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Booking the Babysitter

Page 1

by Paulina Young




  Copyright © 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.








  J amie rings the doorbell to the Andrews's house. Like every Friday night, she’s there to babysit for them.

  Mrs. Andrews opens the door, and her hazel eyes roam over her body, looking over Jamie’s tight black tank top and jean shorts, and moves aside to let Jamie in the house.

  “Same as always. I have my number on the fridge. You can have anything in the fridge. I don’t know what time we’re going to be home, but the sofa in the den is open for you, as always.” Mrs. Andrews tells her.

  “Thank you.” Jamie smiles.

  “Mikey is waiting for you.” Mr. Andrews walks into the living room. Even at his age, Jamie finds him attractive. She takes in his tanned muscles as he slips on a tight white shirt. His brown hair has been freshly trimmed, his brown eyes are full of laughter when he catches Jamie’s gaze.

  Jamie blushes, caught staring yet again. Jamie wonders if he’s mentioned anything to his wife about the way she looks at him.

  “Tonight might be a good night for the pool. Mikey’s already getting his swimming trunks on. He ate an hour ago, so he will be fine to swim.” Mrs. Andrews tells her.

  “I didn’t bring a bathing suit.” Jamie’s blue eyes went wide.

  “It’s okay. You can wear one of mine! I think your bust is just a little bigger. It might be a little tight, but it’s just the two of you.” Mrs. Andrews raises her eyebrows and tugs on the front of her black dress. She seems uncomfortable, like she wants to take it off already.

  “We shouldn’t be out late, if you want to sleep in the den.” Mr. Andrews nods his head toward the den.

  “Thank you. You two go have fun, I’ll go change and see what’s taking Mikey so long” Jamie smiles at them and heads out of the room.

  “Let’s get this show on the road so that we can go home.” Mrs. Andrews groans, rolling her eyes over yet another party that she needs to attend.

  “Come on, Darla. It’s for a good cause. You always have fun when we get there.”

  “I only go for you, Jonathan, and it’s the only date night I get.”

  “Let’s go,” he laughs, placing a hand on the middle of her back and guiding her toward the door.

  Jamie goes into Mrs. Andrews’ bedroom and, going through the drawers, she sees the white bathing suit that she was talking about. Holding it up, Jamie blushes at it. It’s going to be a little tighter than she thought.

  Jamie locks the door and hurries out of her clothing, so Mikey doesn’t have to wait long. Her tits press together. The bottom of the bikini traces the curves of the lips between her legs. Jamie bites down on her bottom lip and wonders if Mikey might say something.

  There’s a knock on the door that startles her. “I’ll be right out!” She tells him.

  They swim away the afternoon together until the patio lights come on and Jamie sees Mikey to bed. She leaves the hall light on as she goes to the den and pops in a movie to fall asleep to.Usually, she just sleeps on the couch the way it is, but they’ve made the bed up for her this time. She takes the remote and gets comfortable, pressing her head against the soft pillows that they’ve put out for her. She can’t stand being covered with anything when it’s summer, so she doesn’t crawl under the blankets. The heat makes the sheets stick to her.

  Jamie watches the movie, reminding herself that she’s going to change and turn the hall light off when the movie’s over, but she feels her eyes drooping.

  The next time she looks at the clock it’s a little after midnight, but she doesn’t want to move. She feels her eyes closing little by little and feels the remote slip out of her hand and tells herself that she’s going to rest them for a while.

  Jamie doesn’t wake up to the sound of the front door opening and shutting. She doesn’t wake up to the footsteps approaching the den.

  “I see that she’s left the hall night on.” Mr. Andrews whispers, flicking it off and taking off his shirt, sliding out of his boxers.

  “It’s alright. It’s not like she does it all the time.” Mrs. Andrews says, smirking at him as she steps out of her dress, revealing a matching black bra and panty set. “God, it’s hot.” She groans as they head to the den together.

  The door is open and they stare at the blank screen, the only thing lighting up the den.

  “Mikey must’ve worn her out, she’s never asleep before we get home.” Mrs. Andrews bites down on her lip as she stares at Jamie’s body.

  “You were wrong about how well that bikini was going to fit her.” He brings a hand around Mrs. Andrews and lets it rest on her hip.

  Mrs. Andrews enters the room and sits down on the edge of the bed to look down at Jamie. Her husband is right. The top really holds onto Jamie’s tits. Mrs. Andrews admires Jamie’s flat stomach and the way her legs are spread slightly with the bikini bottoms tight on her.

  “What are you thinking, love?” Mr. Andrews asks, walking into the room.

  “I don’t know.” She whispers to him with a grin, and he knows that grin. He knows exactly what she’s thinking.

  “We should wake her up.” He murmurs, licking his lips and feeling his cock getting a little hard.

  “Johnathan…” She pouts at him.

  “I know.” He sits down on the other side of the bed and stares at Jamie’s body. He clears his throat and Mrs. Andrews coughs just a little. They hope the sounds are enough to wake Jamie up.

  “Mrs. Andrews?” Jamie asks softly, licking at her own lips.

  “Sorry, we got home so late. You don’t have to call me Mrs. Andrews. I don’t know how many times I need to tell you that.” Darla reminds her.

  Jamie’s eyes open just a little. She hadn’t heard Darla’s voice sound so soft before.

  “Jamie, can I talk to you about something?” Darla asks, biting down on her lip as she watches Jamie prop herself up against the pillows.

  “What’s that?” Jamie asks her, looking at Darla who is only wearing a bra and panties.

  “Have you ever been kissed?” Darla asks her.

  “Yes. I’ve had sex before if that’s what you’re asking me.” Jamie laughs, throwing her head back.

  “Have you ever been kissed by a woman?” Darla asks, and Jamie gasps as she brings her head back up. Jamie feels herself blush. She bites down hard on her bottom lip, shaking her head.

  “This summer is about new experiences. Would you like to try something new?” Darla whispers.

  Jamie looks at Darla and then Mr. Andrews. Her heart flutters in her chest. She’s always liked Mr. Andrews and often thought about him at night after babysitting. Not that she would ever admit to it.

  Jamie can see that Mr. Andrews is getting hard, noticing for the first time that he’s in a pair of boxers. She swallows hard as she lifts her eyes to his, and sees the glaze of fondness in them.

  “You know, we’ve both been thinking about you, Jamie. I’m not going to lie. It’s been a long time for me…” Darla tells her, placing a hand on Jamie’s smooth, flat, stomach. Jamie looks down at Darla’s hand and she feels herself blushing, feels the sweat beading on her forehead.

  “It will feel good. So good, y
ou won’t want to stop.” Mr. Andrews moans to her, reaching out for the top of her bikini.

  Jamie arches her back and lets out a whimper as she feels fingers teasing her nipple. “Mr. Andrews!” Jamie cries out for him.

  “Call me Johnathan.” He whispers to her.


  D arla gets off the bed and closes the door to the den and locks it for good measure. When she turns around, she licks her lips, a smile on her face. “That’s what I like. Someone enjoying themselves.” Darla says, lying down beside her on the sofa bed.

  Jamie moans as she feels the two sliding the bikini top down until her tits bounce out to meet them.

  “I want to kiss these hot lips of yours.” Darla runs a finger up and down the side of Jamie’s face and Jamie turns to her. She never thought that they would be the type of people to do something like this! She can feel herself growing wetter.

  “Let me be your first real kiss. Men don’t know how to do it.” Darla smiles, teasing her as she lowers her mouth to Jamie’s. The second Jamie feels Darla’s mouth on hers she moans again, spreading her legs as Darla slips her tongue between her lips.

  “That looks so hot.” Johnathan moans as he turns on the table lamp and slips out of his boxers. Jamie is happy that she can please him, happy that he’s watching.

  “God, you’re so soft.” Darla whines against Jamie’s mouth as Jamie feels her way with her own tongue, kissing a woman for the first time in her life.

  Johnathan goes down on one of Jamie’s tits. Jamie loves how he flicks his tongue over her hard nipple, swirling it around, nibbling.

  “There you go, nice and relaxed. I like that.” Darla pulls her mouth away from hers.

  Jamie is so happy to have Johnathan touching her that she doesn’t realize that Darla is massaging her other tit until she feels her slapping at it.

  “God.” Jamie gasps.

  “You like that? You like it when your titties bounce when slapped?” Darla asks her.

  “Yes, harder.” Jamie almost begs her, her eyes growing wide at the sound of her own voice.

  “It’s alright. I can tell you’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”Jamie reaches out her hand and pulls on Darla’s bra.

  “You want them?” She asks.

  “Yes.” Jamie whines, licking her lips and watching as Darla takes her bra off. Darla’s tits are just a little smaller than her own.

  “Take them, Jamie,” Darla tells her.

  Without hesitating Jamie lifts her head off the pillow and snatches Darla’s breast between her lips. Sucking it into her mouth. She licks and hears Darla moaning for her.

  “God, that feels good. You do better than John.” Jamie loves the smoothness in her mouth, loves that Darla and Johnathan want her, it feels like a dream and yet she knows that it’s not. Jamie feels their hands lowering to her bikini bottom. She spreads her legs, knowing what they want from her.

  “Give me this sweet pussy,” Darla tells her, slipping her hand in first, and then Johnathan’s.

  Johnathan releases Jamie’s tit and watches as Jamie sucks his wife’s breasts. They make eye-contact for a second and she blushes.

  “Yes, I’ve known that you’ve always liked me. The way you’ve looked at me all these times. The way you try to look so innocent. Once Darla found out, we talked about you. How we’ve always wanted to touch you like this.” His voice is soft and low.

  Jamie whines at him, feeling her heart racing in her chest.

  Darla moves her breasts away from Jamie’s mouth and she watches as Darla yanks down her bikini bottoms and throws them off the bed.

  “What do you want Jamie? I can see that you’re nice and wet. Tell me what you want.” Darla looks up at her.

  Jamie isn’t sure she can get the words out of her mouth. Her head is spinning, and she feels a smile come to her face. “On top of me, please. Show me what it feels like.” Jamie tells her so softly. She’s afraid that Darla will tell her to repeat herself. She’s not sure she can. It took her all she had to say it the first time.

  “I like that, too. Feeling another woman’s body under me. The way our…” She looks down between Jamie’s legs.

  Darla stands up and lowers her panties. Jamie can see that she’s smooth-shaven. She loves that.

  “Where am I going to be, Jamie?” Johnathan asks.

  Jamie hadn’t thought about where she was going to put him, and now there’s only one place that he can be. She gets off the bed and looks down at it.

  “I’m going to be on top of you.” Jamie licks her lips and swallows hard.

  “I like the sound of that.” He says, getting in the middle of the bed. Lying flat on his back, she can see how big his cock is. He holds out his arms to her and she gets between his legs, feels his hands sliding up and down her tits making them jiggle for him. She feels his hard cock pressing against her back. He’s not going for her pussy from behind, but her ass. Jamie shakes her head.

  “Maybe next time.” He whispers against the back of her ear as he moves, probing her pussy.

  “Maybe.” She leans her head back against his shoulder. She loves how broad it is, so that she can fit comfortably.

  “Mm, I can’t wait for this. I’ve been thinking about it since you began babysitting for us.” Darla tells her.

  The head of Johnathan’s cock slips inside of her and she begins grinding on him. “There you go, you know how to work it. Get it all the way in there.” Johnathan grunts at her, grabbing her tits and releasing them, then he slaps them. The stinging makes her grind faster, harder against his thick cock in her pussy.

  “Your cock is the biggest…” Jamie feels her pussy getting wet at the sound of her own voice.

  “That’s because you have a real man. You have a real cock.” He chuckles at her.

  “All this is making me so wet, so hot,” Darla tells them, grabbing at her own tits.

  “Get on me, please,” Jamie begs her.

  Darla doesn’t have to be told again, hearing Jamie’s clear voice. The confidence she’s built up over the little bit of time that they’ve been teasing her is amazing. Darla gets between her legs, kisses Jamie gently on the lips.

  “Grind that pussy just like you wanted to,” Johnathan whispers to Darla across Jamie’s ear.

  Darla whimpers and nods her head. She presses her pussy against Jamie’s and hears her gasp. She hears her whine at her as she presses down harder, grinding her pussy lips against Jamie’s.

  “Fuck,” Jamie whispers.

  “Mm, that does feel good. You have a nice fat clit that wants to be kissed by another. Nice and wet for me.” Darla purrs at her. Jamie feels Darla’s hard nipples grinding against hers.

  “You two look so good from here. I can see those pussies fucking. They want more.” Johnathan says. He pushes deeper into Jamie’s pussy.

  “I want it!” Jamie shouts at him, thrusting her hips up and down, feeling his cock sliding in and out of her and hearing the wet sounds between them.

  “I can’t wait to taste this pussy. I want to taste it, I bet it’s nice and sweet.” Darla teases her, tracing Jamie’s lips with the tip of her tongue.

  Jamie feels her heart pounding at the words coming out of Darla’s mouth.

  “Do you want to suck my husband’s cock? You’ve looked at it through the pants before, I know you have, wondering how it would feel.” Darla whispers.

  “Yes. I want to feel it. I want it in my mouth.” Jamie tells her honestly.

  Darla gets off her and Johnathan guides Jamie off him so that he can get on the side of the bed. He gets on his knees, stroking his hard cock and looking at Darla.

  “He’s always had a thing for younger women, and I love women more than I do men. It’s a nice trade, I think.” Darla winks.

  Jamie grins, happy that they’ve picked her to do this, and shows her what she’s been missing out on going for boys her own age. That’s exactly what they are, boys.

  “Give me that cock,” Jamie tells him boldly, happy with
her own tone of voice, her own confidence.

  “Open wide.” He grins at her and she does.

  “I’m going to have a taste of this pussy. You’re going to love it.” Jamie wraps her lips around the head of Johnathan’s cock and Darla thrusts her wet tongue inside of Jamie’s slippery wet hole. Jamie’s moans of pleasures are smothered by the cock in her mouth. She keeps her eyes on Johnathan.

  “You’ve wanted this cock so much. I remember jerking off to you in the bathroom after you left the first time I met you. Knowing how wet your mouth would be, knowing that you could work that tongue like you’re doing now.” He grunts at her, bringing his hands to the sides of her face and thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth. “You like that cock? You want more?”

  Jamie whimpers and nods her head as she feels him slam it to the back of her throat and begins gagging on it. Jamie has never felt the gagging sensation before, as she feels the head of his cock banging against the back of her throat and she takes it all.

  “Yes, fuck, your mouth is amazing.” Johnathan grunts.

  Between her legs, Darla is licking and sucking at her hole. Teasing it, thrusting her tongue in and out so hard that her nose hits Jamie’s clit and Jamie grinds against her nose wanting to feel more.

  “Very naughty, getting turned on by another woman licking that cunt,” Johnathan growls as Jamie brings her eyes back to his.

  Jamie feels her legs shaking, she closes her eyes and knows that she’s going to cum if Darla keeps licking her the way she is, thrusting that tongue in and out of her. She squeezes her eyes shut, not wanting to cum, wanting to keep control of her body, but she knows she’s not going to last long.

  “Open those beautiful blue eyes while I fuck your mouth with this cock. Don’t worry about coming, sweetie. You’re going to have all night to have fun with us.” Johnathan tells her.

  Jamie opens her eyes wide and sees he’s been watching her. For the first-time, she grabs her own tits. She rubs them, slaps at them herself and teases her hard nipples. She whimpers and whines, feeling her legs shaking more and more.


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