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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 30

by Kym Grosso

  Sensing her tumultuous thoughts, Tristan rubbed his hands over the top of her head and then slowly moved them down her back, sending out waves of calming reassurance into her skin. Given the temperamental nature of wolves, Tristan was well-trained in using his powers to both excite and pacify supernaturals and humans alike. He could feel her muscles relax as they began to slow dance on the floor. She held onto him tightly as if she needed security, a lifeline to hold onto.

  “Tristan, I’m okay, really. Thanks. You…you’re a really good Alpha.” She giggled and looked up at him. “I can’t believe I just said that. Okay, I admit that I really don’t know what an Alpha does and you’re the only Alpha I know, but you’re a good person. I would really like it if we could be friends when I come back.” She honestly had never met someone as grounded and down to earth as Tristan before; he was a caring leader.

  “That sounds like a fine plan. Tell you what…I’ll teach you all about wolves when you get back…everything you want to know, baby,” he flirted and spun her around quickly as the music changed into a sultry R&B song.

  Samantha laughed out loud and threw her head back and then rested her forehead against his chest. “I just bet you would, Tristan.” He was incredibly handsome and charming and seemed to know all the right words to make everything seem all right.

  A stranger’s hand on her shoulder and a loud growl jolted her back to reality.

  Tristan’s face hardened as he pulled her tighter against him.

  “Stand down, Luca, my friend. Remember where you are,” Tristan said calmly with an even-toned voice.

  She looked up to see Luca, his eyes a fiery red. What was wrong with him?

  “Did you eat yet, Samantha? We don’t have much time before we have to leave for the airport,” Luca asked, irritated that she’d found comfort so easily in another man’s arms.

  She reluctantly pulled away from Tristan, yet still kept one hand on his forearm. “No, I haven’t eaten.” She spoke in a businesslike manner as if she’d just met him.

  Tristan looped his arm through hers and began walking them towards the bar. “Ah, see here, Samantha. Dinner is ready now. I wasn’t sure what you liked, but I figured most girls like a steak dinner, salad. And who can say no to chocolate cake?” He pointed to a place setting at the bar.

  “Thanks, Tristan. It looks delicious. I’m starving.” She kissed Tristan on the cheek and sat down, but not before shooting Luca an icy look that could have frozen water on a hot summer day.

  “Luca, over here,” Tristan commanded, pointing to the end of the bar.

  As they both sat down, Tristan glared at Luca. “What in the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t you get that she’s been traumatized? I know you don’t care for humans, but you’ve got to give this witch a break. I thought you’d be in a better mood after being with Kat.”

  “I like a particular human a little too much these days. That’s the problem,” he mumbled. He caught a glimpse of Samantha, who was voraciously eating her steak and totally ignoring him. Then he looked over at Tristan, who was smiling like the cat who ate the mouse.

  “I see,” he laughed. “Luca, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.”

  Luca shook his head silently.

  The look on Luca’s face made Tristan laugh even harder. “Oh my God. Wait…wait until Kade finds out!” He extended his hand and put it on Luca’s shoulder. “You’re jealous. And you know what that means, my friend? Oh yeah, that’s right my man, you’re developing feelings. That icy excuse for a heart beating in your chest is starting to melt.”

  “No, no, no,” Luca protested.

  “Yes, yes, yes. Let the Alpha guess what happened. Hmmm. Let’s see. You went upstairs with my lovely sister expecting to get your rocks off and your fang on, and you couldn’t do it. Luca Macquarie cannot fuck and feed, because he’s falling for a little red-headed witch. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  Luca shoved his hand away, disgusted by the truth of the situation. “Fuck you, Tris.” He gave him a small smile. “Okay, so maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m in deep and not sure what to do. It’s not like I have experience with this…with relationships. Hell, most of my relationships consist of ‘hey, do you want to have sex? You wanna bite? Okay, done and done’. Now I’m turned on my head. I don’t even know what to say, to do. And she’s pissed at me. I’ve been around long enough to know when a woman’s jealous. I am so fucked.”

  “Perhaps you are. For a while, anyway.” Tristan grinned broadly. “Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out, Luca. You’re an honorable, decent man. Always have been, always will be. But I can’t say I envy you your plane ride back to New Orleans with Kat and Samantha. That’s gonna give a new definition to turbulence.”

  Luca shook his head again, looked at Samantha, and then to Tristan. “Yes, I’ll have my hands full on the way back. So, how about you give us a ride to the airport once she’s done eating? I’m ready to face this head on. What other choice do I have?” He shrugged.

  “Not much. It’ll work out, mon ami. I’ll call the driver and ask him to get the limo ready,” Tristan said.

  “Hey Tris.”

  “Yeah,” Tristan answered, standing up, wanting to go check on Kat.

  “Thanks buddy. Sorry about going all vamp on the dance floor. I’m out of sorts. And I appreciate the chat. Besides Kade, you’ve always been there for me. I’ll never forget it,” Luca said.

  “Back at ya. Now, let me go round up my favorite sister. I wanna make sure all of your women are accounted for so you can have a good time for the next few hours.” Tristan laughed and punched Luca’s arm.

  Yeah, it’s going to be a laugh riot, Luca thought to himself. As he looked back at Samantha, she glared at him then quickly looked away. He could see the hurt and passion in her eyes and was determined more than ever to go to her. But as he started over to explain things to her, Tristan walked in with Kat.

  All four of them looked at each other, and Samantha rolled her eyes, shoving a piece of chocolate cake into her mouth. It was going to be a damn fine flight home to New Orleans, indeed, Luca brooded.

  Chapter Seven

  Flying in luxury was not all it was cracked up to be, Samantha thought, as she stared out the small porthole window. The plane was beautifully decorated, with plush tan leather seats, mahogany tray tops and undertones. In her life, she’d never known such decadence; she was used to being crammed like a sardine into a coach. But she knew that it wasn’t the plane that was the problem.

  Learning that Kat was coming on their trip and that she’d be trapped in a tin can for three hours with the two of them made her want to spit tacks. The four-seat luxury jet was not nearly big enough for her to breathe, let alone survive an entire trip with Luca and Kat. Perhaps if she just settled in against the window and tried to sleep the entire flight, she would not have to look at or talk to either one of them. On the way into the plane, Samantha chose to sit away from them in a cabin chair nearest to the front of the plane, essentially separating herself. Luca and Kat sat side by side in their individual bucket seats with only the aisle between them.

  In the elevator on the way down to the limo, Luca had informed her that Kat was coming with them; Samantha had silently nodded and pulled a mask of indifference over her face. Whatever had happened at the lake was clearly an insignificant bleep in Luca’s social calendar. She wondered if Kat was Luca’s girlfriend and perhaps she was the other woman. Did Kat know Luca had kissed her mere hours before making love to her? God, she felt so stupid for ever opening herself up to him.

  After nearly an hour of total silence, Kat wondered what the hell was up with Luca. He hadn’t said a word since leaving the club and wasn’t acting his normal self. And while she didn’t know Samantha, she felt an icy coolness wash over her as if she’d killed her cat. The last time she’d seen her in Tristan’s office, it had seemed like they were on their way to a friendship. Not able to take one more minute of the tension, she broke the dead air.<
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  “Luca, are you feeling all right?” She reached over and put her hand on his arm.

  Luca flinched at her touch, but Kat held firm. “I never thought I’d see the day when a vampire was jumpy. Too much coffee, dear?” she teased.

  Hearing the term of endearment, Samantha’s eyes flashed up and held Luca’s gaze. Her tight-lined mouth and intense stare told Luca all he needed to know about what Samantha thought of Kat.

  Pulling his arm away from Kat, Luca unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. “I’m fine. Just have a lot on my mind. I’m going back to the office to make a few calls. I want to make sure Marcel is ready for you and that Kade and Sydney are aware of our ETA,” he responded. He made his way toward the back of the plane and shut the office door.

  Kat looked over at Samantha, who gazed out the window into the darkness of night. “Okay, I know witches don’t have night vision, so what could possibly be so interesting out there? You’ve been boring a hole into the window ever since we left.”

  “Huh? Yeah, well, it’s better than staring at you all. I feel caged up in this tiny excuse for a plane,” Samantha replied tersely. She hadn’t meant to sound so rude, but she was losing patience with the situation.

  “You can put your claws back in, kitty-cat. What’s everyone’s problem around here, anyway?” Kat was taken off guard by Samantha’s snarky attitude.

  “Sorry, Kat. I just need to get this over with and done. I guess I’m just nervous,” she lied. “So, what’s with you and Luca? I was supposed to stay in his guest room when we get there, but I can go to the coven if that’d make you all more comfortable.” She silently cursed herself for asking, but she couldn’t take not knowing what was going on between the two of them. Were they lovers? Engaged?

  “No need, I’m going to my brother’s house. Marcel. He’s the Alpha in New Orleans. I…I’ve been having a bit of guy trouble lately,” she continued, looking out the window and then back to Samantha. “There’s this Alpha in New York. He wants me as his mate. Tristan and I have both told him it’s so not happening, but wolves don’t always play fair. I’m worried he might try to take me. So, I figured I’d go see my other brother, and have him talk with my persistent suitor. Two brothers are better than one. Plus, I’ll get to go wolf for a while down there, run with the pack in the bayou. I miss it.”

  Samantha studied Kat’s face, confused by why she needed to escape to New Orleans and why Luca wouldn’t just help her if they were together. It didn’t make sense.

  “But what about Luca? Why can’t you just tell the New York Alpha you’re with him?” she asked.

  “Samantha, I’m not sure what you think you saw at Eden, but Luca and I are not mated, nor will we ever be. We’re just very good friends who enjoy a good roll in the hay every now and then. Don’t get me wrong, the man is yummy, but I should not have to lie about my relationship in order to rebuff an overly assertive Alpha who doesn’t know the meaning of respect.” Kat was starting to put two and two together. Samantha’s cold demeanor; Luca’s distant emotions combined with his lack of desire upstairs at Eden; his evident angst. Luca and Samantha were involved. It was all starting to make sense.

  Samantha’s eyes pricked with tears hearing Kat practically admit they’d had sex. She wanted to tear off her seatbelt and parachute out of the plane, so she could be anywhere but near the two of them. She managed to get control and took a deep swallow.

  “It’s none of my business, Kat. I’m glad you could get a ride with Luca so you’d be safe on your way to your brother’s.” Samantha tried to sound gracious, but in reality, she wanted to vomit. Part of her liked Kat, which made it all the worse knowing her and Luca had slept together.

  “Hey, Samantha. I just…” Kat searched for the right words. “I just want you to know that Luca and I did not have sex today. I mean, I did come, but that was all. Oh God, that didn’t come out right. Geez. Okay, it’s like this. The man has got to eat. And I offered. And sure, I was hoping to get my freak on with him a little. I am single, after all. I mean, I had no idea you were together or anything. If I’d known, I would have never…”

  “We are not together,” Samantha spat out.

  “Whatever you say, but I want you to know the truth. Luca, he didn’t. We didn’t. He just fed. Sure, I came but that’s just a side effect of his bite. I’m sorry,” Kat apologized. She came over to where Samantha was sitting and sat crosslegged in front of her on the floor. She placed her hands on Samantha’s knees.

  “Samantha, Tristan told me all about you, ya know. I thought we could be friends, because I know what it’s like…what happened to you. Well, a very long time ago, it happened to me too. God, it seems hard to talk about even now.” She rubbed her eyes and raked her fingers through her hair. “Simone. She took me too. And others. Tristan went to Kade for help. He and Luca found me. Luca dragged me out of that hell hole and brought me back to Marcel. We share a special bond because of that, he and I. And now, you and I. All I’m saying is that it gets better over time.”

  Samantha felt like a jerk for being so jealous and mean-spirited towards her. Maybe not Luca, because he damn well knew how she’d felt at the cabin.

  “Kat,” Samantha put her hands out to Kat’s. “Thanks. No one else could possibly know what it’s been like for me, and it helps to know there’s someone else on God’s green earth who understands what happened to me. It’s been difficult.” She blew out a breath and continued. “As for Luca, I wasn’t lying. We really aren’t together. We just shared a moment, and I thought it meant more than it did. But I appreciate you telling me what’s going on with you two. As much as it pains me to admit it, I felt…I felt upset.” It was the best Samantha could do at the moment.

  “Hey, don’t worry ‘bout it. Whatever’s goin’ on with Luca, I suspect it wasn’t ‘just a moment’ as you put it. I mean, he seems wound tighter than a two dollar watch. And for that man to turn down sex with moi,” she laughed, “he’d have to either be a damn fool or starting to fall for someone else. And I’m guessin’ the latter, girl.”

  Samantha smiled, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her. She might not know where she really stood with Luca, but it felt good to bond with another woman.

  “Thanks, Kat. The only thing I’m sure of right now is that I’ve got to stay safe and help find whoever wants me dead. Piece of cake, right?” she joked, just as Luca came through the door.

  He raised a questioning eyebrow at Kat as she buckled herself back into her seat. “Everything okay here?” he asked.

  “Fine,” both women answered at once. They both laughed and looked out the window.

  The air in the plane felt lighter, but he wasn’t sure what’d just transpired between the two very special supernatural ladies. He’d been on the earth for over two hundred years and still couldn’t say he understood women. He did understand enough, though, to know he’d be having a very long conversation with Samantha when they got home.

  Kat hugged Samantha tightly, before getting into the waiting limo. They had exchanged email and phone numbers so they could stay in touch. Luca waited until Samantha was done before embracing Kat. He was worried about the situation with the New York Alpha, but knew she’d be safe with Marcel.

  “Listen, Kat. Call me if you need anything. I talked to Marcel, and he’s going to help straighten out this mess.” He kissed the top of her forehead. “Now, get going little wolf. Make sure those gators don’t get your tail in the bayou,” he teased as she ducked into the limo and shut the door.

  Samantha and Luca got into the back of the other limo, and she purposefully put space between them by sitting on the side which faced the trunk. She was still irritated with him and questioned his intentions, but at the same time, she couldn’t help noticing how great he looked tonight in his loose fit blue jeans and black t-shirt. His biceps were exquisitely carved, and she noticed he had a black tribal tattoo on the right one. She remembered the strength of his arms holding her up in the water, and wondered what it would be li
ke if he bit her. Would she offer herself?

  Her thoughts were broken when Luca shifted and sat beside her. She felt his jeans brush her bare leg, and struggled to act nonchalant.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m sitting next to you,” he smiled at her.

  She shot him a look of annoyance. Moving closer to the window, she tried not to let her bare leg touch him again.

  “So little witch, I think you and I need to have a bit of a talk,” he said.

  “Don’t call me that,” she insisted.

  “You are testy, aren’t you?” He took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to make this easy. “I’m sorry for what happened at Eden.”

  “For what?” she feigned ignorance.

  “Let’s not play games,” he countered.

  “Games? Games? I don’t know what you are even talking about, Luca.” Samantha’s normally soft voice was growing louder and louder.

  “Yes, games. I know you’re mad at me, and I know why. I just want to talk about it, so we can…”

  “So we can what, Luca? What? I mean, this morning at the cabin we kissed; that was all. You don’t owe me any explanations. Besides, Kat told me everything,” she interrupted.


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