Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 80

by Kym Grosso

  She laughed at something the Alpha said, and he seethed. She knew her blood was his. Her pleasure and pain were his as well. Breathing deeply, he smiled at the old man playing the trumpet and tossed a twenty into his plastic jar. He stood a mere fifty feet from the Alpha and as usual, went unsuspected. So perfect was his place within New Orleans society, they’d never suspect him. Delightfully ignored, he sat at the French Market bar and flirted shamelessly with the lovely barkeep. He stole a glance as the scientifique blushed. How dare the little slut wantonly bat her eyelashes at the Alpha?

  The Directeur laughed out loud, watching as his feminine scientifique stood to leave with the Alpha. Silently, he vowed to inflict the harshest of punishments on her. The betrayal stung his cold dark heart. Not only had she lied when she began her employment, now she appeared to be taken with Reynaud, throwing herself at him. Perhaps he’d whip her mercilessly, drain and fuck her before setting her pretty feet back in the lab where she belonged. Ah, he wished he could do all that and more, but the Mistress would never allow it. No, the Mistress was so much more disciplined than anyone he’d ever known. Work came first over earthly desires without a doubt.

  No bother, he’d wait. Soon, she’d finish her project, perfectly as expected. Then he’d have her all to himself as the reward he deserved. The Mistress would allow it then. As long as he didn’t kill his scientifique, the Mistress would let him play with his toy. With the Alpha finally out of sight, the Directeur made the decision to remain in the quaint café. Invigorated by his reconnaissance, he slipped through the back entrance to the kitchen in search of his barmaid. As usual, the meek human never sensed his approach. With his hand over her mouth, no one heard the stifled scream as his fangs stabbed into her neck.

  Chapter Seven

  “She’s lying,” Logan commented, watching Wynter through the sliding glass door. Her lithe smooth legs bounced in the azure pool water. He wished he could see more of her but she insisted on wearing that damn cover-up. The sheer pink fabric strained tightly against her breasts; her erect nipples pressed through the small black triangles of her bikini top.

  “Yep.” Dimitri popped a potato chip into his mouth, admiring the new womanly fauna that had recently been added to their courtyard.

  “She won’t tell me everything I need to know.”

  “No surprise there.” He bit another chip, unable to look away.

  “I should send her to stay with Fiona.”

  “Most definitely.”

  “But look at those legs,” Logan growled.

  “Yes, indeed.”

  “And her breasts. Just so, so…perfect.”

  “Hell yeah,” Dimitri concurred, watching her sun herself.

  Logan shot him a glare. “My breasts.”

  “Whatever you say, Alpha.” He smiled and raised an eyebrow. He didn’t want to burst Logan’s bubble, but they both knew she belonged to Jax. “So why are you in here and she’s out there?”

  “D, don’t get me wrong. I know I shouldn’t want her. But there’s just something about her. I can’t put my finger on it.” Logan ignored the question and took a drink of his sweet tea. He really wished that she didn’t fascinate him so much; things would be much easier. He sighed. “She’s just. Well, I don’t know. I just want her.”

  “And the problem is?”

  “Technically, she belongs to Jax,” he explained, adjusting his growing arousal. He watched with great anticipation as she slowly pushed up the sheer fabric, revealing her belly button. She was killing him.



  “Again…the problem is?” Damn, his Alpha was in big trouble if this creature had him tied up so badly. Amused with the situation, he grinned.

  “It’s complicated…ugh, will you look at her? Just take that pink thing off already,” Logan groaned as she fingered the edges.

  “Can’t stop lookin’ at her. And what’s complicated? She’s, um, a wolf; I think. Anyway it doesn’t matter, bro. She’s definitely all female.”

  “I told you. Jax didn’t claim her but she told me that she belongs to him. She’s loyal to him,” he bit out.

  “In what way does she belong to him exactly? You know that doesn’t really matter…except for the protocol. If they’re not mates, then it’s lady’s choice when it comes to sex,” Dimitri reminded him. “What else?”

  “Secrets. I don’t like it.”

  “But you like her?”

  “I said it was complicated.” Logan shrugged.

  “Nothin’ complicated about those legs,” Dimitri laughed. “Nothin’ at all. I bet they’re quite flexible even.”

  Logan growled in response.

  “Just sayin’.”

  “Being Alpha isn’t always easy, you know. It can be very hard as a matter of fact,” Logan commented.

  “Sometimes when things are hard, it can feel really good.” He wagged his eyebrows at Logan.

  “Nice mouth, D.” The frustrated Alpha began to undress in front of him. “I’ve gotta check on her.”

  “And you’re in here with me because?” He left his question open ended waiting on Logan’s response.

  “Because my beta, we’re letting her relax. Building trust,” he explained. “And then, my friend, after that, it’s time to ease the truth out of our new guest.”

  “I see. And how do you plan to do that?” Dimitri glanced out once again to admire the lovely she-wolf lounging on their patio.

  “Watch and learn,” Logan told him, tossing his shirt and pants onto the sofa.

  “Yeah, okay, Alpha,” Dimitri laughed. He surmised that if anyone could get control of the situation, it would be Logan, even if that entailed getting up close and personal.

  Dimitri admired how his Alpha wielded his confidence and charm like a sword. Even during the tensest of interactions, the wolf never lost his cool. Damn if his Alpha didn’t have some moves, and he reckoned he probably could learn a few tricks from the master. Dimitri laughed as he watched Logan stroll out the door buck naked. Whether this went well or not, it would be entertaining.

  Wynter nervously tugged at the suit she’d borrowed from the pool house. What man kept a stock of women’s bikinis in his pool house anyhow? A playboy. A hotter than hell, sexy Alpha playboy. One with the bluest eyes she’d ever seen and an easygoing personality that made her want to cuddle into his lap like a purring kitten. She sighed, supposing she shouldn’t let herself go there. This was only temporary. As soon as Jax arrived, she knew she’d be whisked back to New York City and reality would commence. She loved the urban scene of the Big Apple but she couldn’t help but notice how the quaint French Quarter seemed to speak to her soul. When they’d returned from lunch, she was surprised to see how lovely the courtyard was in the daylight. Complete with ferns, flowers, fountain, pool and hot tub, the entire back yard screamed relaxation.

  Captivity had made her both claustrophobic and pale, so the sunshine bred a sense of vitality back into her heart. Logan must have sensed her craving as he suggested she go for a swim. She wished she was stronger to refuse the gift but she just wasn’t. Nearly jumping with excitement, she happily took him up on his offer and was even more delighted when he offered her a suit. She supposed that he skinny-dipped, being the wolf that he was. But being the very human she was, or at least thought she was, a suit was a welcome addition.

  Wynter swore she could literally feel the cells in her body healing as she basked in the afternoon sun. The cool pool water splashing her feet offered the perfect complement to the stones beneath her towel which emanated heat onto her back. Maybe not heaven but it was damn close to it, she thought. As she soaked up the sun, her thoughts wandered to the conversation she’d had with Logan at lunch. Admittedly, she’d been scared being out in the open where they could find her, but Logan had assured her she was safe with him. Every time she nervously looked around, he’d placed a calming hand to her shoulder, reminding her that she was no longer alone, protected. Not once did he ever raise his voice or
make her feel like she’d done something wrong. Even though he knew she hadn’t told him everything, he didn’t press. Rather, he’d kept the conversation light, asking her where she went to school, her favorite colors, foods and movies. Breakfast at Tiffany’s, she told him. And he didn’t laugh but instead asked if maybe she’d like to watch it with him sometime after the drama was over.

  If she hadn’t known any better, she’d have thought she was on a first date. She laughed to herself, realizing how crazy it seemed. But she couldn’t deny her gravitation toward the wolf. Logan was undoubtedly the most charismatic man she’d ever met. Both witty and assured, he appeared to approach life with a cool confidence. Yet he wasn’t arrogant or demanding. She was finding it difficult to shake off her body’s reaction to how he’d tasted her in his office. She’d wanted him to go further but he hadn’t. He kept her on the edge of sexual tension all afternoon, and she found herself hoping he’d touch her again, kiss her.

  Wynter groaned at the thought. Jax would kill her. While she’d on occasion found a wolf attractive, Jax would have gone ballistic if she’d asked to date within his pack. If he only knew the lustful thoughts that bantered about in her mind, he’d have a fit. She loved him so much, but as Logan pointedly asked, she was not his mate. Jax had to know she couldn’t go on forever living with him. Yet she owed him her loyalty and respect. She’d given him her commitment to see her mission through to the end. And while she was no longer working in the lab, she also wasn’t finished.

  Her thoughts wandered back to Logan and she smiled. He’d been incredibly dominant and sexy in his business suit earlier. And the night before when he’d held her so tenderly, she’d wondered what it would feel like for him to run his hands all over her skin. The possibility that she could maybe have a relationship with him thrilled her; even if it was just a fantasy. Maybe after the mess with ViroSun was cleared up, she could come back down to New Orleans. She admonished herself for even getting her hopes up; the chances were slim that Jax would simply accept her desire to see Logan again. With her being human, Jax wouldn’t hear of it. She’d have to convince him somehow that she could make this decision on her own, but she knew it wouldn’t be easy.

  Logan quietly padded out of the house. While he prided himself on knowing how to move stealthily in the most dangerous of situations, he hoped she’d scent him right away. Yet Wynter seemed oblivious to his movement. It seemed strange that she didn’t even notice him. Most wolves would have immediately reacted. He slowly waded into the water, never taking his eyes off of her. He could hear from her heartbeat that she wasn’t quite sleeping; day dreaming perhaps? Time to wake his little wolf.

  Wynter startled at the sound of a splash. She quickly pushed up onto her elbows and scanned the area but didn’t see anyone. Just as she was about to recline, she caught sight of the most glorious vision she’d ever seen. Oh. My. God. Logan. Before her eyes, his six foot five, tanned, muscular body rose from the water like a dripping hot Greek God. Stunned and captivated, she watched as the beads of water rolled off his smooth skin. Unable to control the impulse, her eyes roamed over his wet body from his broad muscular shoulders to the hard ridges of his abdomen. The very smallest dusting of hair trailed down into the water, where she was quite certain she’d find him naked.

  Logan laughed out loud at her reaction, snapping her attention back to his face. He shook his shaggy hair and water sprayed all over her legs. She flinched slightly but didn’t look away. He was simply the most magnificent male she’d ever seen. Immediately, she pulled her legs together, as desire rushed to her belly. She didn’t need an expert to tell her the shark in the water was hungry. She knew he was dangerous, ravenous for his next meal. And oh how she wanted to be bitten. At a loss for words, she returned his smile, waiting for him to speak.

  Logan watched her take in the sight of him and tried so very hard to ignore the signs of her arousal. He found it amusing the way she tightened her thighs together in an effort to remain composed. Ah yes, little wolf, the Alpha knows what you want, but will you give it to me? Let’s see where this takes us. Smiling, he approached slowly and smoothly, making her wonder what he’d do next.

  He enjoyed keeping her on her toes. And now that she’d had time to relax, to be lulled into a false sense of security, he intended to take advantage. As his cock jerked, he wondered, though, who was going to take advantage of who. The closer he got to her, the harder he had to deliberately keep himself from ripping off her clothes and sinking into her sweet heat. Needing to touch her, he placed his hands on her knees. She did nothing to stop him. He could almost feel the electricity sizzle as his cold hands touched her hot skin.

  “Ah,” she moaned, not exactly protesting.

  “Enjoying the sun?” Logan asked softly. His hands held tight to her knees, not moving.

  “Yes. It feels so good. The sun…I needed this.”

  “I see you found the suits Fi brought you,” he acknowledged. He’d arranged for clothing to be sent while they’d been at lunch.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done. I don’t know how I can repay you for helping me.” Ah, so that’s where all the new suits came from. Wynter knew it was silly but she felt relieved to know that he’d brought bikinis to his pool house just for her.

  “Just showing you a little southern hospitality is all. I’ve got lots of things to show you as a matter of fact,” he laughed.

  “I just bet you do,” she flirted. “And something tells me that I’d like to see them.”

  “Well, I’m sure that can be arranged after we’re done with our business.”

  “Yes, that.” The reference to business dulled the ache between her legs considerably. How could she forget?

  “I got a text from Jax,” he mentioned nonchalantly. “He can’t get down here tonight. Looks like he’ll be here tomorrow at the earliest.”

  “Why not?” she asked, concerned he wasn’t going to come for her. She was about to get up but Logan held her still, placing his palms on the tops of her thighs.

  “Snow. Airport’s closed. No flights in, no flights out,” he explained in a calm voice. “But don’t worry; I told him that I’ll take good care of you.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Wynter replied sarcastically. And wouldn’t she just love it, she thought.

  He smiled broadly. Truth was that he wasn’t a damn bit upset that Jax was delayed. It gave him more time to get to know Wynter and hopefully, find out what secrets she held.

  “In the meantime, we’re meeting with some vamps tonight.”

  Her face went white with fear. Too soon. They’d take her. As much as she wanted to trust Logan, there was no way she could be around another vampire.

  “Hey there. It’s okay,” he coaxed, caressing her skin. “Come on, look at me, Wynter.”

  She complied, meeting his eyes. Once again tears threatened to fall. “You don’t know…what they did. I can’t go back.”

  “I told you that you’re safe with me. No one will get to you while you are in my protection. Do you understand?” he asked calmly. What did they do to her? He’d seen the bite marks, but hadn’t delved any deeper. A serious expression washed over his face. “I would never put you in danger. Ever.”

  A tear ran down her face as she struggled to maintain contact with the powerful Alpha. She wanted to trust him, but it was so very difficult after everything that had happened.

  “Listen sweetheart, I don’t know what happened to you…what they did to you, but I promise to stop whatever’s happening. Do you remember?” He had to ask. In a low, soft voice he proceeded, trying to be as nonthreatening as possible. “You can tell me…what they did to you. The bite marks…I saw them. They’re mostly on your arms, but there were a few on your legs…your thighs.”

  Wynter closed her eyes and then opened them slowly. She’d thought long and hard about her periods of unconsciousness. “I wasn’t raped,” she stated definitively. “That is something I’d know. But everything else…”

/>   She’d been violated. Bled. Infected. She looked away from him, embarrassed that she even had to discuss it.

  Logan waited for her to finish. He wanted to hold and hide her so that no one could ever hurt her again, but he needed her to open up to him.

  “There were times in the beginning…the guards…they fed on me. I was conscious. But then they stopped because the blood loss made it hard for me to work…I couldn’t think straight. They eventually figured out it was slowing my progress,” she recalled with disgust. “So they stopped…for the most part. If I refused to work, they’d attack me…shove me against my cot…their fangs.” She rubbed her arms, reliving the pain.

  Logan deliberately calmed himself. He detested the bloodsucking demons he’d met over the years. Yes, most vampires were mainly well integrated within society. But some vampires skated the edge of morality, often justifying the torture they inflicted on their victims. He refocused on Wynter, absorbing every detail she shared.

  “The bottom line is that there are missing time periods. I don’t remember. Did they bleed me? Yes. Did they infect me with something…change me? I was human. Now look at me,” she pleaded. “I don’t know what they did…I don’t know what I am…I don’t know…” Her words trailed off as she shook her head in frustration.

  “I’m sorry,” Logan told her sincerely. “I don’t know what they did to you either, but I promise you that we’ll find out.”

  “I don’t know, Logan. This was my responsibility. It’s so messed up,” she confessed.


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