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Raising Steam

Page 19

by Peter Rhodan

  Arturo briefly considered taking over Deva as well but decided that for the moment he had enough on his plate with the upcoming elections and securing the rest of the wall. The commander at Vindolanda was still disinclined to come into the Republican fold so Arturo began preparing to force the issue, once the election was over. He decided that securing the northern frontier from sea to sea was the next move to make, strategically speaking.

  The rail line north progressed rapidly over the fairly easy terrain and a week before the election a single line was opened to Alladraef. Rail traffic was still only light and the whole rail network was barely covering operating costs, with the mineral traffic producing most of the revenue as few people were using it for passenger journeys as yet. Arturo was certain that would change in time as the advantages the rail line provided to distance travel were made more obvious as the line was extended.

  Two days before the election Arturo was at the carpenter’s shop where he and the carpenter were working on a loom design that could be steam powered when a mounted trooper arrived with an urgent message from the fort asking for Arturo's attendance. Oween was at Arcadius’ house so it was just himself and his two bodyguards who accompanied the messenger over the new stone bridge that had been built to make traversing the river easier. The skies were darkening, surprise, surprise and it was clearly going to rain later given the greyness the clouds exhibited off where the weather was coming from.

  They rode up the hill to the fort, although it was slowly becoming more of a modern style military base, he thought with a smile to himself as he rode in. Even if the building materials were brick, timber and stone rather than the modern materials of the Federation. Despite the grumbling the west wall had been knocked down and new barracks were being built of brick and cement, using the wall stones for floor pads. Eventually the base would extend for some miles across the land to the west and north to encompass not only room to house the full strength of three and half thousand plus men or more, but also room for training exercises and later a firing range once he got gunpowder weapons sorted.

  The sentries at the gate saluted as the small party rode through and he smiled to himself at this manifestation of the changes he was bringing into being. His slow and limited introduction of Federation military practices were gradually transforming the Roman forces he now commanded. The Roman military structure had been efficient for what it was but was not really suitable for the modern style formations he was gradually designing. He already had plans for a proper military college at Maglona although it would still be some time before he actually implemented it. He and Melwyn had drawn up a rough plan for the university at Alladraef. The initial campus called for four colleges, Medicine, History, Engineering and Teaching. He really wanted science as well but there was simply no one around yet with any expertise in that field, apart from himself. And his scientific knowledge was not a that of a specialist science teacher.

  Inside the fort he was met by Valerius, Legatus of the First Legion, Hernann who was now his stand in aide for Oween, Brennus and Con Llewellyn who were the Tribunes of the two infantry cohorts. Plus Aurelius Gervonius who was now the Tribune of the cavalry cohort. Alongside all the senior officers of the Legion stood a tall young man with reddish yellow hair and a well-trimmed moustache of the same colour. He looked very much the young Brython lord even though he wore a roman style muscled cuirass and had a Sarmatian style helmet under his arm. Beyond him Arturo could see several more men who were obviously tribesmen although rather uniform looking ones. They all wore the same style of cloak and the same coloured trousers if with some variation in shades although their shirts were a riot of designs and colours. Interesting.

  Valerius stepped forward. “Arturo, allow me to introduce Corotoc, son of Owain, King of the Votandi.” He paused then waved a hand in a small gesture. “Corotoc, this is Arturo Sandus, Dux Exercitus Primus and Conciliator elect for the province of Britannia Secunda.”

  The tall Brython bowed and held out his arm to clasp Arturo’s when he extended it. “Greetings Arturo, Dux of the Romans. My father has sent me in part to assure you of the continued peaceful intentions of the Votandi following King Cluen’s attack upon you. The Votandi have maintained peaceful relations with Rome for many years now and my father sees no reason why that should change.”

  Arturo smiled. “Indeed. Well then neither do I.” He answered smiling at the young tribesman.

  Corotoc smiled a little in return. “There was some concern that after your decisive victory over the Selgovae that you would seek to reassert Rome’s claims all the way to the old wall in the north.”

  Arturo nodded in acknowledgement. “I seriously doubt I have anywhere near enough men to achieve anything so grand. And while the small piece of land I acquired from the Selgovae has been officially declared to be part of the old province of Valeria, that is more a local political move on my part that anything.”

  “I see. Local political move? I am not sure I understand.”

  Arturo pointed towards the main headquarters building. “Walk with me and I will explain. You see the new Republic I am creating will be ruled by the Concillium Romanum, the elected representatives of the Roman people, much like the citizens used to vote directly themselves when Rome was but a single city. Each province will elect a person to serve as Conciliator for a three year term in the Concillium. This will be the law making and decision making body that decides the fate of the Empire. At the moment I barely control one part of one province so the Concillium Romanum is a bit unrepresentative. By declaring that area we acquired part of the old province of Valeria I get second province and second Conciliator to ad to my Concillium so that is not just me on my own running things. Small apples I know but it is start.”

  Corotoc nodded as if he took it all in but Arturo was not sure the Brython grasped exactly what Arturo was imparting. Besides, the Selgovae farmers who had elected to stay were not Roman citizens as yet so the only voters in the tiny province would be any Romans who took up some of the available land there. And they would all be loyal to Arturo to a large extent. He made no mention of his plan that that small bridgehead would be the basis of the eventual re-conquest of the whole province. “But enough of that. What brings you to Dervent?”

  Corotoc looked around at the bustling fort, stopping in surprise as he saw that the western wall was obviously part way through being demolished but refrained from asking anything about the strange sight and continued his survey of the fort’s inside. The new Selgovae ‘volunteers’ were already getting used to the army routine and in camp at least, were almost indistinguishable from the veterans. Corotoc could discern subtle differences in hair style and such like that set the enforced locals apart from the veterans but already there was homogenous feel to the whole body of men. “My father has requested that I come and apply to serve in your army. Along with twenty young warriors who have volunteered to accompany me.”

  “I see. The army I am building is a bit more complicated than a tribal horde you understand. You would need to start, well maybe not in the ranks but at the bottom of the officer ranks and then work your way up.”

  Corotoc turned to face him holding out his hands in a placating manner. “That will not be difficult for me as my father was careful to beat out any, ah, shall say, unreasonable expectations of what I am due because of my rank? If you follow me. I have come to learn Lord Arturo. I would be treated as you would any other recruit.”

  Arturo smiled. “Well I think you would find being an ordinary recruit somewhat difficult to take. You are a Prince after all. Can you read and write?”

  Corotoc shook his head. “My father has some knowledge of the Latin script but I have none I am afraid. I can speak it well enough.”

  “Well that is a start. All our military commands are in Latin. Would you be willing to learn? My officers can all read and write you see as it is part of the requirement for the rank of officer. We have a school here that besides teaching children also has evening courses fo
r adults who wish to learn. A couple of the men are studying at present in the hope of being promoted.” He accompanied this with a wave in the general direction of the town across the stream, sorry river. He still found the locals insistence on calling what was little more than a brook a river rather amusing.

  Corotoc hesitated and looked back at his men following behind. Coeda had not accompanied him saying he was too old to be taking orders from a Roman. The men with him had all been at the battle and seen what the Roman army did to the Selgovae. Yes, the ditches had been a surprise, but there was something about this Roman army that was different to the ones he heard the tales about. His father had been puzzled by his comment to that effect but had not argued with him too much as he had not been at the battle himself after all.

  “Yes. I am willing to study in the evenings to learn.” He didn’t seem overly keen on the idea but that was fine with Arturo.

  “Good man. If any of your warriors are interested they may study as well. Your men are willing to serve in a Legion? To follow orders and obey my officers?

  “Aye. They all volunteered for this. I cannot promise how long we will remain with you, if my father is threatened by Pechti or one of the northern tribes he may call us home at any time.”

  Arturo nodded. He turned to Valerius. “What do you think my friend?”

  Valerius stroked his chin and looked hard at Corotoc. “I’m thinking you may be teaching a future enemy our tricks. On the other hand, we may be ensuring the good relations between us and the Votandi continue through the next generation. In the old days the Votandi were always the foremost in taking action against us Romans but of late the opposite has been true” He paused then spoke directly to Corotoc. “We play no favourites in this army. You will have to follow orders and behave like a Roman. If you fuck up you will get punished like any other junior officer would. Do you understand?”

  Corotoc nodded solemnly. “I understand Legatus Valerius. I ask to be treated no differently than any other Roman officer.”

  Valerius regarded him for a few moments then turned aside to Hernann. “Take Ensign Corotoc to Centurion Owedd. Tell him that Ensign Corotoc is on probation and will understudy Ensign Harulex. If he proves suitable he will be the next one to be given a squad.”

  Hernann saluted. “Sir.”

  Valerius cocked an eye at Corotoc. “Have his men distributed to the first cohort.” Corotoc simply looked bland. Valerius relaxed a little and held out his arm. “Welcome to the army Prince.”

  Prince Corotoc clasped arms then tried to copy the salute Hernann performed before being led off. Valerius watched him and his men disappear into the camp. “Interesting development.”

  Arturo nodded. “Very. And I followed what you were saying about historical matters. In time it won’t matter, hopefully. Right. Seeing as I’m back here early I was thinking we’ll take the second cohort with us to scare that fellow in Vindolanda, as well as the whole of the second legion.” The other officers who were still standing around nodded in agreement. “The rail line will reach Maglona before winter and if we’re lucky, given the larger workforce we have now, we might even get it to Lugowalion.”

  Valerius pointed across the river where one of the steam engines sat in the Dervent station waiting to take a train south to Wern. “Until I actually saw one of those things I could not get my head around what advantage they would be. It would obviously take time to load and unload and so forth. Easier just to march or so I thought. And then I saw the real thing and the light dawned.”

  Arturo smiled. “They are not the answer to everything. For a start a clever enemy could send raiders to disrupt the lines in our rear while the engines themselves are cantankerous and breakdown frequently although I expect that to improve over time.”

  Valerius nodded but held up a hand. “But once the line is finished right through we will be able to load an entire century aboard a train here in the morning and be unloaded in Lugowalion before lunch time. That is simply, um, well it’s incredible to an old soldier like myself!”

  Arturo nodded. He did not choose to enlighten him about the way the Federation moved forces around. “And you know the best thing?” Valerius shook his head in negation. “This is just the beginning.” Arturo said smiling, nodded to them all without saying anything further and headed to his quarters, dismissing the others with a wave.

  Chapter 14


  Prince Corotoc found that the first week of his service in the Roman army passed in a blur. On his first day he was outfitted in an officer's uniform, being given three in fact. The uniform was the same blue green colour all the men wore but had a yellow band above the wrist hem coloured unit identity band and he was given triangular shaped pins to wear on the collar, each of these emblems signifying he was an Ensign. He was allowed to keep his breastplate for service in the field and his helmet for day to day wear. He found Ensign Harulex to be a slightly chubby, red haired lad from Gallia who had had some knowledge of letters before coming to Dervent and joining the Republican army and had been promoted to Ensign after the battle of Dervent. He was a friendly young man of perhaps twenty summers who found it hard to strike a balance between their military ranks and Corotoc’s Princely social standing.

  They had barely left the uniform building when the air was rent by a high pitched scream the like of which Corotoc had never heard before. He started and began looking around in fear. Harulex laughed heartily and continued to do so when he saw Corotoc getting upset. Finally, when Corotoc looked like he would begin physical abuse, he pointed outside the fort. “It’s just a train.” At Corotoc's blank look he grabbed the nobleman and dragged him out through the south gate. He pointed across the river to Dervent and to where the was a large flat area between them and the town beyond it.

  Riding in he had not really looked at the town beyond a quick glance, his attention had been focused on the fort full of Roman soldiers and how they would react to his arrival. Now though, he looked out across the river to where the town of Dervent lay and noticed several things immediately. The Town still had a few of the traditional round Brython style houses but they were surrounded by a large number of rectangular buildings that Corotoc guessed were Roman style construction. There a lot of such buildings and some were quite large. There was one under construction to the left with a wooden frame and he guessed piles of bricks sitting around waiting to be made into the walls of the building.

  Over beyond the town proper he could see some large indistinct buildings and two enormous chimneys the like of which he had never seen before. There was smoke billowing from the top of both but the light breeze coming in off the sea was blowing the smoke towards the mountains to the east, which Corotoc thought was probably a good thing. In front of the town, sort of, was a large flat area with what looked like ribbons of metal lying on the ground. Beyond these was an embankment or wall, he wasn’t sure which, fronting a flat area that he could see a couple of people standing on. Beyond the flat area, about halfway along, was a large two storey building with many windows and a high pointed roof which had two brick chimneys projecting above it, one at each end of the building.

  Then there were the five wagon or carriage type things standing on the metal strips in front of the centre of the embankment. “That sound was from that steam locomotive. It is getting ready to haul those carriages down to Wern. Should be setting out any moment” Harulex informed him, pointing at the collection of wheeled vehicles standing there.

  “Steam locomotive?” Corotoc queried peering at the lead metal beast. It was shaped like a large barrel lying on its side with a tall metal chimney thing sticking up at the front from which a wisp of smoke was escaping. There was a horizontal metal tube shape lower down at the front and it was mounted on presumably four wheels although only the two closest could be seen. There was a metal rod running from the horizontal tube back to the rear, larger wheels. At the back of the barrel there was a boxy metal section and then a platform which two men were standing
on it. Behind them was another four wheel wagon thing with what appeared to be a proper barrel and some back stuff that Corotoc couldn't identify as far away as he was.

  Behind these two vehicles came the three vehicles Harulex had named as carriages each of which looked like the bodies of two Roman horse drawn carriages butted together and mounted on a wheeled chassis, rather longer than the one at the head with the barrel on it. It was hard to get a clear look as they were hidden by buildings in the foreground. “Yes. Steam locomotive." Harulex commented clearly enjoying a moment of superiority due to his local knowledge. "You know how if you have a lid on a pot that is boiling, the steam will push the lid up every so often so it can escape?”

  Corotoc nodded and Harulex continued. “Well that locomotive does the same thing, sort of. The metal box at the back is the firebox, rather like the stoves we have in the barracks. They burn coal in there and the hot gases are led through the barrel thing in pipes. The barrel is full of water and the hot gasses from the fire make heat it up and convert the water to steam.” Just then he was interrupted by another eldritch scream and this time Corotoc could see the white jet of steam shooting up from above the rear of the barrel thing. It repeated the dose almost immediately. The distance was such that Corotoc could see the steam just before he heard the sound.

  Then there was a billow of steam from around the front of the engine and the thing began to move off very slowly. Smoke started shooting up out of the chimney at the front of the barrel shape combined with a chuffing sound, which was repeated along with more billowing steam at the front as the thing slowly gathered speed. The sound lessened but the chuffing repeated more quickly as the metal beast got into stride, the wheels turning faster while less steam billowed up at the front and it gradually headed south trailing the collection of vehicles behind it. Never had Corotoc been more surprised by something in all his life.


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