Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 79

by Kym Grosso

  At the challenge, Logan strode across the room, pinning her against the wall. He had to smell her, taste her. Why would she deny her wolf? Why play games? Logan didn’t want to hurt her. Oh no. If anything, he’d like to give her pleasure like she’d never known. But she kept insisting she was human. If she wanted to play, play he would. She was wolf, and he’d prove it to her. But as her sweet scent engulfed his senses, he began to lose control. His wolf clawed at his psyche, begging to take the woman. Like freshly cut roses, the heavenly aroma was familiar yet altogether unique and desirable, although her wolf lingered on the edge; she was there, he could scent her.

  In an effort to prevent himself from ravishing her right there in his office, Logan plastered his hands so hard against the window, he thought it’d crack. At the sound of her moan, he darted his tongue out against her silky skin. He had to taste her. Just once. Ah fuck, no; his wolf wanted more. Eyes feral, he locked them with hers, taking her arm. He placed a small kiss to her palm before dragging his tongue along her wrist all the way to the crook of her elbow, releasing a growl of satisfaction.

  Wynter’s heart pounded as he gently took her arm into his hands. She shivered as he pushed up her sleeve and brought her delicate wrist to his lips. Wet with arousal, she couldn’t break their connection as she stared deep into his mesmerizing eyes. Oh my God. Wolf. Human. I’ll be whatever you want me to be…just please, just take me. Wynter thought her knees would give out, except he had her pressed up against the window. Lost in his spell, she responded by nudging her own hips against his hard arousal as he tasted her skin.

  Logan groaned as the territorial need to take her consumed him. He needed to get things under control. Jax. Fucking, goddamned Jax. His name alone should have killed his raging hard on, but it wasn’t helping one damn bit. No, he needed to separate himself from her before he tore her clothes off. He closed his eyes and blew out a breath, but didn’t release her.

  “Wolf,” he breathed into her hair.


  “Wolf, sweetheart. You’re very much a wolf,” he confirmed.

  “No, I know I was sick but that just can’t be.” Wynter tried to move, but he wrapped his arms around her protectively. “I need to see a doctor. Please, Alpha.”

  Confused, Logan pulled away enough so he could look at her. He wasn’t sure why she was denying her wolf. Considering her illness, he tried to be gentle, to calm her. “Wynter,” he said softly, noticing that she’d rested her forehead against his chest. “Look at me.”

  Wynter complied, slowly raising her head. She was overwhelmed. One minute she’d felt a healthy dose of fear, then instantly she was overcome with lust for the Alpha before her. She didn’t know him, but something deep down told her that she could trust him. He had nothing to gain from telling her she was a wolf. She suspected she’d been compromised somehow by ViroSun. How, she didn’t know.

  “Hey, I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you, but we’ll deal with this. And given that we’ve technically slept together, I think you can call me Logan.” He winked in an effort to put her at ease. “Last night when you were unconscious, I had my doctor examine you. And before you ask, she’s a hybrid so she knows about wolves and humans. But I need you to be honest with me. Why do you keep denying your wolf?”

  She sighed, resigned to the fact that she needed his help. While it was true she had to talk to Jax, the man before her was offering her a lifeline and she desperately needed to grab onto it if she had a shot in hell of keeping her sanity. She had to explain to him, tell him more about what happened to her.

  “I deny my wolf as you put it, because I’m not a wolf. I’m human,” she explained, placing her palms against his chest. “Please listen to me. I swear I’m human. I’ve never in my life shifted. And I don’t know why I scent like wolf to you. But you have to understand, the place I worked; they…they could do things. I was forced to help them do these things.”

  “Things? What kinds of things?” Logan didn’t like where this was headed, but he tried to sound encouraging and not angry. He didn’t want to scare her any more than she’d already been.

  “I was working on many different things….mostly viruses. When I’d refuse or give them a hard time…let’s just say there are parts of my employment that I don’t remember. These people…they’re evil. And capable of horrible things…things I never knew could be possible,” she croaked.

  Logan pulled her into an embrace and stroked her hair. “Whatever happened we’ll figure it out,” he assured her. He couldn’t understand how a human could smell like a wolf, but a few months ago he’d been around wolves, who through pharmaceutical means, could hide their wolf, scenting as humans. Perhaps she’d been injected with something similar? “I need to know what exactly you were working on. Sounds pretty important if these vampires were willing to risk going after you out in the open like they did.”

  Wynter wrenched herself out of his arms and wrapped her arms around herself. She knew he wouldn’t like what she was about to tell him. As much as she wanted to tell him everything, her loyalty was to Jax. Her Alpha had first rights to access the intelligence she’d gleaned in her captivity.

  “I want to tell you. But…I can’t,” she said softly. “Jax. I have to talk to him first.”

  Logan’s stomach clenched at the mention of the New York Alpha. He had to know. “Do you belong to him?”

  Wynter slowly turned around and gave him a sorrowful frown. “Yes.”

  As the word left her lips, she wished in that moment it wasn’t true. There was something about Logan. She wanted so badly to tell him everything. Her attraction to the gentle wolf couldn’t be denied. But she owed Jax her life and her allegiance. Maybe after she talked to Jax, she could explore the budding feelings she had for the New Orleans’ Alpha. But now was not the time. No, out of respect for Jax, she needed to speak with him first.

  Logan blew out a breath. Needing to put distance between them, he returned to his desk and sat down. He leaned back and stared up at the ceiling, trying to concentrate. If she thought she could tell him that there was something nefarious going on in his city and simply walk away from him, she was surely delusional. The next question he was about to ask was critical to how he’d proceed with regards to her and his investigation.

  “Are you his mate?” He held his breath, awaiting her response.

  She froze. Jax’s mate? She lived with Jax, wore his scent even. But she’d never revealed the true nature of her relationship with Jax to anyone. She and Jax agreed that it would be best if she lived with him, kept others in the dark. He assured her that that would be the only way she’d be protected under his care. Despite the fact that they’d agreed upon it in the past, she couldn’t lie to Logan.

  “I’m not his mate,” she responded, not quite meeting his eyes. Please, no more questions. “Logan, I know you don’t know me, but I’m begging you. You know how this works. He’s my Alpha. What I worked on…it was with Jax’s knowledge and approval. I knew what I was getting into or at least I thought I did,” she huffed. Yeah, I knew exactly what I was doing right up until I couldn’t leave the compound and became dinner for the guards. “I need to talk with Jax first. That’s how it has to be. You know protocol.”

  Fuck protocol. He wanted the goddamned truth. But he knew she was right. If she’d been one of his wolves, working for him, she wouldn’t be allowed to discuss business with another Alpha. That being said, New Orleans was his city and if Jax wanted answers, wanted her, he had to go through him.

  Steepling his fingers, he pinned her with a hard stare. He suspected by the way she carefully responded that she was concealing the true nature of their relationship. Now why was that? If she was his girlfriend, why not just tell him? Maybe because he could have easily fucked her on his desk two minutes ago and she wasn’t at all resisting. The scent of her arousal was overwhelming. But if she wasn’t his mate, her attraction to another male shouldn’t have mattered to her or Jax. No, it actually would have been expected
. All wolves played the field, quite unfaithfully, until they found their mate.

  So why all the secrecy? Deliberately, he’d let her think she’d won this round of questioning. Logan was determined to influence her into spilling every last secret including her darkest fantasies. But first, he needed to lay down some ground rules. Ah yes, rules were great fun especially when you got to make them.

  “Sit down, Wynter,” he ordered. She obeyed without question. It was evident to him she’d been around wolves long enough to understand it was in her best interest to listen to an Alpha. “Until Jax gets here, you are under my protection. And I assure you, you will be safe with me. But I’ve got a few rules.”

  Wynter should have known this was coming; Alphas and their rules. It was as if she was home. Oddly, she felt relief knowing that for at least now, she’d be safe from ViroSun. She was certain that they’d be looking for her. They’d want their research finished.

  As she looked up to Logan, she was surprised to see him smiling. She couldn’t help but give him a small smile in return. What was he thinking? The rules, of course.

  “What? Is something funny?” she asked.

  “The rules,” he continued, ignoring her question. If she was going to stay with him, he might as well have fun with her until she submitted to him fully. As soon as Jax landed, he planned to have a very long conversation with him about his lovely little wolf. “I don’t have many, but these two you must follow without question. First, you will not leave my home or office alone. Ever. If for some reason I’m not available, my beta, Dimitri will be. In spite of whatever happened with you two this morning, he’ll protect you with his life.”

  “Yes, don’t leave alone…got it,” she repeated, uneasy with how happy the thought of spending more time with Logan made her. This first rule would not be hard to follow, because she was scared to death that they’d come after her again.

  “Whoever was keeping you captive may decide to kidnap you back. And I’m going to need your help finding the place where they kept you last. I’m guessing they’ve already made themselves scarce, but after we talk to Kade, we’ll check it out.”

  She nodded in agreement.

  “Second rule. I expect honesty. By taking you into my home, I’m assuming responsibility for your safety based upon the little information I have. But I will not put my pack at risk, you understand?”

  “But I already told you there are some things I can’t tell you,” she interrupted.

  “Yes. Protocol. I’m well aware about why you prefer to talk to your Alpha first. But other than that, no lies. I’m not playing games.”

  Wynter bristled at his tone. “I’m hardly playing games. You do realize that it was me who just spent two months imprisoned?”

  “Sweetheart, I get it, but remember you’re the one withholding info, not me. But I’m not worried. Very soon, I’m confident you’ll trust me with all your clandestine secrets and desires,” Logan predicted, giving her a sexy smile.

  “Um, we’ll see,” she commented, returning his smile.

  Wynter flushed, embarrassed by his insinuation. Desires. It had been forever since she’d had sex. Until last night, she’d nearly forgotten she was a woman. Being around Logan was like going from drought to flood. She stared at his lips, remembering the soft way he kissed her wrist and squeezed her legs together. A familiar ache between her thighs overwhelmed her. Taking a deep breath, she shifted in her seat and crossed her legs, attempting unsuccessfully to relieve her arousal.

  Those sensual lips of his…on her skin. What would he taste like? As soon as the thought popped into her head, she tensed. If she didn’t get it together, she’d be in his lap in two seconds, taking her fill of him. No, she needed to concentrate on something else. Virus. Ah yes, that thought dulled her desire. They’d come for her…slice into her skin, stealing her blood. That single thought was like having a bucket of ice cold water dumped over her head.

  Logan sat quietly watching a wide range of emotions play across her face. His little wolf was terribly aroused but then within seconds he could tell she was thinking of something else, something scary perhaps. Best keep her on her toes. Perhaps he’d learn the entire truth before Jax got here. If he could get her to trust him, she’d break. It wouldn’t take much, he reasoned.

  “Well, now that that is settled, here. Call him.” He took the phone on his desk and turned it toward her. It would matter little if she spoke to Jax. She had to know that with his exceptional hearing, he’d be able to hear what she was telling him.

  “I can call Jax?” she asked, surprised he was allowing her to call home.

  “Be quick though because I’m hungry,” he instructed. He swiveled his chair, focusing his attention to his laptop screen.


  “Yes. Time for lunch. And while I’d be quite satisfied eating in…just you and me, alone here in my office, I suspect things would be safer if we went out for lunch, if you know what I mean,” he quipped.

  “Uh, yeah. Lunch. Out would be best.” She gave him a small smile, understanding his meaning. She shook her head, trying to ignore his comment and began to dial. Eat in…or eat her? Had he pushed further, she suspected she’d let him eat wherever or whatever he wanted. It frightened and excited her. She was finding it hard to think clearly around him as the thought of her spread out on his desk, Logan feasting on her, popped into her mind. Before she could fantasize any further, Jax answered. The voice of her Alpha startled and calmed her all at once. Her eyes darted over to Logan as she made contact.

  As suspected, Wynter had revealed few clues during her brief phone call with Jax. Logan suspected the New York Alpha knew he was listening and had kept the call short on purpose. From the brief conversation, Logan had failed to learn the extent of her relationship with him. He’d heard Jax call her the term of endearment ‘princess’. Close friends perhaps? Lovers? It bothered him that he cared so much about even knowing the status. It shouldn’t matter…yet it did.

  Logan had been single for well over a hundred years, and he wasn’t about to jeopardize his pack over a woman. It wasn’t as if he didn’t plan on making love to her; no, it was quite the opposite. As long as she wasn’t Jax’s mate, she was available. But considering her secretive nature, he wasn’t about to start a sexual relationship without her full submission and disclosure.

  Regardless of the lack of information exchanged during the call, Logan noticed that Wynter was visibly more relaxed as she hung up the receiver. He supposed the voice of her Alpha had assuaged any apprehensions she’d had about him coming for her. It was a shame that she’d leave him so soon, possibly even tomorrow if Jax managed a flight. Deciding to make the most of the afternoon, Logan stood and silently ushered her out of his office. Nodding to his secretary and Dimitri, he smiled as the elevator doors opened.

  As they descended, Logan glanced at Wynter, wondering if whatever little nugget she was keeping to herself had the potential to destroy the peaceful coexistence they’d cultivated between vampires and wolves. His gut told him there was far more complexity to the situation than met the eye. With or without her help, he intended to scratch the surface, carving it wide open, exposing the organization that had held her captive. He was deeply troubled that even a few vampires were caught torturing, running down a human or wolf. Like with roaches, when you found just a few, you could be certain that you had an infestation. And Logan planned on carrying out a thorough extermination.

  Chapter Six

  The Directeur watched the Alpha lead his beloved feminine scientifique into the crowd. As he suspected, the beta followed as did a few other wolves. What little they knew. Try as they might, they couldn’t keep her from him forever. No, she was his to command as he wished. The little fool thought she could escape him by running? Perhaps she was able to weasel her way out of the physical structure, but the city itself had walls. She’d go nowhere without him.

  The Directeur was amused that they thought they could avoid his touch. The dimwitted wolv
es would never see his great Stratégie coming. And the vampires were far too arrogant to see their weaknesses, let alone acknowledge them. He considered the witches. Surely they thought they were above it all with their potions and spells. But they, too, would have their due. There needed to be limits. Discipline. Too long he’d waited on the sidelines.

  When the Mistress had approached him, he’d sworn his allegiance. Beautiful, brilliant and deadly, she was far superior a being than anyone he’d ever met. And now he served at her side, creating the Stratégie. He had to admit she was correct about choosing his historic city as the premier location for the attack. There were far more supernaturals centrally located in New Orleans than any other city on the East Coast.

  In truth, the Directeur thoroughly enjoyed creating. He fancied himself an artiste. For too long, Kade, Marcel and Ilsbeth, the witch, had enjoyed their shared ownership of his city. His patience wore thin as he cultivated a picture of an avant-garde New Orleans. Under his direction, he'd transform the city into the vanguard of supernatural supremacy. Soon he’d drag his wide brush of destruction across the city, until whitewash covered every surface. Then he’d paint his masterpiece.

  His dick grew hard as he imagined his coronation. Sucking a breath, he ducked into an alley to adjust himself. He wished there was time to relieve the pressure, but he needed to focus on the task at hand. The little bitch. Yes, that is why he was here. To keep watch. Soon, he’d seize the opportunity to take her.

  Noticing how they surrounded her, it became obvious to him that the Alpha was aware of the precious nature of his commodity. Indeed, they thought they could protect her, even in the open streets? Interesting, he thought. Why, indeed, would the Alpha take such a liking to the scientifique? Perhaps she’d told him what she’d been working on? And by now, her illness would have set in, taking root in her DNA. A wolf claiming to be a human? Unheard of; he’d think she was insane. And the stories of viruses? Well, she could have been working for anyone in the country. They’d never find the lab, and she knew it. Of course, it’d been moved. She knew their methods and processes. Any breach in security warranted relocation. They frequently moved locations, never staying in one home or city for very long. They couldn’t risk discovery.


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