Book Read Free

Time Makers

Page 6

by Charlie Carter

  ‘Don’t mention it,’ said Granny Smythe. ‘Glad to be of assistance, Professor.’ She nodded towards the terrace. ‘And what about those good-for-nothings?’

  The two guards that Bernard had held up were bound and gagged in their singlets and underpants. Parked nearby in the driveway was the black security van with Bernard at the wheel dressed in one of the uniforms he’d stripped from the guards. TEX sat beside him wearing the other uniform.

  ‘They need to be kept tied up for a while yet. We still have a few pressing matters to sort out, if that’s okay.’

  ‘Leave them with me,’ Granny Smythe replied. ‘We have a jolly good gardener here who can be thoroughly trusted with such matters. I’ll see that he keeps them under lock and key.’

  Just then, Four, Five and Nine appeared. They were dressed as ancient Trojans, in clothes which the professor had brought in her duffle bag. She had also brought their Simulation Skins.

  Professor Perdu cast her eye over the Battle Agents. ‘That’s the best gear I could grab with Vandakrol on my tail. But you’ll do. Besides, Troy will be in such chaos that I hardly think it matters what you wear. Also, you will only have the most basic tech support and no gadgets to speak of.’ She clapped her hands. ‘Come along then, in the van. We’ve got a job to do.’

  Granny Smythe waved from her terrace as they drove away. ‘Enjoy the fancy dress party,’ she called.

  * * *

  Alpha Agent 002 strode into the Launch Chamber followed by his fellow squad members, and stopped. He’d already been through everything with Dr Vandakrol, and knew what to expect. But the roar of the crowd and the scene that greeted him still made him tremble with excitement and the thrill of power. The two other Battle Agents were completely stunned; all they could do was gasp in awe.

  The Launch Chamber was huge, a vast cavern carved from the rock, in which was encased a Tome Tower far bigger than anything at the College for Independent Studies. The tower rose over a hundred metres, its surface shimmering with millions of nano-carbon crystals designed to accelerate the Entry Beam. A concave mirror at the very top reflected that beam back on itself for even greater past particle agitation, while the floor of the tower was covered in titanium tiles to withstand the mighty forces unleashed at launch time. In the very centre of that metal floor was the Launch Pad – still empty, waiting for Battle Book 3.

  Arranged around two sides of the Launch Chamber in a kind of amphitheatre was an enormous viewing gallery filled with specially chosen spectators – all the scientists and officials from the earlier ceremony with the Board of Controllers. They rose to their feet when Sigma Squad entered, continuing to clap and cheer until silenced by the Central Controller.

  However, as impressive as the Tome Tower and Observation Gallery may have been, they were dwarfed by the huge furnace-shaped structure that lay behind them.

  ‘What is it?’ whispered BA016.

  ‘The Aeon Reactor, of course,’ Alpha Two muttered out of the side of his mouth.

  ‘What’s it for?’

  ‘Be quiet.’

  The reactor lurked like an angry monster in its own cavern, separate from but connected to the Launch Chamber. Twice as wide as the Tome Tower and almost twice as high, it squatted on four massive pillars that could have been the paws of a giant beast. Its outer skin of metre-thick titanium armour-plate contracted and expanded as if the beast were breathing. The reactor even grumbled and growled, and shuddered every now and then, sending out bursts of steam, flickers of flame and fierce electrical sparks which lit up the cavern so brightly that the observers had to shield their eyes.

  ‘Are you ready, Sigma Squad?’ Dr Vandakrol said from his control panel.

  ‘We are,’ Alpha Agent 002 shouted and marched down the steps towards the Tome Tower.

  Dr Vandakrol pulled a lever. At the same time he spoke into a microphone for the benefit of the gallery of observers. His voice boomed throughout the Launch Chamber.

  ‘Commencing transferral of Battle Book 3 to Launch Pad.’

  * * *

  ‘You asked me how I could be so sure that Battle Book 3 has been taken to the Time Store district,’ Professor Perdu said to BA005 as they sped along the motorway. She and the Battle Agents were in the back of the security van. ‘This is how.’

  The professor delved into her duffle bag and pulled out a mobile G-C Scanner.

  ‘All Battle Books are fitted with global positioning chips that emit a tracking beam. Using this scanner I could see that Battle Book 3 had left the College and was being transported in the direction of the Time Store district. She inspected the small screen on the mobile scanner. ‘And just as I thought, that is where it is.’ She pointed to a red dot on the screen.

  Professor Perdu opened a panel into the front of the van, and passed the mobile G-C Scanner through to TEX and Bernard.

  ‘We need to get as close as possible to that red dot. That’s where our Battle Book has been taken. And unless I’m very wrong, it is also where we will find the Aeon Reactor.’

  ‘Certainly, Professor,’ Bernard replied, checking the co-ordinates. ‘We’ll be entering the Time Store district any moment now, and according to my calculations we’re not far away from the target. But also I estimate the red dot is extremely close to one particular Time Store – Horace Horologe’s. In fact, I would say that the dot is almost directly beneath it.’

  ‘Perfect,’ said BA004. ‘TEX and I found a secret entrance to that underground area. And it brings us in right near the Aeon Reactor. As you said, Professor.’

  ‘In that case, we’d best be ready to move,’ said Professor Perdu.

  Bernard drove carefully through the wide streets of the Time Store area, past rows and rows of identical block-like buildings.

  ‘At least there’s not much happening up here on the surface,’ he said. There were a few other security vans, but not nearly as many as before.

  ‘All the action must be happening underground,’ said the professor.

  ‘Which is exactly where we’ll be soon enough,’ Bernard replied.

  ‘We? Don’t tell me you’re coming down with us?’ the professor asked. ‘You don’t have to risk your life, Bernard.’

  ‘Just try to stop me, Professor,’ said the chauffeur. ‘I’ve been through plenty with Omega Squad, and if this is a fight to the end I want to be in on it.’ He slowed down, checking the mobile G-C Scanner. ‘Here we are. Horologe’s hideout coming up.’

  ‘Now listen to me, everyone,’ Professor Perdu said as the van stopped. ‘Once we go down into the area underneath us, we’re committed. There will be no turning back. If it all goes wrong, I just want you to know that —’

  ‘Save your breath, Prof,’ said Five, sliding open the van’s door. ‘It won’t go wrong. We won’t let it.’ The others nodded in agreement.

  ‘That’s what I wanted to hear,’ said the professor. ‘Let’s go, then.’

  They moved with speed and precision. Four jumped out of the van first and ran straight to the fire exit, punching in the code. As soon as the door opened, TEX charged through and opened the secret passage into the depths far below. He checked it for alarms and then raced down the spiral staircase, followed by the others.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Professor Perdu checked her mobile G-C Scanner. ‘We’re right on track,’ she said. ‘The red dot is pulsating wildly. That means Battle Book 3 is somewhere on the other side of that wall, no more than a hundred metres away.’

  Everyone peered through the narrow vents in the thick metal wall. They were at the back of the cavern, in a storage area, but they still had a reasonable view.

  ‘So there it is,’ the professor whispered. ‘The Aeon Reactor. What a beast!’

  ‘And look at that Tome Tower,’ said BA004. ‘But where’s Battle Book 3?’

  ‘It can’t be far away,’ BA009 replied. ‘Look! The Sigma Agents are dressed and ready to go.’

  ‘And the crowd is expecting something. Listen to them roar. All those people!’

  ‘That’s the terrifying bit,’ said the professor. ‘Most of those aren’t people. They’re androids.’

  Those words sent a chill through the others as they watched the gallery chanting and punching at the air with their special salute. But then Dr Vandakrol held his hands in the air and the crowd fell silent.

  ‘Look at him,’ Professor Perdu muttered under her breath. ‘So pleased with himself.’

  Dr Vandakrol was pulling a lever and speaking into a microphone, his voice echoing through the cavern.

  ‘Transfer Battle Book 3 to Launch Pad.’

  A TrolleyBot immediately appeared at the edge of the Launch Chamber. It ferried the Battle Book to the Launch Pad and secured it in place. At the same time, the agents of Sigma Squad marched down a sloping gangway to the Launch Chamber.

  ‘Time to move, Omega Squad,’ Professor Perdu whispered. ‘Bernard and I have to stay hidden here. But you must get as close as you can to the Launch Pad without being seen, and the moment that Battle Book is opened, run straight for it.’

  TEX opened a small hatch in the heavy metal wall and the squad climbed through. The cavern was dark where they were, and all the guards for the Aeon Reactor had moved forward to watch the action in the Launch Chamber. In single file, Omega Squad raced to the back of the reactor then crawled on their bellies until they were within sprinting distance of the Launch Pad about thirty metres away.

  Dr Vandakrol’s voice was booming around them.

  ‘Preparing to open Battle Book 3,’ he said as the TrolleyBot began loosening the sealing latches on the side of the metal casket. ‘Take your positions, Sigma Squad.’

  Alpha Agent 002 stepped up to the launch mark. ‘I’m going first,’ he said. The others fell in behind him.

  ‘We go together,’ Five whispered, rising onto his haunches. ‘Everybody ready?’

  Before the rest of the squad could even nod, the lid of Battle Book 3 sprang open. A deafening scream burst from the casket and a beam of searing white light shot up into the Tome Tower. Alpha Agent 002 saluted the crowd with his fist and threw himself at the Entry Beam. The other Sigma agents followed, spurred on by the cheering crowd.

  In the intense excitement of the moment, hardly anyone noticed that three other Battle Agents and one super soldier were also racing towards the Entry Beam until it was too late. Dr Vandakrol saw them and grabbed the launch lever. He ripped it back, instantly killing the beam, but not before Omega Squad was sucked out of sight.

  ‘We did it!’ TEX hollered as he vanished into the bowels of Battle Book 3.

  ‘Damn them!’ Dr Vandakrol cursed, glancing nervously at the Board of Controllers. They scowled back at the doctor, and cursed as well.

  ‘It’s total chaos!’ Battle Agent 016 yelled.

  Sigma Squad had arrived in Troy in the midst of its destruction by the Greeks who had sneaked into the city in the Trojan Horse. Buildings were ablaze, a pall of smoke blanketed the ancient city, and the smell of destruction mingled with the stench of death. The night air rang out with screams and shouts and cries for help as fear turned streets, lanes and alleys into rivers of fleeing humanity. The squad had landed in the marketplace and was being pushed and shoved back by the flood of terrified Trojans.

  ‘We’ll never make it to the Temple of Zeus,’ he said.

  ‘Rubbish,’ Alpha Agent 002 replied with a sneer. ‘We’ll do it easy.’

  ‘But how do we get through all these people?’

  ‘Like this. Watch and learn.’

  Alpha Two pulled an Electro-Mag Disintegrator Gun from the holster on his back and fired a sharp burst into the crowd. Trojans fell to the ground, glowing intensely for a second before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Battle Agent 016 gasped.

  Alpha Two laughed. ‘Your turn, Sixteen.’

  BA016 shook his head. ‘I don’t want to. They’re people.’

  ‘Don’t be stupid. They died ages ago. They’re just energy avatars, nothing more.’

  ‘I don’t care. They’re still frightened people to me. I can’t shoot them down in cold blood.’

  ‘You’ll do as you’re told, BA016. Shoot them! That’s an order!’

  Sixteen pulled his Electro-Mag Disintegrator slowly from his back holster and aimed at the oncoming crowd. But he saw men, women and children, their faces twisted with fear, and lowered his weapon.

  ‘No,’ he shouted. ‘I can’t do it.’

  ‘You wimp!’ Alpha Two scowled. ‘I’ll do it for you, then,’ he said and fired one long round from his Electro-Mag Disintegrator into the Trojans.

  Battle Agent 011 joined in as well, and together they tore a pathway through the crowd. BA016 followed close behind, but turned his eyes away from the mayhem caused by the other two squad members.

  * * *

  ‘This is hard work,’ said BA009.

  Omega Squad was slowly making its way through the narrow streets of Troy, fighting against the throng of fleeing Trojans.

  ‘It’d be a lot harder if we didn’t have TEX,’ said BA004.

  The super soldier was leading the squad, using his huge frame to part the crowd as it bore down on them.

  Five was right behind TEX, checking co-ordinates to make sure they were taking the quickest route to the Temple of Zeus. But he was finding the going hardest of all. The overpowering sadness, the fear and anguish in everyone’s eyes, the endless pitiful wailing, and the pall of death hanging over everything – it all wrapped around him like a fog, his memories rushing back. Soon he was reliving that mission to Troy from years ago.


  He heard himself calling the Trojan princess, begging her to go with him. He felt her hand in his as he dragged her towards the Exit Beam, her beautiful, tragic eyes searching his.

  He saw her pale, ghost-like face fading in front of his eyes until there was nothing.


  ‘Five? Is anything the matter?’

  He suddenly snapped out of the reverie. Nine was shaking him, her face close to his.

  ‘Are you okay?’ she asked. Four and TEX had also stopped and were staring at him, concerned.

  ‘I’m fine,’ Five spluttered. ‘Memories, that’s all. They can seem so real sometimes. I’d forgotten how awful the fall of Troy was.’

  ‘Of course,’ said 009. ‘You’ve been here before. When you were a Battle Boy. I just wanted to make sure we were heading the right way.’

  Five checked his Battle Watch and nodded. ‘Not too far now.’ He pointed towards a narrow lane on the far side of the marketplace. ‘We need to go down there.’

  TEX peered ahead with his hawk-vision. ‘We’re not the only ones going that way. Sigma Squad is ahead of us. And they’re . . . ’ TEX paused, a frown creeping over his brow. ‘I don’t believe it. They can’t be.’

  ‘What?!’ Five, Nine and Four yelled together, craning their necks to see what Sigma Squad was doing.

  ‘They’re killing Trojans,’ TEX replied. ‘Blasting them with their EMDs. Mowing them down like flies.’

  ‘They’re animals,’ Nine shouted with disgust. ‘Worse than animals.’

  ‘And they’re mad as well,’ Five added. ‘What they’re doing could seriously endanger all of us. Am I right, Skin?’

  ‘Affirmative, BA005. Every Trojan they destroy creates a small energy vacuum. These vacuums can grow and combine, mutating into energy dark holes that can impact upon Battle Book stability. If they persist, Battle Book 3 could become extremely unstable and possibly even implode.’

  ‘In other words we’ve got to stop them,’ said Five. ‘ASAP!’

  ‘Come on, then,’ TEX yelled. ‘Let’s get over there pronto.’

  The super soldier puffed himself up to look as fierce as possible, growling and snarling like a huge ogre. His trick worked well; the fleeing Trojans gave him a wide berth and Omega Squad raced across the marketplace and reached the laneway just before the Sigma agents slipped from view.

  ‘Hold it right there,’ Five shouted.
br />   Sigma Squad stopped on the spot and spun around. Alpha Agent 002 laughed.

  ‘Amoeba Squad, eh?’ he sneered. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’

  ‘You’ve got to sto —’

  ‘We’d love to stop but we’re on a mission. Remember what they are?’

  ‘You don’t understand. If you keep —’

  ‘No, you don’t understand.’ Alpha Two turned to his offsiders and muttered from the corner of his mouth. ‘When I give the order, blast these losers to eternity.’

  Battle Agent 011 nodded, but 016 shook his head. ‘We’re not going to kill them, are we?’

  ‘No, Sixteen, we’re going to kiss them, you idiot.’

  BA016 backed away. ‘You really are mad.’ Then he turned and ran towards Omega Squad, shouting at the top of his lungs. ‘Get down. He’s —’

  Alpha Two immediately fired on Sixteen with his EMD. But the fleeing Battle Agent ducked and weaved between a line of statues. The blasts missed him, hitting the statues instead and toppling them one after the other. With about thirty metres left to reach Omega Squad, an exhausted Sixteen slid behind one of the statues.

  Shaking with fury, Alpha Two turned his weapon on Omega Squad, joined by BA011. The squad dropped behind a fountain; the lethal rays from the Sigma weapons hummed over the top of them or ricocheted off the fountain.

  Alpha Two cursed. ‘We’ll just have to bury them alive,’ he said, and directed his gun on the buildings lining the laneway. ‘Use demolition-strength microwaves,’ he told BA011.

  In a matter of seconds the walls buckled and bowed, and suddenly exploded, filling the laneway with a mountain of rubble and a great plume of dust.

  ‘That’s taken care of those losers,’ Alpha Two sneered. ‘Now let’s get this Chronos Stone.’


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