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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 54

by Kym Grosso

  “It wasn’t planned. Kind of just happened. I went wolf,” he admitted.

  Logan raised an eyebrow at Tristan. “Okay.”

  “She had a nightmare. She needed me. Come on, stop looking at me like that,” he replied with a small smile. He held his hands up in protest. “Look, I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”

  “Yeah, okay, but do me a favor. Don’t jump in any deeper until we find out what’s going on with her. I know she’s important to you, but…” his voice trailed off. He was tempted to tell Tristan about the visions, but they were unclear. If he told him that he’d seen her, there was no telling how he’d react.

  “I got this. She’s fine, really. And speaking of Kalli, we need to take her to the hospital today to tie up loose ends. I don’t want her out of my sight. She saw two wolves leave the club on the day of the fire. They could have seen her go in or have seen her leave with the snake. And I still can’t trust Alexandra to keep her fangs away from her. She was out of control yesterday. I’m sending a text to Kade so he can get a message to Devereoux. He needs to put the smack down on her, so she doesn’t decide to try to snatch Kalli again. The look on her face yesterday when we walked out…she’s one mean bitch.”

  “You can say that again.” Logan shook his head. “I think that we should keep her out of Noir, too. I know she’ll be pissed but she crossed the line.”

  “Agreed. But let’s put that one back on Devereoux. He made her, and he needs to deal with his own. I can’t have her going off when I’m in the middle of a territory war.”

  “So, is there anything else that I need to know about Kalli?” Logan asked, just as she walked into the room wearing Tristan’s robe.

  Tristan sucked a breath seeing her freshly showered, and hardened at the thought that she was completely naked underneath the black cotton terrycloth. He jumped to his feet, taking her hand, pulling her to his side. “Aw, chére. Sorry about the clothes. Listen, Julie will be up in a minute with something for you to wear. I promise.”

  Kalli felt shy, barely dressed. She awkwardly tried to stand behind Tristan in an effort not to look at Logan. Another wolf. Fear swept through her.

  Tristan immediately noticed Kalli’s apprehension and tried to reassure her. “Kalli, it’s okay. This is Logan, my beta. Do you remember him from yesterday?”

  Her wide eyes met Logan’s, and she quickly averted her gaze. “I do remember seeing two men,” she responded fearfully.

  Concerned she was displaying the submissive behavior of a wolf and that he’d recognize her as something other than human, she forced herself to meet his eyes and extended her hand. “Hi, my name is Dr. Williams, but please call me Kalli. I can’t thank you enough for coming to my rescue yesterday.” There, she’d done it. Inwardly she congratulated herself for acting so completely normal….human.

  Logan shook her hand, watching her curiously. It was as if she’d switched from submissive to dominant within seconds. He looked over to Tristan, shooting him a knowing look and then back to Kalli. What the hell was that? He’d ask him later what was going on with her. Tristan had to have noticed it. Subtle, but the Alpha missed nothing.

  “Hey, no problem. Just sorry you had the unfortunate experience of meeting Alexandra. I’d call her evil but that would be an understatement,” he told her.

  “I will give her this; the mistress of Satan is true to her nature. Not that all vampires are bad people, but they definitely skate the line of morality. Alexandra is a predator and doesn’t care who knows it. I have a feeling, though, that will get her staked. She’s gotten worse over the past ten years,” Tristan commented.

  “Without a doubt,” Logan agreed.

  True to her nature. Kalli considered how she’d avoided her nature. Self-preservation had a tendency to drive one to do desperate things.

  “Kalli is a veterinarian,” Tristan explained. “Which explains why she was at UVH. She rescued Eve.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing. I’m not a huge fan of snakes, but the old gal has grown on me. Where is she?” Logan asked.

  “She’s at the hospital. I have her in the observation area now. Such a beautiful snake, very calm, likes being held. She’s thriving.” Her eyes lit up as she talked about her patient. Anyone could see how passionate she was about her work. “If you want to send someone to get her, I’ll sign the release papers when I go in today. I know I’m going to have to take a leave until this mess is figured out, but there were a few severely dehydrated puppies that someone had left abandoned in a dumpster. I want to see how they’re doing. They might be ready to go to the shelter by now. I really don’t know how people can just abandon animals, abuse them. People can be cruel,” she remarked, thinking how humans could be every bit as evil as Alexandra. “I know my patients will be fine with the staff but I have to know how they’re doing…peace of mind and all. I know you’re not supposed to get attached, but sometimes, I just can’t help it.”

  “That reminds me.” Logan walked over to the elevator and picked something up off the floor. “Here’s your purse. We got it out of your car. I’m afraid someone cut your tires. We’ll call in a tow for you and get it fixed up, don’t worry. Tristan here, tells me you’ll be spending time with us for a while, so sounds like you won’t need it.”

  “Thanks, and um, thanks for my pills,” she coughed, remembering her desperation in the car. Rifling through her purse, she looked up. “You didn’t happen to find my work ID by any chance?” The sequence of events was blurry, but then she recalled taking her ID and keys with her and leaving everything else in the car.

  Before Logan had a chance to speak, she answered her own question. “It must have fallen off when they took me. I left my stuff in the car. Just took my keys.”

  “Hey, I know you’ve been through a lot, but I want you to know that we appreciate your help,” Logan offered.

  “Well, to be honest, I’m still in considerable danger. Those wolves I saw could be after me…if they weren’t before, they will be once I do these sketches. And there’s the vampire; I know she didn’t give me up out of the goodness of her cold dark heart. Not happy about it, but I’ve got to lay low for a bit…if I want to live that is. And I do kind of like living. Pretty fond of it, actually,” she joked half-heartedly.

  “Alive works for me, too. Seriously, though, we’ll keep you safe here. It’ll be all right,” Logan encouraged with a small smile.

  Even though she’d initially been afraid of Logan, she soon found it was easy to talk to him. It didn’t hurt that he was good-looking either. Like Tristan, he was at least six four, well-built and charming, she thought to herself. His dark brown hair fell past his shoulders, but even with long hair, he somehow looked quite the all American guy.

  Logan studied the fine doctor, cognizant of her easygoing personality. He could see why Tristan found her attractive, with her innocent face and baby blue eyes. And that hair; the black curls were beginning to dry in shiny spirals, cascading over her shoulders. She seemed so vulnerable but at the same time, she exhibited strong tendencies. It was just yesterday she’d been passed out in the car, bitten and bloody. And today, although still bruised, she was conversing with them both as if she’d been around supernaturals her whole life.

  Tristan watched his beta cautiously from across the room, as if he could hear Logan’s thoughts. Was he flirting with her? His wolf growled; mine. Oh hell no, Tristan thought. He was not claiming this woman as his own. He hadn’t even had sex with her. One night of sleeping with her, and his wolf was ready to take her? A human? Why did the wolf want her so? It was insane, yet the human side of him felt a sharp pain deep in his stomach as he watched Kalli flash Logan a smile. What was that? As Logan reached to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, Tristan heard himself growl.

  Both Logan and Kalli stilled at the menacing warning. They both knew what it meant without hearing a single word spoken. Logan stared over at Tristan, surprised at the territorial admonition.

  Tristan raked his hand through his hai
r, realizing what he’d just done. Like a common dog protecting his bone, he’d just snarled at them. Fuck. He couldn’t believe that he was even capable of such an intense reaction. Yet there was no denying the confusing emotions swirling inside his chest. Relieved to hear the elevator ringing, he silently strode over and punched in the security code.

  Julie’s eyes darted from the Alpha to his beta and back again. She wasn’t sure what she’d just walked in on, but the tension seemed thick. Regardless, she had a job to do.

  “Good morning, peeps!” she chirped, walking in with a large tote bag. “Kalli! You’re up. Oh my, I didn’t expect you to be walking around today. Are you sure you’re all right? Did these he-men drag you out here for another interrogation? Um, I mean questioning,” she corrected, shooting both Tristan and Logan a questioning look.

  “No, they’re fine. Um, I’m fine, thanks,” Kalli responded, purposefully moving away from Logan.

  “Well, let’s get down into your room. I want to check your vitals. Brought you clothes too, which I’m quite sure you’ll appreciate. You’re already at a disadvantage around these two. And being naked won’t help you. Maybe them, but definitely not you,” she said with a wink to Tristan. Looping her arm around Kalli’s, she led her down the hallway.

  “What. The. Fuck?” Logan snapped, once the girls were out of earshot. He’d heard Tristan growl a million times, but rarely was it directed at him and never over a woman. Spending his life protecting the guy kind of earned him that privilege, to talk to him the way he just had. Logan was the only person in the world that when push came to shove, Tristan would allow to call him to the carpet.

  “It’s nothing,” Tristan protested.

  “Denial must be a great place to be, Tris. Seriously? Over her?” he pressed.

  “All right. I’m sorry I, uh…growled. Let it go. End of discussion,” Tristan replied, aware that he’d momentarily lost control.

  “Yeah, okay,” Logan agreed looking down at his phone, reading a text. “Hey, the artist is here. Mira’s bringing him up.”

  Logan needed that clearance report on Kalli stat. He prayed it came back clear. She was alluring, no doubt, both physically and intellectually. But his sole purpose was to defend his Alpha and pack; something said he couldn’t trust her. Not yet. He planned to stick close to her until he had something on her, and even closer to Tristan. Clearly irritated with his territorial nature over Kalli, Tristan had shut down. Logan backed off, knowing he needed space to get it together.

  The Alpha was being sucked into the vortex of the mystery woman, and he suspected he knew the cause. Logan wished he could spare him from it; but like all things in life, it was the natural cycle of things. Fate was a coldhearted bitch. It didn’t make sense to him how the Goddess would bring a human to mate his Alpha. Perhaps she wasn’t the one. His visions weren’t clear, but being around Kalli, seeing her face, her mannerisms, he felt more and more certain she’d been the one in his dreams.

  Chapter Ten

  Tristan took a deep breath, centering himself. He had to remain in control; so many people depended on him. He couldn’t wait to get the sketches done. Not only would he share them with Marcel and Chandler, he planned to send the drawings over to Tony. They might help on his end. Tony Bianchi, Sydney’s former partner, still worked homicide in the city police department. Since the fire had been ruled as arson, Tony wasn’t working the case, but he was the only one Tristan trusted on the force.

  P-CAP, the Paranormal City Alternative Police, was aware of the fire, but since no supernaturals were murdered, they wouldn’t take the case. Tristan didn’t want them involved anyway; given that Alexandra had vamps entrenched in their organization. The previous month, when a serial killer had been stalking young women, Kade had assigned himself to P-CAP in an effort to expedite the case. At the end of the day, pack business would be handled from within; he would mete out justice, not leave it up to the police.

  But Tony could put out a city-wide bulletin on the suspects, or perhaps get a name on them prior to his meeting with Chandler. It was a long shot that Jax would even know the wolves who’d set the fire. And even if he did know them, Tristan wasn’t certain that he’d cooperate. Working all angles was prudent given the lack of information.

  Logan tapped in the code, allowing the ever-polished-looking Mira to saunter into the room. She wore a smart pink plaid dress suit with black pumps, her hair pulled neatly into a French twist. He smiled to himself, thinking how she could go from looking like a business barracuda one minute to a purring kitten the next. And had she ever purred for him last night.

  A disheveled man, carrying messenger bags, followed her, stumbling into Logan.

  “Logan. Tristan. This is Mr. Mathers. He will be doing the sketch. And before you ask, yes, I checked his badge,” she stated, walking over to Tristan first, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Please, sit,” Tristan requested, gesturing to a guest chair in the living room. “Do you need anything to work?”

  “Ah, no. Just the witness. I’m going to do the sketches. Afterward, I can send them to whoever you wish,” he explained. Pulling out an oversized tablet and stylus, he situated his equipment. “It may be easier for me to work at the dining room table. Do you mind?”

  “No, not at all. Mir, can you get him set up? I’m gonna go get Kalli,” Tristan told her.

  Kalli exited the bathroom, dressed in hip-hugging jeans and a tight yellow cotton short-sleeved t-shirt. Brushing her hair aside, she gratefully accepted a pair of beige ballet flats from Julie and slipped them onto her feet.

  “Thanks again. I promise to get this stuff back to you once I get my clothes from my apartment. It feels good to finally have some clothes on again. I almost feel normal,” she declared, smiling.

  “No problem. I have to say that I’m pretty amazed at how quickly you’re healing. You sure you’re not feeling any more dizziness?” Julie asked, intrigued by how quickly she had recovered from her blood loss.

  “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little tired, but no dizziness. I must have a strong heart,” she suggested, knowing it was her wolf genes that helped her heal so quickly.

  “Well before ya go, do you want to talk about these?” Julie held up the tiny bottle that held her pills.

  “Um, well, they’re just something I take to help keep me on an even keel. Helps control muscle spasms. It’s kind of experimental; something I’ve been working on,” she lied somewhat.

  She hated deceiving Julie; the woman had been so nice to her. She’d always heard that if you had to lie that you should do it by sprinkling the fib into a story that was mostly truth. Muscle spasms? Well, technically that is what happened when she shifted. And being undetectable as wolf definitely was good for her mental state. As long as no one knew her true identity, she had been able to relax. Her old pack couldn’t find her.

  Kalli slipped the container into her purse, and rummaged around for her makeup. Finding a small tube, she pulled it out and slid the light pink gloss over her lips. As she dropped it back into her bag, she noticed Tristan by the door, watching her with the same heat he’d shown when they kissed. She smiled over at him, hoping that she’d be able to trust him soon with her secret. She felt guilty not telling him everything. He deserved to know the truth, but should she put her life into his hands?

  “Can I take a break?” Kalli asked, after the first sketch was finished.

  “Well, I really suggest we keep going. I need to get back to the station,” Mr. Mathers replied, clearly annoyed that she wanted to stop working.

  “Well, okay then, but it might be more productive if I just take a small break to refresh myself,” she persisted.

  Her face began to flush as she approved the first drawing. It brought back the reality of her situation. She was not going home or back to work. No, she’d decided to stay with strange wolves, when she had spent the past ten years trying to stay away from them.

  Looking at the drawing of the wolf over and over a
gain was enough to send her into a full-blown panic attack. Seeing his face reminded her that she’d been living on borrowed time. If they found her, they’d drag her kicking and screaming back to South Carolina. And if they decided not to kill her on sight, she’d be subjected to monthly rapes by the men who weren’t worthy of breeding. Oh God. I can’t go back. At the thought, her chest tightened; it felt as if she had an elephant sitting on top of her, making it difficult to breathe. Air, I need air. Her throat began to constrict. She put her head into the palms of her hands.

  Tristan was talking to Logan and Mira about the latest acquisition when he heard Kalli gasping. Alarmed, he ran to her, pulling her into his arms.

  “What did you do to her?” he yelled at the artist, who was tapping away on his tablet.

  “Me? Well, nothing. I mean, she wanted a break, but it works better if we just keep going while the details are fresh,” he explained nervously.

  “Idiot,” Tristan mumbled under his breath. He stroked Kalli’s face with his hands, in an effort to get her to breathe normally again. “Time for a break. Come on, baby, it’s okay. Breathe. That’s it. Just feel me.”

  Tristan led her over to the sofa and lifted her onto his lap. He sent calming waves to her, hoping that his powers could be felt by a human. She cuddled into his warmth, trying to concentrate on his words. Hearing his breaths and strong heartbeat, she focused on matching her own to his as if they were one.

  Logan and Mira both gaped, taken aback by the scene, as Tristan took the human to his breast. He acted so protective of her, as if he was mated. Yet he didn’t know it. They both felt slightly voyeuristic but couldn’t help but be drawn to the sight before them. Mira was more than astonished, she was irritated. How could this happen? She was human.

  “I’m okay,” Kalli reassured Tristan, lifting her head up and pressing a palm to his chest. “Oh my God. I’m so embarrassed. Really it was just a tiny panic attack. I’m fine.”


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