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Fire and Fantasy: A Limited Edition Collection of Urban and Epic Fantasy

Page 371

by CK Dawn

  “You may not be mine yet, and I can’t tell you what to do, but a word from the wise, though. Stay away from Bruno and his crew. They don’t care if you are a woman or a man, if you get in their way, they will take you down in any way they deem necessary. No hunt is worth getting caught up with trash like that.”

  “That is kind of you, and I do appreciate your advice, but I can more than handle myself. Bruno and his friends should fear getting in my way.” The muscles in my face went slack, all but the ones in my jaw. My fingers twitched with the need to hold my bow.

  “It is dark out now, so they won’t be out hunting, and your stag is probably out there sleeping somewhere. We can drive you back to your camp site, but you are welcome to stay the night. I can take the couch. You can even have my bed.”

  “I can’t impose, and a car isn’t going to get me to where I need to be. I will be fine. I have excellent vision, and I do okay in the dark. Besides, the moon is full and giving off plenty of light.”

  A loud clank made Xander and me turn to look at Xena. She had dropped her fork and was clutching her side again.

  “I will stay tonight to make sure Xena doesn’t need me. But I will be on my way in the morning. I have imposed enough.” I stood up after taking another swig of my wine. “Let’s get you back into bed, Xena.”


  Enveloped in a blanket of pine and snow, my head swayed against Xander’s fluffy pillow. Maybe it was because my expectations had been so low, but I found myself pleasantly surprised by how luxurious his sleeping arrangements were.

  His cabin and living space were simple and rustic, but it seemed he spared no expense of thought in making sure he had a proper place to lay his head at night. My bare legs slid against his soft sheets, and I pictured what it would feel like to have him beside me.

  Of course, not for anything other than companionship.

  I kept telling myself that lie every time my mind drifted off to thoughts of his manly hands stroking me and holding me. No god had ever enticed me in this way. How could a simple man present himself with such strength and virility? Perhaps because he wasn’t a simple human, a god, or even a demigod. Xander was something new, different, powerful, and compassionate. He possessed all the best parts of a wild animal and a tamed human—an oxymoron I wanted to wrap my head around.

  There was no use in trying to sleep, and I wasn’t even sure I needed to so while I on Earth. Elysia had only given me seventy-two hours to complete my mission. She must have known sleep would not need to be factored into her stipulations.

  The oracles were known for their trickery. They found ways to get around telling all the truth just to confuse others and force them into breaking the bond that they made with them. They really had no desire to see anyone succeed or gain what it they truly wanted.

  Elysia was trapped and could never find her own true peace. Sure, she could give it to others, but what fun would that be? How would seeing their happiness give her the satisfaction she could never obtain?

  I had no choice but to take the risk. There wasn’t another way to get to Earth that I knew of, but that hadn’t stopped me from bluffing with her and threatening to leave her cavern. She’d probably known she’d had me pinned from the start.

  It mattered not. I had arrived, and my location was near Ceryn. What more could I have asked from her? Other than to have left my chastity and inhibitions alone.

  Staying at Xander’s cabin was a distraction I didn’t have time for. It was a way for the oracle to keep me from finding my truest companion, the long-lost, golden-horned stag, gifted to me by Orion.

  A light glow started to shine through the slats of the window coverings. Not being able to remember the last time I’d witnessed an earthbound sunrise, I decided it was time for me to make my exit.

  Xena had been in good shape when I’d left her the night before. Her babies were safe and healthy. I had every confidence that she would have a healthy delivery, with or without me. She didn’t need me, even though I wanted her to. As for Xander, his leg was on the mend and healing faster than he knew.

  I decided to keep Xena’s dress on and leave my fine leather hunting attire behind. Once I went back to Olympus, the articles would follow me since they were not of that world and did not belong. Xena and Xander had seemed surprised by my outfit, so on the off chance I ran into another mortal, I wanted to be clothed as a human.

  My bow and quiver would present to me no matter what I wore. All I needed to do was call on them, and they would appear. I would have been lost if anyone ever stole them from me.

  Careful not to wake Xena or Xander, I made my way through the quaint little abode. I tried to resist the urge to look back, but I had to. It was hard not to move in for a closer look. It amazed me how a creature could be so wild and so peaceful at the same time. I sighed as I eased the front door closed.

  The tree towered over me, shading me from the perfect view of the amber and gold painted skyline. Tempted to climb a tree and just watch, I reminded myself that I didn’t have time for that. Instead, I focused on enjoying the feel of the earth beneath the arches of my feet. The dirt and sticks crackled between my toes as I walked.

  Walking with quiet footsteps proved harder in that forest than any other I had hunted, but I didn’t care if I caused most of the wildlife to run. The creature I hunted would not run once he saw me.

  My eyes closed as I thought of our gazes meeting across a clearing in the woods. He would recognize me and come galloping, glad to know he finally had a way home to be with me and his four brothers.

  A snap and a crack, too loud to be a small woodland animal, had my eyes flashing open. Awakened from my daydream and alert, I scanned my surroundings, hopeful that my search would be over. As soon as I could send Ceryn back and not have to think about him, I could find a mortal man to seduce into loving me.

  The crinkling of dried leaves and twigs whispered through the air. behind me, too close for me to have noticed before. Another snap had me spinning on my heels, bow lifting and ready to draw back my string. This time, I had notched the arrow meant to send Ceryn back to Olympus.

  I turned fast and hard into what I thought was a tree. Instead, I found myself pointing my weapon at a shirtless and brooding man.

  “So, your plan is to shoot me, again?” Xander asked. His eyes narrowed with a hint of anger, but his lips twitched at the corner of his mouth, giving away his desire to smile.

  “If you didn’t keep popping up in front of my bow when I am hunting, you wouldn’t be in danger of being shot.” Point blank, I made it clear that it was his own fault if he got hurt again.

  “What are you doing out here so early? I sincerely hope you were not planning on leaving without saying goodbye.” He pressed his elbow against the tree to his left.

  I tried not to notice the way his tricep grew as it flexed to hold his weight up. My eyes fell, taking in the sight of him. He, too, was without footwear and even his feet were perfectly proportionate to his body.

  The hair on his chest tempted me, calling for me to run my fingers down it and onto his belly. Jeans were not something Olympians wore, and I couldn’t help thinking, if they only knew the effect they had on a woman that would change. The way they hang over his hips and hug just enough around his thighs… How could something so simple be so damn sexy?

  “I told you I only have two days here, and one of them is already behind us. That leaves me today and to find my stag.”

  “What if you don’t find him? Will you return again to complete your hunt?”

  “No, I am afraid that won’t be possible. If I don’t find him on this visit, I fear he will be lost to me forever.” My eyes felt heavy in their sockets as I looked to my bow on the ground.

  “Oh, I consider myself to be a very good hunter. Would you allow me to assist you?” He leaned down to help me with my weapon.

  He couldn’t. He shouldn’t. Could he even lift my bow? It was meant only for me, a goddess, or perhaps a god to have the capacity
to handle it.

  I reached for it at the same time. Our hands touched and our foreheads tapped against each other.

  “Owe!” I exclaimed releasing my hand to rub at my forehead. How did that sting so much? Getting hurt was always a possibility, I could even die by the right means, but I never would’ve imagined a tap from a mortal could hurt so much.

  “Are you okay? I’m so sorry.” Xander reached for me with one hand as he picked up the bow with the other.

  “Oh, you shouldn’t pick—”

  He picked it up, but how?

  “Huh? What? You don’t want anyone to touch your weapon?” he asked.

  “Honestly, I never really thought about it. No one ever has.” No god, man, or woman had ever. It didn’t seem to bother me. It should have though. “Do you know how to hunt with a bow?”

  “Not really. I tend to use my brawn as it is the only weapon I have ever really needed. I do keep a rifle in the cabin, but I have only shot it for fun.”

  “Target practice is the best isn’t it. I find the thrill of the hunt exhilarating, but practicing my accuracy and keeping my skills in peak shape are important. There is a different kind of rush from repeatedly knowing that you have unsurpassed aim.”

  “You really are passionate about hunting. What do you usually hunt for?”

  I couldn’t truthfully answer his question.

  “It depends on the when and the where, but I do honor and respect the wilderness and am very aware of what and when I hunt. I have my own set of rules I would never break.” I came back up to stand fully.

  “Tell me one of them?” His eyes zoned in on me with all his attention, making me feel as if I was the only thing in this world he cared to pay attention to.

  “I never take the life of a female, especially if she is pregnant.”

  “So, you are a feminist too then?”

  “I don’t really know what that means. Maybe.”

  “I’m just messing with you.” He held out the bow and leaned down to pick up the arrow.

  “Thank you.” Taking the bow, I resisted the urge to lunge for the arrow.

  His fingers laced around the shaft, and he looked up at me. His brows came together slightly with a look of confusion. He lifted the arrow, but I could tell it strained him to do so.

  “What is this thing made of, and how is it so heavy?” He examined the bolt and turned it in his hand. A glimmer shown on it, even though the sunlight didn’t shine down on us.

  “It is a special arrow meant for my Ceryn. It is a like a tranquilizer dart, but it is specifically engineered so that it does not harm him. I want to make sure he gets home to his brothers safely.” I took the arrow and tipped it over my shoulder and back into the quiver.


  “Yes, I have four more of his kind that roam my land. They have been separated for far too long.” I sighed and put my bow back where it belonged. I wanted to put the bow and arrow away and not be bothered with them, but that would have only opened a door to more questions from him.

  “I can respect that you want to protect animals, even though you are a hunter.” He nudged me with his elbow.

  “We all need to eat. Some animals are just fated to be part of the food chain, and that is okay with me as long as their lives are not taken in vain or for fun.” Pulling my eyes away from his, I started to walk. “I think having you along could prove to be useful. I would imagine you know this forest quite well.”

  “I do.”

  “Can you tell me or show me where your sister was saying her boyfriend and his friends like to hunt?”

  The muscles in his jaw tensed and pulsed. If I didn’t know any better, I would have sworn I heard him growl at me.

  “I think it wise to start off here. We can work our way in that direction. You always have tomorrow if we can’t find him around here. Although this forest seems very vast, we are at a fairly narrow top of the mountain, so he couldn’t have grazed too far off. Besides, there are some excellent wild berries not far from here. If he isn’t there indulging, we certainly will be able to.” He winked at me.

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters, Selene?”

  “In fact, I do. I, too, am a twin.”

  “You don’t say!” he grunted. “Huh.”

  “I have a twin brother. He was born after me. Even though we were born on the same day, I’ve always felt it was my job to help my mother look after him.” It would have been terrible difficult to have explained to him that I’d assisted my mother in her delivery as well.

  “My sister was born after me as well. It is amazing that we have so much in common. We are both twins, we both love to hunt, and we hate those who prey upon the helpless. If I had to guess, I’d say there is even more. It is a shame you will be leaving. I am really enjoying getting to know you.” He stopped and turned to me.

  “Would you do me the honor of joining us for breakfast? I must take Xena to the diner. She has to work today.”

  “I thought we agreed that she would be staying off her feet and not working again.” My lips pursed together, and my hands balled up into fists.

  “I asked her not to go, but she assured me she was just working the cash register today and not serving tables. Today is payday, and she said she needs to be there to get paid. She will need the money for diapers. Even though she might not seem like it, deep down, she is very independent and doesn't like to be indebted to me or anyone else. I do respect her for that, but sometimes a person needs to let their guard down and let those around them care for their needs.”

  “Even though it is against my better judgment, I will come back with you. I am not having any luck out here. If you promise to take me to that other spot, I will.”

  “That deal I can work with.”


  When Xander had asked me to join him for breakfast, I’d anticipated eating at the cabin again. Instead, Xena forced me into the shower, a fresh dress, and a pair of sandals. Sandals, I could work with since we wore them on Olympus.

  Nothing had prepared me for the ride in Xander’s pick-up truck though. Sure, I had driven and ridden in plenty of chariots in my time, but those were drawn by horse and stag. He mentioned something about the truck having horse power, but from what I could see, there were no horses involved in propelling us along the blacktop streets.

  Most of the route we traveled still consisted of dirt roads and was very rural. More so than I could have really fathomed. Olympus was by no means as populated as Earth, but because our homestead was nowhere near the same size, our population was much denser. A lot of Olympus felt like a city over anything else.

  “Xander, you know I love you and your truck, but it is getting harder and harder to get into this thing,” Xena mentioned from the back of the cab.

  “These bumps are not going to help you any either. For the record, which I am sure my opinion means nothing since I’m pretty much a stranger, I still strongly believe you should be home resting. It isn’t only your pregnancy you’re jeopardizing by pushing too hard, it is your own health and well-being.”

  Even though going to breakfast with them meant moving farther away from my target, a part of me felt better knowing I would be close by to help Xena if she needed me.

  I wanted to take her away from that place. She needed more than her brother could offer. She needed medical attention for her and the babies, and not the kind they forced on human women in the hospitals. The kind that only other women could offer.

  Having a baby, let alone two babies, was going to be a challenge for her. Who would care for them when she went back to work? I shuddered at the idea of her traveling in that big metal vehicle with them. How could it possibly be safe?

  “This is my last day, I promise. Jane knows I am at the end of my pregnancy. Boy will she be surprised when she finds out I am having twins.”

  I didn’t need to see her to know she was rubbing circles around her full belly.

  “Hey, did Selene tell you she is a twin too?” Xander
mentioned as he pulled into a gravel parking lot off the main stretch. The only other establishment around was a place that said, Trucks stop here - food and fuel.

  “Wow, what a coincidence. We are twins, she is a twin, and I am having twins.”

  There were certainly several coincidences. And, when they started to mount, that usually added up to something. The only question was to what.

  Xander parked the truck, got out, hurried over to my door, and opened it. It was a good thing too, considering I didn’t have a clue as to how to get out. He gave me his hand and guided me down.

  “Watch your step,” he said as I got down. After he shut the door, he opened Xena’s. She was going to need a lot more help than me.

  “You guys take any table you want when you get in. I am going to tell Jane that breakfast is on me.” Xena suggested.

  “Why would you want to have breakfast on you?” Did she mean she would dump it on her or she would lay there for us to feast from her swollen body? Neither made much sense to me.

  Xander glanced over at me, raised one brow, and started cracking up. He actually had to grab his belly he laughed so hard.

  “You are so cute and funny. I don’t know how you come up with this stuff.” As he held the door open for Xena and me, he smiled so hard I could see his molars.

  A small bell hanging from the top of the doorframe dinged as the door closed behind us.

  “Do you guys want coffee? I will just bring some over. My shift doesn't start for a few minutes,” Xena said as she stuck her small handbag behind the counter adjacent to the front door of the small and very old looking restaurant.

  There wasn’t much of anything appealing about the place. The seats had holes in them, and the floors were worn down from years of traffic. Back in Olympus a place like this would have been burned, although it would never have lasted long enough to show such wear and tear.

  Xander and I slid into a booth and sat across from each other. An awkward silence fell upon us for the first time. We had been alone in the woods together and hadn’t run out of things to talk about.


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