Book Read Free

Unexpected Ties

Page 7

by Gina Dartt

  “Nikki tells me that you’re both avid campers and hikers. I’m glad to hear that because I’ll probably need all the help I can get.”

  “Aw, you’ll be okay,” Debbie told her. “It’s an easy campground.”

  Nikki squeezed Kate lightly. “It’s not like what they do when they go camping. These guys just grab their packs and go into the woods. We’ll be in a park.”

  “It’s a midrange area,” Audrey said. “There aren’t any electrical hookups or registration office, but there are fire pits, picnic tables, and refuse cans, plus it’s free. No site fee.”

  Kate wasn’t really assured by this pronouncement, but she didn’t pursue it because the door opened and a teenager entered the store. The girl was wearing a somewhat shapeless dress, looking very uncomfortable in it, and Kate suspected that this was her next appointment. The teen drifted over to the magazine stand, glancing over to the counter now and again, and Kate was struck by the look in her pale eyes. It was almost hungry, as if she saw something there she wanted, yet was desperately afraid of it at the same time.

  Nikki had apparently recognized the arrival as the probable applicant and dipped her head in unspoken agreement that she would continue to cover the counter. Kate excused herself to Audrey and Debbie before moving over to where the girl stood pretending to study the covers of the magazines.

  “Beth? I’m Kate Shannon.” The girl’s handshake wasn’t particu-larly firm, but it was clear to Kate that she was very shy. Obviously, this was someone who would benefit greatly from working with the public.

  “Hello.” Beth’s voice was very soft. She was a little overweight, with brown hair that fell to her shoulders. Kate suspected her hairdresser could do wonders with it. Even though she hadn’t hired the girl, she was already planning what she would do to bring out the best in her.

  “My office is in the back.” As they walked to the storage room, Kate glanced sideways at her prospective employee. She could do something about those clothes as well, she thought with all the zeal of a missionary. Just give me a few weeks.

  Chapter Ten

  Nikki finished filling Powder’s bowl with fresh water and glanced around the apartment to make sure she wasn’t forgetting anything. She looked forward to introducing Kate to the community down in the city, including elements such as gay bars that Kate had only read about. Nikki laughed at herself, suspecting that whatever she had read about was bound to be more exciting than the reality. As cosmopolitan as Halifax was to the Maritimes, it was still a far cry from cities like Toronto and Montreal, not that Nikki had ever sampled the nightlife there either.

  Still, even if Kate didn’t enjoy the bar scene, she would like Venus Envy, known as much for its books and candles as for its other merchandise. The only person in Truro who sold similar merchandise was an entrepreneur in Bible Hill who peddled fireworks out of his back yard. In addition to the roman candles and firecrackers, an entire wall of adult toys was hidden behind a large flag in the garage that doubled as his store. Nikki much preferred the quiet elegance of Venus Envy. It didn’t leave her feeling as if she needed a shower.

  She heard a sharp toot outside, from a black and silver SUV idling in the parking lot. She waved, though she wasn’t sure Kate could see her, and snatched up her small overnight bag, making sure the door was locked behind her. After she climbed into the passenger seat of the “dykemobile,” she leaned over and kissed Kate on the cheek.

  Kate flashed her a quick smile and shifted into drive, pulling out onto Queen Street and coasting to the intersection where she waited for the light. She wore a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt and a gray blazer, and Nikki found her incredibly sexy.

  “How did the interviews go? I didn’t have a chance to ask before I left.”

  “Very well.” Kate’s hair blew lightly about her face from the breeze coming in through her window. She was a careful driver, both hands always on the wheel, paying close attention to the traffic around her as her gaze shifted often to check her rearview and side mirrors. Nikki always felt completely safe with her.

  “Have you decided which student you’re going to hire?”

  Kate sighed. “It’s tough. Todd is the better choice, I think. He seems well organized, he knows how to apply himself if his Web site is any indication, and he seems more self-possessed.”

  “Web site?”

  “He has this extensive Web site devoted to Lord of the Rings. I know that sounds somewhat frivolous, but honestly, the amount of work that would have gone into creating it is incredible. He has reams of information organized into easily navigable paths. I was impressed. Plus he has a great deal of natural charm. The customers would take to him, despite all those rings hanging from his face.”


  “But Beth would benefit far more from being hired.” They turned down the street leading to the 102. “She’s quite shy and withdrawn, and she doesn’t have any fashion sense whatsoever. But she seems very intelligent.”

  Nikki made a small sound in the back of her throat, one of rueful amusement. “Sounds like someone I used to know.”

  Kate glanced at her as they accelerated down the swooping ramp onto the TransCanada. “Were you like that?”

  “Not far from it.” Nikki grinned. “I’m still not far from it.”

  “So you see my dilemma.” A moment passed as they considered the problem.

  “Hire them both.”

  Obviously surprised, Kate turned her head to look at her. “What?”

  “I mean, can you afford to hire them both?”

  “I can. The store…well, it would be tight, but yes, I could fit both salaries into the budget, particularly with the government incentives for hiring students.” She tilted her head. “But besides not having to choose between them, what reason would I have?”

  “Kate, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve worked Friday night and Saturdays, even when you had help. I bet you’d work Thursday evenings too, except you reserve it and Tuesday night for all your social clubs and charities.”


  “So who says you always have to work six days a week? Why not hire both students so you can take Friday night and Saturday off? Give yourself a break.”

  “I want and need to work, Nikki.”

  “I know that, and I’m not saying that you should give up working altogether.” Nikki took her time. “I don’t know if you noticed, but between my job and yours, we don’t get to spend as much time together as I would like.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “I have a vacation coming up at the end of September. I want to spend that time with you, maybe even take a trip somewhere, but that can’t happen if you’re working.” She lifted an eyebrow. “When was the last time you took a vacation?”

  “I don’t know. It’s been quite a while.”

  Nikki put her hand lightly on Kate’s thigh, feeling the muscles in it flex as Kate pressed on the accelerator. “Sweetie, you may need and want to work, but there is such a thing as working too much.”

  Kate made a face. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should hire them both.”

  Nikki slid her hand higher on Kate’s leg so that her fingers were perilously close to the heat radiating through the blue jeans. “It would be to your advantage. I want to spend plenty of private time with you.”

  Kate shifted away from the caress. “Not while I’m driving.” She sounded chiding but amused.

  Nikki chuckled but obediently withdrew her hand and focused on fishing some CDs out of the console. She selected a Dixie Chicks CD and put it in the player. Leaning back in her seat, she studied the profile of her lover, feeling amazingly happy and content.

  “Do you know how much I love you?”

  Kate smiled, a flash of white teeth between her wine-shaded lips. “As much as I love you?”


  Kate glanced at her. “Perhaps. Perhaps not.”

  Nikki grinned, then looked at the highway. There wasn’t much traffic at this time o
f day; it should take less time to reach the city than they anticipated.

  “Where exactly is this store?”

  “On Barrington Street, across from the Discovery Center. Do you know where that is?”

  “I can find it. Eastside Mario’s isn’t far from it. Maybe we could meet Susan there for dinner.”

  “Great.” Nikki didn’t add that Introspections was also close by. She wondered if Susan would mind dropping into a gay bar for a few hours. Somehow, she didn’t think so. Susan was remarkably open and liberal, more so than Kate in some ways.

  As they approached Halifax, Nikki fell silent. They were coming in from the Dartmouth side, crossing one of the two major bridges that spanned the harbor between the twin cities. She enjoyed looking down at the dramatic sweep of the city skyline, the deep blue waters of the harbor, and the varied ships docked along the shore. Her friend Audrey was the captain of a tugboat and had undoubtedly helped bring in some of the massive vessels, including the American ships and submarines that were much larger than anything the Canadian navy boasted.

  Before long, they had crossed the bridge and made the turn onto Barrington Street, running parallel to the waterfront. Kate decided to park in the lot across from Sackville Landing, which meant they would have to walk a few blocks up a fairly steep hill, but neither of them minded the exertion. People who lived in downtown Halifax usually had great calf muscles, the hilly streets surrounding the harbor providing plenty of exercise.

  Nikki watched Kate’s expression as they entered Venus Envy. The store was brightly lit, with tall wooden bookshelves and tables displaying an array of candles and knickknacks. Kate seemed lost right away, avidly perusing the various sections. Despite owning her own bookstore, she enjoyed shopping for books as much as Nikki did, and they delighted in finding out-of-the-way shops that offered an unusual selection. Even though Kate handled offerings from a host of independent publishers, she found several books here that she didn’t have, and from the furrow in her brow, Nikki knew she was making notes about buying a few for her own store.

  The other merchandise was located along the back wall and not readily apparent. As Kate walked around the last shelf, she was confronted with an impressive collection of adult toys and the store’s most infamous display: a large rack of dildos in a dizzying selection of colors, shapes, and sizes. A sign helpfully encouraged the customers, “Please, play with the toys.”

  “Oh, my God.”

  Nikki resisted the urge to snicker.

  “I, uh, thought this was a gay bookstore.” Kate said in bemusement.

  “It is, but mostly it’s a store for women, and for those that love them. That’s their slogan, as a matter of fact.”

  Kate swallowed, the muscles of her throat moving visibly. “Is this why you wanted to come here?”

  “Well, you can find some of this stuff in Truro—”

  “You can?” Kate stared at her in pure disbelief.

  Nikki chuckled. “Sure, but it’s a lot nicer to shop for it here.” She tilted her head curiously. “Does it bother you?”

  Kate shook her head. “I just…I, ah…didn’t know you were into…uh, this sort of thing.”

  “I’m not, necessarily. I mean, I certainly don’t need any of this stuff. I just thought it would be fun for us to check it out.” Nikki slipped her arm around Kate’s waist and whispered next to her ear, “Be honest, Kate, wouldn’t you like to give a few of these things a try? We don’t have to, but wouldn’t it be interesting to experiment a little?”

  Nikki heard Kate’s breath catch and felt her tremble. Her color was rather high, her cheeks wore a rosy glow.

  “I didn’t expect this.”

  Nikki picked up a rabbit-shaped vibrator that had a variety of functions.

  “Imagine this in action.” She turned it on. The demos all were ready to operate. “See how the ears vibrate. If you were using it, the tips of the ears would be right against your—”

  “I get the picture,” Kate interrupted, glancing over her shoulder.

  Nikki tried not to laugh. “It’s a little too hard and plastic for my liking.” She put it carefully back on the shelf and inclined her head at the silicone and gel dildos. “Perhaps one of those would be better?”

  She shut her mouth and let Kate make up her own mind. But if she could judge the glint in those bluish-gray eyes, and she suspected that she could quite well by now, Kate was intrigued. Definitely intrigued.


  Kate found it difficult to breathe, knowing her face was flaming as certain images danced in her mind, inspired by all the adult accessories.

  “Well,” she managed in what she hoped was a diffident air, “I suppose we could pick up a few items, just to have them on hand.”

  Nikki’s soft chuckle near her ear was positively lascivious, and a thrill shot up Kate’s spine, zapping her groin like an electrical charge. It was from either the possibilities opening up to her, the taste of the forbidden, or just the proximity of the woman she loved so much. She had never considered utilizing aids to enhance the sexual experience, though she and Nikki constantly explored new sensations and experiences. To Kate’s surprise, as well as expressing their deeper emotions, making love with Nikki was pure and simple fun. Sometimes they laughed so hard in bed that they could barely catch their breaths, enjoying each other not just as lovers, but also as playmates. Were “toys” such an odd addition to that interaction?

  Gathering her courage, she picked up a smaller black dildo, surprised at how pleasant it felt in her hand. Soft and smooth, it was filled with some gelatinous material that maintained its firmness, yet was yielding at the same time. Nikki had drifted away and was now browsing through the contraptions hanging on the wall, a varied collection of leather straps, belts, and buckles. Kate had never seen that type of harness, but she knew what it could be used for, and she considered the dildo in her hand with renewed deliberation.

  As Nikki turned and suddenly smiled, Kate envisioned her actually utilizing the combination of merchandise to pleasure her as a man would.

  She shivered. Sex with her husband had never been terrible, mostly because of her honest affection and caring for him, but it had never been particularly pleasant, either. Yet, imagining Nikki offering the same sort of physicality left Kate aching with desire and longing to explore such carnal delights as soon as possible.

  “What do you think of this?” Nerves made her voice quiver, leaving her embarrassed.

  Nikki took it from her and evaluated it carefully. “For you or me?” she teased, as she eyed her from beneath her lashes.

  “Maybe both?” Kate moistened her lips, her mouth dry.

  “Would you like to do me like that, Kate?” Nikki moved close to Kate, speaking in a low voice. “Spread me out on the bed and just fuck me?”

  The sudden surge of passion that swept through Kate left her weak in the knees. She had never experienced such an erotic sensation, and Nikki wasn’t even touching her. Heat radiated from Nikki, brushing over her like a palpable thing, and if they weren’t in public, Kate would immediately leap on her and tear her clothes completely off.

  Nikki drew back, smiling gently as if she knew her effect. “I think that could be arranged.”

  Kate thought she would faint.

  “We’ll need a belt,” Nikki continued in a conversational tone. “Leather, I think…one with a vibrator attachment maybe? We’ll need lubrication, too.”

  They spent the next few moments carefully choosing accessories. Kate was amazed to be actually shopping for things she had only heard about in dirty jokes and catalogues sent in plain brown wrappers.

  If only the Historical Society could see me now. They’d probably drop dead of a collective heart attack. As it was, Kate wasn’t entirely steady on her feet as Nikki added some massage oil, several candles, and a few books to the pile, and then carried everything over to the counter. The salesclerk treated the transaction as casually as if they had been buying a pack of gum, leaving Kate both relieved
and wondering exactly what she had expected, that the girl behind the counter would leer and ask what they were going to do with all this equipment?

  She was still shaky when they left, blinking in the bright sunshine.

  “Are you all right?”

  She felt suddenly as if their ages were reversed, she the callow youth exposed to an adult world that she had never imagined.

  “I’m just…I guess I’m not used to this.”

  “Was it fun?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Let’s take this back to the car.” Nikki lifted the bag. “Do you want to call Susan?”

  “That’s a good idea.” Kate dug into her pocket for her cell phone. As they walked back to the car, she made arrangements for her to meet them at the nearby restaurant.

  “It’ll take her about an hour to get dressed and call a cab,” Kate explained after she had cut the connection.

  Nikki shut the trunk, their new acquisitions safely stored from sight. “Want to walk along the waterfront?”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  When Nikki took her hand, Kate decided that she must be more comfortable showing affection in the city than at home, perhaps because they were more anonymous here, far away from the small town mentality of Truro. They walked along the landing and noted the newly constructed sculptures and a museum, several shops, picturesque docks, and a graveled trail right next to the water.

  It was colder here, the wind stiff as it came off the harbor, chilling Kate as she huddled in her light jacket. They sat on a bench, and Nikki put her arm around her, warming her with her body heat.

  “I’m glad you suggested we come down this weekend.” Kate murmured.

  “I am, too.” Kate felt her deposit a kiss on the top of her head. “I really enjoy spending time with you, Kate. Even if we weren’t a couple, I’d want to spend every moment with you. I like you.”

  Kate was touched. She knew Nikki wasn’t always comfortable speaking about her feelings, perhaps because of her previous heartbreaking affair. Nikki hesitated to share what was on her mind and was constantly on guard, never letting most people know what she felt. Kate understood. She didn’t always know how to express her love and desire for Nikki either.


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