Mystics, Masters, Saints, and Sages
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fear,andIletmyselffallintothatvoid.Ihavenorecollectionofwhathappenedafter that.
I was awakened by the chirping of a bird outside the window. I had never heard such a sound before. My eyes were still closed, and I saw the image of a precious diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, this is what it would be like. I openedmyeyes.Thefirstlightofdawnwasfilteringthroughthecurtains.Without
anythought,Ifelt,Iknew,thatthereisinfinitelymoretolightthanwerealize.That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came into my eyes. I got up and walked around the room. I recognized the room, and yet I knew thatIhadnevertrulyseenitbefore.Everythingwasfreshandpristine,asifithadjust come into existence. I picked up things, a pencil, an empty bottle, marveling at the beautyandalivenessofitall.
That day I walked around the city in utter amazement at the miracle of life on earth,asifIhadjustbeenbornintothisworld.
Afterthat,itdiminishedsomewhatinintensity,orperhapsitjustseemedtobecauseit becamemynaturalstate.Icouldstillfunctionintheworld,althoughIrealizedthat
didn'tunderstanditatall.Itwasn'tuntilseveralyearslater,afterIhadreadspiritual textsandspenttimewithspiritualteachers,thatIrealizedthatwhateverybodywas
looking for had already happened to me. I understood that the intense pressure of suffering that night must have forced my consciousness to withdraw from its
of the mind. This withdrawal must have been so complete that this false, suffering selfimmediatelycollapsed,justasifaplughadbeenpulledoutofaninflatabletoy.
purestatepriortoidentificationwithform.LaterIalsolearnedtogointothatinner timelessanddeathlessrealmthatIhadoriginallyperceivedasavoidandremainfully
conscious. I dwelt in states of such indescribable bliss and sacredness that even the original experience I just described pales in comparison. A time came when, for a while,Iwasleftwithnothingonthephysicalplane.Ihadnorelationships,nojob,no home,nosociallydefinedidentity.Ispentalmosttwoyearssittingonparkbenchesin
than any experience is the undercurrent of peace that has never left me since then.
Sometimes it is very strong, almost palpable, and others can feel it too. At other times,itissomewhereinthebackground,likeadistantmelody.
Can you give it to me, or show me how to get it?” And I would say: “You have it already. You just can't feel it because your mind is making too much noise.” That answerlatergrewintothebookthatyouareholdinginyourhands.
From ThePowerofNowbyEckhartTolle.
A. H. ALMAAS is the pen name of A. Hameed Ali, a contemporary Kuwaiti-born
spiritual teacher, author, and founder of the Ridhwan School and the Diamond
numerous books and in a new guide written by John Davis, is a combination of spirituality and psychology. Ali received training in physics, mathematics, and psychology. Just prior to receiving his doctorate in physics, he left the scientific worldtoseekanswerstothedeeperquestionsoflife,wheresciencehadfailedhim.
Ali founded the Ridhwan School in 1975, in Berkeley, California, and Boulder, Colorado,tomakehisteachingsavailabletostudents,whocurrentlynumbernearlya
Ali brings together an intellectual appreciation of psychology and depth
the realization of one's Essence or inner self. His “autobiographical fragment”
LuminousNight'sJourney,fromwhichourselectionisexcerpted,revealsadeepand profound journey into his own Essence. In reading his experiences, it is easy to recognize that he is not speaking merely intellectually, but from the deep inner knowing of a genuine mystic. Ali and his students believe that the aspects of one's Essence are available through examining the ego and personality in a path of rediscovery.
one of the teachers he has trained, explore their feelings, thoughts, and actions in small groups or individually. They work with intuitive, emotional, and rational processes, breathwork, and subtle energies in a spiritual context. The object of this methodistoopen,purify,andclarifythesoulinordertomorefullyexperienceone's
experience, opening the soul to Essence, and experiencing Being through direct contact with the qualities of awareness, emptiness, and presence. Although the DiamondApproachisunique,itparallelsandenhancesotherspiritualapproachesby
examining the psychology of the obstacles and problems that occur during the
Ali's enthusiasm for understanding and explaining both philosophical and
psychological concepts is evident in his many books, tapes, and videos. He and his studentsteachwell-receivedcoursesandholdretreatsthroughoutNorthAmericaand
The selection comes from Almaas' book, Luminous Night's Journey: An
I wake up in the morning with a slight tension at the left shoulder. There is discomfortwiththetension.Simplybeingawareofthetensionseemstoinfluenceit
by making it expand. It becomes a line of tension along the left side of the chest, enfoldedbyasoftcushionysensation.
This line is a manifestation of the ego-self that I call the “egoline.” It usually accompanies a specific psychic contraction that corresponds to the presence of the individualityofego.Inotherwords,theego-lineisthephysicalmanifestationofthe ego structure that gives the personality or ego-self the sense of being a separate individual,anautonomousperson.Thelineoftensionisadirectindicationthatthe senseofbeinganindividualontheegolevelisacontractionofconsciousness.This separate individuality of ego is formed or defined mostly by the separating boundaries,bothbodilyandpsychological.
The soft cushiony sensation around the line of tension turns out to be a
manifestation of consciousness that relates to a false sense of being a person. This makessense,fortheego-linerepresentsthepersonofego,whichisnotanessential
form, but imitates the essential form of the personal essence. As I recognize its falseness, it begins slowly to flake off, falling off the line of tension like dead skin fallingoffamummy.Thisprocessgoesonformostoftheday.
aware of it as part of my conscious experience. At some point, this contemplation opens the way for a very subtle insight: my concern about the contraction is inseparable from the contraction. The concern involves a desire for the contraction nottobethere,whichInowrecognizeasmyhopetogobeyondit.Theplastictube
contraction is the presence of the individual of ego in the posture of hoping to go beyonditself.Thehopeisinseparablefromthecontraction,becauseitisthefuture-oriented attitude of the personality, which is the contraction. As I see this, the contraction begins to dissolve. The tube of contraction first dissolves in the head, which eliminates the mental concern. A beautiful sky-blue quality of consciousness appears in the head, bringing a sense of mental rest and relaxation. Poignant settlednessofallagitationinthehead.Theheadfeelsfilledbyadelicioussensation thatseemstosmoothlydissolveanyforminthispartofthebody.
sense of being a person, and become an awareness that recedes indefinitely, as if backward, from the familiar sense of being a person, until I recognize myself as a new kind of witnessing. I become an immaterial witness, not located within a personalconsciousness.Ifindmyselftobeawitnessingofallphenomena.
Anewobstaclearisesatthispoint,abeliefthatconstitutesaresistanceagainstthis newmanifestation.Thisbeliefinterfereswiththesenseofwitnessing,withouttotally
eliminatingit.Thebeliefisthattherewillbenopersonallife,nopersonalliving,if thereisnoenmeshmentinlife.Thisexposesthebeliefaspartoftheinertiaofbeing
myself as a full presence, rounded as a pearl, but transparent and sweet. I feel personal, even though I am a pure presence of transparent consciousness. This transparentfullnesshasasubtlesweetness,makingitfeelslightlysticky,orgummy.
of the experience is that I am a person with no qualities, only a personal presence, devoidofimagesorpsychologicalboundaries.SinceIcanbeapersonwithoutbeing
That night, during dinner, the leaden heaviness appears again, scattering the
it disintegrates most of my capacity for attention and presence. Strong resistances arise, feelings of rubbery thickness, wooden dryness, amorphous states of
consciousness, and many other confused and chaotic sensations. I feel the leaden roundedheavinesspushingfrominside,scatteringwhateverconsciousnessitmeetsin
its way. At this point I realize that the power of this heaviness arises from the transformationoftheleadenconsciousnessintosomethingmuchmoresubstantialand
powerful. The lead pearl has transformed into the shiny gray existence pearl, like a largepearlofhematite.
I feel personal but immense, a person of Being so dense that my substantiality eclipsesthephysicalsubstantialityofthebody.Themostdefinitefeelingisasenseof personal existence. I feel intensely real, existing so fundamentally that the mind cannot conceive of this reality. I experience myself as a person, and this person is composed of pure existence. Existence of Being, essential and fundamental, and independentofthemind,formstheveryatomsofwhatIam.Iamexistence,beyond
allthoughtofexistence.Thesenseoftruthandrealityisimmenselyprofound;itfeels deeper than the universe itself. And this unimaginably real sense of existence has a very subtle sense of being a person— a person not defined by history or mind, not confinedbycharactertraitsorrelationships,butapersonwhoexists,andthatisall.
This experience of being so real and certain as a person continues throughout dinner.Icontinuetoconversewithmydinnercompanions,whileIamspontaneously
attending to the inner transformation. The unusually substantial sense of presence affectstheatmosphereatdinnerinasubtlewaynotrecognizedbymycompanions.
The conversation merely turns towards basic things in life, less abstract and more personal.Mybodyfeelsasifallofitsatomsarepulleddownward,asifgravityhas
Irealizethatthereisnorealbasisforbelievingthatinordertohaveapersonallife I need to be enmeshed in it. This is true for the person of ego, who is formed by images and psychological patterns. Now, however, I have the certainty that my personalexistenceisbeyondanyofthat.Mypersonalexistenceisbeyondmindand
history, for it is an essential manifestation of the fundamental existence of Being. I can be a person, and live a personal life in a truly involved way, without being enmeshedinanyofitsparticulars.Thisiscertain.
I have experienced my presence in the essential form of the pearl innumerable times. This essential form manifests mostly as a luminous white pearl, but can manifestinthecolorofanyessentialaspect,likethedeepskyblueofdirectknowing, the emerald green of loving kindness, or the shiny gold of truth. In each of these manifestations, the particular aspect, with all its alchemical characteristics, is experiencedalongwiththecharacteristicofpersonalness.Thepresenceofthepearl signifiesauthenticpersonalness,whichrevealsthepossibilityoflivingapersonallife fromtheviewofBeing.
The existence pearl is the new development of the personal aspect of Being. It is quite amazing to see how Being resolves a particular issue, or answers a real question,notbyaninsightorideabutbythepresentationofanessentialformofits owntruth.TheresolutionisanexperienceofBeing,inoneofitspureanduniversal forms, and not merely the dissolution of an obstacle or the end of a conflict. The beautifulthingaboutsucharesolutionishowexactandpreciseitis.Beingresponds withtheprecisestateneededfortheresolution,astatenotanticipatedbythemind, arising as an unexpected discovery. Such experiences demonstrate the awesome intelligence that Being possesses, which can only fill us with awe, and heart-felt gratitudeandtrust.
life if there were no enmeshment in it. I believed I would not exist as a person if I were not enmeshed in the particulars of my life. Being revealed, through its messenger, the nous, that my personal existence is an essential manifestation of Being,independentofmindandsituations,andhencestandsonitsown,independent
ofmentalreactions.Inotherwords,Icanliveapersonallifebymerelybeing,formy personal existence is a part of Being. There is no real threat to my personal existence. Before this point, I had not experienced existence of Being, itself, as a personal presence. The response of Being to my concern is exquisitely precise, beyondallexpectations.
By the time dinner is over, the density and substantiality suddenly evaporate, revealing a vastness beyond comprehension. I do not perceive this vastness, but I recognizeitasmyveryidentity.Iexperiencemyselfasthevastsilentdarkemptiness.
nottrappedintheparticularsofpersonallifeandhistory.Icanbepresentaspersonal existence, or I can transcend all personal experience. I am then the unchanging background witnessing, which has been revealing itself in the midst of personal experience, in glimpses and intimations, flashes and intuitions. Now this awareness revealsitselffully,astheuniversalwitness.
I experience myself as beyond everything, literally everything, and not just
everything in my personal life. I am a silent witness, vast and unchanging, beyond time and all space. I am absolutely still, totally uninvolved, but completely aware.