Book Read Free

Unexpected Ties

Page 12

by Gina Dartt

  Nikki doubted that she would ever be able to refuse Kate anything, particularly when she wore that little puppy expression. “I don’t mind,” she said, not entirely truthfully. “What would you like to see?”

  Kate shrugged unhelpfully. “Just around. Maybe we could go for a walk. It’s a gorgeous morning. I hate to be out in such beautiful surroundings and waste the opportunity, particularly when I’m already playing hooky from work.”

  Nikki glanced unobtrusively at her watch, checking the time, before she nodded. “All right. I guess I can take you to my special place.”

  Kate’s face lit up. “You have a special place?”

  Nikki tried not to squirm as she began to walk down the driveway toward the road. “Once in awhile, I just wanted to get away from everyone. Sometimes I still come out here even if I don’t stop at the farm, just to, I don’t know, be by myself.” She glanced sideways at Kate. “Being out here is different than being alone in town. I don’t know if that makes sense.”

  “It does.” Kate took Nikki’s hand. “It’s so peaceful here. No cars or noise in the background, only the wind in the trees.”

  “And the water.” Warmed by Kate’s understanding, Nikki turned down a lane that opened into a small gravel pit. “There’s a trail through here. It’s not far.”

  Nikki led the way through the gravel pit, then up the rutted road to the rise. A small path led into the woods, and, letting go of Kate’s hand for the moment, Nikki ducked into the trees, winding her way through the ferns and underbrush, always moving upward until she stopped at a small clearing. A cliff dropped about twenty feet, and before them spread a panoramic view of the Shubenacadie River, making its way through the green hills of Colchester County. A tidal river, it was currently at its lowest point, a thin stream cutting through expansive mudflats, and Nikki grinned as she realized her timing had been good for a change. She was aware of Kate stopping beside her, her face expressive as she looked out over the expanse of the river.


  Nikki took her hand. “No, that has yet to come. You know that pathetic excuse for a tidal bore that the Salmon River gets in Truro?”

  “I’ve seen it.”

  “This is the real tidal bore. It shouldn’t be long now.”

  “How wonderful.” Kate sounded really delighted.

  Nikki looked into the distance where the river turned a bend, knowing the tidal bore would first appear there. The Bay of Fundy produced the highest tides in the world, rushing up the ever-narrowing stretch between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, through the Minas Channel to the Minas Basin, then into Cobequid Bay with its rivers. So strong was this tidal action that it crested in a wave that flowed up the river, a mass of seawater surging in its wake. It was like seeing a dam break twice a day, and what took six hours to reach low tide took a relatively short time to refill.

  Nikki and Kate watched in awe as the mass of water finally turned the bend in the distance and began to spread out over the river before them, rapidly covering the sandbars and filling the wide expanse between the riverbanks where only a thin, muddy channel had trickled such a short time before.

  “It doesn’t matter how many times I see that, I still think it’s cool.” The rush of water in Nikki’s ears was like a soothing melody, filling her with peace and contentment.

  “It’s very impressive. Now I understand why the tidal bore is considered such a tourist attraction.”

  “Too bad some of them go away thinking that the Salmon River version is the best there is. It’s even better earlier in the early part of the year, when the ice has just thawed and there’s a full moon.”

  Kate squeezed her hand and pulled her around. Nikki looked down into her face, soft and vulnerable. “Thank you for showing me this spot. It means a lot that you would share this with me.”

  “I wanted to share it with you.”

  The gentle blue-gray eyes mesmerized Nikki, and as she kissed Kate, she knew that this was their place now, not just hers, that the memory they were making this day would stay with them forever. Of course, if their relationship didn’t work out, this special place would be forever lost to Nikki, but she pushed the unhappy thought aside and concentrated only on kissing her lover.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kate leaned back into Nikki’s arms, watching as the river filled quickly, amazed by the surging water. Where it flowed around rippled sandbars and met on the other end, there was roiling confrontation, violent and fierce. She could easily imagine how so many people had died by ignoring the changing of the tide along the Bay of Fundy. It came up so quickly and could circle around, cutting off any retreat to the shore. Once it reached a person, they would have little chance of escaping the strong current that would sweep them away. Kate shivered as she shoved the disconcerting thought away.

  They were sitting on the side of the cliff, Kate draping her legs over the edge and supporting her feet on a tiny ledge beneath. Nikki was behind her, her arms circling her in a warm embrace, her chin resting on Kate’s shoulder as they stared out at the water.

  Gradually, Kate became aware of a humming noise, and she lifted her head and tried to pinpoint it.

  Nikki must have felt her confusion because her arms tightened, and she put her mouth next to Kate’s ear.” There, near the bend. Rafters. They ride the white water that occurs when the tide comes in over the sandbars.”

  “I’ve heard of them.” Kate saw the three yellow inflatable rafts appear, filled with life-jacketed customers who had paid almost a hundred dollars each for the thrill of being on the river amid the rollicking tide. “I always thought it would be interesting to try.”

  Nikki shrugged. “I prefer to look from here. In fact, I’ve always resented them suddenly showing up while I’m trying to enjoy the view. I can’t blame the operators for wanting to make a buck, but it takes away from the peacefulness.”

  “It’s still beautiful scenery.”

  “Hmm, I’d still rather look at the bald eagles.” Nikki nudged Kate, pointing across the river. “There’s one now.”

  Kate followed Nikki’s outstretched arm, watching as the stately bird sailed over the river, its large wingspan astonishing, for she had rarely seen the creatures outside of television documentaries or the local wildlife park.

  “They nest along here, though the better place to see them is at the Cadel Rapids on the Fort Ellis Road.”

  “Will you take me there?”

  “Soon,” Nikki promised.

  Kate breathed deeply, enchanted by the surroundings. The cliffs that edged the river were a unique red-brown color, streaked with lighter granite formations. She could see a few houses far off in the distance and, to her left, the Goss Bridge that stretched across the river to Hants County on the other side. The rafters were below them now, bouncing over the waves caused by the tidal action, getting as much from each rough patch as possible before moving up the river. Eventually, the persistent buzzing noise of their motors faded away as they passed beyond the bridge and moved out of sight, following the tide.

  Kate snuggled closer to her lover, feeling Nikki’s arms tighten around her protectively, and she smiled. “I can see why you love it here.”

  “I’m glad you’re here with me,” Nikki responded huskily and kissed Kate’s neck, nuzzling her hair as she slipped her hands beneath Kate’s T-shirt.

  A tingle radiated through Kate, and she closed her eyes as Nikki began to trace sensual trails over her skin, moving over her stomach, then up to her breasts. “Nikki?”


  Kate turned her head, allowing Nikki to kiss her, a long, slow melting kiss that left no confusion about what her lover had in mind.

  “Oh, my,” she murmured when they finally parted for breath. “Outside?”

  “It can be more romantic in theory than reality, but I just want you so much right now.”

  “Oh” was all Kate managed before Nikki covered her mouth once more, kissing her deeply. “Are you sure it’s safe?”
r />   “No one will see us.”

  Kate hesitated for another second before surrendering completely, her head falling back onto her lover’s shoulder, her eyes closing as Nikki unfastened her bra and began to explore the soft swells of her breasts without encumbrance. Her fingertips were inquisitive on Kate’s nipples, playing with them tenderly, making them harden until the touch was almost painful. Nikki’s thighs were aligned beside Kate’s, and Kate could feel the muscles in them flex as she grasped them tightly, holding on desperately as she responded to her lover’s hands.

  “You like this, don’t you?” Nikki whispered hotly into her ear, and Kate moaned her agreement, finding it difficult to reply any more coherently. “I love touching you like this. You’re so soft…so smooth…”

  Kate swallowed against a mouth gone dry and jerked again as Nikki reached down and unfastened her jeans, sliding her hand beneath the fabric to her panties and the heat radiating through them. Kate spread her legs wider, unable to resist undulating against the maddening sensation as Nikki rubbed her through the lace material before finally slipping her fingers beneath the elastic band and touching the tender flesh beneath.

  “God, you’re so ready for me,” Nikki told her huskily, moving her hand rhythmically against the sensitive ridge as she cupped Kate’s right breast tightly with her other hand, her thumb chafing the nipple in a corresponding motion. The combination was delightful, and Kate felt the pleasure build steadily, rising within her as strongly as the tide on the river below. She moaned, trembling as the sensation increased, until, abruptly, it peaked. She felt the contractions ripple through her loins, hard spasms that forced Nikki to hold her tight in a grip of steel to keep her from pitching forward off the cliff and into the river below.

  Slowly, slowly, Kate felt the tremors ease, coming back to herself and Nikki’s sheltering embrace. The sound of the breeze in the trees above her and the strong rush of water surrounded her with their power, making her feel both primal and infinitely peaceful.

  “My God,” she whispered.

  Nikki nipped at her earlobe, hugging her lovingly. “You liked that?”

  “Very much,” Kate said, slowing her respiration with an effort. “That was wonderful. Thank you so much.”

  Nikki chuckled lightly as she drew her hand away and refastened Kate’s jeans, then used both hands to secure her bra and tug her shirt back down. “You’re so very welcome.”

  Kate tried to turn. “What about you?” Nikki tightened her embrace, forestalling the attempt.

  “I’m fine. I just love being here with you. This will be a more special place to me in the future.”

  Kate glanced back at her doubtfully. “Are you sure?”

  Nikki pulled her back against her and kissed her neck tenderly. “I’m sure. I love you, Kate.”

  “I love you, too, my darling. You introduce me to such wonderful experiences.”

  They sat for a few more moments, enjoying the view and each other’s company. The breeze had picked up when, finally, Nikki released her embrace, rising to her feet and reaching down to help Kate to hers. She hugged her one last time, kissing her tenderly. “We should be getting back.”

  “I guess so,” Kate agreed, not all that anxious to end this special time.

  As if reading her thoughts, Nikki took her hand in a warm grip, urging her gently to follow. Kate allowed herself to be tugged along, still pleasantly dazed from the afterglow, a smile curving her lips as Nikki led her back through the trees. As they descended to the gravel pit and began to walk along the road, she took a moment to make sure she didn’t look as mussed as she felt, tucking her shirt into her jeans and raking her fingers through her hair, neatening it. She was doubly glad she had straightened herself up when they came in sight of the farmhouse and discovered a car parked beside Nikki’s. Nikki stiffened abruptly when she saw it.

  “Damn, they must have come back from town early. That or we took a lot longer than I thought.”

  Kate glanced at her and squeezed her fingers when Nikki tried to pull them away. “It will be all right, darling. I’m right here with you.”

  Nikki’s steps faltered, but Kate didn’t pause, and Nikki was forced to keep up as they approached the barnyard. The couple standing next to the car looked familiar to Kate, though she suspected it was more the family resemblance than anything else. The man was tall and sparse, with a white fringe of hair around his smooth head, his features strong, if too rugged to be really handsome. His pale blue eyes assessed Kate keenly as she walked toward him. Beside him, a thin woman in a cotton dress, her light hair streaked with gray, was equally as blatant in her regard of Kate.

  Kate put a bright smile on her face and extended her hand, not waiting for anyone else to make the first move. “Mr. and Mrs. Harris, I’m Kate Shannon. Nikki’s told me a great deal about you.” She was aware of Nikki glancing at her with a combination of bemusement and uncertainty, but she didn’t say anything, apparently content to allow Kate to take the initiative.

  “Nikki has mentioned you,” Adele Harris said quietly, taking Kate’s hand and squeezing it briefly. Kate could see that Nikki had inherited her looks from her mother, particularly around the eyes and mouth. But the nose came directly from her father, as did her chin.

  “Mrs. Shannon.” Lorne’s voice was cool, not necessarily unfriendly but with a certain amount of reserve. He shook her hand firmly when offered, and Kate decided that the couple was basically a “show-me” type. They simply weren’t going to accept her at face value. She supposed that was fair, since her family was much the same way.

  “You’re picking up your canoe?” That was addressed to Nikki, and Kate thought it a rather obvious question since the boat was strapped down to the car. It was the sort of thing offered when one didn’t know what else to say.

  “The annual canoe trip is tomorrow,” Nikki told her mother woodenly.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Kate interjected cheerfully, maintaining her presence in the conversation. Nikki’s parents glanced at her, and she deliberately put her arm around Nikki’s waist. “I’ve never really been camping before so I’ll have to rely on Nikki to look out for me.”

  A certain amount of silence greeted this statement before Lorne glanced at his youngest daughter. “She’ll take good care of you. Nikki knows her way around the woods. Always has since she was little. You’ll have a good time.”

  Nikki looked somewhat stunned at this comment, as well as by Kate’s affectionate gesture. Kate’s heart went out to Nikki. Obviously, this was a very difficult moment for her, though Kate suspected that her lover was actually making more of it than she really had to.

  “I understand you own a bookstore?” Adele was gamely trying to keep the conversation going.

  Perhaps Nikki was too close to the situation, Kate decided. It was easy to see that Nikki’s parents wanted to connect with their daughter; they just didn’t quite understand how to handle the whole situation. Kate decided then and there that she would make a concentrated effort to build a relationship among all of them. She would start by acting naturally, and she was sure that they would respond in kind.

  “That’s how Nikki and I met, actually.” Kate offered Adele a warm smile. “She was one of my best customers. Still is, of course, though now she gets the family discount.”

  Nikki stared at Kate as if she had never seen her before while Kate wondered if the sense of distance from her family was all in Nikki’s mind, generated by assumption, speculation, and a lack of communication.

  “Nikki has always enjoyed reading.” Adele glanced at her husband before extending her hand tentatively toward Kate. “Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?”

  Kate opened her mouth to accept when Nikki finally managed to find her voice. “We need to get back.” She quickly moved away from Kate’s arm and over to her car, where she opened the driver’s door. “It gets busy in the store in the afternoons, and Kate needs to be there.”

  “Of course.” Lorne sounded regret
ful. “We’ll have to get together another time.”

  “I would love that.” Kate grasped Adele’s hand. “It was very nice to meet you both.”

  “Our number is in the book.” Adele looked earnestly at Kate as she squeezed her fingers. “Give us a call sometime.”

  Kate offered them a wave through the car window as Nikki pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road. She noticed that the couple stood and watched them leave, rather than going immediately into the house.

  “I’m sorry,” Nikki said softly after they were back on the pavement and speeding back to town. “I meant to be gone before they got back.”

  Kate put her hand reassuringly on the back of Nikki’s neck. “It really wasn’t that bad, darling. I think they rather liked me, in fact, or do your parents usually invite all your girlfriends in for tea?”

  Nikki’s face froze, and she looked stunned. “Uh, no. They’ve never invited anyone in. Do you think we should have accepted?” It was obvious the thought hadn’t occurred to her until that moment.

  “Don’t worry about it. We will next time.” Quite satisfied with how the morning had gone, Kate leaned back in her seat in quiet contemplation, watching the scenery on the way back to town.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Out on the water, Nikki found herself truly enjoying the day. The stops were frequent, the scenery spectacular, and the conversation lively. She honestly believed that Kate was having a good time. Her lover took the opportunity to speak with many of the women, particularly those who were the most shy, drawing them out with her charm and wit. Nikki kept an eye on the Summer Twins and their crowd so they wouldn’t get too close to her lover. Also, Nikki’s friends regaled Kate with their past adventures on the river, some of which were at Nikki’s expense, though that didn’t keep her from laughing just as hard as everyone else.


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