

  She smiles and nods then looks at Sven for his answer. “The spring is the best time. I can schedule you in for a week’s stay in the spring then.”

  “That would be great,” she says. “I can’t wait.”

  Spring is about six months away and I find myself feeling extremely happy that she’s made a plan that far into the future. I think this thing we have is growing.

  “It was lovely meeting you two. I had a wonderful time and look forward to seeing you in the spring. I will be in touch,” he says then we all get up to leave the restaurant and part ways as he gets into one cab and we get into another.

  “You handled that very well, Elizabeth,” I say then kiss her cheek. “You have a natural diplomacy. I think you should consider working with me.”

  “As what?” she asks as she looks out the window. “I just can’t get over all the tall buildings. There are just so many of them.”

  “You’re adorable,” I say and kiss her cheek again. “You could be my assistant.”

  “You have one of those already,” she says then looks at me. “Don’t you think if you had me around all the time, you’d get sick of me?”

  “Do you think you’d get sick of me if we’re around each other all the time?” I turn the question around on her.

  “I’m not sure. I like being around you.”

  “Do you miss me when I’m gone off to work?” I ask as I fiddle with a lock of her hair.

  “I do,” she says then smiles at me. “I think we could try it out and see if we like it or if it makes us tired of each other.”

  The truth is, I miss her like crazy when I have to leave her at home. I can’t explain it but I do and I’ve been thinking very hard about how to get her to come along with me on my daily endeavors.

  “I cleared the whole week next week so we can stay in your hometown. I want to check out the lighthouse and get the renovations going.”

  The look in her eyes makes my heart pound. They glisten and then her arms are around me. “Oh, Zane!”

  I have to laugh then kiss the top of her head. “We can stay at your place. If that’s okay with you.”

  “Of course,” she says as she lets me go. “It’s not a thing like this place and you’re sure to be disappointed.”

  I kiss her lips to shut her up. “I could be with you in a cave and not be disappointed.”

  Her smile is like a beacon of light and her cheeks flush with pink. “Zane, you’re too sweet.”

  “I know.”

  The cab stops at my office building and we get out and head up to my office. “So how will this all work?” she asks. “Do I get my own office?”

  “Why? You don’t want to hang out in mine?” I ask as I wrap my arm around her and take her around the back to my private elevator that was finally fixed yesterday.

  “You r
eally want me to hang out with you in your office all day long, Zane?”

  “Sure, you can sit on my lap and take notes or something like that.” Getting on the elevator, I notice her looking around at it.

  “This is small and you used a key. Is this only for your use?” she asks.

  “Yes,” I say then pull her to me. “Ever had sex in an elevator?”

  “No,” she says with a giggle. “But something tells me that might change for me in the near future.”

  “It just might. I don’t like to give away my surprises. Speaking of which, I have something in my office I meant to bring home to you yesterday but I forgot to.”

  When the elevator stops and the door opens and she sees we’re in my office she looks at me with a confused expression. “It comes right up to your office?”

  “Yes,” I say as I lead her out of the small elevator and into my office.

  “Why wouldn’t you have used this to bypass me that day I came up here?” she asks as her mind seems to be going back to that day, less than a week ago.

  “It broke down on me. I was trying to come up this way. But I suppose that was a blessing. If I hadn’t seen you, none of this would’ve ever happened.” Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her and she melts into me.

  When I end the kiss I still see confusion in her green eyes. “Don’t you think this is odd? I’m a nobody from virtually nowhere and you’re this big billionaire. There is absolutely no reason for you to have the slightest bit of interest in me.”

  “Well, you are gorgeous.”

  “No, I’m cute,” she says then pulls away from me. “You’re gorgeous. You’re actually much better looking than I am. And you’re smarter too.”

  “Stop selling yourself short. You are gorgeous, smart, and you’re about to find that out about yourself as I move you into the business world and you find out just how great you really are.” I go to my desk and fish out the little trinket I bought for her.

  Holding out the small box, I watch her pluck it from my hand and take the top off. She pulls the little necklace that’s really not a thing I’d normally even look at but when I was walking back to the office after lunch I saw it in a tiny jewelry shop and had to have it.


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