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Fire and Fantasy: A Limited Edition Collection of Urban and Epic Fantasy

Page 93

by CK Dawn

  She took a long shuddering breath and pushed away from him. “We have to figure out what to do. We need a plan.”

  Gabe smiled down at her, an unspoken pride radiating through his eyes. His faith in her gave Cassie the ability to think through the pain. She was discovering all kinds of power within herself and she couldn’t help but wonder the source of that strength, her angel or her demon side.

  They sat on the rug in front of the fireplace and gazed at the crackling heat inside.

  “We’ve been avoiding talking about it all this time, Gabe,” Cassie said. “We can’t avoid it anymore. My birthday is coming and whatever needs to happen will happen.”

  “We haven’t spoken about it because we needed to concentrate on getting you ready. And I needed your head clear. I needed you focused.” Cassie felt his eyes on her face but didn’t turn toward him.

  “Yeah, well, I’m as prepared as I’m ever going to get but my head is not clear anymore.” She bit her bottom lip as thoughts of Zoey filled her head. “Any suggestions?”

  “First priority is your friend now. Am I right?” He turned her face to stare into her eyes. “You don’t have to say anything. I didn’t expect it to be otherwise.”

  She nodded unable to find the words. He spoke for her. “If we can figure out a way to get Zoey out safe, then you’ll be able to think without distractions, without impediments to your decision.”

  When she found her voice again, she muttered, “Sounds so simple.” The floor suddenly held her interest. Well, anything would do as long as she could look away from his knowing gaze.

  Gabe took one of her hands in his strong grip, and tried to meet her eyes once more. “If we can’t get to her...” He paused and started again adapting a more even tone, “Cassie, as your guardian, I need to remind you...” He stopped again to sigh, and then bent down further so Cassie could not avoid his gaze. “I appreciate this is your friend. I get it. I do. But you need to understand she can’t be your number one concern. There are much bigger things at stake here.” He touched his finger to her mouth when she made a move to speak. “I know this sounds heartless to you. But please believe me, it’s not. The lives of many people rely on this decision. I wish it wasn’t so. I wish I could take away that burden from you. But I can’t and nothing can change it.”

  “You’re wrong, Gabe.” She stood up, pulling her hands away and crossing them over her chest. “Zoey’s life is my number one priority. The second that changes, I lose a piece of my humanity, a piece of myself. I give into whatever demon blood flows inside me.” She started to pace, lost in her emotions. Memories of their friendship bounded through her mind like an old filmstrip. “I have to think of Zoey above all else right now because she’s what makes me human. Her friendship, what we share, it’s something no demon or angel could understand.”

  She regretted the last words the second she uttered them. A fleeting look of pain passed on Gabe’s face, but it was enough for her to catch. She shook her head.

  “I didn’t say that to hurt you, Gabe. But the way you’re being honest with me, I need to be honest with you. My humanity is what I have to hold on to, it’s what will balance me. It’s who I am.”

  Gabe didn’t speak. His breathing slowed. At last he nodded, his face a mask of resolve. “I understand,” he said. “We’ll do it your way. Your humanity is what I love most about you and I’ll do what needs to be done to preserve it.”

  A floodgate of emotions opened in Cassie’s heart at his words. She knew no matter what might lay in their future, she could never, would never love any man more. Yet, plans had to be laid out. Declarations of love would have to remain on the back burner.

  Over the next two days, Cassie tried not to let herself think of Zoey, to little avail. Horrible images of her friend being tortured, eyes swollen, bruised skin, lips blue, kept plaguing Cassie. She thought of the way Gabe had looked just after Vegas. The nightmare of his experience kept her worrying about Zoey all during her waking hours and late into the night. Gabe had a chance to heal and recover, but he was a fallen angel. Zoey was only human. How could she survive?

  The seconds, minutes and hours dragged on as Cassie practically drove herself mad with worry. During the day, training, which she demanded be more intense than ever, kept her exhausted and helped block out the vile thoughts. The rest of the time, planning their moves against Val’s “visit,” helped as a distraction.

  But the nights provided no escape. Twisted dreams filled her restless sleep. When she’d wake up panting in the middle of the night, she’d stare at the ceiling for the remaining hours until the sun rose. It was the most haunting two days of her life. When the day she’d been waiting for in agony arrived, the morning of her birthday, Cassie would be ready to meet whatever came her way head on, even if only to escape the nightmares.


  The woods cast eerie shadows along the floor of the clearing as the full moon shone bright from above. Cassie paced amongst the shadows as the midnight hour approached ever nearer, ushering in her twenty-eighth birthday. Yet, as her steps increased with each passing moment, all she could think about was Zoey.

  “You don’t think he hurt her, right? He’s not that stupid.” Cassie’s voice cracked as she fought back tears.

  Gabe placed two strong hands on her shoulders, kneading the tension at her neck. “You have to hold it together. Whatever you decide is about to change everything.” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I know you’re worried about your friend, but there are bigger things at stake.”

  She bit down on her lower lip to fight the pain. “I know, but I can’t... I won’t...”

  “You’re not alone in this,” he said wrapping his arms around her in a tight hold. “I’m here with you.” He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. “I also made a few calls to invite some other guests to this little party.” He half smiled, before his face fell serious. “You should be able to choose freely. I won’t let anyone force your decision.”

  “If he tries to kill Zoey, I may not have a choice.” Her arms dropped to her sides. Her head hanging low.

  He placed a hand under her chin, raising her head to meet his eyes. “There’s always a choice, Cassie. We have a plan. Just trust me.”

  Gabe drew his tongue across her lips, and she shivered at the contact. I don’t want this to be goodbye. Her muscles tensed and her heart seemed to stop for a moment at the thought of losing him.

  “Go,” she whispered.

  “I won’t be far. If anything goes wrong...”

  “Just get Zoey.”

  He nodded and disappeared from her sight. In an instant, the air around her began to change, crackling with unknown energy. She jerked her head from one direction to the next, scanning the woods.

  “Zoey?” she called out afraid of what might answer from the darkness.

  Heavy silence filled the night. From the tree line, shapes emerged. Narrowing her eyes, Cassie began to distinguish the figures. Val appeared first, wearing a blank expression. Behind him trailed Dan with an unconscious Zoey in his grip. Cassie made a move toward them, but snatched back her step, forcing herself to remain still.

  “Hello, child. I’m sorry we’re not meeting under better circumstances,” Val said, extending his hand toward her. “Your disappearing act left me with few options.”

  “What did you do to Zoey?” She managed through gritted teeth.

  “The girl? Oh, yes...” Val glanced over his shoulder at the pair. “She’ll be fine...eventually.” He smirked. “As long as we can come to a suitable arrangement.”

  “Okay then, what the hell do you want?” She stole a quick glance to the right trying to spot Gabe.

  “Clever child. You’re too smart for such tactics.” With a fluid motion, he ripped Zoey from Dan’s arms and held her by the neck. She hung like a rag doll in his grip. “Let’s not play games.”

  “You’re right. Let’s not.” She inched closer. The adrenaline and months of training put her body o
n instant alert. “You’re pathetic. Some all powerful demon hiding behind a human. If you want me, here I am. But, I want you to spell it out. What exactly do you want?”

  “Hold this.” Val laughed a cold sinister sound in the night. He flung Zoey behind him as if discarding a piece of trash.

  A harsh cry rang out as Zoey regained consciousness and hit the frozen ground. Dan stalked her like a hungry predator. His lips curled in a sadistic sneer. Without warning, a jolt of energy hit him square in the chest knocking him backward. Gabe stood over him, anger radiating from every pore.

  “Tell me, you sick bastard, how do you want to die?”

  Dan cackled. “Maybe I should ask you that question.” A sharp whistle pierced the air. “So fallen, how many demons can you handle?”

  Gabe looked up to find a ring of demons closing in on him. “We’ll finish this later,” he spat and threw Dan aside.

  Cassie watched in horror as Gabe braced himself to meet the onslaught of demons. Struggling with indecision, she tore her eyes away and focused on Zoey. Her friend’s broken body lay a few feet from where Val stood. As fast as she could, she sprinted forward.

  As she closed the distance, a blur of movement caught her eye. It passed in front of her too fast, powerful hands encircling her waist. She spun around to stare into Val’s bottomless black eyes.

  “Now, back to business.” He let go of her waist to grab her by the wrists. “You can see you’re outnumbered and out of options.” He cast his free hand around as proof. “Be smart. Do the right thing. You have my word your loved ones will be safe.”

  “The word of a demon? What’s that worth?” A familiar husky voice sounded over Val’s shoulder.

  Cassie never thought the sight of Rafe would ever be so welcome. He winked at her as he circled around into full view. Black jeans, combat boots, and a burgundy-collared shirt replaced his usual suit. His casual posture might have fooled the novice onlooker, but the steel in his eyes revealed his true purpose. He wasn’t here for small talk.

  “You’re not welcome here, fallen,” Val said as he tightened his grip on Cassie. His large palm cut into both of her wrists as the bones pushed together. “This is a private party.”

  “But, I’ve been invited.” Rafe shot them a wolfish grin. “And I brought some friends.”

  All around them fallen and demons clashed. On the outskirts of the melee, Gabe fought with abandon as he made his way back to Cassie. A demon tore at his arm only to be thrown off with a powerful hook punch to the jaw. A second demon flew to his side and was greeted with an elbow to the nose. These moves by themselves would do nothing to take down the demons but the pulsing energy around Gabe grew stronger.

  Cassie screamed as a third demon, his large body all muscle, slammed into Gabe. The impact took both of them to the ground. The demon wound his arms around Gabe’s neck, trying to put him into a blood choke. Sparks of electricity, given off by their combined energy, flew all around them as they struggled on the cold ground. The demon’s energy threw off black flickers. Cassie had never seen anything like it before. But the all too familiar stench of standing water reached her nostrils. The black demonic energy had its own distinct smell. Gabe’s energy had a blue tint to it but never gave off any aroma.

  “No!” She screamed as Gabe gasped for air.

  “He’s one of my strongest,” Val whispered into her ear.

  Fear tingled through her, but Gabe gained the upper hand. He stood on top of the large demon, his own energy rippling with blue fire under his fist. The battle raged on as Gabe smashed his hand through the demon’s stomach. When he pulled it back out, a black oily substance coated the limb. The demon’s body stopped moving and Cassie turned her head away. She had imagined Gabe had done many violent things in his life as a warrior angel. After seeing the manner of the Angelic Council, she could have no doubts as to their nature, but to see it firsthand left her shaken. Yet, the fight marched onward and she could not take a backseat.

  Cassie struggled to break free as she watched the surrounding chaos. Val’s hold proved ironclad. She waited for any opportunity to catch him off guard. Rafe kept Val’s attention, but it wasn’t enough to get him to loosen his grip. Her patience served her well as a voice rang in her ears like church bells.

  “It is time Key. Let us through.”

  No arguments here. She laughed inwardly, grateful for once to hear Ariel’s voice. The Angelic Council’s presence surged forward, pressing on her mind. The angels might not be on her side, but they sure weren’t on the demons’ side either. Their company might help even the odds.

  “Okay,” Cassie said in a hushed tone. The pulls of celestial energy permeated her psyche. They begged for release, trapped behind an unforeseeable barrier. Concentrating on each of the angels distinct energy patterns, she imagined a wall falling away. The angels took shape, molding and forming in the physical forest clearing. As if by her will alone, a flash of light signaled their arrival and provided the perfect distraction.

  Cassie didn’t dare look to her handiwork. The angels could do whatever they liked. She had bigger problems, getting away from Val her number one at the moment. As Val focused on the angels, the tension on her wrists eased. She pulled back with impressive stealth and broke free of his grasp. Booking it, she dove for the cover of the tree line. Hidden behind a thick elm, she only then dared a look at the angels.

  From the clearing, Ariel glided to the forefront, her face a mask of neutrality. Her dazzling white wings arched over her head, vibrating as she spoke. “We will not intervene, but the balance must be preserved.”

  The angel Remiel floated next to her, his feet never touching the ground. “Yes. We will stand watch.” His tone ushered no argument. The bright golden hue of his wings stood in stark contrast to his dark hair. It made him look like one of the Egyptian gods etched in gold.

  The remaining angels, the soldiers of the Angelic Council, stood behind their leaders. The darker, almost copper color of their wings radiated a light through the clearing. The ground shone as if ignited by liquid fire.

  A snort broke the lull that had descended on the battle. “Wallflowers,” Rafe murmured with a shrug, then engaged Val with a fist to the jaw. As if on cue, the fighting resumed in full force.

  Ariel and Remiel folded their wings. The four angels beside them followed their lead. The display snuffed out the celestial light and punctuated their words. They had no intention of helping the fallen or Cassie.

  The sight made Cassie bristle. Look on the bright side, at least they’re not trying to kill you. The screams and cries of battle filled her ears. “No time to rest. Focus”.

  Glancing around, a familiar face caught her eye from the edge of the clearing. The fallen who had saved her from Dan in Vegas smashed a demon’s head into the ground. His long lanky frame and oily hair could have pegged him as a rocker instead of a fallen angel, but the energy surrounding him could leave no doubt.

  “Hey Snarky, could you get your ass in motion?” Rafe called to the same fallen as he continued to engage Val.

  Cassie tore her eyes away as Gabe reached her at the same moment and pulled her further into the cover of the trees. “Are you all right?” He asked looking her over.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “I feel a little strange, though.”

  “It’s your power starting to come through. You have to make your choice.” He brushed her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “And I want you to choose me.”

  “What are you talking about?” Surprise made her hesitate, before she realized the weight of his words. “I can’t do that! What about your redemption?”

  “The Light will always be a part of me, but my future is with you.” He stared into her eyes, and she found herself lost in his gaze. “I love you. I’ve made my choice.”

  Cassie remained speechless. Unshed tears of joy sprang to her eyes. More than anything she wanted to tell him how she felt, but as she began to respond, a bloodcurdling scream shattered the moment. A shared look of unde
rstanding had them both running toward the sound.

  The scene playing out in the clearing shook Cassie to the core. Dan crouched over Zoey’s body, a bloody knife in his hand and a grin of satisfaction across his face. Cassie’s heart twisted and a shout of denial escaped her as she raced toward her friend. Only her connection to Zoey and the shock of the situation made her reach them a second before Gabe, just enough time to put her training into good use. Dan’s head snapped back as her fist, encased in purple light, cracked against his temple. She’d never let loose such force before. The bastard fell to the ground in a heap.

  Demons descended upon them as Cassie knelt at Zoey’s side, her friend’s head cradled in her lap. She fought to stop the blood that ran from the knife wound in Zoey’s stomach. “Please, don’t die.”

  “We’re running out of time,” Gabe said as he fought off the approaching demons.

  “I don’t know what to do.” She sobbed.

  Zoey’s eyes flickered open. “Cassie,” she whispered.

  Warm lavender colored light glowed from Cassie’s hands as they pressed into the fatal wound. Energy radiated up her arms into her chest and flooded her body. The feeling of strength and power overwhelmed her with its intensity. The choice became clear.

  “Zoey.” She wiped away the blood and dried tears from her friend’s cheek. “I’m going to save you.” Lifting her hands from Zoey’s body, she grabbed for the discarded knife. With expert precision, she sliced a thin line on each of her palms. As the blood flowed down her fingers, she pressed them back to the wound, and chanted words in an unknown language. They spilled forth from her as if she’d known them her whole life.

  Shudders racked Zoey as the energy poured into her. Flesh and muscle forged together as if the wound had never been there. Purple light now encased her entire body in an otherworldly glow. She stared ahead as if looking through Cassie, not at her. A glow of health and life began to form in her eyes and the waves of energy dissipated.

  “Cassie?” Zoey said, a hand touching the spot where her wound had been. “What happened?”


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