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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 5

by Kym Grosso

  And then there was the little fact about his lying. Kade was not a run-of-the mill detective. He was not telling the truth, and she damn well knew it. They were about to go into a fucked-up situation that could get her ass killed, and she had a right to know what the hell was going on with him. Enough of the games.

  “So, what’s your deal? I can tell by your pretty shoes and overall style that you are so not a P-CAP detective. We’re about to go into some shit, and I want to know what the hell’s really going on,” she yelled over the rush of wind,

  “Ah, you're quick, Detective Willows,” Kade replied. “You are correct that I'm not a detective, but I am in a position of authority in my world. So for the sake of argument, let’s just say that I'm a third party who is very interested in seeing this case come to an end expediently. As you know, Tristan is a close friend, and we have mutual interests. He requested my assistance, and I'm here to put a rest to this situation.”

  “Okay, so you're telling me I'm about to go into a potentially deadly situation with an amateur?” Just fucking great.

  “My dearest Sydney. I may be many things, but an amateur is not one of them. I have lived many centuries, fought many wars. I will protect you with my life,” Kade replied. “You must know that while I respect your desire to apprehend the perpetrators of this girl’s death, I have every reason to believe a vampire is responsible, and I will bring him to justice. That is all you need to know for now; this is the truth.”

  Truth? Yeah right, mister sexy vampire. Whatever. Sydney shook her head, unsure of what to believe. Maybe he was telling the truth, maybe not. At this point, she had already made the decision to find Jennings.

  As they neared the location, she noticed the street was deserted. Several of the row homes lining the block had been boarded up and covered in graffiti. Sydney pulled her car into a parking space, which was not hard to find. She took a deep breath and cased the street. “See the house over there with the boarded up windows and red door? That’s it. Here’s the deal. I’m going to go around the front. How about you hit the back…keep the exit covered.”

  “There is no way you’re going into that house alone.”

  “We need an element of surprise. I’ll go in the front and you can come in from behind, scope out the house while I distract him. As you keep saying, I’m a human, so Jennings will perhaps think I'm alone. He'll be surprised as long as he only sees me, not you.”

  Kade raised a questioning eyebrow at Sydney. “What if Jennings doesn’t answer? What if a vampire answers? What then?”

  “You vampires have some kind of preternatural senses, right? I promise I'll yell for you if I get even a hint that something’s wrong. And then you can take him by surprise.”

  “Do you have weapons? Human or vampire, you need to be ready to defend yourself.” Kade looked at the house and then back to Sydney.

  “I’m good. I’ve got silver in this gun here, so at the very least, I can slow a vamp down.” Sydney quickly checked her ankle holster where she kept her secondary Sig Sauer. Before she left the station, she’d loaded it with wooden bullets in case she needed it for vamps. Her primary Sig Sauer in her shoulder holster was loaded with silver. If you shot a human or were with a silver bullet, the perp was going down either way. She also kept a silver knife in a secret compartment in her sleeve and another one in the tip of her right boot.

  “Look at me, Sydney.” Kade reached for the door handle. Pinning her with a hard stare, his eyes narrowed and his mouth tightened. “If you sense anything off, call for me immediately. I’ll go around back and sneak in quietly so he doesn’t hear me, and search the back of the house while you distract him. I still don’t like this, but we’ll do it your way. If there is a vampire, stay out of the way and let me handle it. Do you understand?”

  Sydney nodded. “Let’s roll.”

  Before she had a chance to open the car door, Kade was gone. Damn vamp speed. She shook it off and approached the front door and knocked once.

  “Police. We’re just here to talk.” Met with silence, she lifted the rusted metal knocker and slammed it down several times. “Police! Open up!”

  Sydney sucked a breath and kicked the door open, with her gun drawn and pointed. Fuck me. Here we go. The house looked empty, but she knew that things weren’t always as they seemed. As she entered the building, the smell of urine and vomit hit her. What the fuck?

  “Who’s there?” she yelled into the darkness. “This is the police, just here to ask questions. Come out with your hands up and we'll talk. Let’s do this nice.”

  While Sydney heard nothing, she sensed she wasn’t alone. She reached into her vest and pulled out her flashlight, flicking it on. She steadied her gun and proceeded into the darkness. As her eyes adjusted to the lack of light, she noticed movement across the room. A shadow lurked in the distance. Slowly she crept across the floor. When she approached the area where she’d seen it originate, she shone the light on the floor; blood. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she attempted to see who was in the room. A small creaking drew her attention. But as she swiveled to locate it, a rush of pain seized her upper back. Sydney fell hard against the wooden planks, struggling to breathe as her face hit the bloodstained floor.

  “What are you doing here? You’re desecrating the ritual area, bitch! He’ll like you, though. Yes, he’ll enjoy hearing you scream as he whips your flesh.”

  Sydney pushed onto her side and caught sight of a dirty, apparently human, man. He was holding a fourteen-inch wooden baton, which she recognized as a martial arts tonfa. The man was overweight and bald, and could not be more than five-eight, she estimated. His eyes were empty and cold as he poised to strike her again with the weapon. Sydney took a breath, gritted her teeth, and turned all the way over so she was sitting on her bottom. Facing him straight on, she scooted backward into the corner, using her hands and feet. She wanted to stand up and run, but her muscles spasmed, bringing tears to her eyes. She scanned the room, looking for her gun that was lying lost in the darkness. She considered her options, aware that she had another gun. A surprise. Just keep him talking.

  “Jennings, is it?” He loomed above her, refusing to reply. “Yeah, okay, don’t bother answering. Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to sit up.”

  “You’re going to suffer more than you ever thought possible. I don’t even care why you’re here. Let’s just call it a fortunate circumstance. I will give you to my master. He’ll be happy with my gift. He’ll take everything from you while you bleed,” He laughed.

  “Jennings, I hurt my ankle.” She feigned injury, wrapping both her hands around her leg until she was able to finger the grip of the pistol. Almost there. “I think I might have broken it in the fall. It hurts so badly.”

  “Listen, this will go easier if you just put out your hands.” He pulled out a roll of duct tape from his jacket. “If you can’t do it, I have no problem bashing your head in until you give up the fight. What’s it gonna be?”

  Sydney’s pulse raced as her assailant leaned forward to grab her. As she drew the Sig Sauer and fired, a blur jetted across her vision. She coughed as dust scattered throughout the air. As the cloud settled, Sydney could make out a dead body slumped against the wall. A scream tore from her lips, realizing the blur had been Kade.

  “Sydney, look at me. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Let me see.” Kade rushed to Sydney’s side and carefully lowered her arm, taking the gun from her hand. While he had been out back staking a rogue vamp, he'd heard a loud noise, and immediately regretted his decision to allow her to go in alone. He should have been with her. Whoever was behind this would easily be able to kill humans, and he knew it.

  Flying into the room, Kade had grabbed Jennings by the shoulders and thrust him hard against the brick wall. In an instant, Sydney had fired off a round, the shot landing in Jennings’ chest. Kade heard his last heartbeat. And even though he was disappointed that he hadn’t had a chance to interrogate him, Sydney was okay. Bleeding yes, but she was

  “Don’t touch me. It’s just a little blood. I’ll be fine,” Sydney protested, shaking. She stared at her bloodied hands, red streaks dripping down her fingertips. Furiously, she rubbed them onto her pants as if she was afraid he’d be enticed by the scent of it. “Please, let’s just call this into the station so they can scrub the site for trace.”

  “You’re hurt, love. Please let me help you.” Sensing she was in shock, he moved slowly toward her as if approaching an injured animal. This time instead of recoiling, she fell into his arms, allowing him to comfort her. “Just because I can smell your blood, that does not mean I am going to bite you. You’re safe with me. Let’s get you home.”

  As he took her into his embrace, the sweet lily fragrance in her hair filled his senses. Kade was angry with himself for leaving her side. She was his responsibility. He wanted to take her to her home and tie her to the bed so she would stay the hell away from the vampire who was killing these girls. He didn’t care that she was a cop. She was human nonetheless.

  “I’ll be okay. I just need to rest a minute. I’m fine. I’ll probably have a huge bruise on my back though.” She winced as she tried to move in his arms. Forcing herself to relax, Sydney let her head fall onto Kade’s shoulder. For a moment she let herself enjoy the hardness of his chest and the spicy scent of his skin. She knew she should push him off and walk away, but what could it hurt to pretend someone cared?

  Without letting Sydney slip from his arms, Kade managed to pull out his cell phone with one hand and place a call. “Luca, call the station and give them the address. Yeah, Jennings is dead. They need to scrub it. I want you here with them. You get anything, call me, got it? Okay. Bye.”

  Kade’s conversation jarred her from her brief respite, reminding her that she was on this case. Sydney pulled away from Kade, breaking their embrace.

  “Let’s check the rest of the building and make sure no one else is here. Jennings got me with the baton before I ever made it upstairs. Did you find anyone out back?” Her cool demeanor returned, as she resurrected her emotional walls.

  “I had myself a dance with a rogue vamp in the yard.” Kade noticed the change in her demeanor and played along, respecting her independence. He might not like that she put herself in danger, but that was part of her job. And he needed to try to worry a little less about his detective. Soon he would stake the offending vampire and catch his jet back to NOLA. As much as he wanted Sydney, he knew the reality of the situation. He would have to let her go. “They must have seen us coming. If you want to check the rest of the place, let’s do it together this time.”

  Thirty minutes later, Kade and Sydney had searched every square inch of the row home. Soon after backup arrived and with no clues to be found, Sydney did something she had never let any man do; she let him drive her baby, her convertible. She’d been hesitant about turning over the keys, but she was nursing a major headache and the lump on her upper back was throbbing. The bleeding on her hands had stopped, but she was pretty sure she was going to be black and blue.

  As they pulled up to her building, Kade carefully parked the car. He got out, handed her the keys, and opened her car door. Sydney groaned as she shoved herself up onto her feet.

  “Thanks for driving. You sure you don’t want to take my car back to the station? I can have Tony pick me up later.”

  “I’m quite all right. No need to inconvenience you.”

  “Um…you wanna come up for coffee?” She felt stupid even asking. Did a freakin’ vampire even drink coffee?

  “You tempt me with your offer. While I do enjoy a spot of tea, I am afraid that my tastes require more than you are willing to give,” Kade said, his voice cold. He didn’t want to tell Sydney yet, but there were rumors back home that someone was working black magic to gain power, but at the moment it was just talk. There was always some asshole looking for more supernatural power. Once you were a vampire, there was no democracy. You reported to the head vampire in the area; comply or die. Most accepted their new life, some didn’t. Luca would have a full update on possible suspects for him when he arrived. “I have to make some calls.”

  “You’ve got my cell number. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll be in touch tomorrow afternoon and we can plan the next steps. It’s been a hell of a night, and I need to get a shower.”



  Kade reached for her hand, turned her palm upward, and kissed it.

  “I will call you with any news. Please do the same. Please forgive me…ah, my car is here.” The limo pulled up to the curb.

  As Sydney entered the code for the building, Kade caught her stealing a glance back at him. In that moment, he considered his attraction to her. But almost as soon as the thought came, he shoved it to the back of his mind. Any distraction whatsoever could cause him to make deadly mistakes. And Miss Sydney Willows, while beautiful, was a distraction he could not afford.

  Chapter Six

  After taking three Advil, Sydney showered and dressed in her favorite red sundress that accentuated the swell of her tan breasts. Unfortunately, it also showed off her upper back that had started to turn bluish. She didn’t bother to dry her hair; her blonde locks looked wild and curly. It was late at night, no use blowing it out.

  She had considered going to bed. It was nearly two in the morning; she knew she should get into her pajamas, read a book and get some rest, but accustomed to working nights, she was wide awake and her nerves were on fire. Nearly dying can do that to a girl, but it wasn’t what was making her jumpy. It was Kade. She wanted, she needed, needed something, someone, him. But she wasn’t going to have him. Like a wanton slut, she'd asked him to come in with her 'for coffee' a.k.a. 'sex', and he seemed uninterested. She had thought there was a sexual tension there, but maybe she was wrong. He had lied about being a detective. He seemed to have plenty of other secrets. What else is he lying about? Maybe he has a girlfriend. Or worse, maybe he’s married.

  Sydney longed to forget her lustful thoughts of Kade. She didn’t believe in love at first sight anyway; lust maybe, but lust could be controlled…or redirected. Determined to get him out of her system, Sydney decided Tristan was just what she needed. She knew he cared about her, desired her. He’d always been there for her, the one stable man in her life besides Tony. Life was too short to sit around moping. After her attack, she didn’t want to be alone tonight, and Tristan would help her forget.

  As Sydney strolled through Eden’s doors, she spied Tristan leaning against the bar, talking to a redhead who was flirting with him and flipping her hair. Setting her sights on him, she strode across the dance floor, ignoring the stares from all the other men. They meant nothing to her; this was a club, a place to come and be noticed. Dancing, drinking, sweat, blood, sex, it was all here, and she was going to sate herself until she felt better. Stepping in front of Tristan, she flashed a badge at the girl.

  “Get lost. I’ve got business here,” she ordered. Her face held no smile. Her competition promptly rushed away, not wanting to be involved with the police.

  As she’d expected, Tristan was not going to be bossed in his own house. He instantly grabbed her arms, dominating the situation. He pulled her flush against his firm body.

  “What gives, Syd? My girl looks a little tense. You need something tonight?” he whispered in her ear, his cheek brushing against hers.

  “I need you,” she responded.

  She quivered in his arms, his erection pressing into her belly. There would be no stopping him tonight. It had been weeks since they’d been together. Even though there was no commitment between them, tonight she was his. She allowed him to take control, leading her up the stairs.

  Tristan led her into his private office. Soundproofed and secure, its royal-blue walls were decorated with modern art. A cherry desk sat center, complete with matching chairs. He flicked a switch and flames flared to life in a gas fireplace.

  Sydney stood still, unable to make the first move. Even though she�
��d felt an instant attraction to Kade, she told herself that he was nothing more than a mysterious stranger, one who was uninterested in pursuing a relationship. She needed to be with someone who cared about her; she needed Tristan. He’d always been there for her, and she for him.

  “Tristan, I….” she stammered.

  “Shh…you don’t need to say anything. I missed you.” He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek, and she leaned into him and kissed his hand.

  “Tris, this case. It was a rough night. I just need to relax. I just need you.”

  Tristan raised an eyebrow at her. “You sure, baby? You seem, I don’t know, a little different tonight. Distracted. You okay?”

  “I’m fine, Tris, really. I got hurt earlier tonight out with Kade, but I’m okay.” Sydney didn’t want to tell Tristan that she’d asked Kade to come up to her apartment or how she’d almost got killed tonight. She was reluctant to tell him the truth, but knew that he’d discover her bruises.

  “Dammit, Syd. What happened? Let me see you.” He pulled her closer to the fireplace and circled around her, inspecting her skin. When he caught sight of her back, he sucked a breath and ground his back teeth. “You’re hurt. Mon chaton, did you go to the doctor? Where was Kade when this happened?”

  “I’m okay,” she whispered, a tear escaping her eye.

  Tristan leaned over and kissed her gently on the shoulder, rubbing her neck. Sydney moaned in response, relaxing into his touch. Allowing him better access to her throat, she submitted to his wolf’s need to dominate. Usually, she had to be in control. But here, she could let down her walls…only with Tristan. He knew what she wanted in life, sexually. She would never let him fully into her heart. Wolves never mated with humans. Long ago, they’d both accepted that this would have to be good enough. But within Tristan’s arms, she would purge the thoughts of Kade from her mind. She’d get her release, go home, sleep and be back on the job tomorrow with a smile on her face.


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