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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 64

by Kym Grosso

  As his thoughts drifted to business, he couldn’t curb how jacked up he was in anticipation of tonight’s summit. If Jax Chandler was in any way responsible for Paul or Toby’s death, he was primed and ready to kill. Revenge was not something Tristan took lightly. People had families. Death always brought consequences to both the executioner and the prisoner. Unfortunately as Alpha, he’d been forced to mete out justice more times than he’d like to count, but that was the burden and responsibility of his position. The scars on his bloodstained soul spoke of the heavy price an Alpha paid in return for the safety of his pack.

  Tristan heard the sliding doors open and caught a glimpse of Logan making himself a cup of coffee. He could have sworn he heard laughing before Logan poked his nose around the glass doors.

  “Hey George, how’s it goin’?”


  “George Hamilton, you know. Tan man. I’d ask you to put some clothes on but that’s like asking a shark to become a vegetarian,” he joked, noticing Tristan was sprawled out on the lounger wearing nothing but his boxers.

  “The boys have to breathe. Besides, when you’ve got it and whatnot,” he laughed. “Goddess, isn’t this weather great? I love September.”

  “Glad to see you’re in a good mood today considering we’re about to go kick some ass tonight.”

  “All part of the job my dear Watson. And I must say that it’s about fucking time.” Tristan adjusted his sunglasses. “Everyone ready to roll?”

  “Yeah, Simeon and Declan are coming with us. They’re good to go. Kalli, coming with?”

  “Oh yeah. She’s ready as she’s gonna be. It is what it is. You stick close to her, okay?”

  “Why I’d love to, Alpha,” he said drawing it out as if he was really going to enjoy it.

  “Yeah, don’t get used to it, smart ass.”

  “So, are we going to talk about it?” Logan asked with a broad knowing smile.

  “Talk about what? I may be Alpha, but I’m no mind reader.” Oh, but he knew exactly what Logan was asking.

  “You. Her. Dance floor. Oh and the distinct sounds of screaming that only come with hot sex. Nothin’ like the sound of ‘Fuck me’ reverberating throughout the Four Seasons. Classic, bro.” Logan slapped Tristan on the shoulder, busting at the seams laughing.

  “What about it?” Tristan replied with a coy smile.

  “You’re done, man. Not that I blame you. Kalli is one sweet wolf. Ah, I love when I’m right,” Logan declared.

  “About what?”

  “Oh, nothing. Sometimes it’s best to let nature take its course. But you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Alpha?” Logan chuckled, falling back into the chair.

  Tristan scowled. Damn Logan and his visions. Tristan didn’t want to even know what images had been flashing through his beta’s dreams. It was nothing but trouble. Business was a different story, but his love life was off limits. Deciding not to encourage Logan, he ignored his comment. An Alpha knew when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em; therefore he kept his mouth shut.

  On the ride over to the summit, Kalli kept quiet as she listened to Tristan and Logan run through different scenarios. Each and every one of them had dressed in all black with sturdy boots, in case there was debris in the meeting place. Due to the high probability of both shifting and violence, the facility chosen was selected for its privacy, not comfort. They’d agreed on an abandoned building in an isolated area of Camden for the summit. Considered neutral territory, the New Jersey Alpha had granted them permission to use the facilities, given the recent death of the Lyceum wolf.

  The limo pulled up to the dilapidated building, and they poured out onto the street. Simeon, a muscular wolf, who rivaled any World Wrestling champion, led the pack, alert for any sign of an ambush. Simeon nodded, signaling an all clear to Tristan and Logan. Surrounding Kalli, they proceeded toward the two story, red bricked building. Once a neighborhood firehouse, the windows had all been boarded over; graffiti was scrawled across the whitewashed plywood.

  The deafening silence reminded Kalli of the desolation she’d felt during her childhood. But tonight, there was a good chance that the disconcerting reticence would be sliced with the screams of death before dawn. Kalli swore she smelled the sickly odor of wolves from her old pack, yet the five men who stood at the long wooden table were unfamiliar. As they approached the table, the strangers rose.

  “Alpha.” Tristan nodded in respect toward the tall attractive wolf who held court in the center of the table. Exuding power, his strong facial features accentuated his Nordic complexion; cropped blonde hair gave way to piercing pale blue eyes. When he took notice of Kalli, she instinctively bowed her head in deference, and held tight to Logan’s arm.

  “Alpha, I’m pleased to meet with you tonight,” he replied coolly.

  “Shall we sit?” Tristan suggested, preferring to take them off guard by feigning a relaxed positioning. Yet his body was coiled tight; like an asp he was ready to strike. His wolf paced, eagerly awaiting battle.

  “Certainly. This is my beta, Gilles.” Kalli could have sworn they were twins, but kept her thoughts to herself. The last thing she planned on doing was talking at this meeting. The only reason she’d agreed to come was to identify wolves, if presented with the opportunity.

  “And you know Logan. This, here, is Dr. Williams. She’s here in the capacity of witness. You should also be aware that she’s mine and under my protection.”

  “I see,” Jax commented, looking Kalli over. She swore she could feel him undressing her even though she was buttoned up tighter than the queen’s girdle. Opting for a simple nod, she swallowed, continuing to clutch poor Logan’s arm, hoping she wasn’t cutting off his circulation.

  “As much as I’m enjoying the elegant accommodations, let’s get to business. A little over a week ago, two wolves set fire to my club, Eden. The same wolves are suspected in the murder of a young wolf that occurred two nights ago. Sketches of the suspects have been provided to you via Logan. I’d be remiss not to mention that circumstances and specifics that led to a lupine death are confidential at this point as there is an ongoing police investigation. While P-CAP has presumably been notified of the murder, I believe we’d agree that as wolves we prefer to abide to our own rules,” Tristan paused as Jax silently acknowledged his words with a small grin.

  “In addition, as you may have been notified by Marcel, another young wolf was killed in New Orleans nearly two weeks ago. New York plates were found on the stolen car. I understand that he’s forwarded the sketches of the dead wolves who drove the car, but to date, no Alpha has claimed responsibility. I am formally requesting your assistance in the apprehension of the suspects in both murders. With all due respect, and this is in no way an accusation, I need confirmation from you that your pack is not involved in either of these matters.”

  A deeply serious expression fell across Jax’s face, and he addressed Tristan. “Alpha, please accept my sincere condolences on behalf of me and my entire pack. I take no offence to your need for confirmation, and I am pleased to inform you that I have not condoned nor have I ordered an attack on either the Lyceum Wolves or Marcel’s pack. However, after viewing your sketch and careful distribution of the picture, I have brought you a gift. Call it a peace offering after the misunderstanding we had regarding your sister, if you will.”

  Tristan stared intently at Jax. He could feel his wolf readying to shift having smelled blood. The energy in the room thrummed with tension; he was aware he’d have his prize.

  “Bring it out!” Jax barked, never taking his eyes off of Tristan.

  A bright red wooden door with peeling paint flew open, and a stubby, dirty man wrapped in heavy silver chains was thrust into the open space by a burly, unyielding thug holding a gun.

  Kalli eyes flashed to the weapon. She guessed silver bullets came with the shiny gun; ones meant to kill wolves. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply. She swore by how quickly her heart was racing that she’d need a healthy dose of oxygen by the
time she got out of there…if she got out alive. But as soon as the man was shoved into the spotlight, she gasped. Sato. South Carolina Wallace Pack. Relief momentarily swept through her until she realized that number one, the other wolf wasn’t in attendance, and two, punishment would be served.

  Easily identifying the man as one of the wolves from the sketches, Tristan turned to Kalli. “Do you know this man, Dr. Williams?” he asked formally.

  “Yes, Alpha,” she croaked, shrinking into Logan. It was as if she was a young girl again, cowering. She felt Sato’s eyes bore into her and looked away. “I…ugh..I think his name is Sato. I’m not one hundred percent on the last name. But without a doubt, this man was at the fire, and he’s part of the South Carolina Wallace Pack.”

  “You fucking bitch!” he screeched at her. Even chained, he was formidable. Baiting Kalli, he continued to yell. “You’re nothing but a traitorous hybrid whore! Gerald’s still waitin’ for you, missy. Oh yeah, you owe him. He’ll have ya on your back in no time spreading those filthy legs and…”

  Before he had a chance to finish, Tristan slammed him into silence against a wall, crushing his larynx with the brunt of his forearm.

  Kalli fought for air, attempting to quell both her burgeoning anger and fear. She glanced across the table and caught a glimpse of Jax smiling as if he was enjoying watching Tristan’s attack. As if sensing that Kalli was about to lose it, Logan pulled her close to his side, putting a protective arm around her, and placed his finger to his lips, signaling her to remain silent.

  “You killed my wolf; my son,” Tristan roared, unrelentingly maintaining his hold.

  An evil smirk broke across the man’s face. “Not so tough now, Alpha, are ya? That kid was your weakness. We gutted him good.”

  A loud crack resounded throughout the room as Tristan smashed the wolf’s head against the wall, leaving a dent in the sheet rock.

  “Where’s the other wolf?” Tristan spat at him.

  “Like I’d tell ya. But don’t worry, he’s still out there. In fact, he’ll probably find you first….he torched your club good after we got thrown out. And your bitch, Gerald is looking for her. You can kill me but this won’t be the end for any of you,” he sneered, spitting saliva into the air with each spoken word.

  Tristan’s steely eyes settled on the killer. In a cold, low voice, he deliberately and slowly delivered the death sentence, each word laced with intent. “Tonight you’re goin’ to die just like Toby. And like him, you will run for your life. As confusion and despair threaten to overtake your senses, dread will engulf your entire being. You will beg the Goddess for your despicable worthless life as I watch the life drain from your eyes. You’ve got a thirty second lead, but know this; within the next five minutes, your life will end.”

  Tristan released him, ripping the chains off of the man as easily as if he was pulling apart string cheese. The acrid odor of burning flesh from the silver burning Tristan’s hands hung in the air. Like a caged animal, the man took off running, clothes flying in the process as he prepared to shift.

  Kalli held her breath, trying not to hyperventilate at the sight. Witnessing Tristan’s furor first hand jolted through her like electricity. She’d never seen an Alpha so fierce and primal; a purely spectacular male. Hating Sato and everything he represented, she felt no sympathy for the killer. Her only regret was that she wouldn’t be able to witness his death.

  Tristan ripped off his leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans within seconds. As soon as the air hit his naked skin, he instantly shifted into his beast. Turning his head just once to glance at Kalli, he howled and ran out into the darkness.

  Stealthily, the black wolf weaved in and out of the shadows, scenting his prey. He crouched low to the ground, hearing a whine in the distance. Sprinting at full speed, he took off toward the enemy, who was attempting to hide in a nearby shed. Images of Toby flashed through his mind, surging the rage; the need for revenge. The thirst for blood danced on his tongue.

  As he rounded the corner, the grey matted wolf darted into a deserted house, and Tristan closed in pursuit. Inwardly, he laughed, knowing the wolf had essentially trapped himself with his own irons. Hunching down, he quietly padded into the blackened entranceway. He could smell the blood of the wolf in the room; he must have cut himself in the street.

  A rat squeaked in the corner, momentarily distracting Tristan. He growled menacingly toward the rodent, and it scurried off. Still smelling Sato’s scent, he launched himself up the stairs, which led into a parlor of sorts. The waiting enemy snarled, beckoning Tristan to attack quickly, increasing the chance he’d make a mistake. But Tristan wouldn’t make this quick. Sato had shown Toby no mercy, chasing him down, eviscerating him slowly. So he’d planned do the same to Sato, inflicting the exact pure terror Toby must have felt. Circling Sato, Tristan bared his teeth, approaching and then receding and back again. He snapped at him, tearing off a chunk of Sato’s fur; blood sprayed the floor. Is that how you made Toby feel? The pain of the bullets tearing through his skin. The scent of his own blood filling his nostrils as he tried to shift.

  Sato whined in pain, but refused to retreat. The large grey wolf advanced with great speed, jumping at Tristan’s head. Teeth sliced through his ear as blood and fur flew into the air. Refusing to yelp, Tristan let the pain ignite his rage. He quickly flipped himself around, until his teeth were firmly rooted in Sato’s pelt. The harder the other wolf tried to shake him off the harder Tristan held on, not killing him…yet. Sato twisted and turned until he finally fell to his back, baring his belly submissively. As Tristan went to release his hold, Sato gnashed his teeth in one last attempt to maul the Alpha. Anticipating his strike, Tristan struck, sinking his teeth into the soft tissue under the chin. Blood flooded his mouth as he shredded the wiry fur and flesh. Slowly he tore it apart, bit by bit, until his prey stopped moving. Releasing the wolf, Tristan circled around the body, until it transformed into the remains of a shell that used to be Sato. Throat torn out, the sanguine cord of the spine laid on the dusty floor, providing evidence of the kill.

  Tristan howled in mourning for the wolf spirit; there was always a consequence for taking a life. As Alpha, the heavy scar on his soul settled. Responsibilities and vengeance to the pack ran deep. In his actions and thoughts, he felt he’d brought Toby a step closer to peace. Others would pay as well, but for tonight, he’d avenged for his pack.

  Tristan strode into the warehouse, naked and bloody, fresh from the kill. Kalli screamed his name, struggling to break free of Logan’s hold. Stifling her cries, the silence seemed to mirror Tristan’s tenebrous disposition. Although he’d been gone for less than fifteen minutes, his somber expression spoke of war. Deftly pulling on his t-shirt and jeans, he slipped on his shoes and approached the table.

  “I am in gratitude for your gift, Alpha. Clearly, this is just the beginning. One battle. You should be advised that after today’s news, we’ll be going after the Wallace Pack. Please contact me directly should you receive any more information on the other wolf,” Tristan stated emotionlessly. His normally warm amber eyes appeared darker, tinged in sadness.

  “You are very welcome,” Jax remarked. Standing up from the table, he extended his hand. As Tristan shook it, Jax caught sight of his wariness. “Alpha, it had to be done. If there’s one thing I know, it is the weight we both share. Good luck to you going after the others.”

  Tristan nodded in understanding. Taking Kalli from Logan, he hugged her tightly. “Let’s go. Our business is finished here.”

  Before leaving, Tristan turned to Simeon. “Body’s in the third house on the left. After we get home, grab a couple of the boys and ship it to South Carolina.”

  “Got it boss.” Simeon knew the drill without Tristan saying any more. It was a message to the Wallace Pack wolves, and he’d be happy to help him deliver it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The macabre vibe continued well after they’d left the warehouse. Rather than a slew of consolatory comments, a muted contemplati
on blanketed the car. On the way over the bridge to Philadelphia, Tristan received a call from Tony informing him that the body of Lindsay, Kalli’s assistant, had been found in the UVH parking lot earlier in the evening. She’d been found stuffed under her car, throat slit. The cowardly act had been caught on tape, and one of the sketches matched the suspect; the second wolf, Morris.

  Tony said they believed that both wolves had visited the hospital in search of Kalli, while she’d been held by Alexandra. During that visit, an exchange of information had taken place between Lindsay and the suspects. An intensive computer search showed evidence that Lindsay had been responsible for hacking into several computers at the hospital, including Kalli’s. A large lump sum of money had been recently deposited in Lindsay’s account, suggesting she’d sold Kalli out, and possibly others. Tony said it was too early to tell at this point. They weren’t exactly sure of the motive for her killing, but reasoned that perhaps the wolves wanted to tie up loose ends after Toby’s murder.

  The news of Lindsay’s slaying and betrayal angered Kalli. But she held the emotion in tightly, refusing to shed a tear or waste her thoughts on the foolish girl who’d helped kill Toby. The incident only served as a further incentive to help Tristan track down the other wolf. Seeing Tristan’s display of power earlier left no doubt he’d be caught.

  When they finally reached Livingston One, they were greeted by both Julie and Mira, who both offered assistance. Logan quietly confided what happened at the summit with both women, while Tristan and Kalli retreated to his condo. Normally jovial and confident, Tristan seemed distant and uncharacteristically reserved. Like Tristan, Kalli knew that things were far from over, especially since they suspected that the CLI was in Gerald’s hands.


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