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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

Page 2

by Meghan Quinn

  Wasn’t he just the perfect man? Molly didn’t feel like putting on a happy face and dealing with Jane’s excitement so she ignored Jane’s incessant dialing. She knew she should be a better friend then that but she was not in the mood.

  Molly really distanced herself from her friends after Albert and Jane walked in on Molly trying to overdose after Luke’s memorial. They put her through hell when they found out she was pregnant. They lectured her on being a responsible human being and taking care of her unborn child and how Luke would want her to love their child. Molly wanted nothing to do with being pregnant but was unable to do anything about it thanks to the watchful eye of all her friends.

  Now she was single with no job, thanks to her asshole principal who laid her off stating “educational differences” and had a soon to be one year old daughter named Winnie. She was living off her dead fiancé’s money that he left her which she could live off of for a while. She had no plans to get a new job anytime soon and she had no motivation to do so as well. Winnie was with Luke’s parents, they took her often which was nice for Molly because it gave her a break from the nightmare she was living.

  She was never the one who really wanted kids, Luke was but he was no longer with her. He left her alone, with a child to raise by herself, which she had no clue how to do. She struggled everyday raising a child on her own. Her friends offered a lot of help but Molly couldn’t help but think they were just doing it out of sympathy. Everyone felt bad for her and she was sick of it. She didn’t want people’s pity she just wanted everyone to leave her the hell alone.

  She loved her daughter but could not stand to look at her little girl’s face sometimes. She was the spitting image of Luke and it killed Molly. She still till this day, almost two years later, missed him. She missed him more than anything and only wished Jane and Albert did not show up that day she was trying to end her life. She would be with Luke right now and not living this life of pure misery.

  Even though taking care of a child was not on the top of her list of fun things to do, she had to admit, Winnie was adorable and rambunctious. She just started walking and was getting into all sorts of trouble. Luke’s parents, Marcia and Jim, said Luke was the same exact way.

  Every time his parents compared Winnie to Luke Molly died a little every time inside. She knew Winnie was just like Luke, she didn’t need the reminders. She knew Luke’s parents went through a hard time losing their son as well but they had each other. Molly had Winnie who had no clue who her father was and what an amazing man he was or the love that Luke and Molly shared. No, Winnie would grow up without a father, not knowing what it would feel like to have a father figure in her life.

  Molly knew Luke wanted her to move on with her life but she could not imagine loving anyone else. She took another drag of her cigarette as a very masculine pair of hands started roaming her naked body.

  “Good morning sexy. Isn’t it early for a cigarette?” said the male voice.

  Molly put the cigarette in the ash tray next to her bed, took a swig of the bottle of tequila resting on her nightstand and said, “It’s never too early to be bad.”

  She held the bottle up to the man’s face and made him take a swig. She ripped the covers off of him, took another swig from the bottle and straddled him while throwing the bottle to the ground.

  “Fuck you’re hot.” He said.

  “You have no clue.” Molly grabbed a condom from her night stand sheathed the naked man under her and mounted his hard center. She watched how he groaned in pleasure from her abrupt attack on his manhood.

  She always loved watching Luke’s reaction when he would enter her. It always gave her great satisfaction knowing she was pleasuring her man. Sex now though was just to get her mind off of things. It was completely meaningless to her and merely a distraction from her real life. Sex would never be like it was with Luke. She would never make love with another human; she would only fuck them and chuck them.

  She started rocking up and down on top of the man beneath her and lost herself in the sensations of his dick gliding in and out of her moist center. She threw her head back in abandonment and started to pulsate around the man.

  “God…Molly you’re so hot.” The man groaned and then thrusted his pelvis toward her in one last attempt to milk himself for all he was worth. Molly felt herself contract around him and they both fell over the edge of ecstasy together. She collapsed on top of him and laid there for a little bit before her alarm on her pone started going off.

  “Shit!” Molly said scrambling to get off the very naked man in her bed. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time. Winnie was going to be dropped off in ten minutes and she needed to have the apartment back in order before Luke’s parents came over.

  “You need to get dressed, now and get the hell out of here in five minutes.” Molly said.

  “You know Molly, it’s been three months now, I was kind of hoping I didn’t have to play this game anymore of fuck and hide.”

  Molly looked at the man staring back at her with his pitiful deep brown eyes, dark hair and dark complexion. He was extremely handsome and had that macho rugged look going on. His hair was short nothing she could run her fingers through but his body had enough muscles for her wondering hands, thanks to the Atlanta Braves strength and conditioning program.

  “Look Austin, I told you I need time. I like you but I’m not ready for any kind of commitment. You understand right?” Molly sat on his lap running her fingers around his jaw.

  Austin cupped her breast in his large hand and massaged it gently. “I know Molly but I just wish there was more to us besides sex. Not that the sex is bad or anything. It’s the most amazing sex I have ever had.”

  Molly smiled at him. “That’s right it is and don’t you forget it. Listen we can talk about this later, right now I need you out and I need to straighten up before Luke’s parents see this disaster of an apartment. Seriously we need to stop having sex everywhere it only leads to a huge mess for me the next day.”

  Austin gave her a sexy grin. “Is it my fault I’m so irresistible to you?”

  Molly didn’t feel like hurting the guy’s feelings, in fact she could do without Austin but she was not going to say that to him. He would make any girl lucky and if she was not still in love with Luke, she could see herself falling for him. He was caring, sexy, athletic and funny. What more could a girl ask for? The only thing was, he wasn’t Luke. He wasn’t Molly’s Man.


  Austin quickly put his clothes on and helped Molly straighten up a couple of things before she pushed him toward the door. He hated having to leave so fast in the morning. He really wanted to spend a whole day with her but with her daughter always coming in and out and his game schedule it was pretty much impossible to get a solid day of Molly time.

  Austin wrapped his arms around Molly pulling her in closely. “When do I get to see you again?”

  He could tell Molly was in a hurry to get him out of her apartment but he didn’t care. “Uh, I don’t know, I will text you later. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds like you are brushing me off.”

  “Austin, I don’t know my schedule right now, I promise I will text you later tonight.” She gave him a kiss on the mouth and stuck her hand down the front of his mesh shorts grabbing his entire length slowly rubbing it up and down. She gave him a mischievous grin.

  “Unless you plan on finishing what you’re doing, I’m going to leave before I get too hard and embarrass myself in front of your entire apartment complex.”

  Molly gave him a light pat and kissed him again, this time wrapping her hands around his head and pulling him in so close. He could taste the cigarettes and tequila on her which surprisingly turned him on even more. He pulled himself away trying to focus back on her face.

  “Alright you win, I’ll wait for your text. Later sexy.” He squeezed her ass and went out her front door.

  As he got in his car and started to pull away he saw two elderly people with a little
blonde headed girl walking up the steps to Molly’s apartment. That was a close one. Good thing he helped Molly pick up a bit. He knew how Molly feared Luke’s parents would judge her lifestyle so she always tried to put on a good show for them.

  Austin had a feeling Molly was holding back on him because of Luke’s parents but he was not completely sure. Was she scared to have a new man in her life because she was afraid of what Luke’s parents might think? Well the girl couldn’t be celibate and lonely for life. She had to move on at some point and Austin would like to be the guy that helped her do that.

  Austin remembered the day he and Molly finally hooked up. He always admired Molly from a distance and wished he could find a girl like her. He was constantly jealous of Luke when he saw them together. She was so full of life and seemed to just not care about anything. It was so refreshing. Austin knew Molly was a couple years older than him but he didn’t care, she was the hottest girl he had ever met and he knew he wanted her, badly.

  When Luke died Austin felt extremely bad for Molly and sent his condolences through cards and flowers but maintained his distance. He didn’t know the two of them that well, he only hung out with them a couple of times at Deuces and that was pretty much it. Austin watched from a distance when Molly was pregnant and going through the death of Luke. Molly was one of the most beautiful pregnant ladies he had ever seen. He heard about Molly’s problems and struggles through Brady but never really thought about asking Molly out. He dreamt about her but knew it was not appropriate to approach her.

  Later on after he made the team, Austin became part of Brady’s group of friends. He loved hanging out with everyone and really felt at home and welcome. One night there was a big event at Deuces that Albert, Jane’s friend, was in charge of. He was helping with the promotion of a new vodka brand and Brady invited Austin and Marc to join the festivities. It was an amazing night full of drinking and having a good time with friends. Everyone was taking cabs home and since Molly and Austin lived near each other Brady thought it was a good idea for them to share a cab. Little did Austin know, sharing a cab with Molly was going to lead to one of the most amazing nights of his life.

  That night, at the bar, Austin did not spend much time with Molly, he actually didn’t even talk to her. She did her own thing, danced with the girls and relaxed in the VIP area with Albert. It wasn’t until they were sharing a taxi that she put her hand on his upper thigh and gave him the most smoldering eyes he had ever seen. She whispered in his ear that she was dying to get him alone and that was all the invitation he needed. They spent the night at her apartment and had some of the most amazing and wild sex Austin was ever exposed to.

  Ever since then Molly and him have been seeing each other whenever their schedules matched up. The only bad thing about seeing Molly was she didn’t want anyone to know about them being together. So their relationship was a complete secret which was difficult for him to keep it a secret because he wanted to shout from the rooftops that he was banging Molly Myers. There was only one person who knew about him and Molly and that was his best friend Lucy Reynolds.

  She worked for Special Olympics for a while and helped Brady out with all of his fundraisers but she was recently hired by Brady’s girlfriend Jane to work at her event planning business. Austin and Lucy went way back. They went to high school together and for some lucky reason wound up in Atlanta together. When he finally was signed on to the Braves, he and Lucy went out and celebrated at the batting cages. One of their favorite things to do. She her swing was horrific and any attempt at trying to hit a ball was practically impossible for her to accomplish. She always wound up hitting off the slow pitch machine and hitting grounders but she still loved it none the less.

  Austin had not seen Lucy in a while and thought he would give her a call.

  “Hello?” Lucy answered in a husky voice.

  “Lucy Goosey, what’s going on hot stuff? Did you just wake up?”

  Lucy groaned in the phone. “Austin, what are you doing? It’s nine in the morning on the weekend and you know I don’t get up till at least eleven. I had a very late event last night.”

  “I know I’m sorry I just got done seeing Molly and I wanted to see if you wanted to grab some brunch or something.”

  “Another midnight screw and boot out the door?”

  Lucy did not agree with the way Austin was being treated by Molly, but then again he didn’t care. He knew Molly was going to come around at some point. She just needed time getting used to another guy in her life.

  “Something like that. So what do you say? I’m in my car heading to your place right now. You better be dressed and ready to go or I’m dragging you out naked.”

  “Ugh, Austin you’re killing me. Fine, but it’s your treat and I’m ordering everything on the menu.”

  Austin laughed and put the car in motion toward Lucy’s. “Fine by me, I wouldn’t have it any other way. See you soon four eyes!”

  “Screw you pencil dick.”

  “Ha, we’re no longer in high school Luce, things have changed drastically down there. Do you want to see?”

  “No, I will take your word for it. See you soon.”

  Austin was smiling when he hung up the phone. He always called Lucy four eyes and she always came back with the pencil dick remark. It was embarrassing then but now he was more than capable of making up for that name.

  When they were in English class all the guys were comparing their members to items and Austin chose a pencil because of its length not its girth and from then on he was never able to live it down and with Lucy always being around he never stopped hearing about it. He shook off the memories and started thinking about Molly and all her glory. Yes that was much better, thinking about the future not the past.


  Lucy did not want to see Austin today especially since he just got done fucking Molly. All he talked about when they were together was how hot Molly was and what a sex addict she was in bed. Frankly, Lucy thought Molly was irresponsible and needed a reality check.

  Her fiancé died almost two years ago, she barely took care of her child and messed with Austin’s head about wanting a relationship but not being ready for everyone to know. She was using him and she knew it, Lucy knew it but Austin was too blinded to see what Molly was doing to him. Lucy tried saying something to Austin but he didn’t want to hear it.

  Lucy grabbed her yoga pants and tight fitted neon yellow shirt and put them on. She threw her black sandals on her feet and put her hair in a messy pony tail on top of her head. She always wore thick rimmed glasses, they were her signature and surprisingly made her blue eyes stand out. She threw some quick powder over her face and a little mascara, brushed her teeth and she was good to go just in time too because Austin was opening her door. She gave him a key to her place and he was not shy about using it.

  “You know you really should knock, I could have been naked or something.” Lucy said giving Austin a hug.

  God she hated how gorgeous he was. She really wished she did not have a massive crush on him and she really wished she didn’t have it ever since high school. She hoped maybe as they got older he would maybe get less attractive but that was not reality, not once he started training harder for baseball he developed the most amazing muscles and continued to get even more dark and handsome than ever. It was hard to concentrate around him sometimes.

  She was a direct contrast from him besides her hair. She was pale as they come, almost clear, she could not hold a tan to save her life unlike Austin’s olive complexion and her pale blue eyes were a big contrast to his dark chocolate ones. His hair was dark like hers but she had some burgundy high lights running through her long locks.

  She released Austin and he smiled at her saying, “Now where is the fun in knocking when I could possibly get a glimpse of that luscious ass of yours?”

  Austin always said she had a nice bubble butt which was true, she did. She took great pride in her butt, it was her front upper area that was lacking. She had very smal
l boobs, not too small where her sternum stuck out more than her boobs but she wished they filled her shirt out more. They were definitely smaller than Molly’s.

  “In your dreams, Romeo. Let’s go I’m starving now that you woke me from my slumber.”

  “I don’t know where you store all that food you eat. I swear you are a human trash compactor.”

  “Yes and that is why you are paying because I plan on eating a lot of food and I don’t want to end up paying for it. Plus you are most likely going to bore me with conversation about how great Molly’s tits are and I’m going to need a Bloody Mary to sit through that conversation.”

  Austin playfully pushed her and said, “Oh shut up, let’s go. How about Café Lolo?”

  “Perfect.” Lucy said. She let Austin open her door for her and sank into his comfortable sports car. Ah if only this was a real date and not an opening as just friends. No hope there though, Austin would always treat her as a friend and Lucy would always be hopelessly in love with Austin.

  Chapter 3

  Jane stretched her body out and her hand came across a very muscular chest. She looked to her side and saw her fiancé lying next to her naked and looking very yummy. She slid her hand under the covers, tucked her head in the crook of his neck and started rubbing his stomach up and down very lightly.

  Brady stirred under her and in one quick movement, flipped her to her back and hovered over her smiling down at her.

  “Good morning pip-squeak, what did you plan on doing with those wondering hands?”

  Jane giggled, “Oh I don’t know. I was just exploring. I heard somewhere that once guys become engaged they lose their balls so I just wanted to make sure yours were still there.”

  Brady laughed, “Well are they?” He said with a huge grin.

  “I don’t know, I didn’t get that far.”

  “Well by all means please check, I don’t want to be a ball-less man.”


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