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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 36

by Kym Grosso

  “Tell me Samantha. How did it make you feel to be in the club again?” Luca questioned her. He was worried she’d have a flashback or panic at the club, but nothing had happened. She was one cool cucumber. But he knew that beneath the surface, thoughts lingered. Fear? Anger? Arousal?

  “I…I felt…I don’t know. I was scared to be in the club at first. But nothing happened. I didn’t remember anything. And then there was the whole meeting with ‘mister freaky vampire’. He was really scary at first. But it was strange. He was very angry, but controlled. By the time he was finished telling me to get the amulet, it was as if I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I know it sounds crazy. I can’t explain it. And then seeing the submissives parade around naked as if it was nothing. And the sex. I guess it was okay.” Samantha sounded unsure of her own thoughts. She’d witnessed and experienced so many strange and new things.

  Luca put his fingers around her pallid neck, tracing his fingertips from her hollow to the back of her shoulder blades. He wouldn’t let her off so easily. He wanted to know what she really desired.

  “Did the domination scene excite you, darlin’? I saw you watching,” Luca whispered into her ear. She shuddered, feeling his warm breath against her.

  “Luca, did you go to that club often? Is that something you like? Do you do those things? Do you do what that woman was doing to that man?” she asked.

  “Answering a question with a question? No. Quid pro quo. You first,” he answered.

  “Fine,” she sighed. “I found it erotic. I don’t think it’s something that I’d do every day, but I wouldn’t mind playing at home with someone I trusted. But there is no way I’d do that in public like they were doing. I don’t mean to sound judgmental, it’s just that it’s not me. When I saw them, naked, and her touching him so intimately, I was aroused, but also upset. I kept picturing me in that club. I can’t believe that I did that, served drinks that way. I guess it’s not too bad, not at this point, considering I can’t remember. It’s like you’re telling me I did it. I see a picture in my head, but it doesn’t seem at all real to me. Then, later tonight, dancing with you on the floor; that was real. Okay, enough about me. Now your turn. Dish.” She got up, walked around the stool to stand next to him and put her arms around his waist.

  Luca looked down at his beautiful woman. He was falling for her. He planned on telling her about the bonding, about everything. But tonight? Gazing into her eyes, he knew it was right. She was his and he knew in his heart he’d never let her go.

  “Samantha, I’ll be honest. I don’t ever want to lie to you. You know I’ve lived hundreds of years, and yes, I’ve had sex with many women. But I haven’t loved anyone since Eliza. I really want to tell you about her sometime, but tonight all you need to know is that there’s no one in my life right now except you. As for the club…well, yes, I’ve been there a few times over the past couple of years with friends. I’ve played in the rooms, sometimes dominated women who were looking for fun with a supernatural. But it’s not something I do all the time or feel compelled to do. Until you came along, I was just passing the time. I work for Kade, collect antiques, travel and that’s about it.”

  “And do you want to do that to me? Do you want to tie me up?” she said, flirtatiously rubbing her breasts against his chest. Samantha hugged Luca, and he embraced her back, holding her tightly in his arms.

  “Perhaps. Are you interested in playing with me, little witch?” His sultry voice washed over her.

  “Um, yeah, that might be fun. Playing with you, experimenting with you actually excites me a lot. Is that wrong?” she giggled.

  “No, it certainly is not. I’d love to play with you in all ways possible. But Samantha,” he continued, “before we make love again, I need to talk with you about something. You know, there’s a connection between us.”

  She nodded.

  “Well, you need to know that I want more than just a casual affair. I want to be inside you, tasting you, bonding with you. I want you to be mine.”

  Samantha didn’t really understand what he meant by bonding with her, but she knew for certain that she wanted him to make love to her. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, hearing him say that he wanted her. She’d been unsure about how he felt. Every minute she spent with him made her never want to leave. Her prior life and job in Pennsylvania were becoming a distant memory as he was becoming her future. She admitted silently to herself that she wasn’t sure of the consequences of what he was asking. She only knew that she wanted him: to make love to him, to be with him, to be his.

  Samantha looked up at Luca who was patiently awaiting her answer. With great anticipation, he heard a single word from her soft lips. “Yes.”

  Intense green eyes locked on Samantha’s as he leaned in to kiss her. Her heart raced, anticipating his kiss, his every touch. With trembling lips she opened to him as he fiercely captured her mouth. His tongue danced with hers, tasting her magical spirit.

  “Yes,” was the only word he heard in response to his proposal; Luca lost control. Passionately and provocatively, he took her with a hungry urgency. It wasn’t sweet. His mouth claimed hers, savagely taking what was his. The intoxicating nectar of Samantha only made him kiss her more deeply. He wanted her in a way that he’d never wanted any woman. Determined to possess every part of her body and mind in the moment, he would claim her tonight. She’d be his forever.

  Luca tore his lips from hers. “Bedroom. Now,” he commanded. Leading her by her small soft hand, he stopped her before they got to his bed.

  “I will have you tonight, Samantha. After tonight, you’ll never forget that you are mine. And I will be yours.”

  Samantha silently nodded in response. She was ready to commit to this man, this vampire. Luca was everything she’d ever wanted in a male: strong, loving, trustworthy, and passionate. She knew in her heart that giving herself over to him was all she desired now and for her future.

  Luca unraveled the belt on her robe, slid his fingers underneath the soft fabric and slowly pushed it off Samantha, letting his hands glide from the smooth skin of her shoulders to her hands. As the robe pooled at her feet, he gently took her hands in his. She stood bare before his eyes. “You’re enticing, Samantha. I cannot seem to get enough of you. So the question is, do you want to play with me tonight? Be honest with me, darlin’, because I plan to take you to places we’ve never been before.”

  Samantha felt womanly, exposed to Luca. She trusted him completely as he released her hands and placed his on her waist. “Luca, please, hurry. I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll have to do something about that,” he smiled knowingly. “Turn around, face the wall. Don’t move unless I tell you. It’s time for some fun.”

  Without question, she complied and waved her bottom at him, shooting him a sultry look that said, ‘come and get me’.

  Luca loved how responsive she was under his direction. He didn’t ever bring women into his home, and certainly engaging in a little light bdsm was something he rarely did anymore. Yet he’d wanted to do this to her since the minute she’d danced with him in the club. Luca slid his hands slowly up the sides of her waist, under her arms, pushing them upward and placing the palms of her hands against the wall. With the same precision, he glided his hands back down her arms, waist, until finally, he reached her bottom.

  “Samantha, you are everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman; beautiful, smart.” She let out a small moan; he rubbed his hard aching bulge against her. He wanted to fuck her right now, but he wouldn’t dare. No, he planned to make her beg for mercy as he slowly brought her to orgasm over and over.

  Though he was still fully clothed, she could feel his magnificent erection against her bum. She wanted him in her now; she grew wet from the intense ache between her legs. “Please, Luca.”

  His hands slid from her ass around to lie just beneath her sensitive bosom. She moved slightly to urge him to cup her breasts. He smiled, smelling the overwhelming scent of her
desire, but he wanted to draw out the anticipation, tease her with delight. “No, no, no, darlin’. Not tonight. You don’t get to decide when or how the pleasure happens. You wanted to play, so play we shall,” he whispered into her ear. Goosebumps ran over her skin in response to his hot breath. “Tonight is about wanting what you can’t have until I give it to you. It’s about me savoring every stroke of your flesh. The ultimate pleasure, tasting you while you come, screaming my name. Now, do you want me to touch your lovely breasts? Tell me, Samantha.”

  “Yes. Please Luca, please touch them. I need…” Struggling to keep her hands pressed to the wall, she threw her head back in sexual frustration and sighed.

  “Since you asked so very nicely.” Luca glided his hands over her sweetly curved flesh, while rocking his aching shaft against her behind. “So firm. Just right. And your perfect little nipples; they demand my attention too. You want me to pinch them?”

  Samantha was lost in the sensation. He was driving her mad with need. She could feel her throbbing tips growing hard, but she was helpless to relieve the ache. She managed a strained response. “Yes, oh yes.”

  “Such a good pet.” He tweaked her hardened pink tips and released them, then repeated it several times until he heard her moan. “This? Is this what you want?” Luca slowly brushed the pads of his forefingers across the straining peaks.

  “Mmmm…more, Luca. Please,” she begged.

  As much as Luca delighted in the sweet torture, he needed more too. He took each pink tip between his thumb and forefingers, and pinched even harder.

  Samantha screamed in a heightened mixture of pleasure and pain. She rocked her hips back into Luca’s incredibly sexy and very hard male frame. She longed to touch the muscles that she knew rippled down his arms, flat stomach and strong legs.

  “Like a little pain with your pleasure? Interesting.” Luca couldn’t resist kissing along her neck behind both of her ears. “How about a few spanks for my beautiful woman? Tell me, Samantha, is that something you want?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never…” She was embarrassed to admit that she was excited about the idea of his firm hand on her cheeks so close to her core.

  Luca shook his head, sensing her desire. So his little witch wanted a spanking? He smiled. Without giving her warning, he stood to her side, letting his left hand slide down into her hot, moist folds, and then, in an alternating, successive order, he delivered four sharp slaps to the sides of her ass. He rubbed the inflamed, creamy skin with one hand as he inserted a finger inside her with the other.

  “Ah, Luca, yes!” Samantha spoke between ragged gasps. “I know I shouldn’t want this but I do. Oh my God, please,” she was begging.

  Luca felt the surge of wetness flow between her legs as she responded to his hands. He wanted to give her everything she needed but was finding it difficult to contain his own arousal. He’d like nothing more than to sheathe himself within her and fuck her senseless. Deciding to proceed with her pleasure, he inserted two fingers and began pumping them in and out, resting his chin on her shoulder as he whispered into her ear. He loved watching her lose control, giving into her darkest fantasies.

  “Aw darlin’, you’re so nice and wet for me. I’m going to fuck you so good and hard.” Panting in pleasure, she snapped her head toward him; her eyes locked with his. “That’s right Samantha; I said I’m going to fuck you. You like when I talk dirty to you, don’t you? And you liked it when I spanked your ass too. Do you want more, Samantha? Come now, tell me.”

  She sucked in a startled breath when she felt his thumb brush her clit. “Yes,” she said through gritted teeth.

  He smiled at her, gazing deep into her eyes. “Get ready to let go, Samantha. I’m going to spank you while I finger your sweet pussy. Do you understand?” Her mouth opened, not sure what to say to his crass words. She’d never been one to say anything during sex, let alone something dirty. But his words were more of an instruction than a random thought. She was aware that he knew the words made her grow even more ready.

  “Yes, please,” was all she managed to say before she felt four more spanks to her ass and Luca’s thumb pressing hard into her sensitive nub. She heard herself screaming as she plunged over the crest. In a molten sensation of release, she shuddered; her fists balled against the walls.

  Releasing her, Luca spun her around and erotically kissed her, fisting his hands into the back of her hair. She reached for the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head; they separated for only seconds as the shirt flew across the room, and then recaptured each other’s lips in a desperate act of passion. Samantha ran her fingers up the muscled planes of his back. They each fought for breath: tasting, sucking, wanting.

  Luca grabbed her wrists and pulled out of the kiss. With a burning look into Samantha’s ice-blue eyes, he regained enough control to direct their play.

  “Samantha, on your knees. Take me into your mouth,” he quietly commanded.

  Seductively, she smiled, and obeyed. Gracefully, she knelt, but not before brushing her rosy peaks against his chest, teasing him. She couldn’t wait to taste him, and she planned on tantalizing him like he’d done to her. Thinking this was going to be oh-so-sweet, she provocatively sat back on her heels, pushing out her breasts. Slowly, she unbuckled his belt, and pulled it out of the loops, tossing it aside. After unbuttoning the button, Samantha took her time lowering the zipper. He wanted to draw things out for her, so she planned on taking her time, making him beg in turn. In a quick pull, she removed his boxers and pants until he stood gloriously naked in front of her. Like some Greek god, he stood motionless above her as she admired his steely contours.

  Reaching behind him, Samantha languidly glided her hands up his thigh and abs until her hands rested just above his erection. With her lips mere inches from his cock, she darted her tongue out, running it over its smooth wet tip. He tasted wonderfully salty and masculine; she needed more. Unable to hold back, Samantha licked up and down his throbbing shaft, taking his tight sac into her hand. Her other hand reached around so she could dig her fingers into his hard muscular ass.

  In a single motion, she parted her lips, relaxed her throat and took him all the way into her mouth. Sucking him, she retracted her lips, releasing his ridged manhood. Grabbing onto the base of him, she slowly repeated pumping him in and out of her warm lips.

  Luca rocked himself into her mouth in rhythm with her demand. He hissed in ecstasy, realizing that she knew exactly what she was doing, paying him back for what he’d done to her. Did she comprehend how much power she had over him? He didn’t care in the moment; pleasure was all he could feel.

  His swollen flesh couldn’t take much more without him exploding in her mouth; no, it was much too soon for that. After one more sweet kiss of his shaft, he receded, pulling Samantha onto her feet.

  “I need you now, Samantha. I have to be in you. On the bed,” he ordered.

  Samantha sashayed over to the bed, and fell backwards, giggling. “Come and get me, vampire.” She wasn’t going to make this easy for him.

  Picking up the sash of his robe, he played with the tie, eyeing her from across the room. “Hmm….sassy witch, huh? Perhaps you need to be reminded who’s directing the show tonight, darlin’.”

  Her eyes widened when she saw him fingering the velour belt. Her heart began to race in excitement and her sex grew damp in anticipation.

  Luca confidently strode across the room, drinking in the sight of his beautiful red-haired woman, splayed out spread-eagled on his bed. Leaning down, he methodically began to tie a loop around one of her wrists. After securing the knot, he weaved the belt through the slats of the head board and secured her other wrist until her arms were nicely tied above her head.

  “Luca,” she protested against the bindings.

  “Tonight, your pleasure is mine, Samantha. If you really want to get out, your safe word is “cabin”; otherwise, we continue to play. Now what you might not know is that I could hear your heartbeat race as soon as you saw t
he belt. And since I don’t smell fear, I know it’s because you are aroused. Am I correct?”

  Damn vampire senses. She smiled at him. “Yes, so what are you going to do to me?” She wiggled her hips around on the bed a little, hoping to tempt him into her.

  “This.” He trailed a finger down her arm, down her side. Goosebumps broke out over her body; she started to beg. “Please, Luca. It’s not fair.”

  He laughed. “This isn’t about fair, Samantha. It’s about control. Dominance. And your submission.” With those words, he left the room, leaving her tied to the bed.

  She wondered what he was doing in the other room, hearing a banging noise, and struggled to see what he held in his hand when he returned, literally within seconds.

  “No peeking, Samantha. In fact, I think it would be best to remove another one of your senses, don’t you agree?”

  She simply smiled at him, wondering what he was going to do, and eagerly awaiting his rapturous torment.

  Luca straddled Samantha on the bed. He loved seeing her bound, awaiting his pleasure, desiring to make everything special. He smiled down at her, and held up a black scarf. Placing a slow, passionate kiss to her lips, he fastened the scarf over her eyes.

  “Luca,” Samantha whispered. She felt on fire with want. This man was pushing her to do something she’d never done, and she loved every second of it.

  Samantha squealed in surprise as Luca ran an ice cube around her rose-colored areola. The cold sensation was immediately replaced by the warmth of his lips; he sucked the tiny pink bud until it hardened and ached. He gave her other nipple the same attention and she felt herself floating in the absence of her sight. The lips, tongue and teeth on her aching tips sent a jolt of need to her clit, and she found herself writhing, trying to get him to touch her below.

  Within minutes, his lips abandoned her breasts. Moaning in delight, she felt his glorious hands caress her delectable pink mounds, while working his way downward to her abdomen with the cool wetness. The icy surface glided for seconds only to be replaced by his warm lips. Her hips rocked up into him; she wanted his frosty heat on her sex, in her.


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