Book Read Free

Malcolm X

Page 9

by Clayborne Carson

  Status of Health

  Information received from [BUREAU DELETION] reflects Subject is under a doctor’s care at the present time. The nature or extent of his illness is not known.


  [BUREAU DELETION] Subject was sentenced to serve 8 to 10 years on a charge of breaking and entering in the nighttime and that he began this sentence February 27, 1946. [BUREAU DELETION] Subject was eligible for parole May 29, 1951, but was denied parole at that time.

  On September 23, 1953 [BUREAU DELETION] Norfolk Prison Colony, Massachusetts, stated Subject is a former inmate and had been paroled in care of Michigan parole authorities on August 7, 1952.

  The following record was obtained from [BUREAU DELETION] Massachusetts State Board of Probation, Boston, Massachusetts, the central repository for all arrest records in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:


  The records of the Credit Bureau [BUREAU DELETION] contained no reference to Subject.


  The Communist Party has been cited by the Attorney General of the United States as coming within the purview of Executive Order 9835.

  [BUREAU DELETION] several excerpts from letters written by Subject. [BUREAU DELETION] these excerpts were not quotes but rather notes jotted down [BUREAU DELETION] on the contents of these letters.

  On June 29, 1950, the Subject mailed a letter.

  Editors Note. The file indicates that an unidentified source copied out sentences from this letter. In one of them Malcolm states that he has always been a Communist. In World War II, Malcolm says, he attempted to enlist in the Japanese Army, with the result that he will now never be drafted into the U.S. Army. He adds that it’s not difficult to convince anyone that he’s crazy since everyone has always said he was anyway.

  In January, 1952 [BUREAU DELETION] Subject had been visited by [BUREAU DELETION] a member of the Crispus Attucks Club of the American Youth for Democracy. The AYD has been cited by the Attorney General of the United States as coming within the purview of Executive Order 9835.

  There is no further information concerning the Subject’s Communist activities in Boston.


  [BUREAU DELETION] the Muslim Cult of Islam, which is also known as the Allah Temple of Islam, is a religious cult whose members regard Allah as their supreme being and claim to be the direct descendants of the original race on earth. The members fanatically follow the teachings of Allah as interpreted by ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, the “true prophet of Allah” entitled titular head of the Muslim Cult of Islam in the United States, and believe that any civil law which conflicts with the Muslim law should be disobeyed. The members disavow their allegiance to the United States and pledge their allegiance only to Allah and do not consider it their duty to register for Selective Service or to serve in the United States Armed Forces as they cannot serve two masters. According to the teachings of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD and the cult’s ministers, the members of a minority race in the United States are not citizens of this country but are merely slaves of this country and will continue to be slaves until they free themselves by destroying non-Muslims and Christianity in the “War of Armageddon.”

  [BUREAU DELETION] the cult teaches that the Korean War is a futile effort by the United States to prevent the coming Asiatic conquest of the world and the defeat of the United States in Korea is a prelude to the “resurrection” when North America and Great Britain will be doomed and the original man, led by Allah, will reign supreme.

  [BUREAU DELETION] the following information taken from another letter of Subject of January 29, 1950:

  It is better to be jailed by the devil for serving Allah than it is to be allowed by the devil to walk free. The black man has been enslaved. The time is coming for the devils to be destroyed.

  On September 23, 1952, [BUREAU DELETION] provided SA [BUREAU DELETION] with three letters, one of which is addressed to him.

  Editor’s Note. Of the three letters included in the file, the first two are written by Malcolm as Salaam Alaikum in the name of Allah and His Messenger, Elijah Muhammad; they are signed “Your Brother, Malachi Shabazz.” The names of the correspondents in both cases have been deleted by the FBI.

  “This is the Day of Choosing (Separation),” Malcolm announces in the first letter, which he closes with a motto; “Each One teach One!!!”

  In the second letter, “Stick close to the Muslims, “Malcolm admonishes, and risk ridicule, for it is “better to be laughed at and be safe from the storm [like Noah], than to be caught in the storm just because you didn’t want to be laughed at.”

  The third letter, more personal in tone, is dated January 9, 1951. In it Malcolm apologizes to his correspondent, whose name has been deleted by the bureau, for past disruptive behavior “while under your jurisdiction.” Having asserted that “from here on in my words shall be of Love and Justice,” he concludes with this statement of his sincerity; “You have always spoke frankly to me, and treated me with squareness . . . so how could I ever be any other way except square and frank with you?” The letter is signed Malcolm K. Little.

  [BUREAU DELETION] Muslims known to him either shave their hair or wear goatees.

  According to records [BUREAU DELETION] the Subject wears chin whiskers.


  The following description of the Subject was obtained from the records [BUREAU DELETION]


  MALCOLM K. LITTLE, was Malachi Shabazz; “Rhythm Red”; “Detroit Red”; Jack Carlton

  Date of Birth

  May 19, 1925 Omaha, Nebraska






  4336 Williams Street Inkster, Michigan


  6’ 3½”


  180 lbs.









  Scars &

  1” scar from right eye to nose; ½” scar below


  left elbow


  Confirmed user of marijuana; wears chin whiskers and mustache


  Cut Rate Department Store 8940 Oakland Avenue Inkster, Michigan (Presently unemployed)






  FBI No.


  Social Security

  No. 376 16 3427


  This case originated at: Detroit, Michigan

  Report made at: Detroit, Michigan

  Date when made: 3/16/54

  Period for which made: 2/5,8,9,10,11,23,24/54

  Report made by: SA [BUREAU DELETION] b7C

  Title: CHANGED:

  MALCOLM K. LITTLE, was Malachi Shabazz; “Rhythm Red”; “Detroit Red”; Jack Carlton; Malcolm X Little Character of case: Security Matter-C; Security Matter-MCI


  Subject presently traveling about United States making contacts with various temples of the Muslim Cult of Islam. Receives mail at 18887 Keystone, Detroit, Michigan. Subject, [BUREAU DELETION] wrote letters indicating he was a Communist. [BUREAU DELETION] Subject wrote letters indicating membership in Muslim Cult of Islam. Subject reported in attendance at various Muslim Cult of Islam meetings in Detroit from February, 1953 to June, 1953. Criminal record and description set out.

  The title of this case is being marked changed to include the alias Malcolm X Little, by which name the Subject is known in the Muslim Cult of Islam.


  This case originated at: Philadelphia

  Report made at: New York

  Date when made: 9/7/54

  Period for which made: 8/24,25,27/54

  Report mad

  Title: MALCOLM K. LITTLE, was Brother Malcolm X

  Character of case: Security Matter-MCI


  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject attended meetings of the MCI, Temple No. 7, NYC, during January, 1954. [BUREAU DELETION] subject was a tour leader for the NYC Temple No. 7 at the Chicago Convention of the Cult in February, 1954. [BUREAU DELETION] subject was in attendance at Temple No. 7 and was enthusiastically going over the teachings of the cult. [BUREAU DELETION] the subject has openly spoken against the “white devils” and has encouraged greater hatred on the part of the cult towards the white race. [BUREAU DELETION] that the subject resides in Philadelphia and rents a room at 2535 Humphrey Street, East Elmhurst, Queens, New York when he is in the city.


  Brother MALCOLM LITTLE of the Cult’s Temple at Boston, Massachusetts was a guest speaker at the Muslim Cult of Islam (MCI) meeting on January 8, 1954. [BUREAU DELETION] the subject had suggested that all members start a recruitment of younger members to go to the future meetings of the MCI.

  [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM LITTLE was in attendance at the New York Temple quite regularly and [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM LITTLE is going over the teachings of the Muslim Cult from the beginning. [BUREAU DELETION] the subject was very enthusiastic about discussing any basic or elementary lessons with the Muslim members in an attempt to influence the Negroes in their interest about their faith.

  [BUREAU DELETION] the new minister for Temple No. 7 is an individual known as MALCOLM.

  [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM X had stated that he had recently been transferred from the Philadelphia area to replace the former minister who had traveled from Washington to handle the duties of the minister in the New York area. He advised that MALCOLM X appeared to be more educated than other members of the cult and was a very convincing speaker. He advised that during the course of some of the subject’s talks, he had openly spoken against the “white devils” and had encouraged greater hatred on the part of the cult towards the white race.

  [BUREAU DELETION] during one of the sermons given by MALCOLM X, he told the audience that he had once served in a federal penitentiary and stated that he was quite proud of the fact that he was chosen to serve time in the federal penitentiary for his beliefs in the Muslim doctrine. [BUREAU DELETION] the subject had encouraged the members to deem it an honor and a privilege to be called upon by the prophet to spend time in the federal penitentiary because of their religious beliefs.


  This case originated at: New York

  Report made at: Philadelphia

  Date when made: 11/18/54

  Period for which made: 10/12,21,29;11/3,4,8,10/54

  Report made by: SA [BUREAU DELETION] b7C

  Title: MALCOLM K. LITTLE, was

  Character of case: Security Matter-MCI


  Subject resides at 2535 Humphrey Street, East Elmhurst, New York. [BUREAU DELETION] Minister of MCI Temple at Philadelphia and New York; has made numerous speeches at MCI meetings indicating a knowledge of the aims and purposes of the MCI; attended numerous meetings of MCI at Philadelphia during period March, 1954, to present. Description set forth.

  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject spoke at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and stated that Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun and many others had started to remove the devil before the devil’s time was up. LITTLE explained to his audience that the war now taking shape is a race war and in this race war women, children, and old men will be killed. In any other kind of war, either political or economic, the destruction of all members of a particular group is not necessary because a person’s political and economic beliefs can be changed. In the case of a race war, however, no such change can be effected and it is necessary, therefore, to kill the children of the opposing races as well as the adults.

  The subject spoke at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and stated that he was being followed by the FBI and had been questioned by them because they are frantic to stop the teaching of Islam. LITTLE stated that there is nothing that the FBI could do to stop the spreading of the message that the white man is the devil and the black man is God. [BUREAU DELETION]

  Speeches made indicating understanding of the aims and purposes of the MCI

  The subject spoke at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and stated that the black man in the East is “kicking out” the white man and soon the white man will be kicked out of Europe and the only place he will be able to go is North America where he will be destroyed.


  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject spoke at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and told those assembled that the only thing the white man will let the Negro own is a saloon or a church and if the Negro does not get drunk in the saloon, he can get drunk in the Christian church. According to LITTLE, the Christian preachers are getting paid to deceive the black man by teaching him what the devil (white man) wants him to learn. LITTLE stated that the white man knows that if the black man in North America learned about Islam, then it would be time for the white man to be destroyed.


  The subject was present at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and told those assembled that not only ELIJAH MUHAMMAD teaches that this government is going to be destroyed but also teaches that all white people all over the earth are going to be destroyed. According to LITTLE, the War of Armageddon is starting in the East and America knows that the Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and they are the lost children of the so-called American Negro. LITTLE stated that the white man knows that he is going to be destroyed and that is why he keeps watch over the American black man.

  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject spoke at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and told those assembled that the ministers of Christianity teach many fallacious theories and tell many lies and are the hirelings of the white man and do his bidding. According to MALCOLM, the King James version of the Bible was an interpretation made by King James in order to continue the devil in power and is false.


  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject spoke at a meeting of the MCI [BUREAU DELETION] and stated that nowhere else than in the Temple of Islam is it told that the white man is the devil and that nowhere else is it told that the black man is the God of the earth and the only supreme being. In addition, LITTLE advised that the white man was allotted six hundred years to rule and that time came to an end in 1914. Ever since that time the white man has been having trouble, yet there are many colored people who still love the white man and will be destroyed with him because they love him so. According to the subject, the Mau Mau in Kenya, South Africa, had to first kill many of their black brothers who insisted on protecting their white enslavers, and this too will happen in North America.


  This case originated at: New York

  Report made at: New York

  Date when made: 1/28/55

  Period for which made: 11/3,4,8,18,19,22,23,29; 12/1,3,6,9,13,20,23,27,28,/54;1/3,10,11,14,17,21/55

  Report made by: SA [BUREAU DELETION] b7C

  Title: MALCOLM K. LITTLE, was

  Character of case: Security Matter-MCI





  [BUREAU DELETION] of the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Douglas County, Health Department, 1201 South 42nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska, made available file A39357 which reflects that MALCOLM LITTLE was born at the University Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925. The parents were listed as EARLY LITTLE, who was born in the State of Georgia, and LOUISE NORTON LITTLE, who was born in the West Indies. Both parents, as well as the subject, were listed as of the Negro race and at the time of the birth were listed as residing at 3448 Pinkney Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Education

  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject had indicated he had eight years in an elementary school a
nd had three years of high school as of July 15, 1943.

  Service in the Armed Forces

  [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM LITTLE had registered at Local Board 59 of New York City on June 1, 1943 while residing at 2460 Seventh Avenue, Apartment 31, New York City. [BUREAU DELETION] on October 25, 1943 the subject was found mentally disqualified for military service for the following reasons: psychopathic personality inadequate, sexual perversion, psychiatric rejection. Subject was classified 4F on December 4, 1944.


  On January 10, 1955 the subject stated he resides at 25–35 Humphrey Street, East Elmhurst, Queens, New York, at the home of CURTIS and SUSIE KENNER.


  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject was a full-time minister of the New York Temple No. 7 of the Muslim Cult of Islam (MCI) at New York City and at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  [BUREAU DELETION] the subject is a minister of the MCI Temple No. 7, 102 West 116th Street, New York City, and was devoting his full time to the MCI.

  Information Concerning the Muslim Cult of Islam (MCI)

  [BUREAU DELETION] the MCI, also known as the Temple of Islam and the Allah Temple of Islam, is an organization composed entirely of Negroes, which was reportedly organized around 1930 in Detroit, Michigan. The national leader and founder is ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, who claims to have been sent by ALLAH, the supreme being, to lead the Negroes out of slavery in the United States.

  Members fanatically follow the alleged teachings of ALLAH, as interpreted by MUHAMMAD, and disavow allegiance to the United States. Members pledge allegiance only to ALLAH and Islam and believe any civil law which conflicts with Muslim law should be disobeyed. The Cult teaches that members of the dark-skinned race cannot be considered citizens of the United States since they are in slavery in this country, and, therefore, must free themselves by destroying non-Muslims and Christianity in the “War of Armageddon.” For this purpose, the Cult has a military branch called the Fruit of Islam (FOI) composed of all-male, able-bodied members, who participate in military drill and judo training.


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