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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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by Kym Grosso

  Sydney blew out a breath. “What a fucking sicko. What the hell? What is that stuff on her eyes, her face?”

  As she leaned in for a closer look, Tony tapped notes into his cell phone. “I know, Syd. We definitely have a demented one on this case. It's almost as if the perp wanted her to look a certain way, cared about her appearance…well, except for the whole ‘sew her eyelids shut and dress her up like a doll’ shit…and of course, we still need to find the cause of death. The coroner is on her way. Take a look at her face.”

  The girl’s eyelids were sewn shut in the shape of an 'X', and she still had what looked like makeup on her face. She’d been in the water for at least a day or two. Maybe it was something else besides makeup? Tattooing? Sydney had a friend who tattooed eye makeup on women so they looked fresh as a daisy, day or night, no muss, no fuss. Well, except there was plenty of muss here. The waterlogged loose skin looked like you could pull it right off the girl, as if it were a translucent glove. Sydney might be a cop, but the unusual way murderers killed their victims never ceased to disgust her.

  “Tony, her skin looks so pale. Paler than what I would expect from your average floater. It's almost as if…” Sydney’s skin pricked in awareness. It was like the feeling she'd had on the docks. The guy who’d been watching her earlier, had he freaking followed her? What the hell?

  “It almost looks as if her blood was drained from her body, and indeed, it was. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kade Issacson from P-CAP, and I am now officially in charge of this case. You’re welcome to stay on and assist.” Kade stepped into the spotlights, dominating her space and finishing her words. He spoke confidently, concealing his excitement. He could not believe the woman at the docks was here at his scene. What was she? Her sweet scent called to him, arousing all his senses. He struggled to remain professional, determined to find out who she was, while controlling the situation.

  Sydney tsked. She could not believe the sheer audacity of this guy. As she spun on her heels to address him, her eyes locked on the source of her chills. The heat began to rise to her face as she realized this guy was a serious supernatural being…dangerous. Added to that, he was drop dead gorgeous. She could barely bring words to her lips to argue with him. Desire pooled in her belly. She quickly focused her thoughts back on the body, letting her anger rise to the surface.

  “Name’s Willows, Detective Sydney Willows.” She was infuriated that P-CAP thought they could come in here and boss the little human woman around. Nice try. “Seriously? You guys finally decide to show up and you're all like, ‘It’s our case now.’ Well, here's a newsflash. This girl’s a human. According to the regs, ‘human vic, human cops’. So you can move along, friend, or watch. Whatever you’re into. Just stay out of my way.” Damn if she was going to let some hot, supernatural guy tell her what to do at her scene.

  Kade smiled. “Ms. Willows, while you are indeed correct that the vic is human, she was murdered in a very supernatural way. Therefore, according to the regs, this is officially a P-CAP case that requires your mandatory cooperation,” he lied.

  Sydney rolled her eyes and blew out a breath. Well good and fuck. She was having a fine evening up until now, day off and all. And now this. She had no idea what the hell he even was. “Mister?” she spat out.

  “Please, call me Kade.” He spoke with just the slightest hint of a British accent.

  “Kade, our police department would love to cooperate with P-CAP just as soon as we get the coroner’s exam completed,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “That would be lovely, Ms. Willows. Now, may I please continue with my work?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she curtly replied, moving out of his way so he could get past her. Sydney could not believe her day. She reasoned that maybe she could work with Kade, as long as he didn’t bite her, or claw her or bespell her, or whatever other supernatural shit he did. Even if she didn’t know what his deal was, she was convinced that he was capable of doing things that she would not like. She crossed her arms, irritated with the entire night. She knew one thing for sure; working closely with Kade was going to add exponentially to her overall sexual frustration.

  She glanced over at him as he conversed with Tony. Kade’s sexy frame towered over her. He was well over six-five, with dark blond hair that reached his collar. The strikingly handsome, hard planes of his face accentuated his piercing, ice-blue eyes. Sydney could tell he was athletic and muscular, and wished she could see what was hidden beneath his navy linen sport jacket. He defied her notions of how she imagined most supernaturals dressed; she would have expected him to be clad in black leather and chains. Instead, he struck her as classic, masterly, sensual. Sydney smiled to herself, thinking that Kade looked like he had just stepped out of a freaking Ralph Lauren ad. His cream linen pants hung loosely on his tapered hips, revealing just a glimpse of what supernatural 'assets' he had under them. Shit, Sydney, are you really looking at the man’s crotch at a crime scene? You so need to get laid.

  As she looked up, he caught her eyes and smiled. Oh, God…please don’t let him have seen me looking there. She quickly glanced at Tony, who chuckled.

  “Hey, Syd, whatcha lookin’ at? There really is a lot to observe at the scene, huh?”

  “Shut it, Tony. Need I remind you that I was supposed to be off tonight?” she retorted.

  “Off or getting off?” he quipped.

  “Ha, ha. Tony. You boys keep talking. I’m actually going to work. I’ll be with Ada, finding out what she’s got.” Her face flushed red in embarrassment. Sydney was eager to put some space between herself and Kade. She needed to get her hormones under control and concentrate. Why cover the body with tattoos? Why all the presentation? Obviously the perp must get off on some kind of ritual during the actual killing. Some killers liked to take their time, play with the victim.

  The coroner made her way down the hill toward the body. Dr. Adalee Billings had been on the job as long as Sydney could remember. With not many women on the force, Adalee was the closest female friend Sydney had. She was a beautiful, African-American woman with dark cocoa skin. At five-eight, she could have easily been mistaken for a model. Her ebony shoulder-length hair was usually pulled back in a scrub hat. But because she was supposed to be out having dinner with Sydney tonight, her hair was fashionably coiffed into a French twist. Quick-witted and insanely intelligent, Adalee could go toe-to-toe with any person in the department, so the men just didn’t mess with her. Sydney loved having a smart girlfriend on the force, given she usually worked in a sea of men.

  As Adalee leaned in to examine the body and set down her evidence kit, Sydney sidled up next to her, anxious to get her first impressions. The scent of the body was overwhelming. Death, animal or human; it was a smell that permeated the lining of your nostrils and could get into your clothing. Damn if she hadn’t just dry cleaned this blouse.

  “So, what ya got, Ada?” Sydney inquired.

  “Hard to tell without being in the lab, but the tattooing is interesting. Maybe some kind of ritual? Magical protection?” Adalee stared narrowly at the girl’s face and hands.

  “Yeah, I was thinking ritual. The perp took his time on the girl; the dress, the makeup. Sick fuck. What makes you think magical protection?” Sydney asked.

  “Early tattooing was thought to have mystical protection, to be a talisman of sorts worn on the skin. We’ll take pictures of the tats and get them to research. Damn, if this city isn’t getting freaky tonight. Is P-CAP down here? Honestly, Syd, my take is that this might be their case, but if you want us to run the body, I’m on it.”

  “Yes and yes. P-CAP may end up taking on the case, but all the same, I’d like you to run the body first. So if you could put a rush on it, I would appreciate it. This could be a human copycat playing with magic, trying to make it look paranormal, or it could be something that needs to go over to the wild side.” She glanced toward Kade. “And if that happens, they can have it. Personally, I wouldn't mind turning it over to what’s-his
-name…Kade over there, so I can get him out of my hair.”

  Adalee looked at Kade and smiled.

  “You mean that whole lot of sexy goodness over there talking to Tony? I would love to work with him, or just work him, period. Whatever, you send him down to the lab, and I’ll be happy to review the results in detail with him. I bet he’d give a girl some sugar.”

  “Yeah sure, if you’d like a bite with your sugar, I’m sure he’d be happy to oblige you. Not sure if he’s got fangs or claws, but something’s going on there.”

  “Girl, you sound like you doth protest a little too much. Why not just look at it as a perk of the job? Lord knows there aren’t many. Or maybe that hot partner of yours could spice up your coffee?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, you’re right about that. There's a whole lot of sweetness there, but tasting his candy wouldn’t be good for my career. Ada, I just need to get out and satisfy my needs with someone safe. Unfortunately, that’s gonna have to wait. Can you tell that I’m a little distracted tonight?”

  “Well, girl, you have about five hours to satisfy your needs, and then you need to get your ass down to the lab. I'll bag her up, start the autopsy, snap the pics, and get the trace out. Now, look at this thread.” Adalee held up a tiny, brown, stringy substance in her tweezers. “Maybe something unusual about that, too? Could be regular sewing thread, or something else?”

  “Okay, run it. We gotta move quickly. This girl was tortured, and I have a feeling she isn’t going to be the perp’s last play toy. It’s like the killer enjoyed this…took his time. He's sharing his work with us. Wanting us to see what he did to this girl. God, it makes me sick.”

  “I know. We’ve got a predator here. Not sure if there's anything to the tats or the thread, but I'll start right away.” Adalee shook her head in disgust. “Now why don’t you get back to your night off? Well, at least for a few hours until I gather some evidence. Kade over there looks awful lonely. He certainly looks like he could take care of all your needs.”

  “No way, Ada…not him. I'm outta here for now. See ya down at the lab.” She gave Adalee a wave and turned to leave, determined to get at least a few hours to herself. As Sydney readied herself to go, she felt eyes on her back. She glanced at Kade, to find him staring at her. She nodded and turned around quickly so he wouldn't think she was interested in him.

  Something about him bothered her despite the supernatural, hotter-than-hell vibe he had going on. He had told her he worked with P-CAP, but his story didn’t jive with her instincts. Sydney read people well, and there was something about him that said he wasn’t a cop. Or even a supernatural cop. He looked like he belonged at a country club. Maybe he was a lawyer, or a businessman? Taking in one last glance, she memorized his clothing and shoes. The suit wasn’t right. So not the inexpensive cop wear she was used to seeing at the station. Boss? Calvali? And the shoes, he was wearing Salvatore Ferragamo. Something wasn’t adding up. He looked too perfect to be working a detective beat, even for someone not human.

  She hurried to catch up with Tony, who was heading towards his car. “There’s something not right about him,” she said, glancing back toward Kade. “I want to see his credentials.”

  “Already checked them. He’s good. And the boss says he’s got full access to the scene,” Tony confirmed.

  Sydney wondered what kind of supernatural he was. Wolf? No, he didn’t strike her as the rugged, outdoorsy type. Kade was refined, sleek, and uber-sexy. Primal and dangerous. Vampire? Yes, she’d bet he was a vampire. Damn curiosity was getting the best of her as she surreptitiously hoped she’d see him again. Kade might be keeping a few secrets, and Sydney was going to find out exactly what he was up to…as soon as she engaged in a few secrets of her own.

  Chapter Two

  Sydney wasn’t looking for love; her current career didn’t afford her that luxury. When she wasn’t working, she was still thinking about work, but that wasn’t the only thing that kept her from getting seriously involved with someone. She was acutely aware of the very real danger she faced every day on the streets. In her profession, the odds were higher than average that she might not go home after a shift. Why bother with a husband and family when they would need to live with the constant worry that she could be killed on the job? Given that she was only twenty-eight, she didn’t feel the need to have kids at the moment. She loved kids, but she didn’t want them to grow up motherless because something had happened to her. Maybe someday, when she moved into management and found someone she loved completely, she’d consider having kids, but not now.

  As she walked into Eden, the pounding music and glaring lights hit her hard. The smell of cigarette smoke and sweat from the dancers permeated the room. There was a faint hint of bleach; the place was clean even if the activities were down and dirty. Eden was an upscale club that catered to singles and couples who were looking to watch or be watched, serving both humans and supernaturals.

  The multicolored lights bounced off the mirrored ceilings. The bluish walls appeared to move as the lights danced. A large, wall-sized water fountain ran along the entire length of the club opposite from the bar. If you stood next to it, you could faintly hear the hiss of the water and feel the spray on your face. Behind the bar, a fifteen-foot yellow boa constrictor named Eve, slithered behind the glass of a vivarium. Inside, Eve moved about the large space, wrapping herself around a tree. In the club, a large, winding staircase led upstairs to the private rooms where clients could go to talk, or engage in sexual activities in private or public, depending on what they wanted.

  Sydney knew that she could comfortably lose herself in here for a few hours before going back to death; death always waited for her. It was patient, but never kind. Quickly scanning the room, she darted into the ladies' room. She changed into her tiger-striped, spandex minidress with matching fuck-me heels; she was ready to hunt. Her tanned skin shone beneath the plunging cowl neckline exposing her ample cleavage. A black lacy thong was all she wore under the dress. She shoved her clothes into her tote bag and the custom locker Eden provided its guests. Pulling her hair free of the ponytail holder, she let her blonde curls slide down her back. With a quick spritz of hair spray, she was ready. Sydney had officially transformed from cop to chick, and looked every bit the bait she intended herself to be.

  “Hey, Tristan. Perrier with lemon, please.” She waved to the bartender.

  “No champagne? What’s up, mon chaton?” Tristan shouted over to Sydney. He liked calling her 'my kitty'. Tonight the nickname fit, given that she appeared to be a cat on the prowl.

  “No alcohol for me tonight, mon loup. I’ve only got a few hours for dancing and fun. Then I’m outta here.” She certainly had every intention of making him her wolf. She took the glass from Tristan, sipped the effervescent water and then made her way into the crowd.

  Sydney could feel people watching her as she danced, swaying her hips as she felt the music. There was a reason she came to Eden; music, sex, all of it for the taking, confidential without judgment. It was everything she needed this very moment. As she danced on the floor, she slowly opened her eyes to see Tristan coming straight at her. She yearned to release her sexuality, to relax, to forget, and he could take her there.

  Sydney’s Alpha wolf was sex on a stick. His rugged, earthy, dominating presence commanded attention when he walked into the room. He was good-looking but not exactly handsome. With captivating amber eyes and wavy platinum-blonde hair, he looked as if he could have been a California surfer. And even though his tan skin gave off a radiant glow, his hard eyes served as a warning to others that he, indeed, was a predator. Tonight he was dressed in light blue jeans and a white linen shirt that he wore untucked. Casual, but not messy, serious, but cool. He entertained the guests with his adventure stories, and was able to deflect the interest of ladies in a way that made them still feel special.

  As Sydney danced, she felt strong hands clasp her waist. She leaned into his embrace, recognizing the feel of the muscular chest up against her bac
k. She loved the woodsy, clean scent of Tristan, and felt his arousal as they moved to the music.

  “Hey, Syd.” Tristan pulled her around so he could see her face.

  “Yes,” she whispered, glancing from his chest into his intense, golden eyes.

  “Tell me, how do you want it, mon chaton?” He gave her a wicked smile.

  “Tris, I don’t have a lot of time.” She shivered at the thought of him taking her quickly. He was dominating, pushing her to tell him her fantasy.

  “No games tonight. How do you want it?” he pressed.

  “Fast, hard, private,” she teased.

  “Let’s finish our dance, shall we? Your wolf has everything you need.”

  Sydney smiled and let the arousal overcome her, feeling the warmth grow in her womb. She wanted this…no, she needed this tonight. Both the stress of the grisly murder, and then Kade showing up at her scene trying to run the show, had put her on edge. She wanted to forget, and Tristan could give that to her. He understood her the way no one else did, a lover who didn’t judge her. She laid her head back on his chest, enjoying the warmth of his arms.

  The crime scene disturbed Kade. Killing and violence was part of his world, but the torture of an innocent was unacceptable. As the leader of vampires in New Orleans, he suspected that he knew who had committed the crime, but he would have to investigate further to be sure. Kade had convinced the head of P-CAP to let him on the scene, because he did not trust the local authorities to handle the case. It wasn’t his job to investigate the murders like a detective, but being the leader he was, he planned to find the rogue and mete out justice.

  He worked out of a brownstone graciously loaned to him by Tristan, the local Alpha. They were good friends from times long ago. Tristan was the one who had phoned him to tell him there was talk of a possible rogue vampire in his region who was practicing black magic. There were rumors of rituals, but nothing solid to go on. Finally, the evil had shown itself, and Kade had jetted out of NOLA on his private plane as soon as he got the go ahead from his inside source at P-CAP. As much as he wanted to leave it up to P-CAP to find the perpetrator, he felt compelled to come to Philadelphia, suspecting the magic was being drawn from his territory.


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