Geneticists, 31, 36–38
Genetic research, 37–38, 214n76, 214n79
Geoengineering, 248n103
Geoscience, 2–3, 29, 204n3
Global warming, 188–89
Gofman, John, 44–45
Gotchy, Reginald, 108
Government: bodily infringement and, xvii–xviii; duplicity of, xvi–xvii; environmental disasters and, 196–97; neoliberalism and, 196–97; nuclear reactors and, 22–23; nuclear war and, 148–49; TMI evacuation, panic myth, and rehabilitation of state, 77–89; totalitarianism, 182
GPU. See General Public Utilities
Greenhouse effect, 188
Groves, Leslie, 19
Gun rights, 12
Hallowell, Penrose, 119
Hansen, James, 188
Harte, John, 177–78
Hatch, Orrin, 52
Hazardous waste: cleanup efforts of, 107–9, 189; venting of, 108–9; wastewater, 67, 107–8, 222n31
Health. See Fetal health; Public health; Reproductive health; Women’s health movement
Heinz, John, 119–20
Henderson, Oran, 80
Hendrie, Joseph, 68, 138
Herbein, Jack, 66, 69
Hershey Medical Center, 62, 87, 88, 134
Hess, Beverly, 110–11, 119–20
Hiroshima, 2, 47, 154–55
Hochendoner, Larry, 130
Hockers, Helen, 121
Hoover, Ruth, 115
Hospitals, 159–60
Hostage crisis, 133–34
Human civilization, 2–3
Human fallibility, 45
Hydrogen bubble, 60, 68
Imaginary, 6; atomic, 16, 166–69; conservative, 13, 128–29, 143; defining term, 206n13; ecological, 8, 183–84; social, 143, 206n13
Individual rights, 13
Infant mortality, 122, 174
Infrastructure, nuclear, 15
Insurance market, 23
International Committee on Radiation Protection, 31
Investor Owned Electric Light and Power Company, 27
Invisibility: biological citizenship, TMI, and, 72–77; fear and, 73; of radiation, 30, 54, 72–77, 91
Invisible Violence, 54
Iodine-131, 90
Ionizing radiation, 49–51, 51
IPCC. See United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Iranian hostage crisis, 133–34
Irradiated body, 58–59, 195
James, William, 19
Japan, 2, 47, 154–55
Japanese mother and child, 35
Jefferson, Thomas, 180
Jones, T. K., 150–51
Joppke, Christian, 23
Kehler, Randy, 170, 172
Kemeny Commission, 78, 94–95, 99–100, 112, 129, 135–37
Kissinger, Henry, 146
Klein, Naomi, 192–93, 198
Knox, William, 21
Krypton-85, 108
Kuboyama, Aikichi, 29
Labor movements, 85
Ladd, Steve, 162
Laird, Martin, 33
Lawsuits: from radiation contamination, 53–54; against TMI, 105, 138–43; trauma and, 138–40
Lee, Jane, 93–94, 116–18
Legal liability, 22–23
Lewis, Carolyn, 71
Liberalism: neoliberalism, 196–97; New Deal, 2, 103, 140–41
Lieven, Anatol, xvii
Lifton, Robert Jay, 155
Lilienthal, David, 18
Limited nuclear war, 149–52
Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963), 28
Livingston, David, 85
Love Canal disaster, 2, 205n5
Luce, Henry, 193
MacLeod, Gordon, 78
Magic, 19–22
Malone, George, 33
Mancuso, Thomas, 44–45, 215n100
Manhattan Project, 17–19
Maps, 46–49, 49, 53–54, 63
March of the Penguins, 196
Mariotte, Michael, 189
Markey, Edwin, 187–88
Marriage, 183
Masco, Joseph, 28–29, 119
Masculinity, 207n19
Mastodon bones, 180
Maternal body, 59
Maternalism, 39, 214n84
McCain, John, 198
MCHR. See Medical Committee for Human Rights
Media coverage, 74–76, 135–37. See also Public relations and publicity
Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), 247n89
Medical discrimination, 206n15
Men: body and masculinity for, 207n19; nuclear macho and fear for, 226n98; reproductive health of, 122–23
Metropolitan Edison (Met-Ed), 108; credibility of, 140–42; distrust of, 68–71; public relations and publicity by, 25–26, 28, 61; TMI and, 6, 24–26, 61, 65–71, 131, 140–42
Meyer, Nicholas, 145
Middle class, 24, 185–86
Militarism, 170–73
Military: abstraction of, 19; complex, 147–48; freeze movement and militarism, 170–73; nuclear power plants and, 18; nuclear weaponry and, 18–19, 170–71; peaceful atom and, 21. See also Civil defense
Milk, 90; radioactive fallout and, 32–33; Strontium-90 in, 29–30, 32–33, 34, 212n63
Millirems, 90, 222n33
Minorities, 207n21
Mogey, Wendy, 172–73
Moore, Frank, 121
Moore, Jason, 204n3, 252n15
Moreton, Bethany, 230n156
Mothers: freeze movement and, 164; Japanese, 35; maternalism and, 39, 214n84; TMI and, 59, 81–89, 92–100, 111. See also Abortion; Fetal health; Pregnancy; Reproductive health
Multigenerational genetic mutations, 36–38
Mumford, Lewis, 41
Murphy, Michelle, 200
Murray, Thomas, 55, 219n132
Mutation, 36–38. See also Genetic injury
Nagasaki, 2, 154–55
NAS. See National Academy of Sciences
Nation, xviii–xix, 49–51, 51, 86
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 30–31, 36
National Association of Radiation Survivors, 54–55
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (1969), 138–39
Nationalism: bodily infringement and, xvii; civic, 13, 191–92, 208n27; conservative, 193–94; ethnonationalism, xviii, 13, 86, 195–96, 208n27. See also Biotic nationalism
National Radiation Victims Day, 53
National security, xvii–xviii
Natural gas, 198
Neoliberalism, 196–97
NEPA. See National Environmental Policy Act
NEPCO. See New England Power Company
Nevada Test Site (NTS), 31, 33, 52, 211n45
New Deal liberalism, 2, 103, 140–41
New England Power Company (NEPCO), 211n36
New Left, xvi, 8
Newman, Kim, 146
Niedergang, Mark, 170
Nilsson, Lennart, 95
Nixon, Richard, 69
Norms, 206n13
NRC. See Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NTS. See Nevada Test Site
Nuclear bombs: atomic bomb, 2, 15, 47, 154–55; culture of dissociation and, 5–6, 23–26; earth science and, 2, 204n3; nuclear power plants compared to, 23–26, 47–48; nuclear reactors compared to, 26. See also Radiation contamination
Nuclear energy: AEC and, 17–18; during atomic age, 2; atomic threat and, xv–xvi; bleak outlook on, 184–85; culture of dissociation and, 5–6, 16–28; domestication of, 16, 23–26, 185–86, 210n29, 210n31; feminism and, xvi, 98, 110–11; human fallibility and, 45; peaceful atom and, 16; popularizing, 16, 19–26; public relations and rebranding of, 185–86, 188–89, 251n11; safety of, 5–6; social good from, 19–21; TMI and dangers of, 1–2; utopian, 19–23; WHO on, 22; women and, 110–11. See also specific topics
Nuclear experts, 5
Nuclear geography, 46–49, 49, 51, 53–54
Nuclear infrastructure, 15
Nuclear macho, 226n98
Nuclear power: ECNP on, 104; growth of, 251
n13; public relations and rebranding of, 185–86, 188–89, 251n11; in shadows, 184–90
Nuclear power plants: antinuclear movement and, 45–51; cancer and, 44–45; Chernobyl accident, 186–88; climate change and, 188–89, 196–200; closures of, 147; construction of new plants, 197–98, 251n13; culture of dissociation and, 23–26; economics and, 21–22, 24, 184, 252n15; energy assessments, 198; first power plants, 23–24; Fukushima-Daiichi accident, 198, 199; legal liability of, 22–23; military and, 18; nuclear bombs compared to, 23–26, 47–48; radiation from, 44–45; safety of, 43–45; waste disposal from, 189, 252n15. See also Three Mile Island
Nuclear reactors, 22–23, 26, 47, 197–98. See also Three Mile Island
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): on cleanup, 108; credibility of, 140–42; on evacuation, 78–79; TMI and, 61, 67–68, 70–73, 78–79, 102–4, 108, 127, 138–42
Nuclear shelters, 150–51, 158
Nuclear sublime, 218n123
Nuclear testing, 151; by AEC, 28–29; cancer and, 15, 33, 35; children and, 33, 35, 52, 215n97; during Cold War, 15; culture of dissociation and, 15–16; factories for, 15; fear of, 15, 17; genetic injury and, 37; at NTS, 31, 33, 52, 211n45; at Pacific Proving Grounds, 29; radioactive fallout from, 29–30, 211nn48–49; SANE on, 39–41, 42; sites for, 28–29, 211n45; Truman on, 211n45; unborn and, 40–43
Nuclear uncanny, 119–20
Nuclear war: abortion and, 167–68; body and, 153–61; civil defense during, 150–61; fear of, 144–50, 160–61; freeze campaign and, 151–73; government and, 148–49; limited, 149–52; militarism and, 170–73; nuclear power, in shadows, 184–90; nuclear winter, reproduction, and extinction threat, 173–84; postnuclear landscape, 181–82; public health and, 155–61; radiation exposure from, 153–55; Reagan and, 148–51, 242n10; religion and, 149–50; surviving, 177–78; transnational dimensions of, 178–79; trauma and, 153–55; unborn and, 182–83. See also Cold War; Vietnam War; World War II
Nuclear weaponry, 2, 17–19, 147–48, 170–71
Nuclear winter (NW): ecology and, 177–78; extinction threat, reproduction, and, 173–84; theory of, 176–78
Obama, Barack, 198
Oceanography, 29, 204n3
Oil boom, 198
Oil spills, 2, 192–93
Oncology, 35–36
Osborn, Mary, 101, 102, 116, 120, 126
Pachirat, Timothy, 46–47
Pacific Proving Grounds, 29
Pandora’s Promise, 198–99
PANE. See People Against Nuclear Energy
Panic, 16, 70, 146, 197
Panic myth: evacuation, rehabilitation of state, and, 77–89; origins of, 79–80
Paranoia, 3–4
Paris Peace Accords, 10
Partisanship, 105, 161–63, 172–73
Patriotic body politics: antiwar movement and, 9–10, 98–100, 194–95; political right and, 12; political trust and, 9–10; reproductive politics and, 10–11, 93–100; social movements and, 9–10, 194–95; TMI and, 9–14, 93–99
Patriotism: children and, 169; freeze movement and, 168–70; wounded, 113
Pauling, Linus, 39
PCC. See Pennsylvania Catholic Conference
Peaceful atom, 16, 18–21, 47–48, 48
PEMA. See Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Pennsylvania Catholic Conference (PCC), 96
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), 65–66, 67, 73, 80
People Against Nuclear Energy (PANE), 104, 138–40
“Pepsi Syndrome, The” sketch, 124–26
Permissible dose, 32–33, 222n33
Perrow, Charles, 65
Pesticides, 1–2, 3, 4, 183–84, 193
Petryna, Adriana, 76–77, 224n71
Pfeiffer, Carol, 61
Physician activists, 154–60
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), 145, 155–60, 244n36
Pipes, Richard, 149
PIRC. See Public Interest Resource Center
Plants, 116–20, 127–28, 181–82
Policy-making, 147–48, 158–59
Political authority: body and, 58–59; rehabilitating, 86–89; satirizing, 124–26; TMI and, 5–6, 8, 11–12, 58–60, 68–72, 86–90, 103; Vietnam War and, 5, 68–69
Political realignment: freeze movement and, 161–73; suffering body and, 6–14, 98–99; transformation and, 191–92
Political right, 6–8, 12–13
Political trust, 121–24; antiwar movement relating to, 6–7, 55; credibility and, 140–43; patriotic body politics and, 9–10; TMI and, 7–8, 11–12, 58, 68–72, 89–93, 105–9, 140–43; after Watergate scandal, 69
Politics: abortion and, 96–98; antinuclear left and, xv–xvi; antinuclear movement and, 46–47, 51–56; of atomic age, 2–3; conservative ecological, 8, 12–13, 89–100, 109–10, 128–29; disarmament and, 169–73; in ecological age, 200–1; during 1940s and 1950s, xvii; during 1960s and 1970s, xvi–xvii, 2, 6–14; nuclear geography and, 46–47, 51; polarization in, xvi–xvii; TMI and, 6–7, 57–59, 102–3, 105, 189–90. See also Patriotic body politics; Reproductive politics
Popular epidemiology, 115–20, 127–29, 237n119
Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 4
Postnuclear landscape, 181–82
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 131, 133–34
Pregnancy: environmental risk and, 220n3; fetal alcohol syndrome and, 95–96; prenatal injury, 38; TMI and, 67, 71–72, 77–78, 81–89, 92–94. See also Fetal health; Reproductive health
Prenatal injury, 38
Presidential Directive 59, 148
Price-Anderson Act (1957), 22–23, 210n25
Protests: antiwar movement and, 7; religion and, 111–13; at TMI, 7, 12–13, 101, 103–13, 131, 135–37, 136
Pro-TMI activists, 135
PSR. See Physicians for Social Responsibility
Psychiatry, 18, 22
Psychoanalysis, 119–20, 130–31
PTSD. See Posttraumatic stress disorder
Public health: diseases and, 154, 173, 214n81; health studies and cataloguing injury, after TMI, 114–23; nuclear war and, 155–61; physician activists for, 154–60; political right and, 12; TMI and, 102–3, 108–9, 113–29
Public Interest Resource Center (PIRC), 104, 114
Public relations and publicity: for atom, 23–28, 27; Japanese mother and child in, 35; by Met-Ed, 25–26, 28, 61; for nuclear energy and power, 185–86, 188–89, 251n11; by SANE, 39–41, 42; on Strontium-90, 34; for TMI, 60–64
Purdy, Jedediah, 204n3
Quakers, 111–12
Race, 84–86, 194
Radiation: cancer and, 35–36, 44–45, 51–52, 114, 120–22, 218n118, 218n121; Cold War, 52–53; culture of dissociation and, 16–17; ecological body and, 32–43; fodder, 99; invisibility of, 30, 54, 72–77, 91; ionizing, 49–51, 51; maps, of radiation hazards, 49, 53–54; NAS on, 30–31, 36; as natural or ordinary, 5; from nuclear power plants, 44–45; nuclear winter, reproduction, and extinction threat, 173–84; permissible dose for, 32–33, 222n33; radium and, 209n18; research, 44–45; thresholds, 30–33, 44–45, 91; from TMI, 3–4, 60–61, 65–67, 71–72, 78–79, 90–96, 113–29; tracking and scanning for, 73–76, 75
Radiation activists, 51, 55, 218n121
Radiation contamination, 3; as crime against future, 28–43; to fetuses, 4, 44, 213n72; lawsuits from, 53–54; National Radiation Victims Day and, 53; scares, in 1950s and 1960s, 16–17, 28–43, 214n18; sites and cleanup, 189; unborn and, 16–17, 38–43, 42
Radiation exposure: AEC on, 31; from Chernobyl accident, 186–87; to children, 4, 32–43, 52, 213n67; to downwinders, 52–53, 218n121, 219n132; genetic injury from, 35–38, 54; National Association of Radiation Survivors on, 54–55; near NTS, 31, 33, 52; from nuclear war, 153–55; reproductive health and, 36–43; safety and, 30–33, 44–45, 76–77, 91; Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation on, 31, 36
Radiation response syndrome, 133
Radiation Victims Association, 218n121
fallout: cancer from, 33, 213n67; milk and, 32–33; in 1950s, 205n5; from nuclear testing, 29–30, 211nn48–49; thyroid and, 33, 213n67
Radium, 16, 20–21, 37–38, 209n18
Rasmussen Report, 61
Reagan, Ronald, 148–51, 196, 242n10
Reddy Kilowatt cartoon character, 23–24, 25
Rehnquist, William, 139
Reid, Robert, 61
Reiss, Eric, 213n67
Religion, 39, 64, 81, 84; abortion and, 96–98; antinuclear movement and, 99–100, 111–13; conservative Christian Right, 230n156; freeze movement and, 166–67; nuclear war and, 149–50; protests and, 111–13
Relocation planning, 150, 158
Reluctant activists, 103–13
Reproduction, 93–94; future and, 201; nuclear winter, extinction threat, and, 173–84; social, 174–77
Reproductive futurity, 192, 206n10; TMI and, 4–5, 7–8, 59, 93–95, 105–6
Reproductive health: Chernobyl and, 186–87; ecological age and, 193; environmental disasters and, 192–93; fetal health and, 36–43; genetic injury and, 36–38; of men, 122–23; radiation exposure and, 36–43; TMI and, 122–23, 128; unborn and, 38–43
Reproductive politics: patriotic body politics and, 10–11, 93–100; sterilization campaigns, 207n21; TMI and, 10–12, 84–85, 189–90; women’s rights and, 8, 10–12, 84–85, 207n21
Rocky Flats, Colorado, 46
Rostow, Eugene V., 149
Rubella, 173, 214n81
Safety: of nuclear energy, 5–6; of nuclear power plants, 43–45; radiation exposure and, 30–33, 44–45, 76–77, 91
Safety threshold, 30–33, 44–45, 91
Sagan, Carl, 177, 178
SALT. See Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
SANE. See Committee for Sane Nuclear Policy
Santa Barbara oil spill, 2, 147, 205n5
Saturday Night Live, 124–26
Scheer, Robert, 148–49
Schell, Jonathan, 152, 155, 175, 181–83
Schweitzer, Albert, 39
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 31, 36
Scranton, William, 65–66, 71–72
Second Cold War, 147–53, 171–72
Sexuality, 58, 84–86, 194, 206n15
Shale oil, 198
Shetrom, Sue, 113
Silent Spring (Carson, R.), 3, 4, 183–84, 193
Social class, 24, 84–85, 161–62, 185–86
Social good, 19–21, 206n10
Social imaginary, 143, 206n13
Social movements: antinuclear movement influenced by, 45–46, 98–99; biotic nationalism and, 98–99; ecological age and, 193; freeze movement and, 161; patriotic body politics and, 9–10, 194–95; TMI and, 11–12, 57–58, 84–85, 98. See also specific movements
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